Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1978, p. 24

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SECTION 2 - PAGE 8 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15.1978 court supervision. Richard J Bierman. 711 S. Cherry Valley road. McHenry. 31 "MlvWWHILK BACK AT THKC1M 'KTIflOi;SKM In hearings before Associate Lincoln road. McHenry. Judge Michael Sullivan in pleaded guilty to a charge of Branch III court at McHenry speeding and was fined $35 and Dec. 6. David K Adams. 405 W costs and placed on 90 days' SUBSCRIBE To The McHenry Plaindealer And Save *8.80 Over Newstand Price FILL OUT AND MAIL OR BRING TO: McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W Elm St.. McHenry, III. 60050. with ch*ck or monty order for 'I2.M for one year subscription within McHenry County. NAME ADDRESS CITY __ ZIP MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FOR UNUSED PORTION" pleaded guilty to charges of open liquor in a motor vehicle and a curfew violation. He was fined $25 and costs and $10 and costs William J Edelman, 3215 Biscayne, McHenry, pleaded guilty to speeding and was fined $25 and costs Gary Fairchild. 3219 Fairway drive. McHenry, entered a negotiated plea of guilty to speeding and was fined $30 and costs. James R Michels. Chicago, entered a negotiated plea to reduced charge of reckless driving and was fined $350 and costs. Anthony J Panziea. 4505 E, Wonder Lake drive. Wonder Lake, entered a negotiated plea of guilty to a traffic violation and was fined $40 and costs Richard A Sheetz, Spring Grove, was found guilty of charges of DWI and fined $100 and costs, transportation of open liquor $25 and costs, failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident for a fine of $25 and costs Robert Low. 3508 Clover lane, McHenry. pleaded guilty to two charges of reckless driving and was fined $50 and costs and $100 and costs Perform "Nutcracker" Safe Yule Toys Urged Santa Claus is coming soon. And that means Dad and Mother are out doing* the last-minute shopping for the toys that old St. Nick will leave under the tree. Toys --all the way from a ten-cent rubber ball to a shiny new bicycle --are a part of growing up. and the child with­ out a toy or two -- or two dozen -- at Christmas is a forlorn tot indeed. The chances are that your youngsters will open their gifts Christmas morning and have a large time getting acquainted with their- new toys. But in all too many households across the nation the toys themselves will dim the happy Christmas sea­ son. by causing accidents and injuries. Deanna Stuchy of McHenry will be seen in "Waltz of the Flowers" from "The Nutcracker Suite Ballet" to be performed at Woodstock high school twice this weekend. The Spanish explorers in the New World thought smoking tobacco a headache remedy. A Christmas Gift to our Customers! _ fppr BUFFET LUNCH WED. DEC. 20 FROM 11:30 to 2:30 (TIP NOT INCLUDED) WE WILL BE CLOSED JAN. 1 THRU JAN. 23 :# LONGHOFJ STEM HOUSE «C 4 Route 120 - 2% Miles East of McHenry - 385-9869^^ Illinois Regional Productions has announced two benefit performances of the Christmas production of "The Nutcracker Suite Ballet", performed earlier this month at Hemmens auditorium in Elgin The performances of The Nutcracker w ill be presented at Woodstock high school Saturday. Dec 16. at 2 p.m. and at 7:30 p m The performances will benefit the Woodstock high school theatre program Woodstock high school theatres fall production of "Romeo and Juliet has been -selected to perform at the 197" Illinois High School theatre festival The W H S production is one of only five in the state selected to perform at the festival, which will be held in January at the I'niversity of Illinois. Champaign I'rbana W M S Theatre Director Tony Casalino is a member of the cast of "The Nutcracker" The ballet was presented four times in the last two weeks in Klgin. led by a cast of young professional dancers, directed by choreographer Dawn Schreiber The cast includes adults and children from First class individuals are in first class company with ERA Real Estate Tradit ionally, t irst t lass means more ser\ ic es and a commitment to quality in every service that's ottered That's what f K V is, the tirst c lass in real estate Consumer Protection. Since the Buyers and Sellers Protection Plans were tirst ottered in 197 i we're proud to have paid mil l ions ot dollars in ( laims to satisf ied < ustomers Today fRA* is protecting more home pure hasers than any other company ERA" C ommunications. Another eve lusive ser\ ic e, the ERA* Telecopier'" in an elec tromc tool that connec ts you to the only national mult iple1 l ist ing system. ()ur system lets you shov\ and sell homes al l over Ameru a in' |ust minutes National Identity. ( )nly F K V brokers c an ( laim to l>e All vim need to knov\ in Real Estate " Tli . i t slogan sy mboli/es [ RA" to the public It 's p.irt ot , i t i rs t t , iss pac kage ot advertising and hat mc lucies jxmeriui award als and the eve lusive ( orporate annual lerrv lewis Muscular promc>t k m . i l tool w inning < < imnni s |X)nsorstnp ot th Dvstrophv lelethi We sup;x >rt that t 1 lome Eiuver'" m T ISE R our regul. i VOli < r t Mte v our < ort with collateral materials, ;a/ines and the I RA" Al )VE R \ updated >\d Book that helps .n advertising program Recruiting and Training. ! RA" rec ruitment and training programs < an help t ind new sales people and sh< them ev erv thing the'v need to know troin u(>ening the door to c losing the sale. Stuck th** < hart and s*-c (), irt ot t in• ( R A" makt• l i s t i n g and srr vvli . i t IRA" otters It s al l -.! ( lass Service " designed to l ing easier and more profitable ind ()ut atx i ing tirst c lass m reai estate Compare the Services ERA' vs. the Alternatives. • No Perc entage F ee • National System • Nationwide ( entral I istmg F i le • Computerized Client Follow up • Telec opier' C ommunic ations • Buyers Protection Plan • Sellers Protec t ion Plan » National Advertising • 1 oc al Campaigns • New Management Orientation • Sales Management Seminar • Sales Trainer Ac ademv • Loc al Tr, l ining Sc hoois • ln-( )tt ic e Mult i Media Program • Agent Rec ruitment Program • Agent Aptitude Analysis • National Merc handise & Tr.iwl Incentive Awards Program • (juaranteed S.i les Plan • tquity Advanc e • ( «roup F rrors and ( )missions e • (.roup Rate 1 i te Insuranc e • ( r i t ic a I Pericxi* Mortgage Insurance • Ma|or National ( ommunity Serv ic e Programs • Addit ional (other than brokerage F'rotit C enters J -- 1? r H F I • y SOLD ̂ For more information please f i l l in this coupon and send to: ERA RDG REALTY 920 N Front Street McHenry IL 60050 Attn Richard W Doherty Jr or call 815-385-9394 Each office independently owned and operated. Telecopier v is a registered service mark of the Xerox Corporation and is used by permission. First Class Service All you need to know in Real Estate Super Sign ERA" and designs are registered service marks of ELECTRONIC REALTY ASSOCIATES Inc. Please send additional information -- Please have a local ERA* representative call me Name Address. City Telephone (AC). State. .^ip Code. throughout the northwest suburban area. Remaining tickets after pre- sales will be >on sale at the Woodstock high school box office one hour before each performance. For further in­ formation. contact Tony Casalino at Woodstock U.S., 338-4370. O R A N G E S H E R BET SALAD packages orange package lemon orange 2 (3-ounoe) gelatin 1 (3-ounce) gelatin 3 cups boiling water 1 pint orange sherbet I large can mandarin slices, drained 1 large can crushed pineapple, drained Dissolve orange and lemon gelatin in the 3 cups boiling water Add the drained mandarin oranges, pineapple and the orange sherbet Stir until sherbet melts Chill until firm The Birds Birds, like people, ap­ preciate Christmas gifts. There are many types of feeders on the market, to place securely outdoors and kept filled #ith food. Swinging chickadee feeders have perches that allow only agile birds like chickadees, nuthatches or goldfinches to alight and feed. A humming bird feeder is attractive to the most fascinating birds in the world. A purple martin house can bring a family of birds that will eat their weight in mosquitos and other insects every day. The American Medical Asso­ ciation offers some simple tips for selecting toys that will help insure a completely happy Christmas. * Beware of small toys that can be swallowed, flam­ mable toys, and toys with rough or sharp edges. * All electric toys should be safe. Look for. the UL (Underwriters Labora­ tory) label on the cord and on the toy itself * Avoid toys made of lead or colored with lead based paints. You're unlikely to encounter these today, as the dangers of lead poison­ ing are now v^ell known But it 's wise to Fx.' sure * Baby's toys should Fx* Uh> large to put in the mouth, washable, lightweight and non-brittle. Eye injuries are a particular ha/ard from some Christmas toys. Sling shots, air rrfles, archery sets and even the spring-action toy pistols that propel sticks capped with rub­ ber cups have caused injuries * * * * Envy supplies the mo­ t ivation for about f if ty percent of the world 's small talk. * • * « Culture, when you boil i t dow n, is the act of being unself ish some of the t ime. YEAR L if fW SYSTEM POTVKASMER WITH POWER SCRUB" CYClt I tNf RGY SAVER RtVERSiBU • DRY CYCLE C010R PANUS U Delyxe 13 cycle built-in dish­ washer with Power Wash system m Lift-A-Level'B upper rack • Uses 20% less hot water than before ^ Sani-Cycle • Crystal Clear™ rinse dispenser : - Model HDA960 JM '372. C 1478 [KA* Irx I l o Lp- A Lot of Appliance for Your Money Lee & Ray Electric 1005 N. Front (South Rte. 31) McHenry, III. 365-0882 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Dried N coconut C Addition­ ally 10 -- emptor 11the End of Time" 12 Antonym of forgive IS Anagram of live 14 Sea: Fr. 15 Musical perception 17 Glaciate 18 "Down under bird 19 Drunk 21 Level; wreck: var. 23 Greek letter 24 Concerning 28 Plowed field 30 Torment 32 City of Manasseh 33 Ethiopian city 36 M.D.'s org. 37 Pronoun 38 Tree 40 Thrice: Lat. 41 ̂ Collection of laws 43 Literary nymphet 45 Done with 40 College in Michigan 47 Sunder 48 "The Big Fisherman" DOWN 1 Troglodyte 2 Run into the ground 3 Sty 4 Frenetic state 5 Contented 8 French season 7 Black and blue 8 Golfer's bete noire 9 Scott heroine 10 Judge's chamber 18 Church court 20 Challenge T O D A Y ' S A N S W E R UilEDHK SyWK flUDWKml feMSK flfeJU CiWa 3K]H| KEEi BC3SIZJQ QBE HEfe] BED SJufej SHE uiiqe. feJKtayuQ sunn BEHUBK ©ewe QSEKK 22 Sicilian 33 Neckwear city 34 Jostle 25 Biblical 35 Greek enchantress 31 Burrowing beast 42 Be mis­ taken 44 Illu- , minated 27 Amorous 28 Greek goddess 29 Biblical mountain 31 Run wMM. d fatter h&nve, Reasonably sweet You've probably read the following prayer many t imes, for i t ' s been reprinted often. You might l ike to keep this copy in your scrapbook, both to help you understand older people, and to know how to pray yourself as you grow older. The author is unknown, or 1 would give credit : "Lord, thou knowest better than I know myself that 1 am growing older, and some day will be old. Keep me from gett ing talkative, and part icularly from the fatal habit of thinking 1 must say something on every subject and on every occasion. "Release me from the craving to try to straighten out everybody's affairs . Keep my mind free from the recital of endless detai ls -- give me wings to get to the point . I ask for grace enough to l isten to the tales of others ' pains. Help me to endure them with patience. "But seal my l ips on my own aches and pains. They are increasing, and my love of rehearsing them is be­ coming sweeter as the years go by. I dare not ask for im­ proved memory, but for a growing humili ty and a lessening cocksureness when my memory seems to clash with the memories of others. Teach mc the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be mistaken. "Keep me reasonably sweet . I do not want to be a saint -- some of them are so hard to l ive with -- but a sour old woman (or man) is one of the crowning works of the devil . Make me thoughtful , but not moody; helpful , but not bossy. With my vast s tore of wisdom, it seems a pity not to use i t , but thou knowest , Lord, I want a few fr iends at the end. "Give me the abil i ty to see good things in unexpected places, and talents in unexpected people. And give me, Lord, the grace to tel l them so. Amen." K. J. Hastings is editor of The Illinois Raptist in Springfield Window and Woll Dtcor 20% SAVINGS •CUSTOM SHUTTERS •STOCK SHUTTER PANELS •CUSTOMIZED SHUTTERS • Custom Shutters - Painted, Stained, Or Unfinished. Louver & Insert Panels In Stock • 7" thru 12 Wide - 20" thru 40" Long Customized In Our Own Shop • Installation Available ' Rt 12 No. of Rt. 120 a Volo, III. 5 WE MEASURE AND INSTALL H PHONE SB 815 344 1811 DAILY 9:30 5:90 WED. 9 30 NOON CLOSED SUNDAY

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