Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1978, p. 2

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AT TOP DECK Kodak film WE SELL FILM JOIN US FOR SUNDAY BRUNCH 9 00 AM 1:00 PM Kodak Community Calendar Winter Prince and Princess Contest Kntry deadline Nov 27 Send to McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce Po6t Office Box 306 McHenry. 111. 60050 ' Children must be between the ages of 5 and 8 inclusive) Name Address Phone Age Sex Name of parent making nomination- NO "2ND EDITION' FRIDAY NITE ONLY, NOV. 24 WE WILL BE SERVING OUR: •LOBSTER SPECIAL as usual •PRIME RIB OF BEEF and also •ROAST DUCKLING TOP DECK 1232 N. Green St., McHenry 385-9836 MONDAY - New York Strip Steak TUESDAY - Fried Chicken (All You Can Eat) FAST FOTO Lakeland Park ff omen Plan Local (-raft. Bake Sale At the November meeting of the Lakeland Park Women's club the upcoming craft and bake sale to be held at Hornsby's. Saturday, Nov 25. from 9am was discused, and final plans were made Excellent gift items for the holidays will be available, as will home-made baked goods A report was given by craft chairlady, Mary Dobbins, regarding the progress of the Craft club, which has been meeting every Wednesday at the community house at 9:30 a m to work on various items, but will recess until after the holidays A brief resume and history of the club and its purposes was read by Lyda Radisch This has been an active club for twenty-two years; and some of the humorous events and experiences of the past furnished amusement for newer members The club's annual Christmas party will be held on Dec 14 at 6:30 p.m. at a local restaurant, and it is hoped that all dues wili be current by the time of this event The gift exchange will be a general grab bag. instead of being just between secret pals A person's gift package should be concealed in a brown bag Reservations may be made for the party through Sharon Gacek or Shirley Koch A spring dance is being planned, hopefully near March 17 Tentatively scheduled for May 6 is a Spaghetti dinner at the community house The meeting on Jan 4 will be a Pot Luck dinner at 6 p m at the community house The annual Spring Luncheon and Card Party was discussed, and more information will be forthcoming when the date is confirmed and chairpersons assigned • • • • The cure for most of the ills that beset the world is just plain, every­ day honesty. • * * * Parents who misun­ derstand their children have children who misun­ derstand their parents. • • * • Religion, we suspect, can be measured in an individual by manners displayed. American Legion Post 491 - RINGWOOD ROW. McHENRT - FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00 - 9:00 P.M.) PERCH -- ALL YOU CAN EAT OTHER MENU AVAILABLE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC MJM PRODUCTIONS COCKTAIL H<N K *OY- m>.-VKl).-TMt HV-m,|,U in I'tirr. SOOOf PHIL BLEDSOE AND CATHY Ml N YON APPROACHING MARRIAGE - Cathy Lynn Munyon. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holmes of Johnsburg. announce* her engagement and approaching marriage to Phil Bledsoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bledsoe of French Lick, Ind. Thev have set Feb. 10, 1979. as their wedding date. KATHY LIESER AUGUST VOWS-Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Lieser announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathy. to Larry Wegener, son of Mr. and Mrs. I^eRoy Wegener of Volo. The bride-elect is a graduate of McHenry high school, and is employed at McHenry State Bank. Her fiance is a graduate of Carmel high school, and is presently attending Marquette University. An August 1S79 wedding is being planned. MR AND MRS. WILLIAM J. BROGAN HI RETURN FROM FLORIDA--Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brogan III are making their home in Crystal Lake following a honeymoon to Orlando and Cocoa Beach in Florida. The couple was married Oct. 14 in St. Patrick's church. McHenry, at a 3 p.m. ceremony, at which Fr. Ravmood Kearney officiated. The bride, the former Deborah J. Wisniewski, is the- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Matrisciano. 2511 S \ aupell drive. Mr. and Mrs. William Brogan. Jr.. 1403 Eastwood lane, are the parents of the groom. A reception was held for 125 people from 4:30 to 10 p.m. at a local restaurant. ,*iiE ? FLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 24. It78 --^TrtTgaan--en V Family Takes Part In Wedding Liturgy A liturgy that was made more meaningful by the par­ ticipation of family members kevnoted the exchange of vows between Janet Mane Bauer and Perry Shane Halligan Bearing the offertory gifts at the 3pm wedding Mass at Christ the King church. Wonder Lake were the bride's god­ parents. Mrs Charles (Joan1 Miller of McHenry. and Donald VSagner of Eagle River. Wise Leon Schmitt . McHenry. the bride s uncle, was com mentator at the Mass The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Roland Bauer 5516 Barnard Mill road. Ringwood Mr and Mrs Will iam Hall igan. 5615 N Ridgeway road are the parents of the groom Father Trannel officiated and Karen Smith cousin of the bride and the organist , played The Wedding Song". I Love You Truly and If The bride s long-sleeved gown was fashioned of s i lk quiana knit and venise lace The empire bodice featured a keyhole neckline framed in lace A semi sheath skirt draped to a full chapel train Accenting the back was an overcape edged in matching lace and draping gracefully from shoulders to waist l ine The bride 's two-tiered waterfal l veil was held in place by a Julei t cap of pearl- appliqued si lk venise lace Noreeri Schmitt of Wonder Lake, the bnde s sister, was maid of honor, and Pam Zamastil. also of Wonder Lake Was her bridesmaid The attendants wore A-line. empire gowns of spice-colored polyester, with cowl-draped necklines in front, and long bridal sleeves Shoulder capes in back complemented the bridal attire Harlan Halligan of Ringwood. the groom's brother, was the best man. and Craig Ackerman was the groomsman Ushers were Kevin Bauer of Ringwood and Larry Schmitt of Wonder Lake The bride s mother chose a floor-length dress of blue quiana. and an orange formal length knit was chosen by the groom s mother A reception was held for 190 at the American Legion hall during which Jennifer Bauer, the bride's sister, passed the guest book around Special guests were the grandparents. Mrs Frances Schmitt. Mrs Oliva Bauer of McHenry. and Mr and Mrs " Wahl of Jacksonville. Ill After a Wedding trip to Wisconsin, the couple will reside in McHenry. Both the gride and groom graduated from McHenry high school in 1977 The bride is employed as an office clerk at Morton Chemical, and the groom is a cememt finisher at Weidner Concrete WEDNESDAY - Stuffed Crab (All You Can Eat) W THURSDAY - Bar B Q Ribs *6" FRIDAY - Fis Fry (All You Can Eat) J3" SATURDAY - Lobster Tail 7s0 DRIVE IN FILM & PHOTO'STORES For fr iendly, personal, and prompt photo services Try Gyros And A Greek Salad For Lunch....Great Idea From Greece! (.yMcilcniV inn 'lanjilv lloqsc 4512 W RTE. 120 McHENRY, IL 2 oiockt #«t of HtHewj Market Place ShopfH"! Ctnte 3440900 HOURS M0N THUtS 11 30 AM 1 00AM Fftl 4 SAT 11 30 *M 2 00 AM SUftOAY 9 00 AM 10 00PM DECEMBER 15 St. Margaret chapter of NAIM potluck-Oak room-St Mary 's school-bring gift and table serviced p m NOVEMBER 26 St Patrick's CCD Third annual citrus sale at the church after Masses-for further in­ formation. call 385-8268 NOVEMBER 27 McHenry Senior Citizens club meeting-7:30 p.m.-West Campus cafeteria-Union 76 chorus DECEMBER 16 Moose members' children's Christmas party-2 to 4 p m DECEMBER 20 Whispering Oaks Women's club-Christmas party-Madrigal singers of McHenry high school-1 p.m DECEMBER 21 PiAlpha Christmas party- Mrs William Haddick-hostess McHenry Women's club- n A D T IT Board Meet ing-Ci ty ha l l -10 IJ.A.tx. 10 Hear NOVEMBER 29 McHenry Pigtail league meeting-Nov 29-7:30 p.m at firehouse-All interested parents are invited to attend McHenry coAinty Heart Association free Blood Presure serening at First National Bank of McHenry-9 a m to 1 pm - everyone welcome NOVEMBER 30 Executive committee meeting Woodstock-McHenry league of Women Voters-9 a m home of Mrs Ted Floro. Woodstock Girl Scout Neighborhood meeting-9:15 a m -St Patrick's hall DECEMBER 1 St Margaret Chapter of NAlM-fish dinner-Legionhall- 5 .30 p m DECEMBER 2 McHenry Choral club Christmas program-815 p m - West Campus auditorium FoxRidge Women's club dinner-dance fund raiser at Hunter country club. Rich­ mond PiAlpha bake sale DECEMBER 3 McHenry Choral club Christmas program-815 p m.- West Campus auditorium Auxiliary to McHenry hospital matinee theater party- "Guys and Dolls" Marriott Lincolnshire-bus leaves McHenry at 1 30-information at hospital gift shop or 385-8633. * DECEMBER 5 Whispering Oaks bus to Chicago Loop leaves Com munitv center at 8 45 a m - Rides available for senior citizens and residents-call 385- 8518 by Dec 1 DECEMBER 6 Annual Salad Luncheon and Fashion Show 11 30 am -St John's Home and School association Johnsburg com munity club DECEMBER 7 C D of A meeting-Christ mas social 7 30 p.m K of C hall PiAlpha regular meeting- Mrs Sandy Etten. hostess-Mrs Fawn Vail giving program- "Career DECEMBER 9 St Patrick's CCD Citrus Fruit Pickup -church hall. Washington street 9 a.m.-3 p m Pictures taken with Santa at Faith Presbyterian church bazaar sweets, gifts 10 a m to 4pm -Lincoln and Chapel Hill roads DECEMBER 10 Christmas Sing Along at St Patrick s church 7 p m -church hall New Flag Code The Kishwaukee Trail chapter of Daughters of American Revolution will meet at the home of Mrs Earnest Reinwall. 3816 W Bull Valley road, McHenry, at 11 am Monday. Nov. 27. at which time Misses Leta Clark and Alice Gark will give a program on the "New Flag Code": an in formative way to display the Flag, and how it should and should not be used on special occasions Mrs Lisle Bassett will be co-hostess Roundtable reports will be made by the members who attended the District IV meeting held at Berwyn. Ill on Friday Nov 10. State reports for Committee Chairman will be due. and all are reminded of the Christmas gifts for the boys at Illinois cottage at Tammassee school in North Carolina Luncheon will be served at 12:30 p.m.. and the program will be at 1 30 p m U.M.W. Circle Aids Namesake When the Marcia Mary Ball circle met at the First United Methodist church for its November circle meeting, it was unanimously agreed to send the missionary for whom the circle is named, now ser- . ving in Rhodesia, a Christmas check Also, the usual yearly donation was sent to Lake Bluff Chicago homes for children, and a donation was sent to the McHenry Area Rescue Squad The circle chairman noted all the help and co-operation that made the annual Fall Bazaar and Luncheon such a success, and mentioned the fact that a craft group will be formed shortly after the holidays to start working on craft itmes for year round sales During the meeflng Mrs Peggy Peterson from Wood­ stock spoke on the "Parental Stress Line", explaining the Parental Assistance Services provided twenty-four hours a day. seven days a week Concerned parents needing help should feel very free to contact this organization at 344- 3944 Complete privacy is absolutely guaranteed The circle members enjoyed a social time and then were entertained by the "Holiday Boutique" demonstration at 1 30 p.m., where many novel ideas were presented for gift and craft items The next meeting of Marcia Mary Ball circle will be on Tuesday. Dec 5. at noon, which will be the usual Christmas luncheon and party Lyda Radisch will be the hostess, assisted by Mary Dobbins DRIVE UP to • • * • This is a good time to start your Christmas shopping. PAMELA MARIE FREUND \NNOL NCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr and Mrs. Richard S. Freund announce the engagement of their daughter. Pamela Marie, of Miami, Fla., to Mr. Thomas Daiello of Reading, Pa., son of Mr. and Mrs. Cosino D. Daiello. also of Reading, Pa. The wedding date has been set for Jan 27. 1979, in St. Mary 's Catholic church. NOW OPEN Mc'lIcniV "Inn 'Fan|ily Iloqs Great Family Dining ^ Now In McHenry DAILY DINNER SPECIALS MR AND MRS LYLE TURNER GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY - Lyle and Norma Turner. 2214 V Orchard Beach road, McHenry. formerly of Elgin, will celebrate fif ty vears of marriage this month. They were married Nov. 27, 192M b\ the late Reverend Yourd of the First Congregational church <»f Elgin. Mrs. Turner is the former Norma Mosiman of Elgin. Prior to their retirement, Mrs. Turner was emploved by the Illinois Bell Telephone companv as a business supervisor in the Elgin office, and Mr. Turner was a claim supervisor for Mid- States Insurance company. They were attended by Mrs. Dorothy Jun<»d and the late David McBride. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD foupop Of 4*' V p<<b»d IKODACOIOR "TOcI FILM / 7 I • 24 EXP 35mm SIZE •9'! I roupor > Of*d 'Oil O* KodOf 0»0f O* I • C O<r.po*>b»« Mm b'oogM to So< p*cx v*»>ng 2 VAtlONOV 24TMtUD«C I, lff§ McHENRY r . . ,4400 W. RTE 120 In The Market Place ROUND LAKE • • • 655 Railroad Avenue DECEMBER 11 Blood pressure check Whispering Oaks community center-4513 Front Royal drive ! to 3 p m "SHAMROCK v., CLEANERS The Gentle Touch of Elegance McHENRY MARKET, •LACE, McHENR^ 385-19' Pine cones laid on burning logs make an interesting fire pattern. The average voter knows little about the is­ sues and less about the candidates. Kodacolor Film 1 •*

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