Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Dec 1978, p. 18

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ITW 2 - r AGE 4 - PLAJVDfcALJR IHIbAY. WXTrZHBt'R 22. IW I watched our savings go up in flames. vrr/4<*: its \*a\ ur»'l«-r ar>d into the kitchen"curling jtv-lf into a plum#: around the si«*?pinK caf Sh<- •*. <* >• abrupt h ar»d fled A few minutes LaK-r I vyvJenh realized what v. as happening --_. It s a fixe 1 veiled "We ve 2<A a fir#-^ " ---- -- f-ortimateK it was a srnaJ! bla/#- <ir»d tf»e 'iarfxajfe a a1, confined to one end of rri\ d<-n \1 t#-r Hie firemen j>jt out tin- flames H'-k-ri ar»'i I pi' r ed fyu way thr'Aj^h the rAAAe 'lit*- waa! stjJl st'-a/nerj a/*0 fusv^i fr'/rn the v.ater stunned Oh no' Kverv orn-of rn> sfx>rts trophies liad v.arfA-d arid melted m •he F»eat As I ',t'//j there suffering mcr'flible angujsh Helen picked at rnv sleeve flarrv what al>xjt the Savings Bonds' 'Aereri t all the JV>r>'is in v^ir desk drawer' Helen }>ov\ 'an vou lie v> insensitive? IIj<• Savings Bonds %s<- <^u r'-plaf«- Iviok at rm tr'iphies' WTu< h wa- of ' otirv- hven though •our savings v.e n t <jp jri flames- vve didn t k/v- a (•-fit Bond1 ar' g'xarant'-«-ii even if triev r< dest n/ved ! Vr^/w H»*len was realk reliese<T aLout tT»e Bofkis But I rlon ? think sh<- cared a h<<ot alxjut m\ tr<>phies. V»"hen I finalh gave up ami < onsigT»ed th<- iurrifr- of metal to ?h<- trash 'an I cMjJrj swear i saw h<-r ' riuling f i ' / t t f i ' , ' i re f / roU' f U 4 'mam J hrc /ov, ar i / { thef t S<> i f you l ' j < >1 lp / t , r { y r /u ' io f i ! I ' / ' rC your i rn <• (mer i t Ju t u r i te the I rew.ury iJc f tar tnwnt and ref i l /K ernent }>< , r i ' i ' x* i> • fc , u i l l In ' i r .sut '1 ^ \ ' f ier nr< ie< l >enul r iu rn lxr • f>eer l re f i l t i f e rnent * | ^ . stock nPI» v »•"« in^merica. c ssSfn GREAT GIR IDEA! r T > y Panasontc RP 2200 AM/l-w "7ft95 6 Short Wave Band 1/5/ % CONCERT HALL STEREO ¥ ̂ JQE Automatic Changer with r 'f Magnetic Cartridge, Full Size Platter MODULES AM/FM $ t RADIO/STEREO " " | i PHONOGRAPH >54" f ^ 'ju'oTMi'it 'wo'd chonq j 'I/'i'j'riK ^ o/fjt «.peaWe v.uH ffeMitant ran ' o"ipo' i d»t >gf y tk'^rcattlnq _ y l0rn proot fe J I*jlS V<>" there porloble (' 1» . J46" ;< Vv]<- No '/J»5 • w * c OfOQt VOL >ridirig f) Uor\ tap»? pl Off HUjy, ar t f where o< bo'ier mi ot AC Bopou'i'tjl v'/lif.q Automatic rhonriwl O' J2695 will Bearcat1 III ot A/f p'ott time liiternna t' ih«. Beorco' III sconnmg «j#o».ng p' 'hrjrirmK of I<KOI of'iori including SI>«:K 1964 '•^1 I r o ^ f ^ l MUSIC I ELECTRONICS •4 ^The tlectronics Shopping Center as RT.31 & 120 A'ro»vffom Jev/fel food McHENRY, ILL. 815-385-4646 YOUR WEEK AHEAD B, CAMIS MUSHROOM STUFFING 24 Alt ICS Star, a r««rsiar u-tvfs p^ar anc ^ a bvdfe: Mar 21-Afr If van ca« Ine Bnaf order u> yoer fmanrad pirtarf TALHL5 Mamtiii! se < in fit m--I poise aoS partnwTiuf af- %^r 3Mia* 21 fair% AowjC ec *eii Accept we-B-roeaet t»o«» -C<I«9»<5 GEMINI Emptoymea niatsm are fitrs at tbe; Ma> 21-iaw Jl dna't iorftt tV U pfe>-*»cai fmwss WiUt yoar d>« :n er tbe te^xSan MOONCHILD Affairs of Sve-ar. Harnesi all Ja»e 2 1 2 2 t&ai enaMaoB tnt yoe ?o tw^'ooc tw.«aKls LEO iatoeft uc a borne rmnilaf piac « iib ae« far- >#> 23^ Aae 22 cishiaf* *%ki? mad v. -capy^ i Put the plaa Uo artkoc V IRGO %««« j* or «tocatxeri matters aad c-ommnatuca- 22taop *;tfc others Yow xJea* e arn a k>J of *ei0u Sfeare tfiem LIBRA L»'x* for ways of addiaf to ypw res^erces A pff SCORPIO Vo« IJ probabh be the pac* setter tius week It s a <>1 iVw 21 ume for regrowptnf >our forces -- move up and • j r . SAGITTARIl S Bactgrouod acU-k snes to fill yopr present S«v 22-Det 21 meeds FoBov your intuiUve urfmgs CAPRICORN F ri«>ai come and eo us your circie aitenrif De< 22-Jaa 1* pians Ne* acquaintances oper. new <3oors &*• f'ieiitpie ^QL ARILS Business anc professaooaJ matters are prominent J as 2*-Fefe II Keep in close touds with those a: the top PLSCFS Good fortune ano opportunity come vour wa% F eb 1*-Har 2* Keep your eyes peeied and be ready •HttttftttmmtttmtmttHttt f trn ̂ The Good Word § \ from the Bible | a w e e k l y i n s p i r a t i o n a l J ' (J message for today s life styles J <•- .VcAt ups^' •J'-dh* uat bor t tn Beth lehem of Judaea in fh* <fa.» Her>fd the k ins ' , behold , there came u uk* men f r+ jm ^ <>"ip! l ( j je ru*a l * r r t ^ Sa .jrif u h" that u born K ing <j f the Jeu » ' For t/#> • ftotf Aui »'a' t^ <-a»! qpv3 a/* come to uor th i / j hum St Mat theu 2 ¥-2 J . •- We come again to the holy season of ^ Christmas, the time of peace and good will among men It is extremely difficult to ignore *• the coming of Chnstrnas. it is everywhere ^ ar'Aind us the music decorations, the happy •C>' greetings from friends and nerghbors No mat- <»• ler ho a one might try to ignore Christmas, it % comes and even the most indifferent, the most <> dedicated non-believer is aware that it is a time $1 of hope and joy me- Let us like the wise men, recognize the Star ^ of M'>pe and make a pers^>nal pilgrimage of faith Z FINE DINING! r u / / / i j n \ \ \ \ Chinese & American Cuisine •Cocktail Lounge Party Facilities OPEN 7 DATS A WEEK! OU COME H Of &»EE« ST HE 120 1266 N GREEN ST McHENRf. IL OPEN FOR LUNCH and DINNER CARRY OUT SERVICE 11.JO *«H0* THUtS 11 JO 1000 Fit 1 SAT 11 JO 9-OOSUHMY o c e A N w 344 3388 How ionf have you b«*n promising yourself to try a Uuffrng that » a little different from your usual tr.ed and- true' Weil here's your chance Mushroom* giv* it special eiefanc^ and barley make* an mtereiting change from fcr*»d crumbi or ric*. This is a stuffing for ail seasons smce fresh mushroom* aif now available year round MUSHROOM AND BARLEY STUFFING 1 pound fresh mushrooms or 2 cans <6 to 8 ot aach) sbced mushrooms 112 cup butter or margarine, divided 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup diced celery 4 cups cooked medium-sized barley 3 4 teaspoon salt 1 "I teaspoon mar>oram leaves, crushed 1/16 teaspoon ground black pepper 3'4 cup chicken broth 2 tggi lightly beaten Preheat wen to 350 F Rinse, pat dry and slice fresh mushrooms (makes about 5 cups) of drain canned mushrooms , set aside In a large skillet melt 114 cup of the butter Add onion and celery, saute until tender, about 5 minutes; reserve. Melt remaining 1/4 cup butter Add mushrooms and saute until golden, sbout 5 minutes Add barley, salt, marjoram. *age, black pepper, chicken broth, eggs and reserved onion and celery Spoon into a buttered 2-<juart casserole. Cover snd bake 30 minutes, uncover and bake until firm, about 10 minutes longer I>et stand about 10 minutes before serving If" fiesired, spoon unbaked mushroom and barley mixture into the cavity of a small turkey or large roasting chicken. Skewer or sew Roast following your favorite directions. This recipe can be doubled or tripled. Yield about 7-1/2 cups. CROSSING GUARDS Looking like protector* of the gate, three wild burros halted by a cattleguard, stand near an Arizona highway waiting for visitors to feed or pet them. Common in many areas of the state, the burros have a very friendly nature. from HISTORV'S SCRAPBOOK DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS December 22, 1%3 -- The nation's month ol official mourning lor murdtred President John F Kenned> ends as more than 10.000 pervons hold a candlelight ceremonv at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC I>ecember 23. 192* -- SBC -- the National Broadcasting Com­ pany -- establishes a permanent coast-to-coast radio network December 24. 1H65 -- Si* Confederate Army veterans organize the Ku Klux Klan -- a rascist group which persists to some degree in the I mted States todav December 25. 1962 -- America's census clock records a popula tion of IHH million -- a gain of 2.7 million since the first day of the >ear December 26. 1H65 -- James Nason of Franklin. Massachusetts, is awarded a patent for his invention of the coffee percolator, the first such device in the I nited States December 27. 1932 -- Radio Citv Music Hall, the largest indoor theatre in the world, is opened in New York City. December 2X, 1K46 -- Iowa is admitted as the country's 29th state American Legion Post 491 -RINGW00D ROAD, McHENRY- FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00 - 9:00 P.M.) PERCH - ALL YOU CAN EAT OTHER MENU AVAILABLE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SWING'N TONES HMkl All HOI K MOV- II Mil Hv-tKillVt l lOl.-PllHH „t I'll,,. Stocking? Your Bonus Christmas Away Today Sock It Now Compounding Interest Doily M c H E N R Y i S A V I N G S I !(«• McHenry Savings V AND lOA% ASSOCIATION 1209 North Green Street. McHenry 815 385-3000 10520 Mam Street, Richmond 815 678-2061 10402 North Vine Street (Huntley Center on Route 47) Huntley 312 669-3333 331 lAVttlMOOVV 9 00am 10 4 30pm *o'Oo, <x«J ThU'tdo, » OG o •olOCip'n ln4«i»00o m 10 ) 00 p m S^u'do* (>"«a i *.rMtow Of>*r WwtnMdo, * 00 o m x>200pm »rt luhmond hiople lUpirty ^m ôple* /

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