Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1978, p. 16

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PAGE 17-PLAINDKAMSR-TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 21, I97K HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FOR BENT Reliable sitter needed in my home in McHenry. 3 days a week, for a one year old boy. Call Jackie 815-459-9654 11-17- 11-21 Woman wanted for restaurant work. Full or part time. Mothers hours O K Call 815- 653-72% 11-22-11-24c WAITRESS, part time, apply in person, 1232 Green St., McHenry. 815-385-9836 11-17-11- 22 MANAGEMENT We arm a leading national growth company- continually opening new branches. We need men and women,,who are ambitious & growth minded to staff these branches If you are interested in this opportunity, we can give you earning opportunities of $50 day while learning. For interview, write with qualifications C/O Box No. 1 McHenry Plaindealer 3812 Elm St., McHenry, II. An equal opportunity employer ui.-. EXPERIENCED BAR TENDER, FULL and-or part time. "Sports Pub" 385-9855 Colleen 11-15-1 l-24c NOW HIRING Our new, air conditioned plant ts open and we have day and night shift positions open In addition to our NEW HIGHER STARTING SA1ARY and plenty of opportunity for advancement you will enjoy •Clean-pleasant bench work •Company paid health & life insurance •6 Merit reviews your first year Experience not necessary, we will tram Apply in person only LENCO ELECTRONICS INC. 1330 Belden St.. McHenry So of McHenry on Rt. 31 to Dayton St. then Dayton to Belden - 6 Miles North of Rt I I 8 I F O CAN YOU SET UP MILLING MACHINES, DRILL PRESS & READ BLUEPRINTS? Call IRENE A MANPOWER TEMPORARY SERVICES 385-6600 U/22-11/24 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••A"***** DRAFTSPERSON High School drafting with some experience in an electronic manufacturing firm, will qualify you for this position. Full range of company sponsored benefits to the right candidate. Apply to Personnel Monday through Friday 7:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. OAK liHluxfrirx lilt 815-459-5000 South Main Street, Crystal Lake, III. An Fqual Opportunity Employer n 2211 7* CAN YOU RUN A PRESS BRAKE SHEAR & READ BLUEPRINTS? Call IRENE MANPOWER TEMPORARY SERVICES 385 6600 WANTED Looking for people who want to work customizing cars. Also car hikers. 344-0512 HOMEMAKERS WANTED For mature persons who core about people and want to help troubled famil ies with chi ldren, and the aging in crisis si tuations Provide chi ld core, personal care l ight housekeeping and emotional support. Work closely with a social worker Call Denis Morimoto 312-362-0760 Homemakers Service of lake & McHenry Counties 9:00 A.M. -5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday " imi 2* G™ LOCAL MICROFILMING CO Needs Full Time Typist 8 00 am to 4 30pm •Paid Vacations 'paid Holidays 'Insurance Plan For information Call Kathy Smith 3 1 2 - 3 8 1 - 2 9 7 7 CENTRAL STATES MICROFILMING 2 Hillview Dr Barrington IL PERMANENT PART TIME OPENINGS To deliver the Chicago Tribune 2 to 3 hours per day. Early morning 7 days per week. Routes now available starting at $75 to $125. Call Collect 385-3643 GENERAL PLANT POSITIONS Brake Parts Company hos the opportunity for you, We have a variety of posit ions avai lable on al l shif ts We offer •Job Security 'Good Wages 'Advancement Opportunity • 10 Paid Holidays Plus Vacation •Health ond Life Insurance And More APPLY IN PERSON TODAY' Bdaki COWAN* 815-385-7000 EXPERIENCED SfWER & WATER FOREMAN UNION PAY PIUS J. PEASE CONSTRUCTION 815-675-2582 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 An Kqual Opportunity Kmployer M/F 24 | QUALITY CONTROL LAY-OUT INSPECTOR Opportunity for individual with surface plate background in stam pings and molded parts This position offers job security advan cement, excellent salary range and fringe package AFMV Of CALL yfkiTERMATIC 1 N c 0 R p 0 " A T k 0 Intermatic Plaza Rte. 12 & Winn Rd. Spring Grove, IL 815-675-2321 An equal opportunity employer 11-22-11-24 PART TIME Help Wanted Hours: 10:301:30 Apply in Person Beef Villa 3709 W. Elm St. McHenry, II. " iimiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiimmiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CUSTODIAN Man or Woman to do custodial work. Pro Racquet Ball & Fitness Center of Woodstock Apply Now. 338-8222 „ ,7„ IIIII11111II111lllllllIllllHill II1111111111IIII11 III I llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll UIANTE0 TO BUV SITUATION WAflTtD IT'S THE MOSTi OFFICE OR RETAIL Located on Route 120-Newer solid brick building with 1000 sq. tt. full basement excellent parking space Immediate possession $700/month OFFICE SPACE Super location on Route 120. superb neighbors, ideal for Professional Business' Excellent parking facilities $275/month. Realty World Durbin-Stovzll 4213 W. Route 120, McHenry 815-385-1 HHP WANTED REAL ESTATE SALES Associates now needed in one of McHenry s newest off ices, excel lent commission spl i ts, insurance prog/am estab l ished farm leads, and above al l , experienced management people who care. Don't get lost in the shuff le of a large of­ f ice, join an aggressive small company with big ideas Come to Realty USA For a confiden­ tial interview, call 815-344- 1244 - ask for Mr. Parisi. M Iff CAR WASHER Full Time. Must have drivers l icense and experience Apply in Person. Overton, Cadillac/Pontiac Rte. 120 & 31 McHenry, IL Mature Woman Part time Nights and Weekends Coll 385-4426 11 17 11 22 PART TIME A.M. Supervisor For motor route drivers trom 2:30 to 7:30 Monday-Saturday Must be responsible $140.00 per week 385-3643 CLERICAL POSITIONS P.M. and Night Shift Will Train Apply at McHenry Hospital 3516 W Waukegan Rd McHenry. IL won Being an Avon Represen tat ive is an excit ing oppor tunity to make good part t ime money. Over 18 Call Mrs. Bauer 385-5385 RECEPTIONIST and DESK PERSONNEL Pro Racquet Ball and Fitness Center of Woodstock needs capable personnel to work a: reservation desk and pro shop Apply Now Call 338 8222 2 1117 11 22M EYELETTERS-ASSEMBLERS DAYS 7:30 AM-4:00 PM NIGHTS 5:00 PM- 1:30 AM No experience necessary We will tram you tor a permanent job Work in a clean, bright factory, with company paid benefits, such •Life/Medical Insurance •Vacations • 11 Paid Holidays •Retirement Plan •Tuition Refund as •Christmas Week Off •Jury Duty Pay • Investment Plans •Night Shift Premium And More Apply to Personnel Monday through Friday 7:30 AM 4 00 PM OAK litilitslrit'x lut 815-459-5000 South Main Street, Crystal lake, 111. An Fqual Opportunity Kmployer McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB Now accepting applications for day and night waitresses. Apply in person 820 N.John St. McHenry, II. LOCAL MICROFILMING CO. <2 Needs women to learn microfilming Full time positions 8 00am to 4 30pm No experience necessary "Paid vacations "Paid holidays "Insurance plan For information, call Kathy Smith 3 1 2 - 3 8 1 - 2 9 7 7 CtNTRAL STATES MICROFILMING 2 Hillview Dr Barrington IL InWONDER LAKE, 5 room house, electric heat, full bath 112 car garage. $279. plus security deposit. 312-438-6106 or 459-4293. 11-15-1 l-24c For rent, storage space, boats, furniture, etc., 338-6874. 10- 27tfc 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. AT­ T A C H E D G A R A G E , possession Dec. 1. $325 per mo. Security Deposit and references required 385-8855 11-22-11-24c For Rent, 1 1 -i room apartment, heart of McHenry. older person only Stove, refrigerator, ali utilities paid Rent $155.00. Call 815-385-0012 11-17-11-22 WONDER LAKE 5 room rustic log cabin, family room with fireplace 1 block to beach $265 month plus damage deposit Immediate occupancy 312-397- 2498 11-17-11 -24c For Rent One & Two bedroom apartments, one year lease and security deposit, no pets Call 815-385-5528 ll-17tfc LARGE 2 bedroom Executive type apartment, excellent location, no children, or pets References and security deposit required Must call between <9 & 10 pm» 312-381- 2059 only responsible parties need inquire lx-10-tfc WAREHOUSE or factory space trom 5,000 to 15.000 ft -1079 11-ltfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS daily or weekly 815-385-0266 or 815-385-8905 ' 11-ltfc For rent, newly built apart ment building at 5109 Mc- Cullom Lake Rd.. McHenry. includes refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, central air, in dividual furnaces. 11 car garage, laundry room, two bedrooms, patio deck, much more First and last months rent, references Northwest Apartments 815-385-7784 or 385 7737 Call after 7pm ask for Bob ^ 11-8-11 -29c FOR SALE Oriental rugs wanted, we pay top dollar for your old Oriental rugs, call anytime 312-884-6444 11-ltfc ANTIQUES WANTED: Buying old items including furniture, china, wicker, glass, etc What have you' ' Wondermere. 815- 653-7497 11-ltfc SLOT MACHINES WANTED 'Working or Not) Paying Cash, all sales confidential. 1-414-654- 4543-Kenosha, Wis 11-15-1 l-24c FOR SALE GREEN AND BEIGE flowered couch Good condition 385-5193. 11-22 HO SCALE TRAIN layout tracks-cars engines. tran­ sformers and extras $65 00 385- 4025 1117 11-22 3 DOUBLE HUNG WINDOWS, plumbing material, new and reasonable 30hp Mercury outboard $125.; and 71- hp fishing motor, $100 653-5126. ' 11-22-11-24c D&C Constructioni Company. Inc New 3 bedroom, 2 baths, fully carpeted, full basement. 2 car garage, central air $425.00 month $500.00 security deposit, plus utilities. 815-385-1489 11 17-11-14c QUONSET HUT Building 40x60x23. well insulated, adequate fenced in parking in McHenry zoned for business i Available soon Phone 385- 8387 after 5 :00 11 17 1129C For Rent 2 bedroom $255 month, utilities included Adults only No pets. Available December 15th 815-344-3949 1117-11 22 Johnsburg, indoor storage approximately 29x32 ft area Call evenings after 6 pm 815- 385 1268 11-17-11-24c Large two bedroom apartment, withing walking distance, shopping and train, carpeting, air conditioned, adults, no pets 815-385-3493 11 8tfc I N I ) F U N F \ \ M A N A G E M E N T V F W Clubhouse and Hall for rent, seating capacity lor 400 Call 385-9860 9 to 12 weekdays or after 6. pm 11 ltfc WHISPERING OAKS, lm maculate two bedroom home. 2 baths, full basement, garage References and security deposit 815-385-8441 or 385-4905 11-22 11 24c Wonder Lake office space call for details 815-653-7296 11 22 11 24c Wonder Lake, two bedroom home, central air. living room with fireplace, dining room, modern kitchen, storage attic. Family preferred, no pets December 1. 1978 $325 month plus utilities, security deposit, references 815-653-7296 11 22 11-24c 1 HOHNER ACCORDION w case, 2 overstuffed chairs w- slip covers, 1-electric indoor BBQ - new, other items 385 0757 11 17-11 22 9 x 12 GREEN SHAG Kl'G w pad. like new $40 (Ml 385-7763. after 6PM 1117-1122 FOR SALE HUMMEL PLATES 197 1 $1 050 00 1972 $S5 00 197 3 $190.00 197 4 $115.00 1975 $95.00 1976 $75 00 1977 $180.00 1978 $165 00 Boxed, Mint Condition Wonderful Christmas Gift For Mom SPECIAL 1972, 1976 Combination $149 00 1976. 1977 Combination $239 00 1972, 1977 Combination $249 00 1972. 76, 77 Combination $319 00 385 3122 Ambitious young lady with own - ~ ' car will do all types • / * houseclean ing. childcare. shopping and so on Good references 815-385-1970 11-17- 11-22 Need apartment or small house cleaned' ' Good references, reasonable Call Chris 815-728- 0196 11-22-11-24c Ethan Allen Bunk beds, dark pine, ladder and rail included Paid $650 will sell for $200. 815 385-8286 11-22-11 -24c Wards gas powered com pressor $100.00 can be seen at 7415 Center St Wonder Lake, anytime 11 17 11 22 Like new 16x7 garage door complete with hardware Call after 6:30 pm 815-385-4010 11 ltfc New & used H R ties, bulk grass seed We deliver Woodstock Lawn & Farm Center 815-338-4200. 11-ltfc TABLE AND 4 CHAIRS for mica top $35 Speed yueen Electric Iron $25 385-3337 11-15-11 -24c 14 x 65 Mobile home. Washer, dryer, stove and refrigerator 455-3859 11 10 1122c For Sale or trade. Whirl pool double oven and single electric. Also cultured marble sinks, vanities and misc. cabinets, will trade for antiques An tiques such as old Oar signs, phonographs or furniture, 815- 943-5613 after 4 pm or 815-338- 9724 11 17-11-24c Pair A78-13 snow tires on 77 Chevette wheels Used one winter $75 pair 815-344-0510 11 22-11-24c W H I S P E R I N G O A K S ESTATE SALE. Selling complete household of fur nishings 815-385-8441 or 385- 4905 11-22-11 24c White double kitchen sink with faucets $25 Call after 5:30 pm 815-385-2403 or 385 1969 Cash onlv 11-22-11 -24c V TEL-STAR TV Game used very little $25 cash only 815 385-2403 or 815-385 1969 after 5:30 pm 11-22-11 24c Small 4 candle crystal Chan delier. perfect for foyer or small dining room $35 Call after 5 30 pm 815-385-2403 or 385 1969 Cash only 11 22-11 -24c MOVING SALE. Sears Best gas range 30", hardly used Hot point electric range top 30"; Goodyear tire L 84x15 815-385 2771 11-22 11 24c New Queen heated water bed beautiful velvet lined drawers, in a rustic and brass head board Lots of extras 815-728- 0196 11-22-11-24c ANTIQUE 14" table saw 41x48". maple top and legs complete with mitre gauge and rip fence blade and belt Can be used with power take off Best offer 385-1345 11-22-11-24c CARD OF THANKS THANKS TO EVERYBODY sending cards, gifts and prayers while my stay at the Woodstock Hospital Special Thanks to all the nurses. Sister Darnella and Rev Porter from St Mary's Woodstock and Rev Jerry Tobin from .Johnsburg Thank vou all ALFRED OEFFLING 11-22 MOTOftCVCLCS 1977 HONDA 750 Super sport black, w-custom wheels. 2.900 miles Excellent condition $1,500 728-0346 11-22-11-24c 1978 Kawasaki KX 250. A4. like new. hardly used. $1.000 oo .7415 Center St Wonder Lake, anytime 1117 11 22. T h e l a r g e s t gold n u g g e t i r v t h e w o r l d w a s f o u n d Australia in 1869 during that c o u n t r y ' s g r e a t g o l d r u s h * R a t h e r a p p r o p r i a t e l y n a m e d t h e " W e l c o m e S t r a n g e r , " i t m e a s u r e d t w o f e e t l o n g a n d w e i g h e d 2 0 0 p o u n d s . M o r e t h a n f o r t y l a r t f e m i n e s i n S o u t h A f r i c a p r o ' d u c e a b o u t t h r e e q u a r t e r s < 0 t h e W e s t e r n W o r l d ' s a n n u a l n e w g o l d s u p p l y , o r a p p r o * ' i m a t e l y 7 0 0 m e t r i c t o n R u s s i a d o e s n o t d i s c l o s e i t * g o l d p r o d u c t i o n f i g u r e s , b n t i s e s t i m a t e d t o p r o d u c e o v e r 4 0 0 t o n s a n n u a l l y S o m e S o u t h A f r i c a n m i n e s a r e s o l a r g e , t h e y p r o d u c e i n d i v i d u a l ' l y m o r e g o l d t h a n t h e e n t i r e g o l d m i n i n g i n d u s t r y o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s . Green & gold floral couch good condition $75 815-653-3076 11 22-11 24c AM FM STEREO, 6 ft mediterranian console, good condition $200 815-344 1858 after 5pm 11 22 11-24c Formica kitchen table and 4 matching chairs, $50 . desk and chair $25 . easy chair with ottoman, $25. twin bed com plete $25 . 815-385-2401 after 5pm 11-22-11 24c ^Heritage ̂ Foundatioii W AGE-PRICE CONTROLS HAVE NEVER WORKED By Edwin Feulner With the rate of inflation showing no signs of falling much below ten percent this year, the cry is again being heard in some quarters for the President to impose wage and price controls ot some sort Ralph Nader, for example, has argued that should inflation remain at current or higher levels. Carter will find it difficult to avoid imposing a selective, mandatory price- wage control policy..." Similar sentiments arc echoed by others, including liberal economist John Kenneth Galbraith,- who should know better. The fact is that wage and price controls are not a new idea; in fact, according to a fascinating article by historian Robert L. Schuettinger. editor ot the Heritage Foundation's journal. Policy Review, governments have been attempting to exercise control over wages and prices for at least the last forty centuries "In all times and all places they have invariably failed to achieve their announced purpose," he says. Schuettinger is a scholar of considerable note, having taught at Yale University and St Andrews College in Scot­ land. His Policy Rcvu w article is meticulously chronicled with past tailures. In ancient Fgypt, government controls over the grain crop led gradually to ownership of all the land by the state In Babylon. Sumena, China. India. Greece. Rome -- in all these places "various kinds ot regulations over the economy were tried and usually either failed completely or produced hamitul effects." During the American War of Independence, Washington's army nearly starved at Valley Forge largely due to what John Adams called "that improvident Act tor limiting prices < which) has done great injury . and (w hich i in my sincere opinion, if not repealed will rum the state and introduce a civil war." Over a century later, in 1914. both the Allies and the Central Powers -- including the Kaiser's Germany -- in sisted on returning to the drawing board, writes Schuet tinger, "with entirely predictable results Again, during the Second World War and shortly there after the ma|or nations resorted to controls Savs Schuet tinger. "Besides a thriving black market, reduction in qual lty of goods and increased 'perquisites' tor jobs (tnngc benefits, overtime, and so on) all contributed toward a dou ble system, the 'official ' controlled prices and wages and the unofficial ' real prices and wages ." Still this would not deter Richard Nixon from trying the same thing during his administration -- resulting, according to Schuettinger, in an actual worsening ot inflation Says Schuettinger: "It an historian were to sum up what we have learned from the long history of wage and price controls in this country and in many others around the world, he would have to conclude that the only thing we learn from history is that we do not learn trom history." (Feulner is president ot the Heritage Foundation, a Washington based public policy research organization ) •<> •o •o o •«> •o •o •o •«> •<> • The Good Word from the Bible a weekly inspirational message for today s l ife styles «o •o o •o <• Fort 'bearinH onr another, and [or^u one anothi man hat e a quarrel uHiunst an\ even as Christ Mankind is not abundantly blessed with a forgiving nature For the most part , we look tor a way to "get even"; we seek retr ibution We should remember how clearly the lessons of l i fe were spelled out by Christ love, un derstanding, forgivene Most importantly, we should not forget tha ' Christ , with a dying breath, asked forgiveness for those who persecuted him o •o •o <•

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