PAGE 14 - PI. \INDEALER - WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 15.1978 -imixr.M , otnrfu.. Jlli 11 I) IFM.> (Oim i 1**1*4. rt)Ol m m «• S IVXl '4 co: 42i kit 74 I WM* til %• »f« I I m r * N Ay\4 S <i« Oi > c U f WUb • I RP K 5 TV 6«l'r W V «.t 0*'?COU . '•diate Occ 941 1200 Moo 4 BOOKKEE AW7S Mf 17 P •OUT* GAVOf HS-77S N. Y WARRINGTON AOMIN i t e r ' t t I MAIDS--* It 135 0^ *lt « I FOREST HILLS 4RMC i?T No cosh refunds on prepaid ads Cards of Thanks In Wemormm Situation Wanted Wanted to Rent Wanted to Buy ond Gcraqe Sates MUST be paid in ort^nrp The Plamdeaier ,s ^ot responsible (or errors m classified ads after the (irst insertion Chec-h your ad aftpt the first inser tion ond call our attention to any mistakes OFFICE HOURS MON -- FRI. #:30 A M t o 5 00 P M SATURDAY 9 12 P M Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPFR-MONDAY 4P.M. FRIDAY PAPER --WEDNESDAY 4P.M. PHONE 385-0170 AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS 1976 Ford F100 302. VH. automatic, power steering. AM-FM stereo uith aluminum lop. 58.000 miles, must sell $2950 00 Days 815 344 1 103 evenings 312-742-8296 11 Htfc 1974 Toyota Corolla model 1200, good condition, new tires, brakes, battery, snows, am-fm stereo tape deck, excellent gas economy $1200 815-344-2783 11 15-11 17c TUSMESS SEFTUKES BUSINESS SEFTUKES .HOUSE PAINTING, interior and exterior, very reasonable call 815-344-2963 or if no answer, K15-.385-5564 11 -15t f C TYPIST Available, reasonable rates call 815 385 1802 11-15-11- 17c FREE LANCE. ARTIST Creative advertising, design, logos, signs, layouts, posters, done to order Pickup and deliver Call Marilynn Hamilton. 815-385-6962 118 11 17c LEOPOLD CONSTRUCTION • NEW HOMES • ROOM ADDITIONS it ANYTHING YOU WANT DONE IN CARPENTRY 497-3990 PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS NEED CARPFT CLEANED' Call Ralph's Floor Service 815 648-2256 11-1-11-29c N E E D P L I M B I N G REPAIRS? 24 hr service. Ceramic tile work and bathroom remodeling 312-497 4085 11-15-11 24c R £ Q * 1 SNOW PLOWING * 24 Hr. Immediate Service. Low Rates. CAU * * 815-344-1577 For Free Estimate QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling of Older Homes Kitchen bath window & door replacement WE BUILD *Gorog*s •Room Additions Potio Decks 4 •Construction of , New Homes No Job Too Big or Too Small WE AIM TO PLEASE FREE ESTIMATES 815-385-4937 After 5 pm and weekends RUSSELL RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING • REPAIRS • ELECTRIC SEWER RODDING Intfallafion of new septics 815-385-6445 i i V H AVS JI \K IIAI'LIM; VOF NAME IT-- WE'LL I I AL'LIT < \ l l 1 KHKK ES I IM \ l i s. < M l. \N^ I1ME. HEATING PROBLEMS? CALL 815-344-1008 And receive same day service repairs from the trained professionals at FOUR SEASONS HEATING SERVICE 24H0UR EMERGENCY REPAIRS We re small and so are our prices *21.00 Service Charge Save this ad for easy reference SC. G. CORVETTE P E C I A L T I E S GRAND OPENING New, Used And Reproduction Ports Complete Body Work & Restoration Complete Line Of Jewelry And Accessories 7402 Hancock Dr . Wonder Lake, IL 815-728-0743 After 5: 728-0983 WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH CALEY - CORVETTE PARTS IN WONDER LAKE IL 11-15 1968 Pontiac Gran Prix, runs good, needs body work < parts i best offer " 815-653-9531 evenings 11 15 1117c 1971 Chevv window van full factory equipment, runs good, needs body work $900.00 or best offer 815-653-9531 evenings. 11 15 11 17c 1975 Ford LTD Squire Wagon, full power, air, stereo, radio CB $2700 or offer 815-385-4795. 11 151117c BUSINESS SERVICES C & K WE HAI L Pulverized top soil gravel for driveways, pea gravel, sand, etc 815-653- 4616 10 25 11 24c BACKHOK WORK, footings, underground piping, septic systems, call Phil 815-923-2431 State Licensed 11-ltfc Hauling, Cleaning out houses, garages, most anything you have, will haul off trash Reasonable call 815-344-0522 11- 1 12 1c .) & S (ICNSMITHING, Jim (Jrutzmacher. Gunsmith Call 815-344-0566. 11-ltfc FREK PICK I P JI NK CARS and trucks, day or night 815-459 11081 11-ltfc ROOFING PROBLEMS" Let me solve them excellent quality and competitive prices Just Rite Roofing. 344 1548 11-ltfc C R EATI V E C A K E R Y . decorate your own Speciality cakes Give this HOLIDAY SEASON YOUR PER SONALI ZED TOUCH' Decorating lessons begin Nove mber 22nd Call today. 815-344 0840 1*1 15-11 17c Painting by THE PAINT CONNECTION Interior and Exterior Holiday Specials' For free estimate, call 815-385 9336 or 312-658-3358 10-25-12-6C I EXPERTISE BUILDERS J* New Home Construction k * Remodeling of Older " Homes (Any Type) We also do those small jobs (cutting doors replace windows etc) We are in Business to Satisfy ourselves by satisfying our Customers 312-497-3190 vJUflU* 0 9 VHK XHK Modern Chimney Sweeping Prevent Chimney Fires 815-459-3702 r- I I I B0EDECKER UPHOLSTERING •EXPERT WORKMANSHIP j •fcARGE SELECTION OF | FABRICS •FREE ESTIMATES I PHoto 1972 Ford Pinto Stationwagon. 4 speed, new paint job. brakes muffler $550 00 815-344-1087 11-15 11 17c 1978 VW Rabbit deluxe model L 4 door, automatic, power brakes, am-fm cassette stereo, tinted windows, metalic blue, electronic ignition, 21,000 miles, good condition $4800 815 385-9317 11 15-11 17c 1969 Buick power steering, power brakes, air conditioned, good running condition $250 815-385-2735 11 15 11 17c 1970 PONTIAC LEMANNS4 dr hardtop $850 385-2288 alter 6 11 -15-11 -17c REAL ESTATE For Sale by owner > acre, highway commercial and residential frontage, on Rt 120 between Grayslake and Hainesville 312-546-5600 bet ween 8am & 4 30pm 11-ltfc VACANT, one plus acres zoned light industry Arthur T Mcintosh & Co 312-372-2040 ext C 11-ltfc LOTS 5 large heavily wooded lots, sewer and water in McHenry lor sale or built ot suit Starting at $18,500. Countryside Builders 312-438 4443 11-ltfc BY OWNER 2 yr old Charming Cape Cod on large wooded lot 2 to 4 bedrooms. 1 to 2 full baths, sunken f a mil \ loom with cathedral ceiling - Tastefully decorated 2 car attached parage $67,900 on 815-344-1020 11-10 11 17c FOR SALE BY OWNER :: Tri-level, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious family :: room screened-in por- : ch 2% car heated garage. Large yard. Convenient in town x location $66,000 Call 815-385-8940 j FOR SALE ~! BY OWNER | | | 3 bedroom raised ranch j j situated on 2 lots 1 > baths • • family room at» garage cen j ! trol air carpeted throughout I I fenced yard Owner will con | | sider land contract or rent | | with option to buy NO I | brokers please $67,500. 344-1069 „ lin , f"" ™ " "Tj • \ \ K \ r \ \ \ ^ | PARK • | our old »plii li'M'l. 3 | |lM'ilr<Mini«. 2 bt« ills. 2 nif | ftiiiiil> room v» iIli •••••nirjil »iir. I in ni< dialr t >»» iit-r v» ill I 815-385-5478 ._J r "IghTh AUUN ™ "jj | D & D | • MATERIAL! * DECORATIVE STONE, ETC. | I* BLACK DIRT *SAND ""GRAVEL Call after 4:00 P.M. L8i5iSi9i°J £Jltlllllllllllllllllllllll||||||||||||||||||||||tlllL § CUNAT BROTHERS GENERAL | CONTRACTORS 5 * RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL * AGRICULTURAL j S Serving McHenry County Arto Quality work at reasonable prices 815 385-6513 ,, „ filllllM'*'. IMIOIIT- I \\ 1 /VW /Vlr> LAKE RI6HTS B Sparkling new 3 bedroom "raised ranch 2'j baths X finished recreation room 2 w car garage central air ond & more In prestigeous Worth more Estates | HOMES BY | PATRICIA, INC. 459-7177 simmr- UACANT PFTOPEFTTV One acre plus. hea\ il> wooded lot \1cHenr> $*3r> immi or best offer Hlf» 38.") 7789 11 life N0TIC£ VALLEY VIEW SCHOOL PTO AUCTION Saturday, Nov. 18 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM ALL NEW ITEMS AND GIR CERTIFICATES FROM LOCAL MERCHANTS 1KB 1963 Bonneville Convertible, very good condition , 65,000 miles 815-385-9712or385-3517. U-15-11-17C UTOS-Kor Sale. 1972 PON TIAC 2 dr. hardtop, air con ditioned. and stereo Clean car .$ 1350 Call 385-6521 11 15 11 17c l%9 Chevy Station wagon, mechanically sound, good transportation. 815-385-7757. 11- i r> 11 17c 1970 Buick LaSabre needs body work Call Ken 815-385-0669. 11-15-11 -24c 1973 LINCOLN MARK IV' loaded, immaculate. 54.000 miles $3800 or offer 815-728- 0177 11-15-11 - 17c PET COLUMN WANTKT): homes for two kittens. 8 weeks old. pan trained Free 815-385-4051. 11 15 GIVE AWAY, black dog with Collie breeding, spayed, shiny black hair, good dog for older people 815-385-5246. 11-15-11- 17c W ANTKD PCPPIES fi-8 weeks old good homes guaranteed also we buy Poodle or Schnauzer mixed pups 815-385- 7897 11-ltfc Adorable Pekeapoo s Also other small house dogs Call Schroeders 815 389-3589 South Btkut 119-12 21 LOST MAI.K CAT f» nios old. orange, viciml> \\ L . Harbor and Hilltop, wearing white collar $8") 1615 11-15 PETS M SALE Boxer pups two males, call for appointment $50.00 815-344- 1126 11 151117c HORSES PERSONALS Will 79 be your year' ' Ask someone who knows Irene Hughes, in January, at Crescent Bay Landing l l-l 12- .!9c 1973 Capri V6, 4 speed, sun roof, am-fm. clock, radials. 22 to 28 mpg. tuned and winterized $1450 815-385-5055 ll-15-ll-17c 1973 Delta 88 Hoyale, power windows, am-fm stereo and more, fully winterized Like new condition $2195, or best offer 815-344-1129 11-15-11 17c 1966 Chevy Caprice 327, air conditioning, power brakes, power steering, new tires, snows, new exhaust, good condition $400 497-4084. 11-15- ll-17c 72 FORD CHATEAU WINDOW VAN. 308-V8. automatic, 8 pass, power steering & brakes C- rated tires, heavy duty heater No rust, no dents. Must sell 815-653-4741 ll-15-ll-17e HELP WANTED MACHINE TENDERS FOR BROWN & SHARPE AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINES Must have machining background, and knowledge of tools, blueprints and measuring instruments. We will train the right applicant. Apply to Personnel Monday through Friday 7:30 AM-4:00 PM OAK Industries I in 815-459-5000 South Main Street, Crystal 1 -ake, M. An F.qual Opportunity Employer n is n n HELP WANTED r'WRXLWPlsTTfONS""! I Brake Parts Company has the opportunity for you We have a | | variety of positions available on all shifts We offer •Job Security *Good Wages ^Advancement Opportunity | • 10 Paid Holidays Plus Vacation •Health and Life Insurance | And More APPLY IN PERSON TODAY! BNAHI PAMTS COMPANY 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 An Fqual Opportunity Employer M/F I I 815-385-7000 II IVt I 17 I HORSES BOARDED Pasture Box Stalls New Indoor Arena Daily Grain Turn Out Outside Riding Arena RAJA ACRES (Serving McHenry Woodstock Area) Call 815-648-4012 WANTED T<RBUV" Oriental tugs wanted, we pay top dollar for your old Oriental rugs, call anytime 512 K8-4 6444 11 It fc WTIQI FS WANTKD Buying >ld items including furniture, china wicker glass, etc What 1 ave you"' Wondermere 815 • ' .53-7497 II 1 tic SLOT MACHINKS WANTKD Working or Not' Paying Cash, .ill sales confidential 1 414-654- r»43 Kenosha Wis 11 15 11 24c SITUATION WANTED living mother has one opening lor child two years or under in my licensed home weekdays lionnie 112 497 33H1 11 15 11 17c ROATS K MOTORS'" 1977 SKA KAN SI N HI NNKH Cuttv cahin 2D It IO 1KX horse (X)wer Clean $10,000 or l>esl offer Fayed winter storage Call after pm K1."» if*,', oo'»6 11 10 1 1 17( INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTION OKGAN PIANO, accordian and guitar instruction in your home Specialize in popular music Teaching for 2H yrs $5.00 and up R15-385-3750 11 15 11 17c ASSISTANT FOREMAN Rapidly expanding manufacturer of fractional HP motors, has an immediate opening in the final electrical test and shipping department working 41? days. 40 hour week This position offers a challenging opportunity in the area of super visory training for future advancement to a line foremans position as job openings become available Poise maturity and tfte ability to work well with people with a minimum of supervision is a necessary quality Outstanding salary and benefit program available Come in and apply now! C O R P O R A T I O N 5801 W. Route 120 McHENRY, ILL 815-385-3500 An equal oppor tumly. employer M F FACTORY HELP 1ST AND 2ND SHIFT Currently we have a variety o 1st and 2nd shift positions available. We offer insurance, pension benefits, 11 paid holidays, good wages. If interested apply in person 8:00 A.M. -4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday PERMANENT PART TIME OPENINGS To deliver the Chicago Tribune 2 to 3 hours per day. Early morning 7 days per week. Routes now available starting at $75 to $125. Call Collect 385-3643 KEY PUNCH OPERATOR PART TIME We are swk>nf! an individual to work luesdayi Wednesday. & Saturday m our data processing department f* penence in Key Punching is desirable Excellent fringe benefits and salary »PP»J McHtnry Medical Group 1209 N. Green St. McHenry, II. 60050 iJiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiii MAN | For wholesale and retail | 1 milk delivery in Twin | Lakes, Richmond and i Round Lake area | 414-248-2005 | illllllllllUHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIli A* i rsi MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4 mil«« north of McH«nry o n Ringwood Rd Equal Opportunity Employer M/F wish i? ! SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS ! AND | SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS ! AIDES I I To work with handicapped [ond delayed children in birth I 2 to 3 and doy school Program teachers must be certified (Special education background J preferred Aides must be high ! school graduates preterrably i with experience working with J the handicopped Good salory i and working conditions Please Coll Thomas Gollan I Children s Services Director PIOMHR CENTER FOR THE EXCEPTIONAL I S005 W McCullom Lake Rd I McHenry IL > 815-344 1219 | An equal opportunity employer J 11 15 11 17 %eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee# CARPENTERS ROUGH EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS OWL* TRIM WORK THE YEAR 'ROUND CLOSE TO HOME As one of the largest and fastest growing carpenter contractors, we are in a position to offer year around work near home No layoffs or lost time should the particular job you may be working on runs slow or finish completely We can place you on another of our jobs even the same day or the following mor ning NOW HIRING IN THESE AREAS •Arlington Heights •Hoffman Estates •Schaumburg •Vernon Hills •Gurnee 'Libertyville •Buffalo Grove •Elk Grove Village •Mundelein •Wheeling R & D T H I E L I N C . 1700 Rand Rd., Palatine (312)359 7150 A* I I l.