SUPPLEMENT TO McHENitY Well-timed present 1 PLAINDEALER - PAGE 7 -FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3.1H78 ***** »» ** IWI »» w w w w w w w w w w u m w w w i ! Give Her Something She'll Love. . . FASHIONS That Say... merrv VIAT<JIKS ARK THK SMART ( hriMniii* nil ' l l ion for thr <ihop|)«>r Mho Muntn to prcM-nl a personal , thoughtful and chfriahiMl gif t for lh»- holi«la> season. The uatrh(ul holiday shopper knows that TlMEX has a Selection of ovi-r two hundred walrhes in a variety of *t> les and fashions. The watches range from the simple mechanical to the latest technology. I his happy ( hristma- pair pietured above are holding the 1 IMEX Quartz natch which offer* battery-operated eonven- ienee anil accuracy. I t keep* t ime within a half-second per day--that 's 99.9994 r4 accuracy! Suggested con sumer prices start at 844.95. Meanw hile, the beaming woman is proudly wearing her new gift--a IT1VIEX Marathon LC.I) watch. I t 's designed for both men and women, is water- and dust-resistant and has a suggested consumer price start ing at 824.95. TIMKX is the total watch company offering a complete range of watch stvles for men. women and children. HOURS 9 00-5 30 MON THRU SAT THURSDAY t.l 8 30 MV. M J 'tfr \ 'it * ^ mA' Christmas AW We've Got Her Size And Style In Stock! 1 2 1 6 I N . ( i r e e n S i . 385-2713 McHENRY'S FAVORITE SPORT CENTER Official supplier of the U S Ski Team ' - m TRY A Gin CERTIFICATE EARLY SHOPPER SPECIALS! KJ TEAM KNEISSL Compact Formula L Skis Sizes 150 to 180cm Includes binding and installation ALL FOR 180 Reg. '260 (GARMONT ULTRA-LITE * SKI Reg J19000 NOW » BOOTS *15000 « CROSS COUNTRY COMBINATION SKI PACKAGE Includes: Cross Country skis, ALL THIS FOR poles, boots, bindings and £« OCOO J bindings installation. REG. 1ZD SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF SKIS AND EQUIPMENT - - HART, YAMAHA. ELAN, KNEISSL. KARHU MANY PACKAGE DEALS ON SKIS, BINDINGS, BOOTS AND POLES. CHECK THIS LIST TWICE (THERE'S A GIFT HERE FOR EVERYONE ON YOURS) I 'HOCKEY AND FIGURE SKATES • SNOWMOBILE SUITS AND JACKETS • REDUCED FOR f < (We take trade-ins on new skates) LAY-AWAY! * J*HOCKEY GLOVES AND PANTS • ice FISHING POLES, TIP UPS, AUGERS AND GASOLINE; POWERED ICE AUGERS \ » • ELECTRIC AUTO RACING SETS BY AURORA, TYCO AND* ,co«w°w «cCV „ wv ^ ^ pi* USE OUR r LAY-AWAY! No interest or carrying charges We'll hold your gift til December ?4th i Reduced for early shoppers! J• INSULATED DOWN OR DACRON SKI OR HUNTING VESTS • PRIME NORTHERN GOOSE DOWN JACKETS-# FISHING TACKLE, BASEBALL GLOVES, GOLF CLUBS, i SALE PR,CED N0W! • TENNIS EQUIPMENT, GUNS, HOBBIES AND AFX SKI JACKETS & ENSEMBLES MUCH MORE. McHENRY'S FAVORITE SPORT CENTER WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL 1210 N. GREEN ST. 385 1000 McHENRY. ILL.