PAGF i A. PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. APRIL 25,1960 941-1200 I I atom*- FOREST HILLS 4«MT No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted. Wanted to Rent, Wanted "to Buy, and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. The Ptaindealer is not responsible for errors in classified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad af ter the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. ' ». * . - OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI.8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. SATURDAY 9-12 P.M. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER-WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 BUSINESS SERVICES C4-' Mi<4t 0»«SCUU SOOKKtt fOM$t ME 0 PI •AOMIN WARRINGTON r-u u» UA- titv Nonn < CONVERTIBLE 1972 Ford 1 9 7 8 S U B U R B A N SILVERADO C20. 4x4, 12x16.5 wheels and tires. 400 ci. PS, PB, Fac. air tilt, cruise, tow pkg. Reese hitch, 10,000 miles, like new, $8,250. 815-385-9630. 4-2tf 1977 JEEP CHEROKEE CHIEF, S. automatic, with quadra track, am-fm cassette, air conditioning, cruise, wheels, tires, many extras, regular gas, ex cellent condition. $5,500. Call 815-597-2061. 4-16tfc AUTOS jot? mm uuiuiAut, automatic, 30,000 miles. Very good condition, $2,250. Call 815-385-4142 after 4:30. 4-23-4-25C 1968 FORD, 2 door, very clean, runs good, $450. or best offer. 815-344-1944. 4-23- 4-25c 77 AMC STATION WAGON, ps, pb, air, luggage rack, 3 seat, excellent condition. Very roomy. Best offer. 815- 338-6927. 4-23-4-25C HARRY L. VIEZENS CONSTRUCTION CO. RaMfcliig-HMe Repairs Screen Porches*Wallpoper*Kitchens*Baths*Electrical 'Family Rooms*Basements*Paneling*Ceramic Tile •Custom Work NO JOB TOO SMALL TELL US YOUR NEEDS 1-815-385-2847 4/nrt smsuaw PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residential-Commercial-Residential Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers." • Machine Laid • New Drives • Resurfacing • Parking Lots • Seal Coating All work guaranteed Free Estimates 312-546-5600 -jJ Grayslake, ill. EEL CUSTOM WOODWORKING Imaginative Unique ^Patios •Wood Patio Decks •Screened in Porches •Concrete Patios •Sun Screens 815-72841871 BOb 4/16-5/28 D&C CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. 'Custom Houses 'Additions 'Remodeling 'Pole Barns 'Garages 815-385-1489 815-385-5514 Matbism Septic Service All Types of Backhoe Work - Septics Installed & Repaired Sewer & Water Free Estimates 815-344-3980 4517 W. MCCIIIOM Lake Hi McHwy. II. 60050 ACE CEMENT & CONSTRUCTION Concrete 4 Remodeling Owr Speciality *Room additions *Garaget *Sundecks 'Sidewalks 'Driveways *Patios, etc. Call for Free Estimate 815-653-636* James MrMiiinn***'4fNG ConstructionCompany Interior-Exterior Complete Home Repairs 815-72^0326 iA^FREE ESTIMATES .. 11 n 11L 4/4tf2 ALLAN'S BLACKTOP Early Bird Special Now Taking Orders •Parking Lots *New Drives •Long Lanes 'Patching •Resurfacing *Seal Coating 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates , 815-459-5757 Call Now A Save RUSSELL RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE * PUMPING * REPAIRS * ELECTRIC SEWER RODDING Installation of new statics 815-385-6445 4/2t» 1 GENERAL MAINTENANCE •Lawn Mowing •Trimming •Fertilizing and Reseeding Courteous Dependable Service 815-943-6594 PAINTING NTEMOUXTEfflM •Wallpapering •Reasonable Rates •Quality Materials •Fully Insured •Free Estimate* An Established Professional 815-653-5808 Dm Ryan Decoratiig Wood Decks Siding J?. S. 3Cake Construction Quality Custom Built Homes Remodeling Experts Will design and draw plans for your new home or remodeling needs Free Estimates Coll John Blake Roofing 385-5593 after 5 P.M. Concrete Patios 4/4lf2 Spring Chimney Cleaning Special I on all inspections scheduled by May 8th SAVE 20% Regular '50...... NOW '40 Includes firebox, damper adjustment, smoke chamber & shelf and flue. All 3S work guaranteed. Fully insured. " ^ JMH CHIMNEY SWEEPS Call I15-33M140 for Free Safety Inspection. QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling of Older Homes Kitchen, Both, Window & Door Replacement. WE BUILD •Garages . 'Room Additions •Patio Decks 4 ."Construction of New Homes No Job Too Big of Too Small WE AIM TO PLEASE FREE ESTIMATES 815-385-4937 After 5pm and weekends 4/2lf © % MATERIAL ~~~ 815/385-1970 * *Sad*Gravel Ulack Dirt *StoM *Line Stone Decorative Stone, Etc. Call after 4:00 P.M. CAU ANTHEM WEEKERIS 0fcS»ONER ROOF/* • S p e c i a l i z i n g i n R e - R o o f i n g • S h a k e ' S i m u l a t e d S h a k e " T i l e ' S p e c i a l t y S h i n g l e s • C o l d C o a t i n g - S t a n d a r d S e a l - T a b s • 2 4 H o u r P h o n e S e r v i c e • 1 0 Y e a r s E x p e r i e n c e - F u l l y I n s u r e d Q u a l i t y I n s t a l l a t i o n s F r e e E s t i m a t e s Phone (815)385-5839 WHARTON BLACKTOP PAYING, INC. Serving ynr m 25 yurs experieice. Wi» mw takiig vfers. Dul iirect with mmt Ism!! C O M M E R C I A L • R E S I D E N T I A L -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES- GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 LHEITYYILE 312*7*76 79 FORD "7SIBH8HT WAGON, ps, pb, sunroof, cruise control, gauges, tach, 4 speed, air shocks, extra wKjeels and tires, rust proofing. Perfect condition $4,195.815-344-2783. 4-16-4- 25c 66 CHEVY CONVERTIBLE needs front wheel bearings, engine in good condition. Must be towed. Best offer. Call after 6 pm. 815-459-7566. 4-23-4-25C LTD, beautiful condition inside and out, extras in clude air, power seats, trailer hitch., Best offer over $1,500. 815-459-8228 4-18-4-25C 76 FORD PINTO, 38,000 miles, excellent condition $2,100. 455-4171 after 5. 4-25 1976 FORD VAN, 32,000 miles, V6, good MPG, ex cellent condition. $2,900. 815- 385-8636. . 4-25-4-30 BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME for Spring!!! Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates, call 815-385-7736 anytime or 815-344-1722 after 7 pm. 4-2-tfc M & J LANDSCAPING, Spring clean up and rototilling, mowing and lawn care. 815-728-0341. 3-28-4-30c IJtirkirk *•••••••** J "Jt M. !».-•-•»••• * * I * * * * * * * * MERUIT PAINTING • FREE ESTIMATES • PROFESSIONAL SERVICE • WALLPAPER HANGING • FULLY INSURED • LOCAL BUSINESS 815-385-3675 ADAMS REPAIR SHOP •Lawn Mowers •Small Engines •Machine Shop 1910 W. BAY ROAD McHENRY 385-2534 4/4t»J LAWSCAMNC •Sodding •Grading •Seeding •Soil Conditioning •Topsoil, sand, gravel, fill •Patios, sidewalks, foundations 10 years serving McHonry County f.s. constrscimm SI5-943-6594 4/18-5/14 R.H. SCHNEIDER UWN MAINTENANCE 1 .Power Raking or Thatching 2.Fertilizing 3.Mowing & Edging 4.Shaping of Shrubbery Esp. Pom Poms 23 Years Experience 815-385-8672 4/9-5/21 EXCAVA1 • • 1 Septic S»rvlc# 815-385-7791 4410 W.Rt. 120 Mctfonry, II. i CARPENTRY * Remodeling I * Room Additions * Home Repairs * Potto Decks * Alum. Siding & Soffits •Windows 0 Doors Replaced SMALL JOBS VEICOME Joy Owen 815-365-8406 DRESSMAKING and alterations. Reasonable rates. 815-385-1768 4-23-4-25C GET OUT ALL those old antiques and broken fur niture. Have them repaired and refinished by someone experienced. 815-385-4024. 4- 9tfc Service Alum, t Vinyl Siding ̂ Seamioss Gutters • Soffit t Fascia J Storm Windows 4 Doors J Blown Insulation T Roofing ? Mt/a J * PistakMHklfandi $ SOLVE YOUR WATER PROBLEMS Rent fully automatic water conditioner $4.75 per month Call 815444-1971 4/23-4/25 HllllllllliiiiiililiiiiiiiiiiimilHIIIItlllllll COMMUNITY TREE § SERVICE * 3854733 4/2* RAKESTRAW LAWN ft GARDEN SERVICE •Rototilling •Lawnmowing •Light landscaping We guarantee our work 815-344-1971 for free estimate Foundations-New Homes B Additions Basement floors sidewalks Garaga Slabs Potlos Drivaways Stoops, Etc. Froo Estimates 815-344-1080 «r 312-639-9248 3/26-5/2 'NEED TREE WORK!!! SHOUT TIMBER!!!" £rr&irf 385-5980 385-9075 V -- ' « Frt. Estimates SERVICE -ALL TYPES WELDING- SPECIALIZING IN *tal top tapirs *C«$ti* Traitor Hitches 2912 W.Rte. 120 McHonry CNMHKYS CLEANED t REPAIRED un turns KTIUB GENE'S CHIMNEY SWEEP SERVICE 815-943-4927 4/ll-TFJ 1972 MERCURY MON TEREY, runs good, automatic, air conditioned, new brakes and battery $600. 815-385-8279. 4-23-4-25C 1 9 7 5 C A D I L L A C ELDORADO, immaculate, low mileage, moon roof, cruise control, tilt wheel, quartz headlights, new Uniroyal steel radials, full power, all options. $3,395. 815-344-3041. 4-23-4-25C 1974 CHEVY PICK-UP, low mileage, runs good. $1500 or best. 815-385-9259. 4-11-4-25C BUSINESS SfBMICtS S C H U E R R W A Y BUILDERS, All phases of carpentry, concrete work, excavating, electric,' plumbing, heating, tiling, no job too small. 815-385-4808. 4- 2tfc FREE PICKUP JUNK CARS and trucks, day or night. 815-459-0081 4-2tfc WETTELAND PAINTING & DECORATING. Interior- exterior. Paperhanging. Phones: 497-3900, 385-1334, call aftef 5 pm. 4-23-4-25C THE ^ROOMING DEN. Have your pet get a Spring clean-MP- Professional all dog grooming, cats too! Quality work, af fordable prices. By ap pointment only. Call 815-344- 3177 after 3 pm weekdays, anytime weekends. 4-2-4-30c BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE, all breed professional dog grooming. Nails clipped, ears cleaned, fluff drying scissor cuts, call 385-2018, anytime. 4-2tfc NEED HOME REPAIRS? Remodeling or an addition? Call Trim Construction. Free estimates 815-385-5912. 4-2tfc P A I N T I N G A N D DECORATING, interior and exterior fully insured, free estimates, call Jim after 5 »pm. 815-459-3677. 4-2tfc FOUNDATIONS, all types of concrete, residential or light c o m m e r c i a l . F r e e estimates. C & E Concrete. 815-385-3596. 4-2tfc EXPERT SLOT MACHINE REPAIR. Will also purchase older slots. 815-385-4704. 4- 16tfc LANDSCAPING SERVICES of many types. Tree & Schrub trimming, garden roto-tilling; fertilizing, etc. 815-728-1363. 4-16tfc CUSTOM BUILT HOMES, additions, remodeling, fine carpentry. 1-459-4269. 4-16-4- 25c J E N S E N ' S W O O D RESTORATION. Have a special this week on chair reglueing and touch-up. Save and call 815-385-4024 4-18-4- 25c LOCAL MOVING AND HAULING-Reasonable rates. 815-385-9385 4-2tfc HOME.. IMPROVEMENT- SPECIALIST. Experienced in moving walls, painting and wallpapering. Any job will be handled expertly and is 100 percent guaranteed. Call today 815-385-9385. 4- 18tfc ROTOTILLING AND GRASS cutting, no job too small. 815-385-2585. 4-23-5- 16c MITCH'S GREENTHUMB LANDSC APING-mowing, trimming, fertilizing, edging, sodding, seeding & spring cleanup. Residential, commercial, industrial. 815- 385-6223. 4-23-5-16C J.J. O'BRIEN Construction. Room additions, basement rec. rooms, kitchen and bath remodeling, attic fans, decks &_fireplaces. By the'hour or contract. 815-675-6214. 4-23-5- 16c RICK'S ROTOTILLING. New Kubota diesel. Call anytime, reasonable rates. 815-728-0161. 4-23-5-16C PAINTING, WALLPAPERING, DECKS and general remodeling. Call Mike 815-469-4096. 4-2tfc C U S T O M G A R D E N ROTOTILLING. Will do any size garden, call 815-385-4540. 4-18-4-25C 1976 BEAUVILLE 8 pass, van. PS, PB, factory AC, rear heat, am-fm 8 track stereo. $3,250. 815-385-9630 after 5pm. 4"2t' 1973 MONTE CARLO, ps, pb, air, swivel buckets, tilt wheel, console, am-fm stereo cassette, GT radials, perfect condition. $2,200 or best offer. 815-385-0485. 4-23- 4-25c 1972 PINTO, needs work, $200.815-385-2460. 4-23-4-25C 75 OLDS STARFIRE, hat chback, am-fm, sharp, good mpg. 815-728-0674. 4-23-4-25C 1974 VEGA 4 speed, radial tires. Call after 5 pm. 815- 385-8596. 4-23-4-25C 1 9 7 5 C H E V R O L E T CAPRICE, 9 passenger station wagon, loaded with accessories. Can be seen at Riverside Dr. & Scott Ave. 815-385-3081 4-23-5-2C 1979 SILVER CAMERO, $6900 or best offer. 815-385- 4807. 4-23-4-25C A U T O I N S U R A N C E PROBLEMS? Call us we can and will help you. Budget terms available. Sunderlage Insurance agency. 815-338- 3328. 4-23-4-25C 1979 DODGE DIPLOMAT 2 dr. 6 cyl. auto., 22 mpg, loaded 12,000 miles. Pur chased last August for over $8,000. Asking $5,950. 459- 6991 4-23-4-25C 1974 DODGE VAN, camper conversion* sleeps 4, full power, reg. gas, best offer. 385-7948. 4-23-4-25C MUST SELL! 79 Fairmont sport coupe, 6 cyl, air, automatic, stereo, 1500 miles. Cost $7,000, will sell for $5,000. Will take a trade. 385-7738. 4-23-4-25C 1973 OLDSMOBILE. GOOD condition. Low mileage, fully equipped. $975. 815-385- 7236. 4-23-4-25C BI CENTENNIAL CUSTOM Ford van. Has won 21 van shows. Must see to ap preciate. No reasonable offer refused. 815-385-7236. 4- 23-4-25C 1 9 7 9 C H E V E T T E , automatic, yellow. 815-943- 6055. 4-23-4-25C 1972 PONTIAC STATION WAGON, power steering, power brakes, air con ditioning, $500 with snows. 312-497-4453 after 6 pm. 4-25- 5-2c 75 FURY, automatic, air conditioned, power steering $1,000. Call 385-5092 4-25 1966 PONTIAC LEMANS-326 H.O., ps, pb, a.t., good shape. Many extras $875. 815-385-7324. 4-25 1977 MALIBU, power steering, power brakes, air, automatic, 6 cyl, $2,300. Call 815-728-0656 after 5 or weekends. 4-25-5-2c f WANTED ? Junk Cars & Trucks 815 $ 338-2800$ GUBZEIDT STING s n o w m o b i l e 4 4 0 , speedometer, tachometer. Cover, trailer hitch, low miles, $1,050 or trade for car of equal value. 815-344-3763 4-23-5-2C mswtss SMUKIS Interior and Exterior Painting and Decorating. Dry wall and Taping and Spray Painting. Call 815-385- 1414 or 815-385-2245 anytime. 4-16-4-25C smmm» DOES YOUR HOUSE or garage need tome fixin'? Experienced carpenters looking for work inside or outside. Call 815-3XS47M 344-2682 for free estimates.