Village of McHenry Shores Inge Aide Rose lillegard 344-1984 385-4517 Board Meeting Slates Report Trustee Weiler asked that we inform all residents that at the Village Board meeting Tuesday, May 27, 7 p.m., a - complete road report will be given by the road com missioner and all residents are invited to come. . . > The report will contain'1' such items 'as a 10-year program to create road bases with gravel surfaces versus special assessment. It should prove to be very informative and could an swer many of the questions people have been concerned about. - BOARD ACTIONS Village treasurer, Jim . Janick resigned his position and Johann Bargel has been appointed to the position. Chris Foote was hired as full-time office secretary at the annual salary of $9,600. plus a 14 percent fringe benefit package. Two full- time police officers were hired and paid from the general fund (salary unknown). President Grimes made it known that he intended to submit his resignation to the county CETJV Advisory Board (the resignation was received and accepted). Ordinance 86 presenting figures regarding the pur chase of the new police vehicle are as follows: total purchase price $9,400. payable with $2,400 down, and $7,000 dividea equally in 3 annual installments together with simple interest on the unpaid balance of 8Vfe percent per annual. The ordinance was referred to the Ordinance committee and passed, after the waiving of three readings, which pertain to the purchase of a police vehicle. P r e s i d e n t G r i m e s reported that the conflict with the City of McHenry over sewers must be resolved before negotiations can occur with the McHenry County Planning com mission and the Nor theastern Illinois Planning commission (NIPC) . A resignation of officer Bankson was acepted and an investigation of the feasibility of an insurance program for one officer with a^ cost ceiling of ap proximately $350. was ap proved. Ordinance 7.1 was passed by a vote of 4 yes and 3 ab sent. It pertains to the maintenance of private property by the owner. If not done, the village will let the work on bids and add a 10 percent administration cost. Ordinance 23.1 was passed by a vote of 4 yes and 2 ab sent. This pertains to soliciting within the village limits and raises the fee to $25. By a vote of 5 yes and 1 absent, hourly rates for police services to Prairie Grove at $14.75 and Bull Valley at $15.50 for 20 hours per week was approved, (the VUlage of Prairie Grove has since declined the offer and established its own police department. Planning Commission Chairman Bill. Montgomery inquired1 why the boundary line agreement with the Village of Prairie Grove was not signed by the Board. The Board explained that they felt it was not in the best interest of the village to ratify the agreement with reference to future possible annexations. The Ordinance committee is reviewing and considering the possible change of the speed limit on Barreville road from 45 m.p.h. to 35 m.p.h. and to establish a no- passing zone on Dayton street in the Industrial park. Mr. Molnar was appointed to the police department and Mr. Rigsby was appointed Road Commission and Public Works director. The Finance committee recommended there be no mosquito abatement upon the recommendations of Rigsby, who contended that due to what surrounding areas are doing, it is a waste of money for us to do anything. Trustee Weiler explained to the Board that a report would be coming to them soon concerning tax in creases, inasmuch as the village must increase its revenue. Some possible ways to be thought about are: 1) tax sales on any property sold in the village, 2) utility taxes on electricity, gas, telephone, etc.; as high as 5 percent 3) real estate tax increase which would require a referendum 4) annual tax for road repairs, police, etc. The Finance committee recommended that the piers, etc. be removed because of the cost to repair, as well as to reduce the liability in surance. It was referred to committee for action at the May 27 meeting. Trustee Haderly sub mitted a Road Improvement Funding study and it was noted that it would cost more to fix the roads or maintain them than the $1,400. per month available through Motor Fuel Tax and Road & Bridge funds. The trustees were asked to study the report, consider the problem, and be ready with their comments for the May 27 meeting. It was noted that $3,100. is in the Revenue Sharing fund and must be used on something which benefits all residents of the village. The funds will be considered at the May 27 meeting. A Board Work Research session was held recently and the discussion centered around budget guidelines and income for the period May 1,1980 through April 30, 1981. Anticipated, income is $105,000. with anticipated expenditures of $100,000. in the General fund only. Anticipated income in cludes real estate and state income taxes, contractual services to Bull Valley, MFT charge backs, proposed 5 p e r c e n t u t i l i t y t a x ( a p proximately $25,500.) police f i n e s , i n t e r e s t a n d miscellaneous. No action was taken as the matter must come before the full Board at its regular meeting. BENEFIT IS A SUCCESS The ultimate conclusion to f a fun-filled evening recently was the donation to Lon Reed, our Building and Zoning officer, to help defray his recent hospital costs. It is extremely heart-warming to know that neighbors and friends care enough to ex press their, concerns and extend their assistance in time of help and need. CONGRATULATIONS Through the endless, tiresome efforts of Leon Zelvis, the village has received an Accreditation C e r t i f i c a t e f o r t h e Emergency Services and Disaster Unit of McHenry Shores, of which Zelvis is the Village Coordinator. Mr. Zelvis has volunteered and given freely of his time to achieve this recogniation. We extend, on behalf of the residents, our heart w a r m i n g , g r a t e f u l congratulations. COU)RING CONTEST June 1 is the deadline to enter the Spring coloring contest. Age groups range from 1 to 12 years. Submit entries to the village hall in the drop-off box. Additional entries are available at the village hall. VEHICLE STICKERS Before we know it, June 30 will be here, which is the deadline for the purchase of 1980-81 vehicle stickers. While it is on your mind, do it now and don't be caught short with a penalty and fine. Your registration card is necessary at the time of purchase. Passenger cars are $6., "B" truck plates, $10. For higher weight vehicles, contact the village hall for fees. ANNUAL GARAGE SALE If you were one of those people who particpated in the annual community-wide garage sale, whether a seller or buyer, it was most rewarding. One gentleman remarked that he furnished his complete . apartment from furniture to kitchen gadgets. REMINDERS Building permits are required and in the tem porary absence of Lon Reed, Leon Zelvis has been ap pointed Deputy Building4 inspector. Permits are required for such iterms as s t r u c t u r a l r e m o d e l i n g , fireplaces, fences, dog kennels and swimming pools and pool fencing. If in doubt, contact the village hall. Better to play safe than be Sorry later. The maximum weight limits on roads in McHenry Shores is 6,000 lbs. per axel. It is advised that you call the village hall (385-8500) is you plan to have heavy trucks come to your residence. School is just about to end and summer is here. Children have the habit of playing in the streets, riding bicycles in driveways and dashing out onto the streets. Please drive defensively for everyone's safety. ELECTED Rose Lillegard, recently elected as committeeman for precinct Nunda 8, (McHenry Shores, Orchard Heights, Idle Dell sub division and all land in- between) has also been ' e l e c t e d s e c r e t a r y o f t h e Nunda Township Central Republican committee. Committeemen are not only responsible to keep the voters informed, but also to assist in voter registrations, absentee ballots, etc. If you n e e d a s s i s t a n c e o r i n formation of any type you can reach Rose by calling 385-4517. Nunda 8 is one of the largest precincts in McHenry county and it takes much time and manpower to personally cover the full precinct. Anyone interested We Are Now Taking Accounts For This Season! •Lawn mowing •Fertilizing •Power Raking •Bush Trimming •Leaf Cleanup •Light Landscaping RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Dean Smith LAWN CARE ft LANDSCAPING 3713 MAPLE AVE. McHENRY, It 600S0 2M«sftrSinrict •FULLY INSURED •RELIABLE •15-M5-4847m S15-M5-7434 FREE ESTIMATES I in helping and being a part of the democratic society can call RoSe. One of the up coming imnortant issues to be explaineu 10 the Voters is the consolidation of elec tions. PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MAY 23,1980 Confirmed At Methodist Church Editor's note: Following are representative questions answered daily at VA of fices. Full information is available at Any VA office. Q - How do I apply for VA e d u c a t i o n a l b e n e f i t s t o a t tend college? A - Complete VA Form 22- 1990 with a certified copy of your DD Form 214 at the nearest VA regional office. You may submit this ap plication as much as 120 days before classes begin but not less than 30 days before classes begin. Q • What is the new in terest rate on Veterans Administration guaranteed home loans? A -- The maximum rate for VA as well as FHA loans is 13 percent as of April 28, 1980. Because the rate goes up and down with changes in the "money market", you should check with a lender or local VA office at the time you plan to buy. Q - I am a Vietnam Era veteran who is unable to find employment. Am I eligible f o r u n e m p l o y m e n t c o m pensation? A - Generally, a veteran with 90 days or more con tinuous active service is entitled to unemployment benefits under federal law. Contact your local state e m p l o y m e n t s e r v i c e f o r s p e c i f i c e l i g i b i l i t y requirements. Q - What is the required standard of school conduct and progress required of a veteran receiving GI Bill educational assistance? A - The veteran must m a i n t a i n s a t i s f a c t o r y conduct and progress in accordance with standards This class of eleven was confirmed Sunday, May 18, at the First United Methodist church of McHenry at the 9:30 a.m. service. Class members made a dramatic presentation on the history of the church. Pictured in front row, left to right are Dirk Aissen, Lisa Settle, Lori Odom, Jeff Potts and John Armstrong; back row, Patricia Hertel, Lisa Kuglin, Steve Mumma, the Rev. Ralph Smith, Sean Clark, Brent Blankenhorn and Bill Cassell. and policies of the educational institution he attends. Q - Will the Veterans Administration make sure that a home bought by a veteran with a VA guaranteed loan is free from defects? A - VA does not have the legal authority to guarantee that a home is free of defects. The government guarantees the loan, but it cannot under the law guarantee the house. Q -1 am enrolled in school under the GI Bill. I need an education loan. Can I get a loan from the Veterans Administration? A - Yes, if certain requirements are met. The maximum amount is $2,500 during any one academic year. SPENGEL' MEATPACKING CORPORATION We are Giving Top Dollars For Used Cars 'Where the TOP Area Restaurants Buy Their Meat" U.S. GOVT. INSP. EST. NO. 5701 ENJOY THE BEST AT HOLIDAY COOKOUTS CALL US ABOUT OUR Top Quality - STEAKS GROUND BEEF & ROASTS 5 LB. MINIMUM PER ITEM 1313 W. OLD BAY RD. PISTAKEEBAY-AAcHENRY.IL Monday thru Friday 9 am. to'3 pm. Satruday 9 am. to 1 pm. 815-385-8300 GEORGE RODENKIRCH USED CAR MANAGER RT. 31 and R t . 1 20 McHen ry CADILLAC PONTIAC (815)385-6000 COME TO THE BICOEST CADILLAC-PONTIAC DIALER IN THE "COUNTY" HONDA IN FOX LAKE FEATURING The "Off-Road" Adventure Sale! HONDA ATC®110 HONDA FL250 ODYSSEYl H0ND ATC®18 • Honda's most powerful All Terrain Cycle™ Three, large, flotation-type tires Dual-range four-speed transmission • 105.1 cc OHC four-stroke engine Four fat, flotation type tires Full rollbar and shoulder harness Aircraft-type steering control Automatic clutch • Great for farm or fun 5-speed transmission/ automatic clutch HONDA ATCe70 • Fun for youngsters \ • 3-speed transmission automatic clutch • Three fat, flotation type tires GRAND AVENUE AT RTE. 59 FOX LAKE. I LL . PH 312 587-0218 Hon, 209 Main Street, Woodstock. Illinois 60098 Phone (815) 338-8555 "JA2P FRIDAY AT 7:15 & 9:45: SAT. & SUN. 2:15-4:45-7:15-9:45 M0N.-THURS. 7:15-9:45 "THE BALTIMORE BULLET' FRIDAY AT 7:30 I 9:30; SAT. & SUN. AT 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 M0N.-THURS. 7:30-9:30 Hide Your Women, Lock Up Your Cash, ̂ Billie Joe & The Baltimore Bullet ST , g»|PGl