Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1978, p. 18

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PAGE 18 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1,1»78 VIEW COURTHOUSE EXPANSION PLANS (Continued from page 1) decided against the recom ­ mendation made by the Health & Agriculture committee The change would have af­ fected the sale of property in the county by a person, firm or corporation where a private water supply system and-or septic system was involved It would have demanded that an' evaluation of the systems be made bv the health authority prior to the sale or transfer, with a $50 charge to be made One member asked what would happen if the same property should be sold two or three times within a short span of time It seemed to him that (me inspection in such cases would be sufficient How* »er. Al Collins went on record n favor of compulsory inspec >n. noting that without it the is the possibility of pollu" n But Chairman Richa 1 Klemm said a health hazard is a county respon sibilit> regardless of whether inspection is compulsory Tom Huemann of Johnsburg interjected his personal knowledge of the subject when he told the board that an in­ spection made one day might show conditions to be fine, whereas within a period of a few weeks this could be reversed for various reasons The matter was referred to the Health and Agriculture committee for further study. Walter Dean of McHenry, George Starr and Cal Skinner, Sr . were presented plaques in recognition Of their service to the board, which all are leaving Dean acted as chairman for two terms during the nineteen years he served The board agreed to a suggestion from the Legislative and Public Affairs committee that McHenry County History books be placed on sale during the holiday season, through Dec 31. at the reduced price of $10. MUSIN' AND MEANDERIN' (Continued from page 1) and able to return to his profession The year after his SPECIAL 15% DISCOUNT ON PARTS & SERVICE FOR SINI»R CITIZENS M <LH E N RiYflllCL1 SERVIC! HOURS 8 5 MON thru FRI 8 12 SAT S A LES HOURS 9-9 MON thru FRI . 9 5 SAT 114 SUN 4611 W. RT. 120 815-344-1200 treatment he paid $17,000 in state and federal taxes. Schwab figures even the fellow from skid row would pay at least $1,000 a year in taxes if he were able to return to work. On the other hand, he figures if a 35-year-old alcoholic is not treated, he may well be on the public roles as a welfare recipient for the next thirty years Schwab believes in rehabilitation This isn't meant to take the jolly out of Christ­ mas It's only a reminder that while the country is being swept up in the excesses they hope Proposition 13 will cure, it might be a good idea to look at another problem -alcoholism- which is also an excess often fed by the spirit of the holiday season x KAF JOHNSBURG HIGH DEDICATION JAN. 7 (Continued from page 1) sign be placed at the Ringwood school The board approved The planning and work of the faculty members involved in order to meet the standards of approval upheld by the board was evident in the presentation of the following proposals: John Senkerick with a follow up of last year's successful three-day trip by plane to Washington DC. As before. Hebron is expected to add students to complete the number needed Tom Steffens with a Junior high one-day concert band tour to several schools Larry Reinhardt. as part of the mini-course program of­ fered by the Junior high, presented plans for a five-day, four-night trip by air to Colorado for ski enthusiasts Clyde Fazenbaker is making available to Drama club members a three-day. four night trip by Amtrac to New York during the Christmas vacation period The board evidenced concern and interest before granting the necessary approval for more detailed planning and execution Clyde Fazenbaker. drama coach. reported en thusiasticallv upon the success of the first high school theatrical production. "The Good Doctor' About 770 Wrap Up Your 1979 Holiday Expenses the Easy Way At The . . . . MaTIOM.ll BclMK OF VI' HPMRY The F'rst National Bank of McHe irv's Christmas Club is designed with you, the custo «ier, in mind. Mak deposits in our convenient Chri: imas Club Passbook in any amount, at any time, and watch your savings grow. On November 1 st, of each year, we send a check for your deposits for the preceed- ing year, along with interest at 5% per annum, compounded daily. Nothing could be any easier. START YOUR CHRISTMAS CLUB FOR 1979 AND PUT THE WRAP ON YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING! Serving the banking needs of the McHenry area in M Nai Member FDIC MclTIOMcll HclI\K OF !VI< HCNRY 3814 WEST ELM STREET P O BOX 338 McHENRY. ILLINOIS 60050 815 385 5400 patrons had applauded the ef­ forts of the students. With plans for three more productions that include dinner-play com­ binations, some consideration has to be given to reasonable price to charge per ticket. Mike DeWolfe reported on SEDOM's plans for summer school The concern is to offer to those students who need it but the details of numbers, transportation and costs are still under consideration. The board agreed to contribute to the program at an average cost rate per student in the county. Due to an initial disturbance at two of the Johnsburg schools. Dr Duane Andreas, superin tendent, presented the board with a bomb scare policy for approval Contacts with other schools indicates that this is a common problem that is receiving intensified attention from administrators, police, and fire departments With the degree of danger inflicted on ail school personnel it is no longer considered a prank' but a crime Mike Cajthaml's offer to paint a logo in the high school gym was cordially accepted by the board Since the end of the fall sports season, the activity bus leaving the high school about 5:30 p.m is not being used nearly to capacity Discussion showed that there is a need for it at Junior high at that time or else it can be scheduled at a more appropriate time at the high school Some concern was shown about whether parents are even aware of the activity bu$ Students are prone to call home for transportation rather than be delayed by the bus schedule The Johnsburg board-staff dinner meeting is planned for 6 30 Dec 2 the Johnsburg T e a c h e r s o r g a n i z a t i o n r e q u e s t e d a m e e t i n g d a t e Tuesday. Jan 2 The board accepted CORONER HEADS STATE GROUP (Continued from page 1) organization of officers of the various counties in the state of Illinois who are organized for the purpose of mutual help­ fulness in exchange of ideas for the purpose of bettering con­ ditions in their offices and proper fulfillment of their duties as required by the statutes; and that various officers and their employees may assist each other from time to time in problems that effect their respective official duties; and for the preservation and improvement of local self- government. NO AGREEMENT ON PROPOSED CITY UNIT (Continued from page 1) suggested tlfat the city might allow some adjustment on the $511,000 cash donation which RDG offered over the life of the agreement for credit for usable parts of the open space offered to the city He conceded that all of the 50 acres would not be usable. Pepping questioned if Berg was going to negotiate with the city for buildable or simply usable open land and wondered how much of the 50 acres was in the flood plain which would automatically render it unusable. Berg noted that Unit one which they will deal with first, will involve no open space, but the considerations are for the whole area. The first preliminary plat will- be for Unit one only. Ron Meuer asked who would determine what is usable. Berg said it would be by agreement with the city. Toole asked about the proposed road connection with the west side shown in the drawing of the development as crossing the creek and con­ necting with Dartmoor in Fox Ridge Since it will be a major collector, he questioned how close would it come to a school depicted on the west bank of Boone. Berg said the road was designed to be a major collector and it was routed by the school to carry the school bus traffic directly to it. Speed would be kept down by the curvilinear design and various stop signs along its length The commission asked Ber.g to describe the present limitations of the city sewer system Berg noted that the original 17,000 population equivalent capacity of the present system had been downgraded to 13,000 under new standards by the EPA. He said the plant would have to be increased to accommodate the entire development, but there was room for expansion on the present disposal plant site He said this expansion would provide for 10,000 more population equivalents. Later expansions could be provided at another plant. The commission, following discussion of the proposal, expressed . by three motions, questions or requirements in connection with the project: that the city require donations of cash in full in addition to any land offered; that zoning on the west side of Boone be restricted to single family; and the school proposed for location on the bank of Boone be relocated elsewhere or some safeguards be provided to keep young children safe from the possible high water. When the vote on recom­ mending the PUD for ac­ ceptance was taken, four of the seven commissioners indicated approval, while three, Sandy Eckstein, Joan Schwegel and George Cole abstained. When Chairman Pepping asked what was keeping the abstainers from voting, (in past votes were needed to be recommended either for ap­ proval or denial), he learned that they wanted more in­ formation on several items. Ms Eckstein was not sure that the flooding problem had been properly addressed, remem­ bered soil problems references in earlier hearings and wanted some solutions to the traffic problems if possible. Ms. Sch­ wegel noted that a school site was being indicated, but until a referendum was passed (doubtful she thought) where were they going to put the kids resulting from this develop­ ment? Cole said he had heard a number of objections and would like to "feel his way around" and to look at the development again. Pepping reminded the commission of the 30-day limit and said they needed a recommendation by Dec 14 Berg added that the only poor soil found by test borings was in the creek area and in the 8-acre area near Curran road Toole raised a question whether the city wants to ac­ cept the Boone creek open space and it was indicated that this would be decided when the annexation agreement is ac­ tually drawn up The commision set Dec 5 for the next meeting If you make mistakes every day don't feel dis­ couraged; there is no one who doesn't. CAR v^STORE C O N S U M E R P R E F E R R E D STOCK NO CAR TORKELSON MERCURY SALE PRICE 7.12 NEW BOBCAT 3 DOOR, auto, trans.. AM I track, moon root. •4045 -- I cji, M i t e , M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 152 NEW BOBCAT WAGON, auto trans., radio, p.s. *4245 NEW BOBCAT 3 DOOR, • ; 78 268 NEW BOBCAT 3 DOOR, auto t,an..r,d.o.p.i. ., • III gMB - " BgBB --'"MM*' NEW BOBCAT 3 DOOR, • MhL iML (MR* *90)% t *4135 78 172 NEW ZEPHYR Z-7, auto, trans, AM 8 track, tact, air, bucket scats. *5195 NEW ZEPHYR 4 DOOR, r 78 215 ZEPHYR 4 DOOR 6 cjrl., auto., p.s., p.b.. rant windows AM radio. . . . *4445 fciiniL 78 348 COUGAR 2 DOOR VI, auto., p.s., p.b., air. buckets I console *5670 Cmim, • * * • 78273 NEW MONARCH 4 DOOR, auto trans., power, tact, air *4875 m&m MONARCH 2 DOOR. FREE ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING WITH PURCHASE OF... [To J E X ^ $70 \ PI VALUE PAINTING EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN . *210 VALUE PAINTING RUSTPROOFING *165 SI 10 VALUE PAINTING P0LY-GLYC0AT *175 SERVICE HOURS 85 MON THRU FRI 8 12 SAT SALE ENDS NOVEMBER 30,1978 SALES 2 A 3 VKAR LEASING AVAILABLE MONMYThrufri DAILY RENTALS 9-5 SAT AVAILABLE n 4 S U N 4611 W. RTE. 120 815-344-1200 "Mil IN BETHLEHEM SCENE-Jacquellne Schau and Ken Arber will- portray Mary and Joseph as the Bethlehem scene unfolds, both! visually and in song, on the stage of West campus auditorium* Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 2-3, at 8:15 p.m. Their portrayal is part; of the McHenry Choral club annual Christmas program. Tickets - will be on sale at the door, or in advance, from club members. * STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD* SERIES OF BURGLARIES UNDER INVESTIGATION (Continued from page l) William Staley, 21, 5509 Wonder Woods drive. Wonder Lake, was arrested at 2:45 p.m. Nov. 26 after an alleged incident in Hornsby's store. He is scheduled for a hearing in Branch I court in Woodstock Dec 5. Value of the goods in question was given as $13 • A number of minor thefts were committed in the McHenry area over the weekend according to reports from the McHenry County Sheriff's department All are under investigation Thefts from two cars parked at 2523 W Knob Hill road were reported Nov. 25 Both vehicles had been entered and a CB radio and an 8-track tapeplayer were stolen Investigators believed area youths were involved A green 1973 Chevrolet utility truck was reported taken from the Joseph Huemann and Son Well Drilling company on Johnsburg road Nov 25 The theft apparently occurrred during the early morning hours On Nov 24. McKew Builders, Island Lake, complained that during the previous two days, three red pump jacks had been stolen from a construction site at 1718 Orchard lane The selective thieves had left the 2 by 4's on which the jacks* rested. * On Nov 22 a resident reported that his home on Meadow lane. Wonder Lake, had been entered during thel* day through a basement^" window, and the intruder had*" taken a cup containing $25 in£ change from a dresser Nothing!- else was missing, the owner*! said »; On the same date a resident!; on Wild wood road reported*^ someone had driven his Win->' nebago motor home from thel* driveway of his residence^- during the night No oner reported seeing or hearingv anything unusual. Courthouse Squares: Few things Increase leisure time more than always being on time tor appointments VALUE UP TO WHEN VOU BUY A NEW HOMEUTE CHAIN SAW Choose one of the selected models of lightweight, power­ ful chain saws and get an extra loop of chain absolutely FREE! I J Wf Rl AN AUTHORIZED HOMEUIt Slltvia DlAltR1 OUR SALES ARl BACKED BY FACI0RY TRAINED MECHANICS Offer good tuppfy I McHENRY 904 Front St 385-3232 NOW-2 RENTAL CCNTERS Ed's Rental and Salts, Inc. OPEN MON SAT 7 30 6 SUNDAY 9-1 CRYSTAL LAKE 5407 Terro CoMo Ave (Hwy 176) 466-3232

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