PAGE 10 - PLAINDEALER -WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 13.1980 Nunda Library Trustee Election Slated April 8 April 8 is the date for the election of members of the board of trustees for the McHenry Nunda Public Library district. Nomination petitions are available at the library, located on Lily Lake road and Columbus drive, one mile south of Route 120. _ The library district in cludes Kent Acres, Eastwood iudiior, Settler's Woods, south Val Mar, Lilymoor, Lakemoor, Fritzsche Estates and unincorporated areas. A petition signed by 50 voters guarantees the placing of a name on the ballot. March 1 is the deadline for filing petitions for nomination. The current board of trustees consists of Louise Hipwell, president; Carolyn Rasmussen, treasurer ; Joan Adams, member with the longest service; Edna Mueller, Diane Fuhler and Rosalie Smith. The resignation of secretary Karen Johanson was regretfully accepted. The board of trustees determines the course of the district library. The new trustees will be examining the feasibility of a new library building to be located on DroDerty purchased by the board at Route 120 and Lily Lake road. An exciting future is in store for the small library which had been voted into existence as a district unit in 1960. Egypt* Israel agree to land route between countries. College Honors McHenry Girl Among Tutors At College ONLY *97f RENTAL • NO installation charge • NEW fully automatic softeners • TWO yepr option to buy with • FULL rental fee deducted • ONE phone call can answer any questions rent 312-259-3393 soft ARLINGTON SOFT WATER CO. No. 1 in the Fox Valley Areo C'op^.i iqlil 1978 Six area students, one from McHenry, were among the 11 trained student tutors working at the Lake Forest college writing center. The McHenry girl is Maryann Smith, daughter of Mrs. Jacquelyn S. Smith of 3013 Oakwood. She is a senior majoring in English and psychology. With the aid of evaluation forms, continual training workshops and their own superior writing skills, the tutors teach fellow college students to write better. Rate High At Bradley David J. Knox, son of Mrs. Cynthia Knox of 2411 N. Riverside, and Ruth Snyder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snyder, 2914 W. Lincoln, McHenry, have received recognition on the dean's list at Bradley university in Peoria. David earned a perfect 4.0 (straight "A") average for the semester through out standing academic work. Qualifications for the Dean's list are based on academic achievement with a minimum grade-point average for the semester of 3.5, the equivalent of an A- minus on a perfect 4.0 scale. There are 212 students at Bradley who achieved a straight-A, 4.0 average, on the current Dean's list. There are 664 students recognized on the Dean's list for the first semester of the 1979-80 academic year, according to the office of Dr. John C. Hitt, vice-president for academic affairs at the university. Ph.D Degree Awarded Michael J. Schneider Michael John Schneider of McHenry was awarded his Ph. D. (Doctor of Philosophy) degree in Speech and Dramatic Art at the University of Iowa winter commencement ceremonies, held recently. More than 1,100 degrees were awarded. President Willard L. Boyd of the U. of I. delivered the charge to the graduates. 'J CAROLYN Even if you bought these coats in LonDon you wouldn't find the services and savings you expect and get at Spiess! Lorioon FOO* All-Weather Coats $74 Regularly 97.00 Machine washable and dryable Fortrel polyester/ cotton Effie: Natural or pink 8-16 regular, 6 14 pet i te Carolyn; Chamois or grey 6-18 regular 6-16 pet i te Buy yours today in Better Coats Elgin on 3 Crystal Lake THERE'S A BIG DIFFERENCE IN BUYING YOUR SPRING COAT AT JOSEPH SPIESS COMPANY .You get every day savings on all our fine spring coats. All our spring coats are priced as low or lower than you'll find anywhere else. Compare! .We sell only first quality mer chandise. .We guarantee your satisfac tion. .You shop in a pleasant, unclut tered atmosphere. .You get personal service. .Our alterations are done right- in the store. .You can use your Spiess Credit Card, Visa or Master Charge. .You can use your Spiess Credit Card for check-cashing privile ges Six From Area Earn Honors At Whitewater Six students from McHenry were named to the scholastic honor roll at the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater for first semester of the 1970-80 academic year. Stephanie Karwacki, 5301 N. Lake street, earned straight A grade. First honors went to Scott M. Dixon, 3413 N. Cove court, a freshman in the College of Business and Economics, who also was .nominated by his dean, Joseph Domitrz, for in clusion on the National Dean's list, which will publish names of' honor students frq^n various colleges throughout the United States. Kathryn A. Kost, 4606 Hayden court also rated high honors. Second honors went to Michael G. Ahlert, 532i Circle drive; Regina M. Lunkenheimer, 224 Ronda; and Erika M. Meissner, 2912 N. Wooded lane. Two Earn High Honors Two McHenry residents have earned academic honors during the fall semester at Eastern Illinois university. Donna Jean Lasko and Hugh J. Idstein, both of McHenry, earned high honors by maintaining a grade point average of 3.75 to 4.0 Honors awards are based on a 4.0 scale. Three Grads From U Of I Three Mcftenry residents have graduated and received degrees in January from the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. John Howard Dix, of 4209 Riverdale, McHenry, and Samuel S. Anderson, of 311 Mineral Springs, McHenry, both received Bachelor of Science degrees from the university. Shirley Ann Meurer, of 4814 W. Prairie, McHenry, received her Bachelor of Arts degree in January. Appointments For McHenry Students Two McHenry young ladies have recently received appointments at 4- H House on the campus of the University of Illinois. Judy Vyduna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin R. Vyduna, has been named assistant song chairman. She is a freshman majoring in Art Education. S h e l l e y V o n - Bruenchenhein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Von- Bruenchenhein, was ap pointed chaplain. She is also a freshman, majoring in H o m e E c o n o m i c s Education. Craig Adams Earns Quincy Dean's List Dr. Kenneth Conroy, academic dean at Quincy college w has announced academic honors achieved by students during the first semester of the 1979-80 school year. Students achieving a semester grade point average between 3.7 and 4.0 (A equals 4.0) were recognized on the Dean's list. Craig Adams of 3616 West Grand, McHenry, was named to the Dean's list. ON DEAN'S LIST Jerry John Pepping, College of Pharmacy, and Charlene Marie Weingart, both of McHenry, have been named among studnets at the University of Iowa on the fall semester dean's list. /1H£ aitier Does a falling barometer always mean bad* weather ahead? A falling barometer is never an indication of good, weather. It may mean that a storm, or rain, or gusty, changeable weather, is on the way, but it seldom pro duces clear, cool weather. Should good weather fol low a lowering barometer, it would be only temporary, unless the lowering pressure was a slight movement, cor rected almost immediately by a rise. If the wind is blowing from the east direction mov ing north, and the barometer is falling, look out for severe weather--a storm with heavy rain is a good bet. If the glass is falling and the wind is from the south or southeast direction moving to east, rainy weather should follow, but it will not be prolonged. You can usually count on the rain ending in a day or less. A weather vane, used with a barometer, will greatly improve your fore casting. And, like the baro meter, more can be deducted from the direction the in strument is moving than from the reading itself. SHAMROCK CLEANERS Complete Dry Cleaning Service! Conveniently Located in the McHmry Market Plac* Shopping C«nt*r 4400 W. Rt*.120 a McH«nry unznxniTznzznjs CORN MARKETING BOARD Twenty-four Illinois farmers have submitted petitions and will be com peting for 15 seats on the 1980 corn marketing board, according to director of the Illinois Department of Agriculture John Block. The election will be held in conjunction with the statewide corn checkoff referendum, scheduled for Mar. 6. If the checkoff to support a statewide corn research and market ex pansion program is im plemented, the elected directors will coordinate and administer the program. Under the plan, farmers would donate a quarter-cent per bushel to the fund. Winter Special! Free parking upper level Elgin Pia*a validated ticket).and Crystal Point Mall We welcome your Spiess Charge. Visa or Master Charge Jane Page personal shopper Elgin 741-4300 Crystal Lake 815-455-3600. Our mechanic must eat during the winter too, so we want to keep him busy! December 1 thru April 1 ANY ENGINE OVERHAULED AUTO OR BOAT $250°° PLUS PARTS Coll for Details and Appointment IZtuce /PLw'ne J^etoiee 3306 WEST WAUKEGAN ROAD McHENRY, ILLINOIS 60050 / 815-385 0868 I