PAGE 14 - PLA1NDEALER - FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 24,1971 .-*n»naKraa am M t l« n $245 |H.luwi*a'HO itH« Cl*u?'vf • CO. 421 k*n l»" Ml in *»m BOOKKEE MUl Oftl tfettotiTu Qtioim Ml 0 B !>'<«> MM KM • n-4 ton « WARRINGTON * tal'r 77' •"•f"'*;, *0M « jtCY«ff »-x !> 14 '•% . I '|V./,«| 1 lr%-- VIAIDS--*" It WS Ilk f tdmta Occ HI-1200 , lie* 4 Inform-' I ^OiEST HILLS 4«M«! i?v No cosh ,/elurids on prapoid ods Cords of Thank* In Momonom Situation Wonted Wonted to Rent Wonted to Buy ond Oaioqe Soles MUST be poid in odvonte fhe Plomdeolef >% not responsible tor error* m dos*.f.ed ods ottar the tir*t insertion Chech your od oltar the first mser tion ond coll our attention to ony mistakes OfflCI HOURS: MON -F*l 1:30 A M to S 00 P M SATURDAY f-12 P.M. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER --MONDAY 4P.M. FRIDAY PAPER- WEDNESDAY 4P.M. PHONE 385-0170 AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS BUSINESS SlftUICiS MOUSE PAINTING, interior and exterior, very reasonable rail HI 5-344-2963 or if no answer 815-385 5564 ll-15tfc BACKHOE WORK footings, underground piping, septic Systems, call Phil 815-923-2431 State Licensed 11-ltfc Painting by THE PAINT CONNECTION interior and Exterior Holiday Specials' For free estimate, call 815 385 or 312 658 3358 10 25 12-6c FREE PICK UP JUNK CARS and trucks, dav or night 815 459 0081 n-itfc ROOFING PROBLEMS" Let me solve them excellent quality and competitive prices Just Kite Roofing. 344-1548 11 life Hauling, Cleaning out houses, garages, most anything you have, will haul off trash Reasonable call 815 344 052f 11- 112 1c i AUTO GLASS Replaced or repaired at your home or \ place of business. Also plexiglas storm doors and windows. West Suburban Auto Glass 455-1470 II I 7 It II U 1976 Ford F100 302, V8, automatic, power steering, AM-FM stereo with aluminum top. 38,000 miles, must sell $2950 00 Days 815-344-1103 evenings312 742 8296 11 8tfc euswtss strums NEED CARPET CLEANED" Call Ralph's Floor Service 815 648-2256 11 1 11 29c C & E WE HAUL Pulverized top soil, gravej for driveways, pea gravel, sand, etc 815 653 4616 10-25 11 24c J & S Gl'NSMITHING. Jim Grutzmacher. Gunsmith Call 815-344 0566 II life * B & S * SNOW PLOWING * 24 Hr. Immediate Service. Low Rates. CALL * * 815-344-1577 For Free Estimate LEOPOLD CONSTRUCTION * NEW HOMES * ROOM ADDITIONS • ANYTHING YOU WANT DONt IN CARPENTRY 497-3990 PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS 1972 Cadillac Sedan DeVille, lully loaded $1500 or best offer. Call after 5pm 815-653-5746 11- 22 12-lc 71 BUICK SKYLARK $250 or best offer 815-385-0402. 11-24 BUSINESS jfijgj DO YOU NEED HOSPITALIZATION IN SURANCE? Call us. Sun derlage Insurance Agency 815- 338-3328. 11-24 Motorcycle Srfowmobile-Mini- bike. Sales and Service. I M S " 3 1 2 5 8 7 - 1 9 9 9 , 5 2 0 Rollins Rd . Fox Lake. II. 11-24 N E E D P L U M B I N G REPAIRS7 24 hr service. Ceramic tile work and bathroom remodeling. 312-497- 4085 11-15-1l-24c 1969 Buick Electra, 4 door hardtop, full power good condition. 815 385-0814 11-17-11- 24c BUSINESS SiBUKfS t McHENRY A SERVICE - Alt TYPES WELDING SPECIALIZING IN * Boat Prop Repairs "Custom Trailer Hitches 2912 W. *ta. 120 McHanry 815-385-4929 JJ 24 HOUR TOWING COMPLETE HEAVY DUTY SPECIALIST IWCORWfCT PHONE NO. IN PHOHE BOOK CALL 385-6323 McHENRY, ILLINOIS HEATIN6 PROBLEMS? CALL 815-344-1008 And receive feme dey service repairs from the trained professionals at FOUR SEASONS HEATING SERVICE 24H0UR EMERGENCY REPAIRS We re small and so are our prices *21.00 Service Charge Save this ad for easy reference FRAN'S JtINK HAULING YOU NAME IT- WK'LL HAUL IT ( VI I. 159-7944 FREE ESTIM ATES. < \I.L ANYTIME. II 111 29 mcsm ADAMS REPAIR SHOP • Lawn Mowers • Small Engines • Machine Shop 1910 W BAY ROAD McHENRY, ILL. 385-2534 H 3 Tf 2 • Porchti •Garagas •Patios CHUCK'S 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE For All Your TOWING * TOWING NEEDS * STARTING PROBLEMS * TOW BAR RENTAL Two Phones For Service! 385-5840 385-0 REMODELING SPECIALISTS PROMPT SERVICE •Sasamants •Pomlly Room* •Room Additions t Repairs O.E.A. Construction 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 I NEED SOMETHING DONE? I I BITTERMAN S E P T I C , . INSTALLATIOI^X-/, AND REPAIR •Excavating °Foundations •Driveways 385-7791 4907 W AAcCullom I ok a Road McHanry. III. Modern Chimney Sweeping Prevent Chimney Fires e15-459-3702 RUSSELL RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING • REPAIRS • ELECTRIC SEWER RODDING Installation ef MW septies 315-305-6445 -- w *>-• •Corpantry •Camant Work •Potion •Naw Hcmti •Roofing •Siding •Addition* No Job Too Large Or Small CALL J.S. BLAKE CONSTRUCTION 385-5593 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling ot Older Homes Kitchen bath window & door replacement Wt BUILD 'Garagas •Room Additions Patio Dackt < •Construction of | Naw Homas No Job T oo Big or Too Smjll WE AIM TO PLEASE FREE.ESTIMATES 815-385-4937 Alter 5 pm and weekend^ r "ITHTH AUL~ " "jj ! D & D ! • MATERIAL! 'DECORATIVE STONE. ETC. I * BLACK DIRT •SAND 'GRAVEL Call after 4:00 P.M. 815-385-1970 • IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILI CUNAT BROTHERS 1 GENERAL CONTRACTORS * RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL * AGRICULTURAL | Sarving McHanry County Arao S Quality work at raasonable prices 815-385-6513... J IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIlfF CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ^CH !• or All ^ our V«-<In... i„..ri»r,i» (.11. RODGKRS, JR. >|it'«-itili»|R. in Wall I ovt-riiifg •CAW AS •UAH KS •KOII-S •KVI.ARS •Mi l KKKIM>:II.IN(,S l*roft*MMioiiiill> - IIIMIHI ICII l«» M»iir IVrionnl S|H'<*ifi<'ulie»iix! CALL Gil at 815-385-4312 GRADUATE Of UNITED SI A If S SCMOOl Of PROflSSlONAl PAHIK MANCIN<# / Htlp! I need tu JJO to THE PI U K. i i'r' n THE PLACE F u r n i t u r e K e f i n i n h i n ^ a n d R e p a i r 385-5437 GENERAL HAULING * Crushad rood groval • Groda 9 for drivawoys • Pao Groval a Sand * Block Dirt 815-385-5827 815-385-4835 JOHN FICKEN, JR >' I I I I I I I R & D CONSTRUCTION Specializing in Concrete & Carpentry •Sidewalks •Steps •Patios •Slabs •Driveways •Remodeling •Additions •Garages •Roofing •Porches •Basements for Free Estimate Call: 497-3707 - or - 338-8118 1 I I I I I I I hr- V I •Siding S • Soffit t Focio iSIDING! • Combination Storm I Windows ond Scroont L»i-« ' 1977 FORD PICK UP XLT. blue w-blue and white topper 351 engine w 4 barrel, chrome wheels w-4 new tires, lots of extras. $4,100. firm 312-772- 3918 11 -22-11 -24c 1973 OLDS OMEGA. a power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof and new tires $1100.00 negotiable 815-385-6273 or 312- 771-7564 11-17-11 -24c HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY EV0! 1977 MGB, yellow, rust proof, am-fm stereo tape, luggage rack, pin stripped, mint condition, $4500.00 Call 526-9351. 11-24-12-8C 1967 Buick Wildcat, asking $300 815-385-2820 11-24 1973 Hornet station wagon, excellent condition. 815-344- 3952. 11-24-11-29 1963 Bonneville Convertible, very good condition. 65,000 miles. 815-385-9712or 385-3517. 11-24 1971 Ford Pinto, red. 4 speed, good tires, no rust or dents. $795,815-459-0666. 11-24 1973 SAAB 99 EMS. quick start fuel injection, front wheel drive, good condition. $1500. or best offer 653-7156 Call after 5pm. 11-24-12-8 1972 BUICK ESTATE WAGON, good running condition, needs body work. $600 or best offer. 338-8491 After 5:00 pm 11-24- 11-29 1971 Dodge Charger (needs small amount of body work* $400 Call 815-385-2055. 11-24 1972 CHEVY NOVA V8 - 2 door. $700 or best offer 344-2486. 11- 24-12-lC 1974 Chevy Vega Hatchback, good condition. $750. 815-385- 3938. 11-24 1968 Chevy, one owner, low mileage, good second car. $400. firm 815-385-9836. 11-24-11-29 1973 Plymouth Fury. Air conditioned, disc brakes, powersteering, $950. 815-653- 9766. 11-24 1967 Dodge, 6 cyl snow tires $150 . 815-344-0916 after 6:30 pm or weekends 11-24 1973 Chevy Impala. full power, many extras, 53.000 miles, excellent condition, best offer over $1600 815-385-3508. 11-24- 11 29 1967 Mustang, by original owner, very good condition. V8 automatic, best offer 815-385- 2771. 11-22-11-24C 71 CHEVY VAN 307 automatic, good runner, lots of extras $850 or best offer 385-3258 11-22-11- 24c 1976 Torino, air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, AM-FM 8 track. 36.000 miles, $3200 or best offer 815-344-2960 after 5 pm 11-22-1 l-24c 1976 BUICK LIMITED, full power, excellent condition, $5,000.00 or best reasonable o f f e r 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 1 2 7 4 a f t e r 5 P M weekends. U-17-11-24C 1970 Buick LaSabre needs body work. Call Ken 815 385-0669 11-15-11-24C REAL ESTATE % HAPPY BIRTHDAY * Your No. I Fan ' VMW Maaifvi HAPPY BIRTHDAY Uncle Steeee! 1 .ti Love Jason, Carol, Jenny & Godchild Josh „,M Specializing in Countryside Properties and Farms Lata I Milhwy C-- n Of MLS LOVELY WOODED SETTING • "^Hys cho I wo odmtf i ^schorming 3 bad room Capo Cod homo i« locatod on o high xrtmfl lot in McHonry. Many oxtrot includo a 12 x8 onc losod porch, oxtra largo dotochod garago w/w carpoting. now fur- naco laka rights, ond low, low toxot Only $45,000.00. (815) 678-4555 (815) 675-2130 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANAGER R & D A U T O S E R V I C E 24 HOUR LIGHT & HEAVY DUTY TOWING AND STARTING SERVICE FOR CARS & TRUCKS r ^ -COMPLETE BODY SHOP - •8 385-7448 ESTIMATES 4250 W. Bull Valley Rd., V, mi. West of Rte 31 rvwvwv HAPPY 26th TELEPHONE ANSWERING & LETTER SERVICE **14 hour onswaring •orvtca and complota moiling torvico • Paging Sorvlca • Printing • Mtmoographing • Typing • Phototyping 3509 W Poor I St McHanry II 60050 JUDY & JASON 11 3 It J THIS HOME HAS IT ALL. Everything you've always wanted in a home we can offer you in this 3 bedroom plus, ranch style home with m bath, and a 2 car garage Attached redwood deck with gas barbecue and sliding glass doors All this plus fenced in rear yard and close to McHenry schools and shopping COME SEE NO 2829 AT $58,500 TODAY. WOODSTOCK VACANT PROPERTY. We have 30 plus acres available for $180,000 ($6,000 per acre) For more details, call and ask about No 2832. COUNTRY LIVING IS WHAT YOU GET with this 2 bedroom, face brick ranch style home with fireplace & wet bar in family room, sunken D.R , beamed ceilings. 2 baths and all this on waterfront property in secluded area within minutes from shopping, train and schools and nestled on 13 acres CALL TODAY ABOUT NO. 2856 DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL We have 15 75 plus acres available in Crystal Lake. Situated in area which is ideal for development. For further information, ask for No. 2820 at $169,000 FIVE MINUTES FROM THE TOLLWAY is all you 11 be when you purchase this newly constructed Tri Level home on 1.5 acres It has 4-5 bedrooms. 2 baths. Calif, driftwood fireplace in F.R. and No-wax kitchen flooring Carpeting allowance 2 car attached garage This is a quality custom built home in an area of prestigious homes CALL NOW ABOUT NO 2861 FOR $97,500. LETT US SHOW YOU this 2 bedroom frame ranch style home that has been completely remodeled and redecorated Has central air, and a basement ALL FOR ONLY $55,000 ON THIS NO 2842 FINANCING AVAILABLE!!! 2911W. Rout* 120 McH«nry, 11.60050 815-344-1244 CARY OFFICE: 312-639-3939 DUNDEE REALTYCO. <