Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1978, p. 2

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PAGE 2 - PI AINPEALER - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15,1978 * • 8 | ( . o n t m u m t y J j { ! ( a l e n d o r & DKCKMBKK 15 ^rmnrrn--e+raptrr--nt \ \ I \1 pot luck <>,ik room St Marv s school brmp gif t and t able ser\ ice t> p ni » ' K* DKCKMBKK 1« K£ Moose members chi ldren's 'hr istmas part> 2 to t p m K- Moose chi ldren s Christmas Ku. l t pick "P a ' '*1 1 ' lodge. bet MPween 11 , i m and 1 | ) m jTi Moose Mas ( hr istmas party gfc pick up gif ts and t ickets at the Moose lodge between 11 am #j£and 1 p m -cal l lodge with any Sc further questions & DKCKMBKK 17 . lohnsburg I 'TO s Breaklas^ S; i i i la"H a in to 1 pm ' P K; DKCKMBKK IK K- I I I K <» S wi l l meet at Kl ft in tor dinner at a restaurant R;to. be selected Fol lowing K'*dtnner ^roup will recess to K* First I nited Methodist church •trior a Christmas party r£' st Clara court Juveni le fe-Cir l Foresters Christmas 5»I parts Monda\ Dec 18 7 to K (() J?*!) " i Mar\ hal l-Montini >: <- nddle school gi f t exchange DKCKMBKK 19 oldies But (.oodies from Mi Hope Methodist church cet at noon Chapel Hi l l countrv club lunch and social . ! :our Women of the Moose >< 'hr istmas part\ ' Newcomers Club Cookie and Ornament, exchange home of •Mis \\ l .oughan McHenry - • I' 111 V\ "M'el l of the Moose ' 1 r i st in as pot j t ick 7 p m $:5 • ih bay meeting . i t V, p m ; DKCKMBKK -'<> v\ \ ispering * laks Women s »» lub Christmas parts Madrigal - mgers ot McIIonr\ high ; I ' t iool i p n | Kainih Ser\ ice and < 'mi l - units Mental Ho,)I th center Birthright's First Anniversary CINDY KENNEBECK ENGAGED -- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson, 3908 W. West avenue. McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Cindy, to J)ean Brodin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brodin. 214 Augusta drive, McHenry. Both attended McHenry Community high school. A May 19, 1979 wedding is planned at St. Mary's church, McHenry. regular monthly board of directors meeting 7::U) pm - !4()M W Waukegan road. McHenry-open to the public DKCKMBKK 21 P'Alpha Christmas party Mrs William Haddick hostess DKCKMBKK 26 Order of the Kastern Star no r>47-stated meeting Christmas party JAM \KY 2 Whispering Oaks bus to Chicago Loop leaves Com munity center at H 45 a m rides asailable for senior citizens and residents call 585 8518 by Dec 28 Kree blood pressure screening 2 p m First I'nited Methodist church. 3717 W Main JAM ARY 4 McHenry Barracks 1315 Veterans of World War 1 meeting at 2 p.m.-McHenry Post Home 491. 2505 N Kingwood road Kilmer Court Visits Downey Members of the Veterans committee of Joyce Kilmer Court 573 Catholic Daughters of America brought Christmas cheer to the North Chicago V A hospital veterans on Dec (> After games, refreshments were served and candy canes and other goodies distributed The Lakeland Park ladies sent along their usual Christ mas gift of Canteen books, one for each of the Vets at the party, and all had a merry ole time' Cynthia Cook. Kecreation therapist at the hospital, ex pressed appreciation in behalf ot the vets to Bertilla Freund, Francis Widhelm and Bobby May. and to the two drivers. Clara Slegar and Cecelia Oak lord who saw it entertainers got there and back safely Mrs Marino, whose , husband is hospitalized there, was vers grateful for the op port unity of riding along with the C DA group The December 7 regular meeting of the Court, had to be cancelled due to inclument weather and members will be notified of rescheduling On Dec 15 last year Birthright opened its office for the firs! time in McHenry county That day months of preparations were put to work as volunteers staffed the Birthright hotlihe and the first call came in The McHenry County Bir thright is the local chapter of an international organization providing free emergency service to pregnant women. Volunteers offer friendship and moral support to women with an unexpected pregnancy and guide them to people who are waiting to help such as legal, m e d i c a l . f i n a n c i a l professionals, and social service agencies in the local community "Kvery caller who called the Birthright hotline for help was treated as an individual and was given information for her needs." emphasized Director Barb Svoboda All calls are completely confidenital and callers may remain anonymous Of the 1978 calls. 73 cases have been completed, with callers ranging between 13 and 48 years of age "Community resources contacted have been very helpful atid have given as much J Officers of McHenry county Birthright organization, gathered to mark the completion of its first year in McHenry county, are Barb Svoboda. director, seated, and standing, from the left, assistant director Tina Gorski, secretary Connie Freund, and treasurer Bette O'Brien. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD moral supports," Mrs. Svoboda said. Birthright, a non- sectarian. non-profit organization, receives funding through private donations and fund raising events. There is never a charge for Birthright services. The telephone volunteer staff has grown from 15 to 25 this year. Also, the Speaker's bureau is active addressing groups and meetings free of charge. Office hours are bet­ ween 9 and 11 a m and 7 and 9 p.m. Monday through Friday At the regular December meeting, members plan a reassessment of their group- an overview of the past year The volunteers are grateful for the opportunity to help both married and unmarried women in crisis, who are often under pressure from society to ter ruinate their pregnancy quickly without considering alter­ natives. Mrs Svoboda said, "When we started we thought if we saved one baby's life, all of our efforts would be worth it " For further information call Mrs. Konald K 'Barb) Svoboda, 4611 W. Lake Shore drive, McHenry Women Of Moose Plan Members' Kids' Party Plans discussed at the Dec 5 meeting of the Women of the Moose McHenry chapter 1348. included the forth coming Moose members' kids Christmas party This event is scheduled for Saturday. Dec 16 Kor a child to be eligible, his parent must have a paid dues receipt The lodge will be open from 11 a m to 1 p m for members to bring children in. if registered, to pick up the Christmas gift and ticket for the matinee that day at the local theater Children are to be dropped off and left at the lodge A parent must accompany each child and be responsible for the child's transportation One parent may accompany any smaller child to the theater, and should pick up the ticket for himself or herself also Another event of the December meeting was the enrolling of Klizabeth Wirch in the home Chapter Carolyn Just en received the special award Refreshments were served by the social service committee, with Marilyn Com stock as chairman The next meeting will be Tuesday. Dec 19. with a pot luck scheduled at 7 D m If a person wishes to be in the Christmas gift exchange, she should bring a $3 grab bag gift F Senior Walk-In Center. . I I I Go First Class for NEW YEARS EVE There's Something For Everyone! In Our Lounge f rom / to 10 PM JIMMY ALMAN TRIO featuring "Little Jake" # and then in our DRIFTWOOD ROOM • Ji 1 v* / from 10 unt i l M' V A "INTERGALACTIC ADULT DISCO FEVER" V - v - f " ' SUPERB DINING CHAMPAGNE OPEN BAR THROUGHOUT GALA FAVORS All inclusive..$35°° per person Make Your Reservations Early GRgSCENT cI5AY~ °L N{j <309 Chapel Hill Rd McHenry 385-8899 Meals are served Monday through F riday at the McHenry Walk In center beginning at 1145 a m Reservations must l>e made by 1 30 p m the day l>efore at 375-8260 The menu "for the week of Dec 18 through Dec 22 is as follows Dec. ih: Turkey a la king with peas and celery over rice, sweet potatoes. French bread, banana pudding with tresh TianarfaS" 5nd milk " ~ Dec. 19: Beef stew with vegetables cole slaw biscuits, pineapple, and milk l)«*t 20 Kish portions, potatoes and cheese au gratin. lima beans, rye bread apricots, and milk I >»•«• 21 Steak sandwich, green beans with mushrooms, shoestring potatoes. ap plesauce and cookie, and milk Dec. 22: Christmas party at Marian Central high school in Woodstock Meal served at 1 p in PTO Breakfast Features Santa Breakfast with Santa, sponsored by the Johnsburg PTO. will be held on Sunday . Dec 17 from H a m to 1 p m at Bush school A pancake and sausage breakfast will be served Santa and his helpers will be on hand to take pictures and talk with the children A Christmas bazaar table, teaturing many handicraft items and ornaments, will also l»e available for last minute shoppers • • • • Church-goers don't necessarily lead model lives, but on the average, they're our best citizens. • * * * Advertising is the art of persuading a buyer that what you have to sell is worth more to him than his money. "Friends In Service Here" Mcllenrv Chapter "CHRISTMAS SHAKING" Yes, the time is getting shorter and shorter - we are hoping to have all items available within the next few days for ease in , sorting, packing and delivery. Today. Dec 15. from 1 until 4:30 p.m new toys, books, games for children of all ages, and items for our Senior Citizens, may be brought to the city hall basement. 1111 N. (Jreen street Wrappings, scotch tape and tags, will be appreciated, too' Canned goods. fruits, vegetables. meats and household items that all homes constantly use. and fresh vegetables, fruits, bread and desserts, should be taken to St Patrick's church basement. 3500 W Washington, I'se the door to the left of the vestibule Sunday. Dec 17 Bring items anytime from first early morning Mass until the end of the 12:15 p m Mass. so packing can be completed promptly If you prefer to contribute a check or gift certificate from a supermarket, please bring to St Patrick's during the hours indicated These are helpful to us in securing the fresh fruits, vegetables and desserts. Kor any other information, be sure to call Kish. at 385-0258 If you can help with delivering, call Kish at 385-4071 We hope to have you join us in this very helpful and satisfying work' One kind word or deed can warm three winter months' 1VLG "TIIK Nl 'ICKAt KKR" The group that is going on the bus to see "The Nutcracker" on Wednesday. Dec 20th, at McCormick Place in Chicago, will leave from the McHenry Roller Kink parking lot at, 5 pm Please be prompt and bring your "sack-supper' if you like Holiday Doings Planned By YSP The Tuesday. Dec. 19 meeting of the Fox Valley chapter of YSP is just for fun' All participants will celebrate the holiday season with dancing and a grab bab All those wishing to participate in the exchange may bring a gift for about $2. Girls should bring for the guys and guys Should bring for the gals Holidays are family times YSP encourage single parents to join them for Christmas dinner. Sign ups are a must since YSP will provide the main course Those attending w ill need to bring a dish to pass, such as jello molds, salads, desserts, etc. Dinner will be served at 3:30 p.m Please call Mae at 289-5644. or Sandy at 837-4429 to sign-up. or for more information Deadline for sign ups is Dec 19 If a person is unable to attend the dinner he or she may still come to the open house that evening Young Single Parents is a non-profit social and educational organization for single (divorced, separated, widowed, etc > parents between the ages of 21 and 42 Child custody is not a requirement for membership All eligible parents are cordially invited to attend any of the weekly meetings held each Tuesday at 8:30 p m at The Apple Orchard country club For further information about YSP call 312 888-4900 Editor's QuotB Book Intense study of nature, her secrets and her glories, will humble the meanest spirit. Charles B. Rogers TYPEWRITER & ADDING MACHINE REPAIR We Offer Complete Service On: •IBM •FACIT •ADLER •OLIVETTI •ROYAL •OLYMPIA AND ALL OTHER MAJOR BRANDS OF TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. Repaired In Our Shop, Or At Your Business. INCORPORATED McHENRY OFFICE SYSTEMS, INC. 1260 N.GREEN ST. McHENRY, U. (815) 385-5890 ry iBT^ ^ ~^ I USTIC ARBOR S s Restaurant and Lounge SERVING: BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER DAILY LUNCHEON & DINNER SPECIALS FRIDAY FISH FRY - SUNDAY BRUNCH £ sooooooooocooocoooooooooooooooooocoor-- • THE HARBOR LOUNGE FEATURES DOUBLE BUBBLE HOUR MONDAY-FRIDAY 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. 12 01. COCKTAILS '1" TUES. IS LADIES NIGHT! GREAT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT WED., "THE MUSIC MATES" ARE BACK! Cooc* 217 N. FRONT (RTE. 31) McHENRY, ILL s i Is s N s M MR. AND MRS. WARREN R. LITKA HOME IN MC HENRY -- Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Litka, both graduates of McHenry high school, are residing in Brittany Park. McHenry, after their 4:30 p.m. wedding on Sept. 30 at Zion Lutheran church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Messel, 1917 N. Sunset avenue, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Litka, 1011 Florence street, McHenry, are the parents of the groom. Grandma GRANDMASEZ Christmas is here again, an' this or rockin. chair is a wearin' th' rug out. wi' this granny a tryin't' put the' cares <>' the' world aside, f'r a hit Like ever one else, me' spirit seems t be laekin' th ex­ citement (»' past years, an' th' prayers re for last in' peace in th' world, th' greatest gift that man could give Th' savin' Spirit o' th' Christ- child is sounded throughout th' world, yet there re so many who hain't been touched wi' th' soul-savin' word Th' most endurin' power o' any human bein' who e'er walked th' earth, has saved millions o' people from disaster o' wrong doin' an' set em on a path to a better life than they've o'er known Mankind, since th beginnin o' time, has felt th' need t worship th' (ireat Power that governs th' universe, an has directed his adoration in many ways, venerating idols an' objects representing a deity, to demonstrate reverence for th powers he couldn't understand In this age. man seek t' un cover th' mysteries o' th' great beyond Seems t this o|' lady th' effort may be better applied t' discoverin' why mankind can't live in peace wi' his fellow-men What, in th' human brain, causes conduct likened t' that o' animals E'en great leasts n th jungle r'spect one another, an' live peaceably Once in a while trespassin' is committed, but on th' whole, they do pretty well, an' don't kill f'r th pleasure o' it Man creates a desire to' destroy, wi th' manufacture o his powerful weapons an' if there hain't a war. he can't play wi' his awful toys Many lolks. this granny hears, speak <>' times gone by. when a body might lay his head down at night, wi'out a fear <> what th' morrow might bring Me own wish, f'r ever'one. in this troublesome time, is t put away th' toils an' worries, an let ol Santa come down th chimney wi' a big bag o' happiness f'r one an all, an celebrate th' brithday o' the Prince O' Peace Merry Christmas an' a truly Happy New Year, t' all Grandma Radtke Sen iors (Au b Fro m Wonder Lake Sets Christmas Dinner The Christmas party for the Wonder Lake Senior Citizens club will be held Dec 18 at Nativity Lutheran church of Wonder Lake Dinner will be served promptly at 2 p.m The halls have been decked, a feast prepared, and music will be provided for the pleasure of all participants Everything has been done to assure that all will have a good time It should be noted that there will be no blood pressures taken until Jan 15. since the regular first Monday meeting, at which this service is usually per­ formed. falls on New Year's day • To remove salt stains from shoes and galoshes, apply a so­ lution of half water and half vinegar. Sponge on, and the stains disappear. • Go easy on the sugar when preparing holiday punches. Sugar-base punches leave dark stains when spilled. Instead try a n i n e x p e n s i v e A m e r i c a n champagne punch, and add the extra ingredients to give it the "kick" you want without the sugar base. About Your Wedding... In order to serve McHenry area brides the Plaindeaier sends wedding forms to all those whose engagements have been announced and carry a definite date We ask that these com pleted forms be returned three days prior to the wed ding Complete details will ap pear only during the week following the wedding except in the case of out-of-state weddings where an ad ditional week is allowed Photographs will be printed any time later, or will De in eluded with the wedding in formation if they occompany the story If your engagement an nouncement has not published or if the dote of the wedding was not known at thot time please call our of fice and request that a marriage form be sent No Change Economy is just a way of spending money with­ out getting any fun out of it. -Reporter, Kanawha, la. j OVER 75«TAVINGS"~^~ ! 3 DONUTS FREE! (815)385-8600 WHEN YOU PURCHASE A DOZEN DONUTS AT THE REGULAR PRICE Bring this coupon to ony par- ticipoting Dunkin Donuts shop in the continental U S DUNKIN' Offe< expires January 31 4504 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, IL "lf» Worth th* Trip" 1979.

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