ran SALE PAGE 17 - PLAINDEALER KHII) \Y. DECEMBER 8.1»78 SPINET-CONSOLE PIANO FOR SALE Wanted: responsible party to take over spinet piano. Easy terms Can be seen locally. Write: Credit Manager, P.O. Box 207, Carlyle, II. 62231 U-29-i2-8c FOR SALE Cemetery lots, choice 4 lots. Memory Gardens, in Arlington Heights. Will divide. 815-385- 3172 12-6-12-8C Glass display case, 10'x2'x3' high with casters, $150., air hockey game. $15., new Blazer wheel & tire, 10-15LT, Uniroyal, $40. Call 385-8570 " 12-6-12-8c SPARKLING ALUMINUM 7 ft Xmas tree w stand 200 bran ches, easily assembled, 2 rotating color flood lights. 385- 0306. 12-6-12-8C SHELVING UNITS, very reasonable 815-385 2824 12-6 12-8C Durafibre skis, size 195, used only 5 times bindings brand new Best offer 815-653-3226 after6pm 12812 13 Formal mahogany dining room set, also 2 horse power mini bike. Call after 5:30 pm 312-639- 3577. 12-6-12-8C FOR SALE: two year old home, two bedroom, attached garage, in Wonder Lake. 815-728-0597 or 815-653-9075. 12-8 24 Louvered shutters; outdoor Xmas lights; two complete aquariuns; Fluorescent kitchen fixture; one extension plank; beauty shop hairdryer; 815-728- 12-6-12-8C Like new 16x7 garage door complete with hardware. Call after 6:30 pm 815-385-40J0. 12- Ufc FOR RENT JOHNSBURG, two bedroom apartment with kitchen-dining area, living room and den, no pets, preferably no children Heat included $350 00 per month, references, security deposit and lease 815-385 1268 also storage area ap proximately 11x36 ft 12-8 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in McHenry. 1 car garage. $225.00 mo. including heat Other utilities payed by you No pets Call after 2 :00 344-3792 12-8-12 15c OFFICE OR SMALL RETAIL space 800 sq ft at 3318 W Elm Street. McHenry. Inquire at Jepsen Tire Co., 3314 W Elm 12-8-12-15c For Rent 3 room apartment Not fancy -but cheap' 11357 month plus security and utilities 815-675-2157 12-6 12-8c For Rent, one bedroom air conditioned, balcony apart ment. gas and heat furnished Call 815-338 1706 after 5 pm 12- 81215c A FOUR ROOM HOME IN Wonder I>ake security deposit and references 815 728 0681 12-8 3 BEDROOM HOME, 2 car attached garage, enclosed porch $300 per month, plus tfJlkiec and security deposit. Immediate occupancy. 385-1612 a/ter6pm. 12-8 HOUSE FOR RENT in Wonder Lake, one bedroom, three room house Carpeted living room and bedroom $160 a month. Take over lease, ends in March Call 312-546-6635 12-8-12-13 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT V F W Clubhouse and Hall for rent Seating capacity for 400 Call : 185-9860 9 to 12 weekdays or after 6pm 12-ltfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS daily or weekly 815-385-0266 or 815 385-8905 12-ltfc For Rent One & Two bedroom apartments, one year lease and security deposit, no pets Call 815-385-5528 12-ltfc WAREHOUSE or factory space from 5,000 to 15.000 ft 385 1079 12-ltfc Large two bedroom apartment, within walking distance, shopping and train, carpeting, air conditioned, adults, no pets 815385 3493 12-ltfc LARGE 2 bedroom Executive type apartment, excellent location, no children or pets References and security deposit required Must call between 9 & 10 pm 312"-381-2059 only responsible parties need inquire 12-ltfc For rent, storage space, boats, furniture, etc , 338-6874 12-ltfc FOR BENT 6 ROOM HOUSE. full basement, gas furnace Adults preferred Available Dec 15 385-2223 12-6-12-8C Two bedroom duplex, for rent, security deposit $250 00 mon thly and utilities, no pels McHenry Realty 815 385 5922 12-ltfc 2 BEDROOM. 2 bath. Quad in Waters Edge. McHenry Adults, no pets. $350 month plus deposit 815-344-3047 after 5 00 12 1 12-8C RENTALS 4 bedroom ronch wtth bojemenl 1 '» boths 2 ' j car garage Immediate posses session No pets $425 month Immediate possession* 1 % year old 3-4 bedroom tri- level 1% baths family room draperies ond fenced back yard City water A sewers $>•&/month 2 bedroom ranch with dining room fuljubosement garage appliances included Set on double lot Available Jon 2, 1979 M2S month. REALTY WORLD DURBIN-STOVALL 4213W Rte 120 McHenry 815-385-8060 ,, .-•> COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR LEASE Near downtown McHenry. 2 floors, 4.400 sq. ft . freight elevator. Ideal for workroom, cabinet shop, upholstery, light in dustry and warehouse. Plus loading dock and parking. Call Carl 459-4141 10 to * weekdays n t, PfT tOLUMN Adorable Pekeapoo s. Also other small house dogs. Call Schroeders 815-389-3589 South Beloit 11-9-12-21 WANTED PUPPIES 6 8 weeks old, good homes guaranteed Also we buy Poodle or Schnauzer mixed pups 815-385- 7897. 12-ltfc Beautiful German Shepherd pups. German blood lines. 815- 338-2306. 12-6-12-8C WHITE MALE DOG housebroken, leash trained, 4 yrs. old. toy poodle Adults only, excellent watch dog 385- 7133. Weekdays after 4 :00. 12-6- 12-8c PETS fOR SALE German Shepherd puppies AKC registered. Parents excellent temperment. vaccination, wormed, two males $75. each, one female $100. call Linda days 815-455-3011 or evenings 3 bedroom house in Wonder Lake Fireplace, garage Available Jan 1st. $275.00 month 608 752-4643 12-6-12-8C WHISPERING OAKS, exquisite two bedroom home for rent $450.00 month, plus security deposit, references required 815-385 8441 or 385- •<905 12-6-12-8C Two bedroom house, garage. McHenry References Security deposit, no pets $295 00 month 815-385 1655 12-6-12-8c In McHenry, Charming little 2 bedroom house, warm and efficient, available December 15th. $290 00 month, security deposit. no pets 815-385-4400 12- 6-12-8C ' 2 BEDROOM RANCH with garage and all appliances, available Jan 1st. $300 00 plus utilities Couples preferredXall evenings Sunnyside area. Johnsburg school district 452- 5185 12-6-12 8c Pistakee Highlands. two bedrooms, newly decorated, stove, washer.dryer,attached two car garage $350 00 plus security deposit 9am to 4pm 312-263-3937 after 6:30pm 815- 385-3887 12-6-12 8c 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, full basement, 2 car garage, all carpeted. McHenry Schools, close to town. Central heat & air conditioning $425 00 per month, plus utilities plus 500.00 security deposit 385 1489 12-6 12-8c For Rent. 3 bedroom. 2 baths apartment, located on 5 acres, utilities included 815-385-9712 0^385-3517 12-6 12-8c FOR RENT. 11 room apart ment. heart of McHenry, older person only Stove, refrigerator, all utilities paid Rent $155 00 Call 815 385-0012 12-6-12-He 2 BEDROOM, living room and dining area, available im mediately $175 00 per month Couple or couple with 1 child 385 2170 after 3pm 12 6 12 8c SLEEPING ROOMS for rent For information call 497 3075 12 -6-12 8c LARGE MODERN ROOMS. 1 bedroom, available between December 10 and January 1st Good location near downtown McHenry. Sliding Glass win dows. shag carpeting, plus more $255 00 per nomth Call 344-3493 after 6:00pm If no answer . 312-544 8045 12-6 12-8c 815-653-9700 11-29-12-8C A M E R I C A N S T A F FORDSHIRE TERRIER, male pup 5 mos., red brindley show pedigree 815-385-3415 11-29-12- 8c 3 female Yorkshire terriers, born November 5th, tails docked, wormed $50.(X) deposit will hold until Xmas Very cute $175.00 each 815-678-4243 12-6- 12-8c For Sale. Male Dachshund. 8 months old. housebroken $55.00 385-6089 12-6-12-8c Doberman Puppies $75.00. Call 815-385-6849 12-6-12-8C RIDING LESSONS Expert Instruction. Special Introductory Series. 5 LESSONS $20.00 OUR FARM MCHENRY 815-344-0951 NOTICE Join us for a Whirpool Micro Wave Coking Demonstration Saturday, Dec 9th. 11 00 am til 3:00 pm at Lee & Ray Electric, 1009 N Front St.. McHenry. IL 12-8 Holiday Humor Or, Have You Heard This? If you don t think money grows on trees, price one at Christmas A neighbor asked the little girl what she was going to give her brother for Christmas 'I don t know," said the little girl Well, what did you give him last year0" " The chicken pox'" * * * At 'this time of year, most teenagers clean their rooms weekly -- very weakly' * * * Christmas-decorated sign out side a dog kennel specializing in dachshunds Git a long little doggie * * * A woman was getting the house fixed up for the holidays and called a Venetian-blind repair man to come pick up a broken blind for repair That evening the doorbell rang and the husband answered the door I'm here tor the blind said the visitor The husband took a bill from his pocket, gave it to the man jnd shut the door Old Beliefs About Things of Christmas Holly hung on the door at Christmastime was once believed to repel evil spirits and protect the house from lightning In old England sprays of holly were placed on the hives to wish the bees a Merry Christmas The bees were said to hum a carol in honor of the Christ Child Don t wash and press a Christmas present before giving it. or you will wash out the good luck and press in the bad If you let a fire go out on Christmas morning spirits will come to you then and later in the season Leave a loaf of bread on the table after Christmas Eve supper and you Mill have a full supply until the next Christmas Hanging Stockings L e g e n d s a y s t h a t S t . .Nicholas secretly gave gifts of gold for the dowries of poor spinsters He tossed the gold down a chimney on Christmas Eve. and on one occasion the gift landed in a stocking bung by the fireplace to dry The tangerine or orange in the toe of a stocking has come to be symbolic of the gifts of gold ' mm ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' •mm. shoplifters Take some free advice: Shoplifting pays... dearly. The fact is - shoplifting is a serious crime that is treated as*such. This kind of portrait might be free, but it will still cost you a permanent blot on your record... possibly a term in jail...and that's nothing to smile about! THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER