Adjustable Life MMMAM r J CAMNTRRTÂ roWW Ov*T«> VyekM* McHENRY'S BUSINESS COMMUNITY BYRNES BROS INC. REALTORS 4307 W Rte 120 McMenry 385 6900 McHENRY DRAPERY t CARPET CO D53N GimnSl McMenry 385 7S3> WEATHERVANE SHOP 1313 N Rfve'vdeDr McMenry 385 0884 AC E VACUUM 1323 N R verside Dr McMenry 344 089S McHENRY CO. WELL AND PUMP 3200 Richmond Rd McHenry 381) 52S2 CAREY APPLIANCE 1241 N G'een St McMenry 385 5500 McHENRY STATE BANK 35 VON Hm St MiMeniy 385 1040 C R CHUCK PETERSON INS 3322 f'mSt McMenry 385 1 3J ! VYCITAL S HARDWARE t 24V N Green St McMenry 385 0098 PETALS ft STEMS 3301 W Elm St McMenry 385 4747 McGEE S STORE FOR MEN I 245 N NAc Hpn» y 385 004' NELSON ELECTRONICS 601 S Rte 31 McHENRV 385 7263 OVERTON CADILLAC PONTIAC III2N (font St Mr Menr y 38^6000 PINE TREE PET SHOP 2102 t Rte >20 MtHenry 3^5 6220 , QUALITY TIRE INC 7401 Sp' mg G'Rd Sp" r ,gG'Ove 675 2378 RIVERSIDE HAIRSTYLING 2020 W Rte 120 Mc Henr y 385 7010 THE TODDLER SHOP 3430 A Hm St McHenry 385 0746 IRENE S CULLOM KNOLL 3018 N H, koryDc McHenry 385 9712 TONES MUSIC AND ELECTRONICS IM9VV HmSt McHenry 38 5 4 646 WHAT S UP RECORDS AND TAPES 3421 B Pecjr I St M( Henr y 144 2626 BRAKE PARTS CO 600 N Industr'q ! Dr McHenry 385 7000 RADICOM INC 2604 N Chopel Hil l Rd MCHemy 385 4224 PAYTON CHEVROLET 908 N front St McMenry 385 2100 TAMI'S FURNITURE 4605 W Rte 120 McHenry 385 9292 V.F. W VETERAN S CLUB J002 A Rte 120 McHenry 385 9860 CARL WOERNER HEATING ft COOLING 3511S WnghtRd McHenry 459 2300 O E A CONSTRUCTION CO. 1307 N Richmond 344 1632 MILLSTREAM UNION 76 3702 W [ImSl Mr Henry 34 4 2510 THE SHUTTER HUT Rte 12 S Rte 120 volo 344 1888 MUNSON MARINE Rte 12 Volo 385 2720 OAK PARK HOTEL ft LOUNGE 80' W Ook Grove Rd McHenry 385 9872 OLD BRIDGE TAVEPN . 33d N Rivei S d« Or M< Henry 385 0305 McHENRY PRINTING SERVICES 3909 W Mom St McMenry 385 7600 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF McHENRY 3814 W flmSt McHenry 385 5400 COAST TO COAST 4400 W Rte 120 McMenry 385 6655 THE FASHION SHOPPE 1007 N FiontSt McMenry "385 "47 TORKELSON LINCOLN MERCURY 461 I W Rte 120 McMenr, 344 1200 CHAIN O LAKES TRAVEL 3405 sV i lmV MiHen-t 385 "J < ERA BEHRENS ft ZAUN REALTORS V)l ' A S' l- '?} M Hji , J4- ' j ' U SUPREME MUFFLER ft AUTOMOTIVE CENTER V '20 MaVr, J44 1 04 GIES SHOES .1307 N R .e<vd« D' McHenry 385 2801 McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB 820 fJ Jotin S1 McMeniy (85 '0'2 McHENRY PAINT GLASS & WAUPAPER 34' I W Elm St McHenry J-- \ ' J53 GENEVIEVE S IJI5N R'ver sid*' Dr M.Mc-nry 385 023h ARIZONA SUN 3321 W Elm St Mc Hen r y 3»5 183) SHAMROCK CLEANERS 4400 W Rte 120 Mc Menr y 385 IJ44 MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS & IOAN 4400 W Rte 120 McHenry 34J 1900 LETIZ IA F INANCIAL CORPORATION REALTORS 7402 Honcocl« U' Wori' iei Loke '2h ;>4U4 3H1; GRANVILLE SORNSON STATE FARM INS I 303 N R,chm,,nd Rd v He- ,» >H5 If./*' CRESCENT BAY LANDING 3309 U Chopel H; ' R : , -j fH', HM99 FRANS HIDDEN CURL 1 2 1 2 N G' ee" S* Of c 8 M< ¥ ,4^ 01° L ITTLE JOHNS 121 IN R.vei Rd McHemy 3 a ' . . M 'J RDG ERA REALTY 920 N front St McHenr, .Jc'.INj JOS H HUEMANN f t SONS INC 2020 W Johrsbu'gRd U 4 TOM HUEMANN WATER CONDIT IONING McHENRY AUTO PARTS 33I8W Pec S' ( iHmii , 18'. 13080 McHENRY S FAVC <ITE SPORT CENTER ' 2 1 0 N Offer. S Mr Hen' y >HS •» McHENRY HC ,AE FURNISHINGS 46'HW Rte 120 McHe...y IF , +1 « McHENRY LUMBER CO 40 10 W Mum M. He*... * .if,.» McHENRY OFFICE SUPPLY 1260 G.een St M-Me. , if ', h, BOB S AUTO BODY ' , 1 v\ R'.. 1 2f. v. . KISHWAUKEE TITLE CO ESSEX f t COSTEUO REAl ESTATE tK.4 N F 'O' ' S' V '<• MR DON S CLEANERS BEN FRANKI IN McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ACE HARDWARE ADAMS BROS RADIATOR SER & STEEL D IV 3006 S (003 W R'e . V ADAMS ENTERPRISES ADAMS I AWN & LEISURE ALEXANDER IUMBER CO BOB S COLORS GAIEWA t ASs tu iA I t s RE A L T ORs LEE & RAY ELECTRIC THE BOOKMARK THE CASUAL SHOPPE CHAPEL H i l l GOLF C IU6 COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY EUROPA MOTORS FOX RIVER VA l lO BOA' CO GEO P EREUND GOODYEAR TIRE CENTER BYRNES BROS. INC. REALTORS ttfio recently selected to join forces with BETTER HOMES & GARDENS REAL ESTATE SERVICE. Through BETTER HOMES & GARDENS REAL ESTATE SERVICE, BYRNES BROS. I NC. now offers a Home Protection Plan thaf protects the buyer of your home from major costs for repairs or replacement of specified systems and appliances for a full year from the date of closing. If you want to make your home stanH out from the crowd and niak^ i t more desirable to prospective buvers, contact BYRNES BROS. INC. REALTORS, vour BETTER HOMES & GARDENS REAL ESTATE SERVICE MEMBER at 815-: t85-6900. THE MCHENRY STATE BANK is proud of its growing trust department, evidence that the citizens of this area are becoming more aware of the use of land trusts and the need for estate planning. Lenora Frisb.v and Bob Schneider offer vou experience and expertise. Why not stop in at MCHENRY STATE BANK and ask what our trust services can do for you. If you are Interested In receiving a monthly trust brochure, free of charge, please call MCHENRY STATE BANK at 385-1040. THE MCHENRY STATE BANK is expanding to belter serve ihe community and is ready to serve your every ttunbinv iicmI from its main buildinu on the corner of Elm and Green streets. With the hoiidaxs up«»n uv-Mt IIKNRY IHtAI'Lin would l ike you to slop in and see th« i r selet ii<>n o | table l inens for ever\da\ and i l" HoHdavs, alonu Atth l lu i r bath accessories and draperies. Mi III NH\ DR APERY AND( \KPI l ^ «»MP \N\ i .K-ated at t N. Green sired, al-" t t rues a wide varielv >1 wallpaper btMiks. Come t<> Mt l l f .M'N DK \ l ' ! HV | t is t to browse and li»ok al then fabulous h.»me accessories. Stop in at M< III Nl!> ' \P« »n >M> c \RPfT COMPANA t<> ac i |uainn*<l. PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 24 !»7R I \ Are you l(N>king for that new winter coat? Then stop at McGEE'S STORE FOR MEN AND BOYS on Green street. McGEE'S has a complete inventory of winter coats and jackets, including famous name brands like McGregor. Adler and Field and Stream. A wide selection of leather coats and jackets is also available, like this glazed lamb leather jacket with orlon pile lining by Field and Stream, being worn by Chris Wert?. Down jackets as well as polar guard lined jackets are also available al McGEE'S. A large selection of brand name sweaters by Jansen. Cobb Hill, McGreg«ir and Jockey are ready for you to choose from, for yourself or a Christmas gift for someone special. inow s ine liinr I«r Chrislr.:: !:y- aways, while a full selection is still available. Shop McGEE'S. Mastercharge and Visa are welcome. Vennen Ward, owner of i l lK WEATIIERV \NK isl lOIV holds a lovely crewel embroidered pil low worked in crewel wools on « l inen background. This is onls one example to be found in the complete art-needlework l ine available in III! WEATHER VAN F SHOP Competent saleswomen. Barbara. Mary and Donna under the professional guidance of Mrs. Ward, are there to assist \ ou in making a selection from the main crafts available al THE W E ATHEIU XNFSIIOP \ isi t u tr . v\ r . . \ i nr . ivVAM . SHOP ;ind know the joxous adventure of making fabrics come alive. IIII WEATHERVANE SIKH' on Riverside drive is open from 9a.m. to5 p.m. dail \ and is closed Sundav A & E 1 VACUUM SHOPS. INC., sel l and repair al l makes and models of vacuums and industr ial machines, including such famous makes as Hoover , Eureka, Premier, Kirbv, Royal , Advance, Fil ter Queen, Rainbow, Silver Knight. Silver King. A & E VACUUM SHOPS, INC., managed by Bil l Barber, also sel ls rebuil t vacuums and hags for al l makes and models are available. Located on Riverside drive, A & E \ \< I U.MS has most vacuum parts in stock and two-day service is usually available. Stop in at A & E VACUUM sil t U'S. INC. They handle everything for a vacuum. MCHENRY COUNTY WELL AND PI MP uses nothing but the best . Only American galvanized steel is used on a MCHENRY COUNTY WELL AND PUMP well , which makes a permanent well and al lows any future work to be done on the well if needed. The Ik 'sI equipment is used to and economical system. Located at .{2iH» N. Richmond road < Route 31), MCHENRY l Ol VIA WELL AND PUMP has equipment for al l your water needs, including sump pumps, cvater f i l ters and water softeners. MCHENRY cot NTY WELL AND PI MP invites you to visi t them and see their displays and cutaways ti l pumps and other inert handise sold. Shown displaying one of the most advanced line of countertop Microwave ovens is Dor. W'elngart of Carey Appliance. The microwaves are made by Litton and are capable of cooking 1, 2, or 3 foods, even a complete meal at once in the Litton Meal-In-One microwave. CAREY APPLIANCE, located on Green street, features many household appliances including washers, dryers, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, ranges, compactors and air conditioners and a complete line of small appliances. Name brands like Maytag, GE. Crown, Speed Queen, Westinghouse, Amana and Zenith televisions are available at CAREY APPLIANCE. When you're in the market for a new appliance, you need to know who will repair it, if and when it needs servicing. Go to CAREY APPLAINCE, they service what they sell. Janet Diedrichof VYC1TAL S IIARDW \KI looks over a part of the f igurine display in th> toft department at VYCITAL'S. Many Christmas gift ideas are available at VYviTAL-S, where fr iendly, knowledgeable and very helpful service is always offered. Located at the same location on Green street as i t has bet n s ince mini . VYCITAL'S offers free gif t wrapping ami i lay-away plan for your Christmas gif ts . VYCLI XL'S begin their special Christmas evening shopping hours December 7. So whether you need a gif t for someone special , or just nuts and bolts , shop VYCITAL 'S HARDW ARE PETALS AND STEMS is the "personal service florist". They now have many blooming plants in stock for Christmas, as well as many cut f lower arrangements. Many Christmas je«nterpieccs are also available at PETALS AND STEMS, and a large selection of unusual artif icial decorations for Christmas are on display. Open seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sundays until noon, PETALS AND STEMS also features fresh wreaths and outdoor decorations. Located at 3301 W. Elm street, PETALS AND STEMS offers free delivery service throughout McHenry county, and for f lowers for those special ones not l iving in the area, both FTD and Telefloral wire services can send flowers around the world. Make flowers or a floral arrangement from PETALS AND STEMS that perfect Christmas gift. ADJUSTABLE LIFE ADJUSTABLE LIFE ADJUSTABLE LIFE An entirely new concept in the life insurance industry, ADJUSTABLE LIFE, which enables you to design your own insurance policy, is available at CHUCK PETERSON INSURANCE. Chuck Peterson and Paul Jenkins, business associates here in McHenry for The Bankers Life, would like to discuss further, the merits of this relatively new insurance concept. Call Chuck at 385-1331 or Paul at 385-8588 to learn m o r e a b o u t ADJUSTABLE LIFE INSURANCE - policies.