PAGE 22 - PLAINDEALER - TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1S78 A Tour Of Chicago Botanic Gardens Town-Country Tips by David Ploctor, Extension S«rvic« 338-3737 - 330-4747 i by Father William 0. Manner, rector emeritus of Holy Comforter church. Episcopal. Kenilworth. a former McHenrv resident now living in Florida > Rose's sister lives on the northwest side of Chicago, Norwood Park, where we were all brought up including the General I told you about last week We had all talked to another friend now a retired pharmacist, who had grown up with us over a long distance hookup , Now we were back to the scenes of our boyhood un Rose's case girlhood) Her sister has a large house After we were settled we called around visiting old friends and looking over the town, which has. of course, changed beyond belief One day we went, 'twas on a Friday, to the Chicago Hor ticultural Society's Botanic Gardens We were members of this great group while we were in Chicago and McHenrv Mans a day found us watching the development of the Gardens which occupies the site of the old Sokie Lagoons, a marshy location which has been transformed, in fact, is still being transformed, into one of the great centers of showing and learning about gardens It has reciprocal relations with membership in the New York Botanical Gardens and the Los Angelos State and County Arboretum The original site w as entirely wild marshes, lagoons, forests, both wet and dry land forests Now there is .100 acres of land scape and lakes with ten islands in the lake One island is left to grow wild into original. Illinois Prairie, of which there is precious few acres left and these diminish i The Farwell family of Lake Forest put in gardens that are meant to help the Illinois, or better Midwestern gardener with hints, help and suggestions as to material and care for his own garden plot Nearby is the Annual (iar den. that shows all the annuals that can be grown in and around Illinois You garden clubbers in the McHenrv and Whispering Oaks Garden clubs ought to take your members to see this great new attraction so close to you about fifty miles Schools ought to be taken there McHenry Board of Fducation and teachers take notice Your children are missing something 'Just an aside, folks' 1 There are dramatic features of how to treat courty ards, both in and out of the house w ith and without the use of fountains or w ater There-is a section of synoptic plantings useful in the Chicago area Wild life is developing within the borders of the park •ind you can see ducks, geese, racoon lox. deer and maybe some 1 didn t yet note of One hundred and ten varieties of trees are to be found with a Hood bit of Turnhall Woods, the wet and drvland forests Growing things respond to their surroundings with rapid growth or slow and stunted growth The wooded land with a dry floor and the wooded land with a wet floor have different trees that thrive there and other flora that do poorly or don't grow at all If a plant or tree does poorly there is always a reason With the advance in population and increased ur banization (that word means city-iz-a-shun). many plants and trees get crowded out or do poorly You simply cannot have lots of people and lots of city and keep the land about pristine (unspoiled1 Well, there are also in the gre^t complex of these Botanic Gardens, plots to show dif ferent mulches, ground cover, classrooms, meeting halls, a library, and areas for lunch of visiting parties There are greenhouses, a museum of floral arts, a beautiful common room, film library. and space for exhibitions For instance, the Illinois-Wisconsin Lily society, to which we belonged, had its annual lilv show there That is where we picked up many of <he lilies of exotic beauty that, when we left McHenry graced both our front and back gar dens i The society that operates this garden also annually produces the Chicago Flower and Garden show at McCormick place Then there is a tram which takes you through the gardens for a small fee in good weather You can see much quickly, and. if moved, go back to see your major love later It is great fun to visit old haunts We didn't get to McHenry this time but we got back to the North Shore, saw many friends, were entertained and took time to visit my old tailor and get a new suit Good gravy, when they talk about a $350 suit of clothes I run fast the other way One can still keep one's back covered and have a small balance in the bank (>h rats' I forgot to tell you there is a scientific research center in the gardens and a Japanese center There didn't seem to be a bakery but one does not expect to find a bakery in a Botanic Garden does one" We miss McHenry and our friends, the bank and post of fice the stores and Medical Tenter, and St Paul s church and Father McKay But he comes to see us each winter Blessings on you all Man Made Marks San Francisco's Golden Oate Bridge is America's most pop ular man-made attraction South Dakota's Mount Hush more National Memorial is the second most-visited man-made place Houston's Astrodome, the Statue of Liberty Hoover Dam Florida's Disney World and the Gateway Arch of St Louis are other popluar visiting places in this country Solar Machine Shed - may be the highlight of the grain drying and energy management workshop coming up Dec 5. If you are planning on making any major farm building ad ditions. fhe hints, helps, and warnings this Maple Park farmer will give will be worth your trip to DeKalb But there is more Other topics will include "selecting and managing grain drying systems" - with a focus on energy saving [techniques and 'Farmstead design for efficiency.'" In addition. Design factors important in construction or renovation of grain handling, drying and storage facilities" will be looked at 1 am handling registration, so get in touch if you are in terested Sheep Workshop Discussion - Water energy, and protein are three essentials in the sheep diet ", "You do not need a complicated many ingredient diet for sheep The key thing is balance does it have the key elements '" These were a few facts Gary Ricketts, University of Illinois Sheep Specialist, explained to nearly seventy adult and youth at fhe Sheep Producers workshop recently He also explained in late gestation (pregnancy), the ewe needs more energy Two thirds of the fetus birth weight is developed in these last six weeks While we don't want fat ewes, poor nutrition in this stage can lead to the following 1 » an increased number of ewes with pregnancy disease 2 > decreased birth weights and :ii increased-death rates of lambs Gary pointed out several ration possibilities A 150 pound ewe in late pregnancy needs tour pounds (consumed) of average hay and 75 pounds of corn A salt mineral mixture should be fed free choice Once the ewe has lambed, the grain should be increased fo two pounds and 1 to 2 pounds of soybean oil meal should be added Ricketts also said lambs are most commonly weaned at (>0- 70 days Ewes should be pulled back hard on feed one week before weaning, and on water a few days before In addition, he said creep rations for the lambs should have 15-16 percent protein Most commonly, rations consist of H5 percent shelled corn and 15 percent soybean oil meal, or 45 percent shelled corn. 40 percent oats, and 15 percent soybean oil meal One percent of the rations should consist of feeding grade limestone Good quality hay should be fed free choice The Pearson Square method of determining rations was explained I can show you how to do this Gall me if you are interested In other business, the producers attending responded yes to the question Should McHenry county producers set up a producers organization" Several people offered their time to serve on a planning committee They'll be meeting in the next month Schroeder Metal Craft, Inc. for your home... METAL TABLES •FIREPLACE TOOLS -SCREENS & GRATES •CANDLE HOLDERS 'SCONCES •WALL PLAQUES AND MUCH, MUCH MORE. S° i\£S lOO* A REAL BUY 6 6"x30"x36" UTILITY TABLE METAL FRAME* FORMICA TOP ALL SALES F INAL SCHROEDER METAL CRAFT, INC. 1519 S. RTE. 31 - McHENRY, IL 385-0950 Financial Statements - For the first time, a complete set of c o o r d i n a t e d f i n a n c i a l statements has been developed for farmers and ranchers As you know, Ag lenders are in creasingly demanding more financial data when yoy request a loan In addition, you have to complete the financial statements The new manuals C o o r d i n a t e d F i n a n c i a l Statements for Agriculture along with the supporting schedules and financial statements have been edited by University of Illinois Ag Fconomics specialist Tom Frey and Research Assistant Dan Klinefetter Agri Finance magazine will be the national supplier of the manual and forms. ( ustom Hate Guide - I have been receiving a lot of questions asking what the current custom rate is for different farming operations here in McHenry county My answer takes into account several factors: 1) In Illinois, we have not taken any surveys recently because cost changes have l>een so dramatic in the past years A survey would be out of date by the time the results were compiled 2) The latest state survey was in 1971 Since then, the increase in prices paid has equalled 75 percent This figure can be used with the 1971 survey. 3) The market demand for a specific farming operation sets the price. Are many farmers wanting fall plowing, com bining. spraying, etc., done? Do you have 5 acres to do or 100? These factors must be taken into account Finally, 4) The rate that must be charged in order that the operator can make a profit (I know of no one who is working for nothing yet) depends on "his" costs, including the costs of owning, operating, and maintaining the equipment. Pork Industry Conference - Six- hundred-seventy-five ques tionnaires returned by pork producers was the method of selecting topics for the up coming pork industry con ference It will be held Dec. 4-5, at the Ramada Inn in Cham paign. I have registration details Ewe Sale Scheduled Both commercial and purebred ewes will be offered at the Land of Lincoln All-Star Bred Ewe Sale schedules Saturday. Nov 25, 9 a.m. The sale will be held in the Junior Livestock building on the Illinois State fairgrounds in Springfield The Illinois Lamb and Wood Producers, Inc , sponsor the event. Contact Curt Overcash or Greg Deakin, sale managers, for more information and sale catalogues: Curt Overcash, R R No 4. Canton 61520; Greg Deakin. 118 S 8th Street, Watseka. 69070. Crop Highlights - As of Nq>y 5, 88 percent of the corn and 98 percent of the soybeans in Illinois were harvested. By the McCuliom Lake Mary Jo Farrell ] 344-1575 Gentleman En/oys Surprise Birthday From Hospital Bed Don Parenti celebrated his birthday on Nov. 15, and at that time just happened to be in the hospital for a short stay Don's daughter, Dawn Miller, along with his tym^Lillian Parenti, surprised in lunch on his big da^ witfra decorated bir thday cake, and rfbt long after theiF arrival the nurses on the floor arrived with Don's lunch and another birthday cake! If you have to spend your bir thday in as unexciting a place as a hospital, it pays to have friends and relatives who care. See, you can have a party anywhere! A very surprised Don Parenti proved this by having a very exciting birthday from a hospital bed The BEACH GALS Beach Gals celebrated time you read this, we here in McHenry coutny should have all the soybeans and 80 percent of the corn harvested You may want to disagree, but we should easily top last year's average corn yield of 99 6 bushels per acre That figure is for McHenry county. Christmas a little early this year, holding their annual extravaganza on Nov. 15 at a nearby restaurant-theater. The gals enjoyed a lovely meal and a Tine play, and had lots of fun playing games brought by Joan Bitterman. Joan is to be commended for a fine job, putting together the whole party. It was the best Christ mas party the Beach Gals have ever had. and a really different change of pace for a lot of the girls. Grab bag gifts were exchanged, and prizes were awarded to Phyllis Brancheax, Dawn Miller, and Cindy Martini Thursday morning was the only bad time for some of us who have very small children with built in alarm clocks, or for those poor souls who had to get up to go to work CONSERVATION CLUB Since this column had to be in a day early for the Thanksgiving holiday, the Conservation club has not reported the results of the Nov 16 meeting to me as yet, and it is not known just how well the club did on the craft and bake sale held on Nov. 11. From all reports, the sale was a success, but just how much of a success is yet to be seen I should have some report in next week's column. BIRTHDAYSAND v ANNIVERSARIES Happy birthdays go this week to Phyllis White on Nov. 25, arM to Bill Mathison on Nov. 2& Hope you folks have terrific birthdays. Anniversaries are being celebrated this week by Roger and La Verne Loewe on Nov. 23. by Karen and Vic Sarabia on Nov. 25. and by Jerry and Jackie Raycraft on Nov. 28. Hope you all have happy holiday anniversaries. Have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving; BIBLE VERSE \ "When you pray, go into your room and shut the door, and pray to your Father who is in secret: and your Father who seed in secret will reward you. 1. Of what well known oration is the above verse a part? 2. By whom was it spo ken? 3. What does this verse warn particularly about?: 4. Where may' it be found? Aasvtrs to liMt Vtrst 1. The Sermon on the Mount. 2. By Jesus. 3. An outward show of piety, displayed through some public praying. 4. Matthew 6:6 (RSV.) WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ON SALE ITEMS OPEN THANKSGIVING L)\\ <> lo 3 CANFIELDS - MIXERS & • T'7 FLAVORS JL̂ , * 4 QUARTS 99c PLUS PEP COKi-TAB- FRESCA- SPRITE 4 QUARTS 99e PLUS DEP. DEILIIQU0RS MERCHANTS OF FINE WINES AND LIQUORS SALE BEER NOT ICED NO SALES TO MINORS! OPEN THANKSGIVING DAY 9 to 3 4610 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILL. 385-3200 SALE GOOD WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22 THRU TUESDAY, NOV. 28 imm IMPORTED JCANADIAN GORDON'S _99 VODKA QUART 3 PHILADELPHIA GORDONS LORD CALVERT 4 79 ii(ailel|ihia BLINDED WHISKEY QUART QUART 3 99 BUBBLE-UP I99B ARROW WHITE CREAM DE CACAO QUART 3 99 IMPORTED B & L SCOTCH WHISKY 79 4 BALI C8-16 0Z. BTTLS. PLUS DEP. LEJON BRANDY QUART QUART 3 99 BONUS SPECIAL! FRI.-SAT.-SUN. ONLY!!! FOR SODA-SHOP BELL! OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE ON ALL EIOHT PACK SODAS IS 1.33 (PLUS DEPOSIT) DU BOUCHETT PEPPERMINT SCHNAPPS QUART 3 99 T0NK MIXER 6QTS. 00 1 PLUS DEP. WITH ANT VODKA OR CM PURCHASE IMPORTED GERMAN ERIKA 1977 LIEBFR AUMILCH 2 MAGNUMS 00 '1 5 RHEINGOLD BEER 6-12 02. 4JANS 1 39 From Btrlngor of California LOS HERMANOS WINES •Rhine •Burgundy ^MAGNUMS •Chablis •Vin Rose •Chenin Blanc •Zinfandel IMPORTED ITALIAN FOLONARI D.O.C. CHIANTI 2 MAGNUMS 500 PABST EXTRA LI6HT REER 70 CALORIES IN 12 02.!! 6-12 02. 149 CANS • . SIROH'S BEER "THE STROHCASE" T. 5" 24-12 OZ. CANS FOX BELUXI BEER BOTTLES IP PLUS DEP OPEN FRI. & SAT. 'TIL 11pm. SUNDAY 'TIL 9pm - MON. thru THURS. TIL 10pm