Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1978, p. 4

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PAGE 4 - PLAiNPEALER • FRIDAY. DECEMBER 15.1»78 . . . . ̂HIRE AHP THERE IH BUSINESS ) Adminstrotor Named At Carestoel Join McHenry Kivkanis Club t Kiwanis Eleventh District Governor Fred Disel, left, and Dr. third from left, they are Frank Young. Bill Dodds, Tom Bitteflkian Robert Peterson, president of the McHenry Kiwanis club, installed and Mark Justen. new members at Monday's regular Kiwanis meeting. Starting STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Chicago Water Tower Information Center Opens ' Carestoel of McHenry. the area's newest skilled nursing (•are center, at 80H Royal drive, las announced that Mrs '•"Mollie Huffmaster had been named administrator, effective immediately •"Mnllie." as she is known in ihe community and the nursing home profession, was for twenty seven years the ad ministi atot *»f the Pistaliee Bay General Telephone Company of Ill inois <GTI i customers will be only minimally affected hv Ihe recent Ill inois Bell Telephone company rate case decision by the Ill inois Com nterce commission, according to Dwight Zimmerman, vice * t Nursing home < formerly known as The Villa i. According to Dorothy Kerr. K N . executive director of Carestoel. "Mollie" will be responsible for the overall management of the facili ty, enforce all rules and regulations relative to the level of health care and safety of the patients and generally plan president revenue requirements Although the ICC denied Bell 's request for a $ll(i million rate increase, some changes were approved One that will affect GT1 customers involves long organize and direct the day-to­ day activities "She will maintain ongoing liaison among the governing bodyr with the medical and nursing staffs -and other professional and supervisory staff of the facili ty and will work closely with all these groups in the the development and implementation of new programs and chances as distance calling within the state Previously there have been two rate schedules for toll calls, one for customer dialed and one for operator-placed calls Under the change, charges for customer-dialed calls have been reduced slightly The schedule of rates for operator placed toll calls has been eliminated and replaced with premium charges of 30 cents per call for any station-to station credit card call . 50 cents per call for all other station-to- station calls i collect and third number), and $1 for each person-to person call These premium charges apply in addition to the regular toll charges The new premium charge TZ M (-HENRY • '4 10520) considered necessary." says Ms Kerr According to "Mollie". one of her first priorities will be to evaluate the state of ongoing patient care and delivery at the 11-month old facili ty. . .and to take those steps necessary to maintain the type and quality of care that the community has a right to expect Top Salesman JACQUELINE PAI.MER For the second consecutive year. Jacqueline Palmer, has closed over a million dollars in real estate. She is also a member of the Century 21 award club. Jacqueline has been a resident of the McHenry area for the past ten years and has been associated with Century 21 l.ake Region for over two years. Ms. I'almer is a member of the McHenry County Hoard of Realtors and this year has received her Illinois broker's license. will not apply to operator placed local calls. Zimmerman said, because GTI originated a charge per call for operator assisted calls Jan 1. 1977 At the same time, some of the in state rates in the new long distance schedule are slightly lower, generally for calls of 40 miles or less Another change affecting GTI customers is the charge for call interruption If a person has the operator interrupt a toll call within Ill inois so the caller can get through to one of the parties, there is a new charge One change Ill inois Bell requested was charging for directory assistance calling While the ICC aproved this charge. GTI customers will not l»e affected by it "General Telephone has no plans at this t ime to implement d i r e c t o r y a s s i s t a n t - e charging. Zimmerman said : \ # # # )AN ASSOCIATION •••n St Mettonry 385 3000 itn ST Richmond 678-2061 /<?/ Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS i )SS. COUNTY OF McHENRY » IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER ) OF THE PETITION i TO CHANGE THE NAME > OF PETITIONER. ) LESLEE DENISE VENABLE. i a k a LESLEE DENISE > SCHMIDT ) NO NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that, on January 9, 1979. at 9:30 a m I will fi le and present my Petition for hearing in said Court praying for the change of my name from LESLEE I) EN ISE VE NABLE to LESLEE DENISE SCHMIDT, pursuant to the statute in such c ase made and provided Dated at Woodstock. Ill inois. December 1.-1978 LESLEE DENISE SCHMIDT a k a LESLEE DENISE VENABLE HAMER. SCHl'H & BAKER B\ John Kloempken P'O Box 430 Woodstock. 11 WKW8 (815) 338-1334 < Pub Dec 15. 22 & 29. 1978) RETl'RM FROM TRIP Jo Anne Geren. manager of Century 21 Lake Region in McHenry. has recently returned from a three-day trip to the East coast Mrs Geren and her husband. Harold, who is^lso a realtor, toured New Jersey and Connecticut- meeting with other Century 21 offices Jo Anne spoke to groups of brokers and managers in Parsippany and Woodbridge N J She also conducted a sales meeting for the Multi-office of Century 21 Carton-Bruen in Morristown, N J * } THE BOB < * _ * Great Intervii J With" * * WIVS 850 O } Fri. 7:35a Bob O Neil l is Overton Cadi •i Chicago area residents and visitors will get an early Christmas present this year when the historic Chicago Water Tower opens as a Visitor Information center Monday. Dec 18 Operated by the Chicago Convention and Tourism Bureau. Inc., the new Visitor Information center will be open for visitors seven days a week, from 9 a m to 6 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m Saturdays and Sundays. Three multi-lungual information specialists will staff the center during its hours of operation to answer questions and provide visitor information. Together, the three specialists are fluent in on .. . . ; * igo Bears Fans: * j DN'T MISS.. * NEILL SHOW J s When Bob Talks * i Players! YOUR AM DIAL SAT. 12:35pm Generol Manager of Pontiac in McHenry ***••••*••***•* . . . English. French. Spanish, German and Dutch In addition to the information specialists, visitors to the Water Tower will have several other sources of information about the Chicago area Six 4-by-8 foot maps will decorate the interior walls. In order, the maps will show the Northeastern Ill inois region, architectural landmarks, major shopping areas, museums, parks and zoos; major centers of entertainment and night l ife; and Iran sport at ion facili tes Each map will be il lustrated by a dynamic graphic made especially for the Visitor Information Center Further information will be available at two inside kiosks Drug, Alcohol Charges Filed Against Youth McHenry police reported Dec that Kobert S Kilday. ' .712 \ \ St Paul street. McHenry. was arrested and charged w ith possession of lo to :M) grams o f cannabis. Kilday I as also been charged with the il legal transportation of an alcoholic beverage lie was released on a SI.IMMI bond and scheduled lor hearings in Branch I court at Woodstock Dec 21 • • * • Santa Claus reports that he is getting urgent messages every day now. which will have pamphlets and bulletin boards with up-to- the-minute listings about events in Chicago Near the exit of the Water «. Tower, there will be five telephones with direct con­ nections to the RTA Travel Information center. the Chicago Convention and Tourism Bureau's Visitor Eventline. hotel reservation information, a restaurant reservation service, and the Chicago Council on Fine Art 's Visitor Eventline The $250,000 cost of the renovation project is being raised by the Chicago Con vent ion and Tourism bureau through private contributions to i ts Water Tower Restoration fund \ H KM) ( OW KM ION Attending the Las Vegas Century 21 convention from Century 21 Lake Region in McHenry., Dec 12 15. are JoAnne Geren. manager. Bar!) Howard. Dennis Drake, Keith Howard and Harold Geren. sales associates The theme of the sixth annual convention is The Competitive Edge The keynote speaker of the con vention is Bob Hope Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind. •Shakespeare. A gift much expected is paid, not given. -George Herbert. Nothing costs so much as what is given us. -Thomas Fuller. LITTLE JOHN'S CASUAL DINING & ENTERTAINMENT ON THE FOX RIVER HOURS MON THURS 1 lam to lam .FRI & SAT 1 lam to 2am SUN Noon to lam DELICATESSEN FOOD! CARRY OUTS AVAILABLE PLUS. . HOMEMADE SOUP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY WE FEATURE SPENGEL & VIENNA MEATS HAPPY HOUR-DOUBLE BUBBLE 4 30 to 6pm MON THRU FRI WITH FKII HORS D OEUVRES1 IT'S HERE! BIG ADVENT COLOR TV WITH 6 DIAGONAL SCREEN MAKE YOUR NEW YEAR'S EVE |>rt RESERVATIONS NOW! ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTIES' •<5 I & t i I % 4 1 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY & SATURDAY NITES THIS WEEKEND FEATURING PRESTIGE ARTISTS' "TRAX" 1211 N RIVER RD McHENRY ILL PHONE: 385-2014 USTIC ARBOR Restaurant and Lounge Invites You To GREET THE & NEW YEAR WITH US Join Us At Our Party! DINNER SERVED FROM 7-10 P.M. Selection of 10 Delicious Entrees! Dance To The Great Sounds Of THE MUSIC MATES Starting At 9:30 P.M. ENJOY CHAMPAGNE AT MIDNIGHT) Seating Is Limited, So Make Your Reservations Soon 217 N. FRONT (RTE. 31) /«i c\ oqc a Ann McHENRY, ILL. (815)385-8600 Firms in tv wiui u RESERVE HOUI! Open To The Public $1 000 I Mm PER PERSON INCLUDES: A Complete Buffet Dinner Served From 6pm - 10pm (TAX & TIP NOT INCLUDED) * STEAMSHIP ROUND OF BEEF CARVED BY OUR CHEF * SEAFOOD NEWBURG * BAKED CHICKEN * VIRGINIA BAKED HAM WITH ORANGE GLAZE * MASHED POTATOES 6. GRAVY * ASSORTED SALADS * VEGETABLES * RELISHES * MUFFINS * JELLO MOLDS * HERRING # MELON BASKET * CHEESE ROUNDS * COFFEE * ASSORTED DESSERTS * COMPLIMENTARY GLASS OF WINE WITH DINNER Entertainment From 9:30 pm 'TIL 2:00 am CHAMPA6NE AT MIDNIGHT •HATS 'NOISEMAKERS 'CONFETTI W HUNTER COUNTRY CLUB ON RT. 173 • ONE BLOCK EAST OF RT. 12 - RICHMOND. IL. FOR RESERVATIONS t INFORMATION CALL (815)678-2631 JJ. r M Ml \k\ Pi V'M)i AI I U The McHenry Plaindealer Established 1875 3S12 West Elm Street Phone 315-0170 McHenry. Illinois 6OOSO Published Every Wednesday A Friday ot McHenry. Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY * Subicrrbart or* »QUUI«l to proviso immadtata notica •< changa o» oddratt lo T(M McHenry Me i r tdea la r MI2W l im i t McHanry I I I M0S0 A deduc t ion o l on* month f r om tha aspiration ot o tubtcriptian will b» moda whara a changa ot addratt it pravi4<l4 through tha Poit OHua Dapartmant Adele Froehlich-EdiUrr Larry E. Lund-Publisher MEMBER 1978 NEWSPAPER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER moCuTidl r»»X»« IMT NNA SUSTAINING » MEMBER --1978 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Wnr Mli.(H) In McHenry and lake County 1 "r Outside McHenry and lake County | | |{ K JT GROUND BREAKING-Pictured above are local business men and women of Wonder Lake gathered at the job site of I^tizia Financial corporation for a ground breaking ceremony of a new, square feet office complex. I>etizia Financial corporation, realtors and financial planners, along with If. R. Builders will occupy the majority of the building and plan to lease out the remainder. Letizia Financial corporation is a consulting firm with regard to financial plans, real estate and insurance. From left to right, front row, are the Rev. R. Wright, Wonder Lake Bible church: Jim Rachel, district sales manager. Permibilt Mfg. Co.; J. Althoff, marketing manager, IVrmibilt Co.. H. Bieritz, of M R. Builders, general contractors; in rear row, John C. Letizia, president, Letizia Financial Realtors; J. Hermes, of Hermes and Company; Patrick J. Letizia, president. Letizia Financial Planners; Mrs. Vicky Letizia. and daughter. Tiffany; J. Grasser, B. Sullivan. T P. Mathews, P. Letizia and L. Murphy. General Telephone Affected Slightly By Bell Rate Case Postal Service Suggestions Postmaster LeRoy M Smith is reminding customers that for Ihe best service this Christmas season they should use zip codes, place their return ad­ dress in the upper left corner of the envelope and use proper postage "By following these suggestions". Postmaster Smith said. "Customers will be assured good mail services this holiday season", It is important, the McHenry Postmaster says, that families double check envelopes and cards before mailing to IH> certain proper postage is af f ixed Envelopes without postage will be returned to senders, if possible, or delayed by postage-due procedures He also urged that senders not l ick stamps too much or they will not stick When the return address is placed on envelopes bearing holiday greetings, it also helps remind friends of one's current address And if the family to whom a holiday message is sent moved more than a year ago. il cannot IK* forwarded With A return address, postmaster Smith says, such letters are returned to the sender with a notation that the forwarding order has expired Methodist Choir Presents Cantata A Christmas cantata. King of Loveb\ Roger Strader. will be sung b\ the McHenr\ First I nited Methodist church senior choir Sunday. Dec 17. at the 9 :?<) and 11 a m worship services The choir is directed by Bill Toalson. with Lvnne Sobczak accompanisl and Ted Currs and Mae Si inespring. narrators S« It>s will be l>> Hill Abel. Reeky Dolby Dave Dolby, \eretla (irrsl . id and Kllen Meyers This cantata promises lo bring special inspiration this Christmas season

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