PAGE S - PLAINDE ALER - FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 24.1»78 flPOUCE TICKETSfl The City of McHenry Police department has issued the following tickets Bradley A Brown. S917 Sunset drive. Wonder Lake, failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident Paul W. Monahan. 4501 Ham Die road, speeding 49 mph in a 35 zone Christine R Grun^t 7202 Salem road. Wonder Lake speeding 51 mph in a 35 zone Daniel K Smith 2615 \pache trail speeding 45 mph in a 10 zone Gary V* Peterson 7303 Eisenhower Wonder Lake speeding 45 in a 30 zone Helen M Freund 4421 VK Ponca speeding 50 mph in a X> zone Judith A Fischer Car pentersvilie disnbe>ed a stop sign •. VSillian> D Carlson. 14M9 Arabian Spur speeding. 45 mph in a 25 zone Nancy P Busse TOO S Barreville road speeding 46 mph in a «» zone --.--1^: Susan R Bland. 5008 Dart moor drive. disobeyed a stop sign Thomas M Harazin 1908 Flower street speeding. 51 mph in a 35 rone Ted A Konnig. 318 Mineral Springs speeding 49 m ph in a 35 zone Randal) T Miles Skokie speeding 50 mph in a 35 zone Carol M Radke 5009 Cambridge speeding 51 mph in a 35 2<>ne N i na T Sh ugure 1422 Sun - nyside street speeding 50 mph in a 35 zone Charles A Yiolett 1221 t^uinc> avenue speeding 48 rri ph m a 35 zone Louis R seertoli Crystal Lake failure to yield Vicki L Workirtger. 2929 V\ Sterling drive, unsafe tires and failure to yield Mark W Costigan. 1908 N. Millstream drive, disobeyed a stop sign. Cecilia M. Gerdes, 4618 Garden Quarter, disobeyed a stop s»gn T Michaei V. Berlin. 7316 Chippewa drive. Wonder Lake, speeding 41 mph in a 25 zone Edward G Leinhard 711 S Hilltop boulevard, speeding. 42 mph in a 30 zone Guy G Robinson. 7501 Cedar drive Wonder Lake speeding. 43 mph in a 30 zone Daniel T Russell Jfio N Highland drive speeding 50 mph m a 30 zone Walter J Truszkowski 4508 Willow lane speeding 44 mph in a 30 zone Nanc\ J Wcttmg 1209 Rolling lane, speeding 42 mph in a 25 zpne Martin A Carr.pbeU. 2608 W Baidwrn road no \alid safe!> test Erwin J Kacena. 4721 W Prairie avenue, speeding. 44 mph in a 30 zone Joseph S Noeller. 1019 Hooks lane, disobeyed a stop sign Robert M. Roewer. 2701 Kashmiri road disobeyed a stop sign Arthur Haggerty. 5206 W Shore drive, failure to yield Keith M. Jensen. 2608 Mid Oak lane, failure to yield Daniel J Duffy, 4820 W. Willow lane, disobeyed a stop sign and open transportation of alcoholic liquor David Simek. 2812 Aloha court disobeyed a stop sign. Thomas G Thompson. 2622 Mid Oak lane, disobeyed a stop sign Ricardo N Nabong. Jr., Crystal Lake, speeding. 47 mph in a 30 zone DarryJ F May. 1723 W Church street speeding 40 mph in a 25 zone Ronald J McArthur. 3021 Victoria avenue, speeding. 41 mph in a 25 zone. THE LARGEST INVENTORY OF WATER PUMPS IN THE MIDWEST WE SERVICE ALL BRANDS •All oi Pump •Cop' *® Air To>»fc» / T Wf ^ •(w»ryrh,f»9 W«<»' /I1 y / Vte*-THE HOu5E THAT GOOD ) WELLS v 1 11,-- Tlfj-n " \ E L l -SRpY C 0 U N T Y , , c " A P / 8 1 5 3 8 5 - 5 2 5 2 \ ^ u ^ P c o . > C tVlt r WELL & 3200 N 8ICHMCNE *E SOUTE 3! NO'TM McHENRY III This c l in ic will cover instal lat ion for v inyl Learn f rom the experts, then doi t -voursei t and save An expert instal ler wi l l be in the store to answer al l your quest ions and give pract ical t ime and monev-saving ideas for vou Congoleum INSTALLATION CLINIC SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 10:30 a.m. Vinyl Carpeting Installations * G \ £ D A V O N L Y , S A T U R D A Y , N O V E M B E R 2 5 t h . ALL Congoleum 'NO-WAX FLOORING ON SALE ' ' F R E E D R A W I N G F O R 2 0 S Q Y D S O F N O - W A X C O N G O L E U M C U S H I O N F L O O R S U P R E M E * ' S P E C I A L P U R C H A S E O F 1 2 R O L L S , O V E R 15 PATTERNS $1.75 to $7 .99 sq >d * O V E R 1 0 0 6 ' A N D 1 2 V I N Y L N O - W A X R E M N A N T S A L L P R I C E D A T - O N L Y $ 5 . 0 0 S Q Y D D U R I N G T H I S O N E D A Y S A L E ' A S K F O R T I D Y ' S E X P E R T I N S T A L L A T I O N . 2 9 Y E A R S O F C O N T I \ U O U S S E R V I C E A N D C R A F T S M A N S H I P Do your k i tchen, Bathroom, Ut i l i ty Room or Fami ly Room before Chr is tmas. CARPETS & AREA RUGS TIDY 'So pure necessc', a inner need not be present to *tn 200 Washington ( ^ r ** , Aoodstoch Illinois ( 815)338 1000 HOURS MON TUES WED THURS FRI 8 9 SAT 8 5 SUN 12 5 Jeffrey DLeitheiser -ystal Lake speeding. 42 mj , a 25 zone Anne M Larsen. Richmond, speeding. 52 mph in a 35 zone Dawn La buy. 3203 Skyway dnve. speeding. 42 mph in a 25 zone. • • ': , / Dean A. Halkrod 4802 E. Lake Shore drive. Wonder Lake overweight and violation of classification Cornelius Goggelink. Woodstock, speeding 40 mph in a 25 zone Ronald E Franks. 350! Shephard Hill dnve. speeding. 41 mph ina5 zone Terry C. Douglas 4314 South street speeding 42 mph in a 25 zone Elaine R Dunat. 711 An na belle. disobeyed a stop sign Gerald L Dominique 211 \ Timothy street, speeding 50 mph in a 30 zone Janet C. Demien. '3725 Garfield disobeyed a stop sign Dorothy M Cusack. 4508 E Wonder Lake road. Wonder Lake speeding 45 mph in a 30 zone Giuseppe Biundo. Schiller Park, overweight Dawn M Beshk. 5010 W Maple Hill drive, speeding. 49 mph in a 30 zone f W' ' v\ PRESENT PLAYS - Eighth graders at llarrUon school are presrntlng three comic one act plays on Nov. 30 at 7:30 p.m.: "A Woman's World", directed hy Joanne lligglns; "A Howling Success", directed by Mary Cooper; and "Cinderella Revisited", directed h> Helinda Reed. Shown above, discussing some changes fn the opening scene from "Cinderella Revisited" are, from left. Dawn Stum. Ms. Reed. Dawn Jacobsen, Anna Ruzicka and lleldl Dass. Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the door. -- Affix Expiration Stickers To License bentrmseHwc the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning 0*0. ' j D«y A* Mm » • m 1 t i* 1 p «• S P m HALF DAY Mon. thru Thurs R USE MAC c eans f e »ay profess ona s ao ^ at a t rac t cn o f the cos t . RHr l <« FH., SAT., I SUN $000 .1 m «« mn jmi hou* j . «*j ts X wn OVERNIGHT FECIAL' 1 0 0 9 M • 9 0 0 A M $10.00 a HORMSBYS ^ to rn»I y (fnfrri -- ii 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILL. Illinois motorists receiving new 1979 multi-year license plates should affix the ex piration sticker to one of the 1979 plates immediately, even though Dec 1 is the first day the plates may l>e displayed. Secretar> of State Alan J Dixon said this vu-ek This will prevent loss of the small sticker Dixon explained that" the sticker is enclosed in a small plastic bag tap**fi to the hack of the II) card lje listed lour things to do upon receipt of plates and sticker I ) Head and follow the iri structions printed on the hag Remember, the stic ker goes on the new 1979 plate that you attach to the rear of your automobile 2 » Affix the sticker im mediately If you received a blue 1979 sticker, it should be placed in the upper left corner of one of the plates If you have a red I9H0 sticker, it goes over the 79 in the upper right corner of the new plate 3 i The plate with the sticker should IK* mounted at the rear of your car when plates may legally l>e displayed any time after Dec 1 4.) Don't test the sticker on another surface, such as a counter top or refrigerator It won't come off LOWEST PRICES EVER!!! OVERTON CADILLAC - PONTIAC Route 31 & 120 McHenry (815) 385-6000 'JF' Christmas Open House SUNDAY. NOV. 26, 9:00-5:30 Flowers - Flowers - Flowers PLUS 4 New Shops The Potted Plant The Country Peddler Antiques Jewelry REFRESHMENTS -- GIFTS -- REGISTRATION * Harvard 'Woodstock JFlouipr ©art 20605 Route 14 East Harvard, Illinois 943 4371 943-5032 around the comer from The Heritage House 1 mile from Hirvatrl OPEN DAILY 9 00 - 5 30 WE HONOR MASTER CHARGE, VISA AMERICAN EXPRESS. DINERS Clim «?