SECTION 2- l *A«. l . h - i ' l . v r :»lv\ l l I ! Kill I >A N , NOVEMBER 3. I#78 HORNSBYS - family centers --- PRICES ELECTIVE FRI., NOV. 3 thru SUN. NOV. 5 Prices effective while quantities last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Z 4400 W. NT. 120 McNENRY, ILL. <7/ zbiatLon OF OUR NEW HOME IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT AT OUR McHENRY STORE Prices effective at our McHenry and Woodstock Stores Only. RT. 47 & CMNTRY CLVR R» WOODSTOCK, ILL. rl*ST * INSUIATION I P/oi'ct , ° u n d y * h^vin^°uX^5r '°r |p ro \ec ts s r - . ro lWpr 'C _ Armstrong LUCITE® Interior Enamel Reg. 27' ea NOW For wood work, kitchen and bathroom walls, dries in an hour to a medium gloss finish. Water clean up. Reg 12.96 PARTICLE BOARD SHELVING Mod* o f se loc tod wood par t i c le* ond r#»m b inder* No knoH or g ram Smooth fo< •% and • dgw* Un i fo rm ooty to cu t VVork* l i ke wood LUCITE Wall Pan •® • NO MESS • V2HOU*0"Y ' c SIZE 1 RIG PRiCf ON SALE ) ( V' X 12 X 4 93 " 1 Y' X 12' X 8 1.76 !.3T J , LUCITE iterior Ename SlOSS 1/J HOJR ORY • WATER CLE**"1 ' W\u LUCITE® Wall Paint Whatever LUCITE covers wet stays covered when it dries. No stirring, no mess, '/» hr. drying, and cleans up with water. 1 gallon. Paint Pad Kit Paint the easy way with a Paint Pad Kit by PanCo^Gets the comers that a brush can t. Includes roller cover and handle. Pan with convenient ladder hooks. 1 Armstrong Easy Placo N Pross Tilos 100% Nylon Brush OTc 2 in. Reg. 1.37 O# 1 V7 in. Reg. 1.04 67c 100% nylon bristles. For use with any paint on any surface. Reg. 3S'ea. NOW EA. Armstrong eo*y to install, easy to cloon floor til**. For beoutiful floor*, oik for Armstrong. Brick Wall Covering Workmate Reg 68 77 No 70-001 New improved Dua l Height WORKMATE with new strong steel frame Folly assembled Feet adjustable fo r leve l ing on uneven f loors Folding legs ollow two working hei ghts: 31 7 8 work bench height 23-3 4 sow horse he igh t . Comfor tab le s tep fo r s teady ing work w i th foot 29 work table opens to 5 ! 4 wide Swivel grips hold odd shopes and lumber up to 12 ' w ide Can ho ld ob jec ts up to 21 diagonally Individually adfustable hondles permit wedge shapes to be held in vise |aws Net wt 36-vJ lbs. 29 wide 31 . high 26 deep Folds to 29 ) high 7-V," deep 29 w ide ( SUPER HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALS ̂ Georgia-Pacific Paneling 30%o„ PANEL TODAY u ^ \ * PARTY TONIGHT with Georgia Ftecif ic paneling Skil Variable Speed Drill Req 24 87 No 569 3 8 double insulated dri l l for 2 prong plug use Removable side handle Storage Cintir 208T % Reg. 63 87 large capocity «torage unit is great for workshop goroge or basement Holds hand S power tools point, *moll port* or chemicals Pegboord hooks springs included DM ) Box ®orc|oy Brick, limuloted brick with jjfc t,,# b°'d dimension look and feel of •he real thing. The new eo*y way to install individual brick woll covering with the true to life used brick character at o froction of the co»t of real brick. Expre** your own .. creativity ond per*onolity in your llgggjgF JV^N^ horn. 6 *q. ft. per bo*. Stone Wall Covoring 647 8.47 Box Simulated (tone with tho bold dimensional look and feol of the real thing. Eaiy to install stone will give your home the warmth and old world charm of days when ologan- ce was the only word in interior design. 6 *q. ft. por bo*. Genova Pipe js Va" s. 10 ft. Water Pipe Reg. 2.46 now '/*" x 10 ft. Water Pipe Reg. 4.92 NOW V/i" x 10 ft. Water Pipe Reg. 4.57 now 3 x 10 ft. Wafer Pipe Reg 13.46 NOW 3 47 2 9 97 87 48" Utility Light Reg. 15.76 9 76 Light up your work area with thi» 48" utility light. No. 248. i