Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1978, p. 2

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CLFANING SERVICE INC LEE Gl STAY SON ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Lee Gustavson and George Smith announce their engagememt and promise of marriage. Lee is the daughter of Gladys Gustavson of Wonder Lake, and George is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elovd Smith, also of Wilder Lake. \ Nov. 25 1978 wedding is planned. That special time o" year is wi us again when harvest is done an we gi thanks f'r th' bountiful gifts o' Mother Nature Families get t gether. an reminisce o Thanksgivin' days gone by. when there seemed less t be concerned wi elsewhere in th' world It's wonderful t be wi' loved ones, enjoyin' th company o' friends an' relatives, e'en for just a da\ There's many things we have i Ik* thankful f 'r in this country, e en though we find much t' complain about A hearin' folks talk about th way it is in lands across th seas makes this granny eternally grateful t ' be here, where we may follow our • •wit pursuits, way o' life, an' everything that makes life worthwhile Freedom is a wonderful thing, an' th word strikes a •chord in me heart It is one thing we may be thankful for. an be* ever conscious that it doesn't exist in many places in this or world We take it f 'r granted here, an it has been misused in many instances in tins modern dav It is a most precious commodity, an' in terpreted in its proper sense, a boon t t h happiness o' / ' Ian Of ten House In Observance MARY JO LIESER SPlilNG WEDDING -- Mr. and Mrs. Peter M Lieser. Johnsburg. announce the engagement of their daughter. Mar\ Jo, to William Brut, son of Mr and Mrs. Edward Brut oLMcllenr\. The bride- eleot is a 1974 graduate of McHenrv high s^po<>| and is emplo\ed as a hairdresser in McHenrv. Her fiance i*> a 197. ' graduate of McQcnry high school, and is employed iis a carpenter \ spring we<Ming is being planned l t ' is easy for me to currv * favor with myself -Phaedrus Security. Amebicar Famity s Special Homeowners PacKage rioitcy Complete secunty tfiat special place you caii bocrte It s the most Comprehensive home owners coverage we ve «ver offered Can me tOday I ' l l provide /Ou with alt the information CHUCK iekandows* TCKY flCK -01* NEW LOCATION -- : Corner of Crystal Lake Blacktop & Rt. 120 McHenry * CAllUSFOP DETAILS 385-2304 AMERICAN FAMILY I N S t J » A N C r m/UTKUH American Fwnrtjr Mutual intu'aoca Co w.« Roll C'all Sergeant Private Jones.' V o i c e A b s e n t Set re' ar. 0 u i e t ' Let Junes ans^ci t>r mmsclf On lop of the W orld Teacher Jimrm. vu should strive to be a siji > '*ssfiil man. Vou should aspire ' • reach the pinnacle of fame. D<> you know Ahat pinnacle means9 Jimmy Yes, teacher, my father always enjoys a nice quiet game of pinnacle. ( I f S i l v e r W e d d i n g I tie tour children of Mr and Mis John F Smith. Debra. Sandra .Jetf and Brian, will be hosting an open house in honor i t their parents twenty-fifth anniversary for any friends and relatives who would like to attend and mark this special i iccasion The celebration will take place Nov Jfi at their home, :i.ol \\ (' lover Mc Henrv. after ; [i in There will be a Mass altered at st Mary s church at II a m the same day in honor • I the Smith's'anniversary Mi Smith .Jack and his wife tin- former Betty Miller were married at St .John's church Johnsburg. on Thanksgiving day Nov 26, I'll! with Father Biitsch of liciatmg Their attendants were Halph Smith Robert smith Donald Miller Larry Smith Marilyn Benoy. Terry (.orst Dolores Tonyan. and Theresa Mav f ood Costs When huving meat, compare costs per serving rather than price per pound In the long run, it doesn't matter how much you pav per pound, but how much each serving of cooked meat costs As a general rule, one- quarter pound of meat without bone equals one serving and one- half to three-quarters of a pound of meat with bone equals one ser- v inti tikjf Make Reservations Now TRADITIONAL PILGRIM Thanksgiving Dinner SERVED FAMILY STYLE NOON TO 9 PM CALL NOW RESERVATIONS 385-8899 COMPLIMENTARY Family Portrait B ( WORLD RENOWN PHOTOGRAPHER RICHARD MATT CRESCENT cBAY" ®L ANpI N(j 3309 CHapel Hill Rd McHenry 385 8899 Grandma Sez . . . mankind Abused, it b 'comes harmful t ' those who b'come th' object o ' that abuse When this granny takes in­ ventory o' th ' many, many things enjoyed by this more affluent society o' this age, it seems almost impossible that there's been such significant changes in th ' short t ime, since folks were a goin' hungry, f ' r th ' state <»' th ' economical conditions o ' th ' day Folks too young t ' remember, an' those who came along afterward, can't visualize how it was It took a world war t start th ' upward trend in the' economy, an' put women I ' work in all kinds o ' jobs, in order t keep things a-gom". Seems like they got used F havin' extra paychecks after th ' men came home, those that did return, an' started a trend May God f 'rbid another war. more terrible than th' world has e 'er known May God grant us a peaceful world. an may folks everywhere be inspired wi' love, regard f 'r others, a self- r spect t ' inspire th ' desire t ' build an' not destroy May we al l learn t ' be thankful, t ' fully enjoy a happy Thanksgiving day Grandma Kadtke 1 hernials and snuggies, fashioned for the sports-loving woman are in fashion. These come in long or short sleeves as well as long or short legs to f it the outfit and warmth desired. Painful A perfectionist is .someone who takes great pains and gives them to other people. -Record, Columbia. S.C. About Your Wedding... In order to serve McHenry area brides the Plaindealer sends wedding forms to all those whose engagements have been announced and carry a definite dote We ask that these com pleted forms be returned three days prior to the wed ding Complete details will op pear only during the week following the wedding except in the case of out-of-state weddings where an od ditional week is allowed Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be in­ cluded with the wedding in­ formation if they occompany the story If your engagement an nouncement has not published or if the date of the wedding was not known at thot time please call our of • ice and request that o morrioge form be sent Two O bservances Honored Beckers For Twenty-Fifth Mr and Mrs Gerald Becker. 4324 I^akewood road. McCullom Lake, who celebrated their silver anniversary on Oct 24. were guests of honor at a party given in honor of their twenty- fifth by Mrs Becker 's brothers. George and Hoy Maddalone. and their spouses The celebration took place Oct 15 at the home of the George Mad- dalones in Elmhurst. and forty- five guests attended Oct 22. after a 12 o'clock Mass offered in honor of the anniversary at St Mary's. McHenry. Mr and Mrs Becker hosted a dinner at the Sherwood House in Bensenville. Ill Among the twenty-five guests attending were friends from Michigan and from Minnesota, including best man. Tom Dickhausen. and his wife, from Avon. Minn I The Becker 's eleven god children requested a very special gift for them -a Papal • blessing, and presented them a document announcing ' this blessing r Senior Walk-In 1 Canter Location Moose Lodge. Route 120 Time Monday through Friday. 10 a m. to 4 p m November 211 Have a happy Thanksgiving November '21 Center Closed November 27 November birthday party November 2M Guest speaker Linn Olesen. Nutrit ion director of Meet and Eat program "Age Is A Season November 2!» Craft Day Painters with Fred and Ruth Family Members Announce Mother's Forthcoming Vows Christine. Alan Joan and Philip Wallner of Harvard announce the forthcoming marriage on Dec 9 of their mother. Shirley, to William H Hi own of West Chicago Mr. Brown owns Prestige Nursery and Garden Center in West Chicago Had Him Worried After being KO'd in the tenth round, the fighter came to and talked to his handlers "I had htm worried for auhile," the loser contended, "he thought he d kil led me. " cfyublsn. Cux[ Stautu <z>a[on _] i i (Ufian 4 icj iuincj to all my customers and thanking you very much for your patronage. 344-1019 i212 N Green St. (Ofc. 8) McHenry A Community NOVEMBER 21 "Oldies But Goodies' -Mt Hope Methodist church, meeting at noon-Chapel Hill country club-lunch and social hour CONTRACT SPECIALS •New Homo* •Model Homes •Apartments PROFESSIONAL Small Office & Household CLEANING •Light Housekeeping *Carpet Cleaning •Inside Windows •Weekly-Bi-monthly •COUPONS FOR Monthly XMAS GIFTS CALL 385-0283 TODAY Quick-witted During a study of the Rev­ olutionary War batt le of Sar­ atoga, the class quickly learned that the batt le U QS probably lost because General Will iam Howe chose to remain in Philadelphia uith his troops When th«• teacher later asked the clas.% t i t explain this major Urit ish defeat , an ansuer came from the back of the room Lack of no Hon e " PAGE ?• PUINDKAI£R • Tl'KSOAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1978 RECIPE FOR A DELIGHTFUL NE W DISH! NOVEMBER 26 St Patrick's CCD Third annual citrus sale at the church after Masses-for further in formation, call 385-8268 NOVEMBER 27 McHenry Senior Citizens club meeting-7:30 p.m.-West Campus cafeteria-Union 76 chorus McHenry Women's club Board Meeting City hall-10 am NOVEMBER 29 McHenry Pigtail league meeting-Nov. 29-7:30 pm at f i rehouse-All interested parents are invited to attend. NOVEMBER 30 Executive committee meeting-W'oodstock-McHenry League of Women Voters-9 a.m.-home of Mrs Ted Floro, Woodstock Girl Scout Neighborhood meeting 9:15 a.m.-St. Patrick's hall DECEMBER 2 McHenry Choral club Christmas program-815 p m - West Campus auditorium FoxRidge Women's club dinner-dance fund raiser at Hunter country club, Rich­ mond PiAlpha bake sale DECEMBER 3 McHenry Choral club Christmas program 8 15 p m.- West Campus auditorium Auxiliary to McHenry hospital-matinee theater party- "Guys and I)olIs"-Marriott Lincolnshire bus leaves McHenry at 1 30-information at hospital gift shop or 385-8633 DECEMBER 5 Whispering Oaks bus to Chicago Loop leaves Com munity center at 8 45 a m - Rides available for senior citizens and residents-call 385 8518 by Dec 1 DECEMBER 6 Annual Salad Luncheon and Fashion Show-1130 am.-St. John's Home and School association Johnsburg com munity club STAFF PHOTO - WAYNE GAYLORD MR. AND MRS. KRISTOPHER STRUCK HOMlT 1!V HANOVER PARK - Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher Strucifc have been making their home in Hanover Park, (b., following theft* candlelight wedding ceremony. Oct. 7 at 5 p.m. at Nativity Lutheran church. Wonder Lake. The bride, the former Wendy McComb, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kurk McComb, 7818 Wooded Shore drive. Wonder Lake. The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. George Struck, 8801 Golf road. Des Plaines. Both the bride and the groom are graduates of McHenry high school. A reception was held following the ceremony at Andre's in Richmond for 170 guests. The couple took a wedding trip to Fontana. Wise. •SSSRSSSSSSSSS^iK!:!1^-^^ Luncheon Celebrates Fortieth Anniversary Mr and Mrs Joseph M Freund were special guests at a recent luncheon given in honor of their forthcoming fortieth anniversary. Nov 24 The celebration was planned and hosted by three of their daughters. Josephine of Woodstock Carol Jean of McHenry. and Elizabeth Jane of Crystal Lake Marie Lazonsky. who was the Freund's maid of honor, was able to be present, along with other relatives The couple was married Nov 24. 1938. in Cary. 111. HOLIDAY FASHION SHOW - Models pictured above, from left, Kristen and Brendan McCormack, Kim Comstock, and Kiersten Huemann. join Martha Freund in inviting all area residents to attend and enjoy the Salad Luncheon and Fashion show being sponsored by St. John's Home and School association, with DECEMBER 7 C D of A meeting-Christmas social-7 30 pm K of C hall PiAlpha regular meeting Mrs Sandy Etten. hostess Mrs Fawn Vail giving program "Career" ' DECEMBER 9 St Patricks CCD Citrus Fruit Pickup -church hall , Washington street -9 a m -3 pm DECEMBER It) Christmas Sing Along at St Patrick's church 7 p m church » all fashions being provided by Genevieve's and the Toddler Shop. The date of this fund-raiser and day of enjoyment is Wednesday, Dec. 6. from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the door. MACARONI AND HAM BAKE DECEMBER l*> Moose members children's Christinas party 2 to 1 pm Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Remove lid from foil tray of Macaroni and Cheese and bake in the oven for 25 minutes. Saute mushrooms, ham and onion in the butter. Remove the Macaroni and Cheese from the oven and combine with the mushrooms, ham, onion and milk in a shallow I-quart.baking dish. Sprinkle the top wjth Cheddar cheese. Return to own for an additional 20 minutes or until hot and bubbling: Makes J servings. 1 1 1 1 ' / j 11 oz. package of Macaroni & Cheese can (3 oz.) sliced mushrooms, drained cup diced cooked ham cup minced onion tablespoon butter cup milk cup shredded Cheddar cheese

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