Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Dec 1978, p. 2

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i-0258 iwers ISTMAS SPECIAL O PARAKEETS Take Advantage Of - Our Layaway Plan PINE TREE PET SHOP ^ 2102 RTE 120 385-6220 ^ McHENRT W W HEAOQUARTERS FOR ALL VOUR PIT NEEDS I - i l e n d s I i i S e t v ice Here" Mi Henry < lupin Christmas baskets Here i s more in fo rma t ion t oga rd ing <>ur "Chr i s tmas Sha r ing ' p rog ram fo r g i f t s o f ! ! •>>«« I d i ch i ld ren , a s we l l a s . a imed loods and necessa ry househo ld i t ems to r a f ami ly ! < .111s o f new toys , books , game* lo r ch i ld ren of a l l ages . • i - we l l a s though t fu l i t ems fo r •u r M- i i io f ( i l i / ens . shou ld he • r o i i ^h ' t o t he c i t> ha l l h . i s t ' i i i en i i l l IN Green s t r ee t . Kndav I ) ec <V Tuesday . Dec I . ' Thur sday . Dec 1-4 and f ' t i day . Dec IV be tween I and t i n p in on ly These wi l l he wrapped so r t ed and t i e r eady to r de l ive r s on Sunday . Dec 17 W ' . ippmg pape r co rd , r i bbon >i * . a in l<>r l y ing and t ags and m o i ch t a | x ' a r e a l so needed * a imed loods f ru i t s . • <n» ' t ah le s mea t s , ce rea l s , c aca iom spaghe t t i . househo ld • i f i i ! - - papc i p roduc t s , wash ing |m Ade i l ace soap too thpas t e . . ' j 111 pensha f i l e i t ems such a s : . i " . h vege tab le s mea t s , b read , d i spe l l s shou ld he t aken to S t I ' a t i i ck s church {.">00 \ \ . i shmglon pa rk to t he l e f t - a l e " I t he ves t ibu le and down • h e basemen t any t ime a f t e r ' l a - I 'm s i i i , l i t r ung Mass and n " l a f t e i t he i J I j p m Mass Sunday Dec 17 l o r so r t ing , p a i k ing and de l l ve ry t s e • i : ' < u s i t pos s ib l e , fo r ea s i e r I .<! i l i inn I t Mm can he lp to pack I I e se baske t s Sunday Dec 17 . h i . a s e ca l l I i s l i a t !K."> 031 (1 ) I I vou can as s i s t w i th t he • I e11 \ e i \ i . t t he se baske t s and , ' i t t s p l ease t a l l F i sh a t tK5 i P may be tha t sou p re fe r t o - ecu i e t ! i t t c e r t i f i ca t e s f rom a ape i marke t . o r s end a check I I m i p l ease ma i l t hese to F i sh . I ' . ' •> . 'HL ' M< Henry 111 MMiaO o r t i r mg to s i Pa t r i ck ' s church on ' t i e s e sen teen th . when t>aske t s h i be ing p repa red These he lp a i in the pe r i shab le i t ems » Fo r any add i t iona l in f o rma t ion sou wou ld l i ke . and called by . school or club, who wnuUTOUi to take care of one family, we can help you Call Fish at 385-0258. Grandma says that many hands make light work many people are helping make light hearts and the "spirit" of Christmas' We will be seeing sou at the city hall on Dec 8. 12. 14 or 15, and Dec 17 at St Patrick's Whatever you do for these, the least of my brethern. you do unto Me' M G Property Owners Of If onder Lake To Hold Meeting Les Carlson, president of the Wonder Lake Master Property Owners association, announced that the association will meet Sunday Dec 10, at 2 p m . at Nativity Lutheran church hall . Wonder Lake Meetings are regularly scheduled for the second Sunday of the month The coming meeting is a directors ' meeting, and is open to the public Carlson urged all residents to attend and become involved KI.OOD PRESSURE S< KEENING The next free blood pressure screening at the First United Methodist church. 3717 West Main street, will be on Tuesday. Jan 2 at 2 p.m This is a free monthly ser vice, in conjunction with the local hospital Your monthly blood pressure screening is a good habit to get into, since it is very important to keep a close check on your blood pressure TRAVEL by 8 REINDEER? No, Not Really BUT A TRAVEL GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR CHRISTMAS! Or fed I or (hose tiard to buy for loved ones on your bst. Applied m*a;d any cruise, tour. Airline, AMTRAK. A inp will be cherished and remembered for-ever. 385-7500 CHAIN 0 LAKES SERVICE 3405 W Elm St McHenry - TRAVEL IVUiKM'l VI\I)K \ l EH -KRIIVU DECEMBER s. t!»7s C. HOLIDAY BAZAAR -- Shown above is Reverend Eric Schneider, pastor of F aith Presbyterian church, making a last minute check of the sleigh where Santa Claus will pose for pictures with youbh misitors to the church's Christmas Bazaar. The event, prepared by the GAI.S of Faith Presbyterian, will take place Saturday, Dec. 9, from to a.m. to 4 p.m. CHILD CARE WE HAVE OPENINGS NOW FOR FULL TIME OR HALF DAY CHILD CARE...CALL... FANTASY FARM 385-2499 STATE 9 9 LICENSED MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM HARRIS CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY - Mr. and Mrs. William Harris, 7218 Tryon Grove road, Richmond, will be celebrating their forty- fifth anniversary at an open house Sunday, Dec. 10 from 2 to S p.m. in the Community church of Richmond. The couple were married Dec. 7, 1933, and had six children, one of whom is deceased. The party is being hosted by their family, including Mrs. Darlene Rudolph. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Gerlad (Diane) Bauman, and Miss Dolores Harris. TAKE A HAND WITH CREPES CREPES MAISON 1 4 clip flout I (X o/) cation frozen egg substitute I cup milk 1 « cup salad oil or melted huiici ' . teaspoon salt 2 ( 1 2 ounce) packages fro/en spinach or aspaiagus souttle I cup prepared I lollandaise sauce Shredded ( heddar or (i iuvere cheese Place flour in mixing bowl. Beat hi egg substitute <uad ually beat in milk, ihen beat m oil and salt I el batter sland 20 minutes, or lefiigerate for longer lo make crepes, pour a scam 1 j cup batter into lightly oiled, hot crepe pan Cook over medium heat until lacy brown; lurn and cook other side, if desired. Slack finished crepes with paper towels in between. Prepare souttle as directed on package. Spoon hot souttle into center of cacli crepe, using about 1 .< cup for each Roll up crepes; place on plates. Heat Hollandaisc sauce Spoon sauce over til led crepes. Sprinkle cheese on top lo gla/e crepes, place under broiler, about 3 inches fiom heat, tor I to 2 minutes. Or place in micro wave oven for about 2() seconds. Makes .? to 4 servings, plus about 8 extra 10-inch crepes. Note l-ree/e lettover crepes lor use another time. Use that marvelous crepe maker for dipping these rich crepes, or follow the traditional technique of cooking inside a skillet . Either side up. the crepe is a professional way to turn your hand in the kitchen. It all begins with l io/en egg substitute, tor delicate flavor. Choose your favorite poutv vegetable souttle for fil l ing, lake a hint, and try one ol the other vegetable casseroles sometime, too. C tepes are great to make ahead. Hold overnight in the refrig­ erator; tor longer storage, tree/e wrap and keep frozen Tilled crepes can be done ahead, too They are quick as a wink to finish in the miciowave oven. Professional chefs recommend gla/ing the sauced crepes in a broiler for just a minute or two Another professional idea is to garnish the plate with a slice ot vegetable or parsley just before presentation at vout table Two Groups Of Foresters Set Christmas Meals The annual Christmas lun­ cheon of St. Agatha Ct. 777. National Catholic Society of Foresters at Johnsburg will be at Raymond's Waterfront Stage. Dec. 13 at 11:30 a m Reservations should be made with Mrs Paul Pitzen by Sunday Dec. 10. this will also be the first round of the card tournament. The St. Clara court, no. 659, of the National Catholic Society of Foresters, will hold their Christmas potluck on Dec. 14, in the Mary hall of Montini middle school at 6 p.m. The grab bag gift exchange is limited to $2, and members may bring guests LaLeche Holds Fourth Program The LaLeche league groups of McHenry and Fox I^ake will hold the fourth meeting of their series next week, and discussion for December will center around nutrit ion of baby and nursjng mother, and when and how to wean the baby Many mothers are interested in the time and method of in­ troducing solid foods to their infants. More than ever today, women are asking themselves what foods are the most nutrit ious, not only for the nursing baby but for the family as well Most mothers find it very helpful to take part in a discussion about nutrit ion and weaning, and also to be able to use the league's extensive library on the subject Anyone who is interested in LaLeche league is welcome to attend the meeting and use its facili t ies Pregnant women usually find it helpful to attend meetings before their baby arrives, and nursing babies are always welcome LaLeche league provides many benefits for i ts members, not least of which are moral support, mother to mother contact and help when needed The Fox Lake group, which includes Johnsburg. Richmond and Pistakee Highlands, will meet on Wednesday. Dec. 13 at K p m , and tue McHenry group will meet on Thursday. Dec 14, at K p ni For further information about the league, or about meetings, call Mrs Gerald • Mary) Chatham or Mrs. Richard 1 Marcia > McGowan McHenry Women's (dub Schedules Holiday Potluck The ladies of the McHenry Women's club will hold their Christmas party at the meeting scheduled for Thursday, Dec 14 A potluck luncheon will tH' served at noon at the Mcllenrv V F W hall Members are asked to bring a dish to pass The Sound Weavers quartet will entertain for the enjoyment of all Seniors' Party At Moose Lodge The McHenry Senior Citizens Walk In center, located in the Moose lodge on route 120. will sponsor its annual Christmas party Dec 13 from 1 to 4 p m Grab bag gift for men and women will be limited to $2 Anyone who is corning for lunch should call 385 8260 Tuesday. Dec 12, before I p.m All senior citizens are welcome Christmas Recipe For Happiness Take a quart of joy and gladness, A peck of folk and kin A dash of Christmas spirit And toss some laughter in Take a large amount of giving And spread it generously. Read directions in the Good Book And apply them carefully (J a r n i s h well with human kindness. On crystal leaves of cheer. And you II have a batch of Christmas To last the coming year McHenry Seniors Enjoy Musical Entertainment v,.. UMUUfr Of umiw st 1266 »» Ckff * 'A MUHU i/i McHtNffr m Community % Calendar McHenry Senior Citizens club was entertained by-the "Union 76" chorus, after its regular business meeting.-Nov 27, at 7 in p in at West -Campus cafeteria The program had been introduced by Mrs Bertha (jurnn. co chairlady. and menihers enjoyed visiting with the chorus members during the lelreshment and social period. \ t t e r t he opening of the business meeting, members wete asked to hold dues until the next meeting, due to the hosp i t a l i za t ion o f t he mem I km sh ip cha i rman Mis l . nu i se < i l e i reported a lew reservations stil l available lor the annual club Christmas dinner party hut she stated that the tickets have been going very last If a person is unable lo attend the dinner, the .program will begin about 7 45 p in and will be presented bv the < ' i > s lal Notes Mi \ I f Heggeland reported that the art classes, which now meet Thursday afternoons from to 4 p m at the First I ruled Methodist church, are stil l t i l led to capacity but there is a waiting list available Mrs (ilei i s iakmg reser vatmns for the luncheon theater trip Ian '. '4 at Mar i inettr 's Since the distanceis so short there will he no bus in volv ed lohn Doerr tour chairman, H'poi ted that he has scheduled a trip to the ( overed Bridges in Ind iana to r < >c t H i and 17 1H79 \ > ' i i c an make reservations for r Senior Walk-In Center Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a m Reservations must be made by 1 30 p m the day before at 385-8260 The menu for the week of Dec. 11 through Dec 15 is as follows: Dec. II: Ham patties with pineapple sauce, buttered squash, celery sticks, rye bread, brownie, and milk Dec. 12: Beef and rice casserole, boiled cabbage, buttered carrots, white bread, vanilla pudding, and milk Dec. 13: Individual chicken loaves, Chinese vegetables, sr lettuce, dinner rolls, peaches in cranberry sauce, and milk Dec. 14: Knockworst. macaroni and cheese, l ima beans, pickled beets, wheat bread, butterscotch puding, and milk Dec. 15: Hamburger- vegetable soup, crackers and cheese, garlic bread, selection of fresh fruit , and milk • * » * Those who founded the United States would probably be amazed at i t today. PFC. BRIAN E HUEBNER DARLENE Bl.ONI \RZ ENGAGEMENT TOLD -- Mr and Mrs Henry Bloniar? of Shakespere avenue. Chicago, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter. Darlene, to Pfe Br ian K Huebner. LSMC. who formerly attended Wesi Campus, and is the son of Mi and Mis. John P. Grant. Ringwood road, Mcllenrv Both are 197K giaduates of Foreman high school, ehicago. \n October 1(47U wedding at St. Genevieve church. Chicago, is planned FINE DINING! Chinese & American Cuisine OP? h FOP LUNCH and DINNER •locKUMi Lounge CARRY OUT SERVICE •Party facili ty UPEH / CMOS f it "i *1 i 0 01 & J,' 11 V Oil SUHWIT DECEMBER 9 St. Patrick's CCD Citrus Fruit Pickup-church hall , Washington street -9 a.m.-3 p.m Pictures taken with Santa at Faith Presbyterian church bazaar-sweets, gifts-10 a m to 4 p.m.-Lincoln and Chapel Hill roads •^endship club pot-luck dinner and Christmas meeting- First United Methdist church-6 p m -program Daisy and Harold Wildhagen DECEMBER 19 "Oldies But Goodies" from Mt Hope Methodist church meet at noon-Chapel Hill country club lunch and social hour DECEMBER 20 Whispering Oaks Women's club-Christmas party Madrigal singers of McHenry high school ! p m DECEMBER 21 PiAlpha Christmas party Mrs William Haddick hostess DECEMBER 26 Order of the Eastern Star-no 547-stated meeting Christmas party ftirntmas \od Muiic The imperishable jovs of 1 hmtrr.^v are most ^xultantlv ,r, muM' Whether a i ' l^ 'v 'aro! iil tmg sor< t t <>? a r »o! ido . spe* • u» ' u i i ) ' t hymus . ' ' j f Ch r i s tmas • I ' l * I t ' i» 'T . U» : au r<J « A a TH glow /.fiat -mi" >f- r i ' " I**- 'ji*- 'y !gn* f ' ~ DECEMBER 10 Christmas Sing-Along at St. Patrick's church-7 p m -church hall . DECEMBER 11 Blood pressure check Whispering Oaks community center-4513 Front Royal drive 1 to 3 p.m. McHenry Senior Citizens club annual Christmas dinner party- 6 30 p.m.-West campus cafeteria-Program-7 45 p.m by the Crystal Notes DECEMBER 12 Eastern Star. McHenry no 547 -stated meeting and in­ struction DECEMBER 14 Lakeland Park Women's club annual Christmas dinner party 6:30 p.m. Rustic Harbor - guest: Santa Claus McHenry Women's club Christmas party noon V F W club house DECEMBER 15 St Margaret chapter of NAIM potluck-Oak room St Mary's school-bring gift and table service-6 p m DECEMBER 16 Moose members children's Christmas party-2 to 4 p.m. DECEMBER 18 THE O S. will meet at 5:30 p m for dinner at a restaurant to be selected-Following dinner, group will recess to First United Methodist church for a Christmas party this trip with Mrs. Giel now Mr Roland Grayson, club property custodian, reported taking some of the club's folding chairs and tables over to the McHenry Public Library for the use of the Willing Workers, and the sewing group, since the library does not have enough chairs to accommodate all of the workers The Willing Workers meet every Thursday at the library at 10 a.m., and are involved in knitting, crocheting and sewing for Fish. Foster Children and Head Start The sewing group is in recess now until May. This group makes lap robes, bibs, and other essential needs for nursing homes and old people's homes The Senior Citizens club stil l needs a program chairman or chairlady Mr Ralph Lockerbie acknow ledged the help of those who packed and delivered Thanksgiving baskets for the needy in our area, and reported that volunteers will also be needed to help pack and deliver the Christmas baskets The next meeting of the McHenry Senior Citizens club will be the annual club Christmas dinner and party. Dec 11 at 6:30 p.m., at West Campus cafeteria There will be other meeting in December The first meeting of the r«w year will be Monday. Jan * •%^7:30 p .m., at West Cam"7 5 LYNN STEINSDOERI KB <K TOHKH WEDDING - Mr and Mrs \nd>. w J Sieinsdoer fer fi'W ( lov er, McHenry, announce the engagement of then I v nn to Kenneth ( ongdon. son of Mr and Mre Oilheil ( otigdon. III.' V ( h«er McHenry Both are graduates of Mcllenrv high school, the bride-elect in 1973, and the prospective groom in IH7I \n October .'«• 1^7« wedding is planned

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