PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20. U78 Johnsburg Holds Mock Wedding ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss LINDA MUSCOVIN ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. Robert Muskovin of Michigan. Miss Pat Muskovin. 6906 West Route 120, McHenry, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nette, 2112 Chapel Hill road, announce the engagement of Linda Muskovin and Vincent Nette. both 1977 graduates of McHenry high school. An Aug. 4 wedding is planned. EjfcHTY YEARS - Samuel Miller and his wife. Muriel, are shown e^oying an outing at a local restaurant, as Mr. Miller celebrated hif eightieth birthday Friday. Dec. 8. The Millers were joined for ttfk occasion bv twentv members of the McHenrv Senior Citizens cftSb. A son. James, and his wife, from Hoffman Estates, were able lo>ttend. Mp. Miller was with U. S. Steel before his retirement, ami Mrs. Miller taught school in Chicago. ^ p: (Community & 8 h:: (jilrndur K vK v l̂ sccococosoococoeoĉ J s DECEMBER 20 JMnspenng Oaks Women 's c I j j b Chr is tmas p a r t y Madr igal s ingers of McHenry hi f r i school -1 p m yamilv Service and Com mrini ty Menta l Heal th center regular monthly board of doctors meet ing 7 30 pm i<^9 W Waukegan road, McHenry-open to the publ ic •* * DECEMBER 21 Jp iAlpha Chr is tmas par ty \irs Will iam Haddick . hos tess * ; DECEMBER 26 £) rder of the Eas tern Star >4? s ta ted meet ing-Chr is tmas ))»\\ JAM AH1! 2 Whisper ing Oaks bus to Chicago Loop leaves Com mjni ty center a t H 45 a m r ides avai lable for ' senior citizens and residents call 385 H5J8 by Dec 28 .Free blood pressure s<}reening 2 p rn F i rs t I n i ted Mjthodis t church ' .717 \ \ Mgiri JAM ARY 4 McHenry Barracks 1315 Veterans of World War I meeting at 2 p m McHenry Post Home 491. 2505 N Kingwood road -Japan's Highest Holiday Is First The bigges t ce lebra t ion of the vear in Japan is not Chr is tmas but New Vear s New Year s is the t ime when a l l debts a re paid and bus iness books a re c leared No Japanese wants to begin the New Year owing anything to anyone Toward the end of December a l l Japanese houses a re given a thorough c leaning to ge t ready lor the New Year s ce lebra t ion Pine branches a re fas tened to the house ga tes and placed ins ide the h ' -mes on the fami ly a l ta rs Specia l r ice cakes ca l led mochi a re made tor serv ing on New Year s Day At midnight on the Oreat Las t Day the tern p ie be l l s sound out 108 s t rokes This announces the pass ing of the o ld year and the beginning of a Happy New Year The Japanese d iess in the i r bes t c lo thes and go ca l l ing on the i r f r iends on New Year Day Also , they make the rounds of the i r ances tora l shr ines to pay homage to the dead NEW YEARS EVE DECK & , lO 1232 N Green St McHenry SPECIAL MENU 3 seatings 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 MAKE YOUR DINNERI RESERVATIONS EARLY 385-9836 Newman Club Plans Christmas Celebration The Newman club at McHenry County college will have its Christmas celebration Thursday. Dec 21. beginning with Mass at 6 p.m. at St. Thomas the Apostle church, located at Route 176 and Oak street in Crystal Lake The Newman club, as it is popularly called on a public school campus, is a Catholic community of students and faculty Their program of faith, worship, service, social and cultural activities is enhanced by building a better com munity The Newman club is dedicated to the service of human needs, committed to witness The Rev John C. Holdren is sponsor of Newman club at McHenry County college and has been for the past five years. £> Each year the Newman club has a Christmas celebration and members extend the in vitation to members over the past years who have been part of the club Following this celebration of Mass. a special dinner will be served by Newman club members themselves Each Newman club member is asked to bring a dish to pass The meat has been donated through various organizations. Following the dinner, a band will provide dancing music. The peer Minister of Newman club is Joel Blake. Vice-President I is John Krausen; Vice-President II is Lorelei Kuetemeyer; secretary is Mary Bell; Social committee chairman is Tim Brix and liturgists are Robert Hollen- beck and James Drendel. Newman club meets at McHenry County college every Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. in room 160. All are welcome to come and join in the activities. Further information on Newman club can be obtained by calling Father Holdren at 459)5909 For information on ^Newman's Christmas dinner, contact Cathie Porzel at 675- 2114 Special Music Graces ' ~i*-- ---- -- - Zion Lutheran Wedding As Alice J Bieschke, 4006 Kane avenue. McHenry and Allen L Hallett . 61 N Kitson drive. Palatine, son of Mrs. Jay MacMorran, ToVanda, Pa . . exchanged promises of marriage in Zion Lutheran church Dec 16. a special musical selection. "Tell Me W ith Thine Eyes", was sung by Tammie Bieschke. daughter of the bride "God Has Given You To Me" was then sung by Esther and Linda Walter during the 7 p.m. ceremony at which Pastor Herman Graef officiated. The attire chosen by the bride was a street length dress in aqua quiana. with matching beaded jacket She carried a colonial bouquet of white s t a r b u r s t c h r y s a n - themumswith delicate blue tint Tammie Bieschke. a student at Northern Ill inois university. was her mother 's maid of honor. Lisa Hallett of Palatine, daughter of the groom The maid of honor wore a peach quiana blouson street- length, and carried taffy and yellow chrysanthemums The bridesmaid was attired in a mint quiana blouson in street length, and her bouquet was composed of yellow and white chrysanthemums Matthew Hallet was chosen as his father s best man Mark Hallett and Harry Bedenian. a friend of the groom, were ushers After the ceremony, a reception was held in the VFW for 140 guests. After a wedding trip to SanDiego. the couple w ill reside in Palatine The bride is employed as a teacher in the Montini schools, ana tne groom is an aircraft mechanic for American Airlines Parenthood Classes At Memorial Hospital Bert Hanson, executive director of Memorial Hospital for McHenry county, today announced that prospective mothers and fathers are invited to the two sessions of Preparation for Parenthood Monday evening. Jan 8, and Monday. Jan 15 Both classes w ill s tart at 8 p m and are held in the hospital dining room "In previoq^sessions, man, fathers to-be have attended in addition to the prospective mothers We are very pleased with the interest in this program. Hanson said The program is presented by Memorial hospital for Fireplace Safety Rules Important The Holidays, for many families would be incomplete without a fire in the fireplace However a small fire is just as cheerful as a roaring one -- and much safer Hardwoods make the best wood fire Softwood produces too hot a fire Scrap lumber as well. LAST MINUTE CHRISTMAS HOURS SAT. 12 23 78 SUN. 12 24-78 9 9 V AM (o V 9 5 w AM to McHenry county in cooperation with members of the medical staff and the hospital staff ' Each session will include movies and talks, and no charge of any kind is involved The films are ' Prenatal Care' and "Labor and Delivery " A member of the medical staff will lead the discussion on prenatal care and on labor and delivery at both the Jan 8 and 15 sessions Mrs Fran Schlopp. R N . obstetrical supervisor, will take part in the program Included in the class schedule is a tour of the hospital 's maternity depart ment produces too hot a fire and can cause sparks to fly out the chim ney This may be a fire hazard to the roof or nearby trees It a fire is not out before you go to bed. push the logs in to the rear of the fireplace or stand them securely on end in either corner Be sure the fireplace screen is in place and closed IK) NOT burn wrappings from presents in the fireplace, as flames may flare into the room Johnsburg high school's auditorium, above, was the scene of the recent mock wedding conducted by the members of the adult living class. The bride. Nancy Ellen Preston, is shown being escorted by her father, whose part is being taken by Scott Gilliam. The adult l iving class of Johnsburg high school brought to a close a section of i ts unit on marriage and family living by organizing and conducting a mock wedding of two class members,Nancy Ellen Preston and John Robert Ram berg, Tuesday. Dec 5. in the high school auditorium The ceremony involved participation by twenty-seven class members, taking the parts of the wedding party members, clergyman, vocalists and accompanists, and all the usual people found at a wedding, even the bride's and groom's grandmothers Besides those involved in the actual ceremony, there was a supporting cast tending to details that ranged from printing . invitations to managing the reception As a follow up all cast members were asked to evaluate their participation and its relationship to the success of the entire event According to teacher Mary Ann Pelle, the purpose of the mock wedding is not so much to stress values as to show the many details involved in a wedding Values education is carried on throughout the year and some of the concepts covered are preparation for marriage and parenthood, dissolutions of marriages and old age STAFF PHOTOS- WAYNE GAYLORI) For Your Shopping Convenience About Your Wedding... In order to serve McHenry oreo brides the Ploindeoler sends wedding forms to oil those whose engogements hove been announced and carry a definite date We ask that these com pleted forms be returned three days prior to the wed ding Complete details will ap pear only during the week following the wedding except in the cose of out-of state weddings where an ad ditional week is allowed Photographs will be printed any time later or will be in cluded with the wedding in formation if they accompany the story If your engagement an nouncement has not published or if the date of the wedding was not known ot that time please call our of fice and request that a marriage forta be sent Swedish Glogg Mix Seasonal In a bowl combine '2 cup golden raisins, 1 3 cup sugar '4 cup blanched almonds, 12 cloves. 6 cardamom pods, and 2 sticks of cinnamon Transfer the mixture to a glass Canister or wrap it in clear plastic with festive ribbon ing To make Swedish tfloM In a large heavy enamel saucepan combine Swedish mix with 1-1 3 cups water and 2 long strips of orange peel Bring the water to a boil over moderate heat washing down any sugar crystals clinging to the sides of the pan with a brush dipped in cold water, and simmer the mixture for 5 minutes Add 3 cups each of dry red wine and Tawny Port and bring the mixture to a boil over high heat Remove the pan from the heat and let the mixture steep, covered, tor at least 2 hours Bring the mixture to a simmer, add 14 cups Cognac, and heat the glotlK for 1 minute Transfer the gluKg to a warmed silver punch bowl, ignite the spirits and ladle the flaming */<**' into heated mugs Makes about 12 servings FRUIT PUNCH 2'2 cups sugar 2* a cups water l'i quarts grapelruit juice, chilled 14 quarts orange juice, chilled l'i cups lime juice l'i quarts ginger ale, chilled Combine sugar and water in saucepan place over heat and stir until sugar is dissolved Bring to a boil , let boil f ive min utes without stirring Cool Add grapefruit juice, orange juice and lime juice Just before serv ing add ginger ale and pour over party ice molds, if desired, in punch bowl Makes 44 hal f cup servings • For champagne punch sub sli tute half champagne, halt sparkling water for the ginger ale ) The bridal couple. John Ramberg and Nancy Preston, pictured at the left, light the single taper w ith their separate candles, one of many* details which may be incorporated in some marriage rituals. BeloW. the bride and groom listen attentively as Eric Olsen. in the role of the clergyman, reads from (ienesis and Corinthians. familiariiing participants with one form of wedding ceremony. I i i i i i i) CtlllJ> Mr and Mrs Charles Mote. 1700 Pleasant. McHenry. an nounce the birth of their second son. Michael Edward. born Dec 8. in McHenry hospital Michael 's brother. Billy, is 8. and he has a sister Saudi. 4 Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jack Schramm. McHenry, and Mr and Mrs Robert Mote. McHenry. are the paternal grandparents Two sets of great gr indparents are Mr and Mrs .111 Schramm and Mr ano Mrs Raymond Nagele. all ol McHenry SECOND SON James Anthony Pittner. born Dec 6 at Sherman hospital, is the second son of Mr and Mrs Gregory M Pittner. McHenry The 8 lb 2 oz. baby has a 4'- year-old brother at home named Gene Joseph Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Joseph A Garifi . McHenry. and Mr and Mrs John B Pittner. Mananassa. Va , are the paternal grand parents Quick Apple Punch 2 quarts chilled apple cider 2 cups cranberry juice cocktail 2 teaspoons lemon juice 4 cups ginger ale Crushed ice In large^ pitcher combine cider and juices Add chilled ginger ale just before serving Add crushed ice to tall glasses Fill with punch Serve immediately Serves 1,5 tull ulusses "TIIE Nl TCHACKEK" The bus for the Dec 20 trip to The Nutcracker ". at Mc Cormick Place, will leave from the McHenry Roller Rink parking lot at 5 p m Riders are asked to be prompt, and may feel free to bring a sack supper Spiced Milk Punch 4 cuj.s milk 2 inches stick cinnamon 4 whole cloves Dash ground mace Dash ground saflron (optional) 1/3 cup sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch In medium saucepan, combine milk, cinnamon, cloves, mace and saffron Bring almost to boil ing Reduce heat Cover and sim mer on very low heat 15 minutes, remove cinnamon and cloves with slotted spoon Combine sugar and corn-starch. sUr into milk mixture Heat and stir till bubbly cook 2 minutes more If desired beat with rotary beater tillt foamy Ladle into rnugs Serve with cinnamon stick stirrers if desired Makes 4 cups