Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1978, p. 7

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WHO KNOWS! 1. When was nylon first manufactured? 2. When was the Boston Tea Party held? 3. When was Louisana purchased? 4. What is the 16th Amendment? 5. Name the largest of the earth's planets. ^ 6. What is the area of the District of Columbia? 7. When were the citizens of the District given the right to vote? 8. Classify a drupe. 9. What is the ancient birthstone for December? 10.Who founded the Society of Friends (Quakers)? Aasvirs Ti Wfco Kmvs 1. December 15, 1939. 2. December 16, 1773. 3. December 20, 1803. 4. The Federal Income Tax law. 5. Jupiter. 6. Sixty-seven square miles. 7. In 1961, by the 23rd Amendment. 8. Any fleshy fruit with an inner stone, as a peach. 9. The ruby. 10.George Fox. & The word "boo/e" is be­ l i e v e d t o c o m e f r o m t h e D u t c h b u i z c n . m e a n i n g " t o d r i n k t o e x c e s s . " £>T. LOUIS CARDINALS' QUART&BACK IS VETERAN Mc llenr\ Recreation Ladies Tuesday Nile l eague 7 p.m. Averages or better: B. O'Brien, 185 - 491; G. Stein sdoerfer, 175 - 451; H. Bothering, 432; B. Justen. 406; W. Aylward, 420; P Gass, 326; P. Grosrenaud. 411; E. Glaviano, 440; M. Foster, 339; R. Fraser. 399; M. Collis, 379; S. Smith. 471; S. McClory, 192 - 475; P. Kosior*, 419; D. Hayes, 179 - 487; G t>iatek. 392; C. Michels, 200 - 526; V Orr, 320 and L. Crouch. 170-468; H Spencer. 403 Railroads: W Gehrke.3-7; F. Manzardo. 5-10; R Romkowske. 5-7: M Collis. 5-7; G Piatek. 5-6; H Spencer. 5-4- 7; Y. ltyden. 3-10 and B Smith, 2-5-10. P.S.S Well pals, here's the, big surprise in who Beat the Champ - none other, but our Mary Lou Stine. with a 662. Congratulations Lou- you deserve it. Wish you all the luck when you get out there in that tourney JIM HART -WHO HAS HAD SOME GOOD AND NOT-SO-GOOD YEARS AS A PASSER SINCE HE JOINED THE CLUB. IN THE 1977 CAMPAIGN, JIM COMPLETED 52.3% OF THE 3S4 PASSES HE HEAVED. 13 OF "THEM WENT FOR TOUCHDOWNS. AI P* ONE OF JIM'S FAVORITE TARGETS IN '77 WAS SPEEDY MEL MY WHO SNARED 39 PASSES -- 5 FOR TOUCHDOWNS. CSART • SIGNED HIS FIRST CONTRACT WITH THE CARDINALS' TICKET MANAGER WHO SAW POTENTIAL /A/ THE FORMER SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY PLAYER, EVEN THOUGH HIS COLLEGE CAREER WAS ONLY FAIR. IN'74 JIM WAS THE N.F.C. «r MOST VALUABLE PLAYER. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Building Permits Richard Adams. 3001 Maryville Drive. McHenry, for a four bedroom residence at 1618 Lincoln Road McHenry Township Fee--$340. Brittany Builders, 1903 S. Route 31. McHenry. for two residences in Nunda Township One. a three-bedroom residence at 6204 Hidden Oak Drive with an approximate value of $58.000. Fee--$221 The other. a four-bedroom residence at 6104 Hidden Oak with an approximate value of $78,000 Fee--$246 William R Johnson. 7624 Howe Road. Wonder Lake, for a two bedroom residence at 5641 Barnard Mill Road with an approximate value of $40,000. McHenry Township Fee $175 Dorothy R Mauer. 104 Rose Ave , Crystal Lake, for a four- bedroom residence at 7804 Carriage Drive with an ap­ proximate value of $98,000 Nunda Township Fee--$270 William J Roche. 4613 W Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Lake, for a three-bedroom residence at 8029 W. I^ake Shore Drive. Wonder Lake, with an approximate value of $45,000. McHenry Township- Fee $210 Reed Construction Co., 3204 Biscayne. McHenry, for a thfee-bedroom residence at 7717 Pamela with an ap proximate value of $42,000 McHenry Township Fee $192 TKD Ltd Lance M Parks. 3703 James St .. McHenry. for a three-bedroom residence at 7718 Maplewood with an ap proximate value of $(33,900. McHenry Township Fee-$222 Douglas H Fschner, 5021 E. Lake Shore Drive. Wonder Lake, for a three bedroom residence at 8105 F. Meadow Lane with an approximate value of $35,500. McHenry Township Fee $216 Thomas Bouffard, 210 S Burton Place. Arlington Heights, for a two-bedroom residence at 706 Annabelle with an approximate value of $55,000. McHenry Township. Fee-$165 Flowerwood Inc., Crystal Lake, for remodeling a far inhouse into office space at an approximate v^ue of $15,000. Nunda Township Fee $66 Fdward Gentry. 1911 Page Place. McHenry. for a fireplace with an approximate value of $2.8(H) "Nunda Township Fee - $31 Gary L Rabne. 6511 North Shore. Spring Grove, for an enclosed breezeway with an approximate value of $3,200. Burton Township Fee $31 The greatest grace of a gift, perhaps, is that it anticipates and admits of no return. -H.W. Longfellow. Whatever a man has is in the end oniy a gift. -C. M. Wieland. Tire$tone Home For The Holidays" WINTER REARS REGULAR FRONTS 4-ply polyester cord DELUXE CHAMPION 2. *44 Blackwall A78-13 PKit Si 69 F E T per tire «rx) 2 otd lif«t 6T. F I T >!'• Sue FK T Z •AT® 13 (44.00 il 69 F76 14 186 00 tj >e •6 00-12 46 00 1 42 G78 14 68 00 2 42 *560-13 48 00 1 46 H78-14 72 00 260 •HJ5H0-11 48.00 1 43 •5 60.15 5200 1 61 •6 00 13 50 00 1 50 •6 00 151 56.00 1 70 B78 13 52 00 1 77 •6 85S-15. 58 00 ' 86 C78-14 54 00 1 93 0 78-15 70 00 2 45 •6 45-14 58 00 1 71 H78-15 78 00 2 65 0-78-14 58 00 201 176-15 . 80 00 2 93 E7B-14 oa.oo 2 13 M pitt pm» l« »"<! 2 OP Ml 'OMPWM IrMd dM40" ft#" WHTTCWAU AOO II to 44 W TIM Fiberglass • Belted Radial SMW BITERS U*-«nctd art* cont body ALSO Slrt : FIT» WHIT *•« Mfl-U 1AB7S-1J I 142 Tfl-14 ';B-8'4 I 45 P19J75R-14 IEWI-14 SO »2»7»->4 m»l4 SO P2i5 758-14 001-14 S3 Fit most Am»nc»n and import cars I P 1 5 5 8 0 R 1 3 P165 80H-13 P 1 5 5 8 0 R 1 5 Plus S1.94 to $2 06 F E T ALSO »2Z 'W >4 4 '5 P205 »2'5 'SR-15 »225 ^ 15 DEAL WITH THE PRO S' McHENRY FIRESTONE, INC. [legancB fits in family Boom Here ' s a comfor t ab ly ca s ­ ua l and inv i t ing f ami ly room tha t ' s a t once e l egan t , e f f i ­ c i en t ly func t iona l and a snap to ma in ta in . Much o f t he c red i t fo r t h i s winn ing combina t ion goes to the cho ice o f ha rdwood fo r t he room ' s fu rn i sh ings . Oak i s used l av i sh ly th roughou t , add ing na tu re ' s own e l e ­ gance . On the ce i l i ng he igh t door , t he ma te r i a l he lps en ­ l a rge the pe rcep t ion o f t he space , and i t ' s tough enough fo r cab ine t s in t he ba r a r ea . The room can accommo­ da te the who le f ami ly fo r many ac t iv i t i e s f rom danc ing pa r t i e s to qu ie t conve r sa ­ t ions . Fo ld ing door s a l low the ba r a r ea to be conven­ i en t ly c losed o f f and wi th t he rug r emoved , t he oak pa r ­ que t f loo r p rov ides an idea l su r f ace fo r danc ing . The f loo r , l i ke o the r ha rdwood fu rn i sh ings in t he room, r e ­ qu i r e s l i t t l e ca re--dus t ing and semi -annua l wax ing . The f loo r - a l so ac t s a s a des ign e l emen t , s e t t i ng the " s t age" of t he room fo r t he r e s t o f t he fu rn i sh ings . The •g race fu l--l ines--and warm tones o f t he wa lnu t cock­ t a i l t ab l e and a rm cha i r add v i sua l i n t e re s t t o t he c l ean l i ned appea rance o f t he space . And the p lushy couch and f lu f fy l i gh t rug g ive so f tnes s and t ex tu re . The combination _ _af all these fu rn i sh ings add up to an e l e ­ gan t comfor t ab le p l ace fo r t he f ami ly ' s soc i a l l i f e . cThank̂ Qoodqess! January: The Confection Connection What's the sweetest month of all? January, of course, for it's National Candy Month! So instead of succumbing to a postholiday slump this year, sweeten your winter with candy confections Although almost everyone appreciates receiving holiday, anniversary and birthday « Y I VT *7Z gifts, few gifts charm as much as the unexpected ones that simply say, "I was thinking about you." A gift of candy conveys "sweets to the sweet." Through the ages, confec­ tions have always represented special treats prized for their pleasing taste and good ef fects. The ancient Egyptians thousands of years ago may have been the first candy- makers, mixing honey with s e e d s , f r u i t a n d f o o d colorings. Candy, an energy-giving fun food, is made of a variety of ingredients and provides pleasure and satisfaction. For everyone on any oc­ casion--or no occasion-- and especially during National Candy Month in January, candy is a gift of unques tioned good taste SuBH,* BRAT mllll mm. BRATOR MINI-BRAT. YOU LUCKY DEVIL? The Subaru B' could be your gre< • of fun Because y< greal luck of wmrv most devilish car !' powered mini Bra! It s really easy chance a t one o f t f participating dealer and entry blanks 7 just have to fill one thru Jan 31 And licensed i only ones en t i t l ed t < ge t i n the runn ing f < at Sweepstakes ^ light to barrels i could have the g our e Brat Or a gas 30-cart 0 enter for a ree Brats Your has all the details j participate you )ut from Nov 1 irivers aren t the ) fun Kids can n mini Brats All they need is the signature of a parent or guardian on their entry blank It s their chance at those terrific little bright colored go carts The Subaru Brat Sweepstakes You and your kid could make a clean sweep The Lake Region Sports Car Club will officiate at Europa Motor's two Mini-Brat drawings to be held: DEC. 15,1978 & JAN. 31,1979 FIRST DRAWING TONIGHT! EUROPA MOTORS RTE. 120 '2 MILE EAST OF HENRY I'llOlNE .*85-0700 \ .. SINCE 1957" PAGE 7 - PLAINDEALER D o - 1 1 - Y o u r s e l f C h r i s t m a s If there were two Christ- mases every year, we'd prob­ ably find time for only one of them. It's hard to manage all the shopping, decorating and gift-wrapping. Here are some ways to s a v e t i m e , m o n e y a n d energy --and help you enjoy your holiday season more -FRIDAY. DECEMBER 15, is,.* 0ach card to a heavy caru- board backing. • And to share the warm glow of holiday cheer with friends, serve special Irish coffee--topped with aerosol whipped cream A magic wand for moderij magicians: Aerosol Spray! Your ho l iday gen ie may be your wonder fu l array o f aeroso l spray product s • You can p lay Jack Fros t on your Chr i s tmas t ree and w indow panes by dus t ing them wi th aeroso l " snow." • Fash ion a wrea th by weav ing ar t i f i c ia l f ru i t on a wire f rame; tuck in ho l ly or evergreen . Spray pa in t i t go ld or s i l ver for a dramat i c e f f ec t , and add a large bow For sa fe , e f f ec t ive use o f aeroso l s a l ways fo l l ow labe l in s t ruc t ions . • You ' l l r ea l ly ge t ' the scent o f Yu le by spray ing the woodsy aroma o f p ine a i r f r e shener throughout your home • Create a ga l l ery for your Chr i s tmas cards : spray g lue Christmas Cooky Jar Recipes OATMEAL TR IDGF C p O K \ 1 2 < u p s o f t s h o r t e n i n g ' j ' u p s u g a r 'j cup brown sugar I parkedi 1 ' j T b s p g r a t e d l e m o n r i n d 1 1 j T b s p m o l a s s e s > 2 t s p v a n i l l a • c u p c u p p l u s 2 T b s p . f s i l t e d e n r i c h e d t l o u r > I ? t s p s o d a j j v / ' a t s p s a l t * J r I I a < u p s r o l l e d o a t s q u i r k o r r e g u l a r ( u n c o o k e d i (ornh ine shor ten ing , sug . i - brown sugar egg , gra ted l em<>r r ind mo las se s and van i l l a , a 'v l mix toge ther thorough ly S i ' 1 toge ther and s t i r in f l our . sod«; and sa l t then s t i r in ro l l ed oa t Shape mix ture in to a ro l l about ' i n c h e s l o n g a n d 2 ' 2 i n c h e s t h i c k ( h i l l thorough ly l or s evera l hours or over n ight S l i ce l h r - about » - in< h i . u s ing a sh . i kn i t e and arrange on l i gh th greased bak ing shee t s Bake in modera te ly ho t oven i400degr< < K 1 f o r 8 t o 1 0 m i n u t e s M a k e s 2'. to :s do / en WAS YOUR PICTURE IN THE PAPER? 1 Reprints of any photo which appeared in the McHenry Plaindealer and taken by our staff are available at modest prices. All are black and white. 4 X 5 - $ 2 . 0 0 5 X 7 - $ 2 . 7 5 8 X 1 0 - $ 4 . 0 0 Order Yours Today!! ALLOW 7 DAYS FOB PROCESSING McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm Street Phone 385-017U 4005 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. 385-2323 k

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