Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 May 1980, p. 18

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PAGE 18 - PLAINDEALER_- FRIDAY, MAY 23.1989 fOR mi m ftCNT m ftfivr DELUXE OFFICES up to 2000 sq. ft. Separate utilities and amide parking on West Rte. 120.338-0777. 5-2tfc WAREHOUSE OR FACTORY SPACE from 5,000 to 15,000 ft. 815-385-1079. 5-2tfc LARGE SLEEPING , AND sitting room combination for |rent. Call 30^-1948. 5-14tf 1 BEDROOM APART­ MENT, kitchen and living room $250 per month, in­ cludes utilities, security deposit required, no pets. 815-385-9872. 5-2tfc LIGHT . INDUSTRIAL SPACE. New opening in areas of 1200 to 15,000'sq. ft. Immediate occupancy. 815- 678-2861. 5-16tfc T ^ AUCTION ESTATE AUCTION Thursday Night, May 29 at 7:30 p.m. Viewing at 6:30 p.m. We have been commissioned to sell the Estate of V. Elliott and other consignors. Moved for convenience to TIMBERS RESTAURANT corner of 47 and Highway 14, Woodstock Partial Listing: round oak table with claw fe^t, 8 oriental carpets and some runners, ntique rifles and pistols to include Ken­ tucky Flintlock, Percussion and Colts; cut glass bowl and pitcher, picture frames, chest of drawers, rocker, coins, milking stool, stained glass windows, fern stand, linen and lacet old paintings, old books, primitive tools, pressed glass, perfume atomizers, desk, clock. Over 30 pieces of good collectible and antique furniture. Don't miss this sale. Mrs. Elliott saved everything. ' LAKE GENEVA AUCTION Lake Geneva, Wisconsin 414-245-5402 Not responsible for exactness of listing. AUCTION^ I S A C T I O N NEED AN AUCTION? CALL (815)737-8635 SUNDAY 25 MAY 1980 LOCATION: Woodstock TIME: 1 00 SHARP *t. 14 just West of Bypass 120 OWNER: KEN HOWELL Wotch for signs REASON: Needs tho building for othor us* NEW CARPETING NEW! Corpoting many colors to chooso from (gold, whit*, rod. groon, bio*, block, purpl*. pink) many siz*s 9'xl2s, 12'xl2's. 12'xl4'#^and lots of other siz*s availobl*, many typ*s (shag, sculptured, oriental, indoor-outdoor, grass and bath carp*ts). C*ramic til* 100 rds of drop sampl*s all diff*r*nt colors and som* us*d carpoting plus carpet pods, plus much mor*... ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES Oil paintings (Hunter and Monger) w/frames, Woodward glass top tabl* w/chairs, Hanging glob* lights, marble top table. wick*r furnitur*. cook stov*. Qu**n Ann* styl* tabl*. cool shut- tl*. marbl* top lamp tabl*. box front d*sk, oak offic* chair, round maple top tabl*, baby carriag*. Aladdin k*ros*n* lamps, barn lantern, oak rock*r, Sunnysuds rock*r washing machine, marbl* p*d*stal, hand carved wood*n duck d*coys (Mallards), (Howard) battery op*rat*d radio, KRAFT ch**s* boxes, t*l*phon* tabl*, walnut lomp tabl*, wicker telephone chair, k*ros*n* lamps and much mor*... FARM MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT Anvil, Pow*r Kraft 180amp w*ld*r. wood and st**l fence posts, John D*ere 16' wing disc, w/hyd. ram, John Deere S, 18 in. plow ^International 4 row rear mount cultivator (like new), John Deere 4 bar rake, International 400 cyclone planter w/liquid fer­ tilizer attachment and trip saver, feed bunk, steel stanchions, International trail mower, new metal sheeting 2'x10'. mercury flood lamps, used barn lumber 2x6, 1x10, 1x8, 1x12, 4x6. HOUSEHOLD & MISC. Choirs, fluorescent fixtures, elec. sewing machine, record player w/Victorian style wood cabinet, 8,500 BTU air conditioner (1 lOv), lamp table, humidifier, dresser and office equipment and much, much more... AUCTIONEER: Col. M.C. Palmer RING MEN: Larry and Mat CLERK: Brad Beckman CASHIER: Dorothy Mathews and Joan TERMS: Cash LUNCH PROVIDED BY GEE * DEE s SANDWICH FACTORY! AUCTIONEERS NOTE: "There are many exceptional items on this auction!" Also for a small fee, carpeting will be installed by "NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Ken. IMPORTANT PUBLIC AUCTION Sunday Evening May 25 7:30 p.m. viewing from 6:30 Partial estates from various lakefront Lake Geneva area homes. to be held at: THE PLAYBOY CLUB ROUTE SO LAKE GENEVA, Wl. Partial listing: 6 Antique slot machines, 5, 10, 25; 4 interesting stained glass win­ dows: SMALL DOLL COLLECTION TO IN­ CLUDE: Armand Marseille No. 370/Am 2-DEP bisque 23", Jamaican character doll 1900-1915; Eskimo 17" doll bisque head 1910, 2 French character rag dolls, 2 Goog- ly (boy and girl) pat. Irwin USA, 2 celluloid sister dolls, 13 nationality dolls, all dolls, if not original, have been restored; oriental carpets 9 x 12, 8 x 10, 6 x 9, etc., Bokhara, Indian, some runners; OLD S CURVE ROLL TOP DESK 54"; oak rocker w/pressed seat; ash kitchen cupboard; coins; tea cart; oak deacons bench; rare 3 pc. art noveau love seqt w/matching chairs; wood cook stove; fern stand; antique rifles and pistols to in­ clude Kentucky flintlock and percussion long rifles, Colt, Remington over 10 ex­ cellent quality pieces; Indian artifacts. Over 400 items. Not responsible for exact­ ness of listing. LAKE GENEVA AUCTION LAKEGENEVA, Wl (414)245-5402 FURNISHED APART- MENTS for 1 or 2 adults. 815- 385-8905. 5-14tf v CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS for mature, adult men. 815- 385-8905. 5-14tfc 3 BEDROOM RANCH IN Fox Ridge, 2 car garage. Available June 1, $395 month. Security deposit. 815- 344-1847. 5-14tfc FOR SUE GARAGE MU LAKEFRONT HOUSE, McCullom Lake (adults only) 3-4 bedrooms, one acre, available now. Rent $335. Slowing on Sundays by appointment. Call Steve 312-728-2400 or 312-256-4481. 5-16-5-28C ROOM FOR RENT for single man. 815-385-9858 or 385-9262. 5-14tfc 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT over garage $160 month. 815- 385-1115. 5-21-5-23C 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, 3703 E. Wonder Lake Rd., $225 month plus security. 815-653- 9085. 5-21-5-23C DELUXE CONDO-Waters Edge. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, TV room, garage. All appliances included. Washer-dryer, $395 per month. No pets. Call after 6pm. 312-381-3307. 5-21- 5-23C car garage section $50 per month. Auto storage only. 815-385-3192. 5-7tfc 1 k~2 BEDROOM APART­ MENT, situated in a country setting. This large apart­ ment has self defrosting freezer-ref, oven, stove, garbage disposal, and is within walking distance of shopping and medical centers. Mayline Apts., 9716 N. Route 12, Richmond, IL. 815-678-2861. 5-2tfc SHOP SPACE-OFFICE with dock, concrete floors, 500 sq. ft. Johnsburg $150 per month. 815-385-3093. 5-14-5- 23c RIVER FRONT McHenry, spacious 2 bedroom cottage, newly decorated, fireplace & boat pier $400 month plus security and utilities. Available June 1st. 312-426- 2083 or 312-428-2124. 5-7tfc BEAUTIFUL 5 bedroom brick, available in area of beautiful homes on Pistakee Bay. Very reasonably offered on annual lease of $550. per month. Call 385-5034 5/16-5/23 ~1 KNOOM APARTMENT Available Now Close to shopping center, within walking distance. 704 Logan, Cooney Heights McHenry NEW APARTMENTS Ready for leasing on Rt. 31 CHAR-MAR APTS. Call between 9:00 am 4 4:00 pm 115-385-5965 " • after 5:00 pm 815385-9819 * ™ WHISPERING OAKS 2 bedrooms, air conditioning, carpeting, drapes*, refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal, self cleaning range, patio with gos grill, extra storage space. Garage with auto opener. Available im­ mediately. Mature party only. References, lease and security deposit. 815-385-7700 days 815-338-3651 evenings OFFICE IN MCHENRY, good location, air con­ ditioned. All utilities fur­ nished. $95. Call 815-385-3490. 5-2tfc OFFICE FOR RENT. Heat, electric, $150. Wired for computer. 385-8570. . 5-2tfc MINI-WAREHOUSE space available. Inside and out­ side. Guettler's 385-8570. ' 5- 2tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE AND HALL for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385- 9^60 from 9 to 12 weekdays or after 6 pm. 5-2tfc FOR RENT WATER­ FRONT.Deluxe one bedroom apartment, car­ peting, stove, refrigerator, adults, no pets. 815-385-3493. 5-2tfc 5 ROOM APARTMENT City of McHenry, 2 bedrooms with new carpeting and ail appliances. 815-385-6566 or 815-344-1632. 5-2tfc ONE BEDROOM FUR­ NISHED, apartment for one mature woman. All utilities included. Convenient in town location.. 815-385-6566. 5-2tfc 1 & 2 BEDROOM APART- MENTS renting from $225 to $300 per month. Available soon. No pets, security deposit and references required. 815-385-2352 or 385- 4646. 5-2tfc AVAILABLE JUNE 1st, 2 bedroom apartment, no children or pets. $2% per month. References, lease and deposit required. 815- 385-7065. 5-21-5-23C SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOM home, large yard, garage, basement, attic, beach rights. Convenient to town. $390. Lease, security deposit and references required. 385- 7860. 5-21-5-23C HOUSE FOR RENT- McHenry area on Fox River. 3 bedroom, $300 month, security deposit, 385-9321 or 312-827-0518. 5-21-5-23C ONE BEDROOM APART­ MENT in heart of McHenry. Air conditioned, stove and refrigerator, $195. Call 815- 385-3490. 5-21tfc ONE BEDROOM APART-i5 MENT in town, reasonable rent, no pets. Century 21 Care, ask for Ron, 815-344- 1033. 5-14tfc ONE BEDROOM APART­ MENT, $260 per month. Stove, refrigerator, dish­ washer, garbage disposal, air conditioning, security deposit and references required. 385-5194. 5-21-5-23c INDUSTRIAL COM­ MERCIAL BUILDING for lease, 2400 sq. ft., insulated, bathroom, office, overhead garage door, available immediately $600 month. 815-385-8110 or 815-344-2957. 5-21-5-23C 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT with garage. Right in McHenry. Stove and refrigerator $185. Call 815- 385-3490. 5-21tfc OFFICE OR STORE SPACE- 700 Heat lurnished. 3318 W, Elm St., McHenry. $250 per month. Available June 1st. 815-3854)424. 5-23-5- 30c FOR LEASE, Crystal Lake area, Kwik Mart with high volume gasoline sales. 312- 546-2164. 5-23-5-30C MCHENRY CONDO • 2 bedroom, 1% baths, car­ peted, ail appliances, air conditioned, pool, no pets. $335 month plus security deposit. 815-459-0863 or 344- 1122. Century 21 Lake Region, Barb. 5-23-5-30C HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY between McHenry and Woodstock. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, fireplace, basement and garage. No children or pets. $350 month plus security deposit. 815-385- 7839. 5-23-5-80C IN HEBRON 3 bedroom house with basement. Good credit rating required. $325 month-lease. Call 312-289- 1315,312-620-5875 evenings. 5-23-5-80C SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE, available for 1 or 2 persons . References required. 815-385-4398. 5-23 FOR RENT 2 bedroom apartment $235. Utilities paid, 815-385-6130, available June 1st. 5-23 PERSON TO SHARE fully furnished 2 bedroom house, includes kitchen and laundry' privileges. $175 per month plus Vz utilities, security deposit required. 385-4410. 5- 23 : FOR SAli 1975 MX100 MOTORCYCLE, 1975 GP 292 snowmobile, 1978 Sears best 5 HP GoKart, 1 place trailer, standard aluminum patio door. Call 815-728-0648. 5-16-5-23C HAY FOR SALE, up to 75 acres available, will divide in smaller parcels. Greenwood Road, Jiorth of Rte 120. T.P. Mathews. 815-, 653-2061. 5-16-5-23C OATS FOR SALE. 815-385- 2847. 5-2tfc DOLLY STYLE BOAT lift, 32' of track $250 or best offer. Call 385-2196. 5-21-5-23C FOR SALE: new umbrella with crank, 21" lawnmower self propelled, runs good, golf clubs, bag and cart. 12'xl2'tarp. Call 385-8771. 5- 21-5-23 ATTENTION HORSE FANCIERS 4 bedroom, 3 bath hillside ranch home on 1 acre in Vol Mar Country Estates. Large family room with fireplace. All bedrooms newly decorated. All kitchen appliances in­ cluded. Included is access to 12 acre horse lot, barn and recreation house with pool. $700/month, references and security deposit. 815-385-4472 5 2 5 30 CENTURY WELDER 230 AMP AC-80 AMP DC. Brand new with acc. List price $379.50. Sacrifice $275 firm. Call Ace Hardware 815-385- 0722. 5-2tfc 9 FT TRUCK CAMPER, fully loaded, excellent condition. $1500.815-385-0922. 5-14-5-23C BEDDING PLANTS Flowers. Vegetables, Geraniums. Mums, and Potted Roses. Cactus and House Plonts SCHLESSER'S GREENHOUSE 211 E. Route 120 McHenry, Illinois (East of Lakemoor) ; 5/7TT \{k I'm MMEVMLMU FANTASTIC SAVNWS Twin Mattress $29.00 Full Mattress $39.00 Queen Size Sets $199.00 Bunk Beds $139.00 Full Size Sleeper $189.00 Business Zoned-6 room house and large screened-in rear porch-2400 square feet-2 baths and central air. Ideal for professional offices. In ad- dition-2 story 3100 square foot barn- plus 2 car garage. Located on busy Illinois Route 31. Plenty of parking and immediate occupancy. For com­ plete details, please call 815-455-4550 ANTIQUE PIANO, (til condition, $200 or beat offer. 385-0878 after 6pm. 5-23 20;x50\ TWO SECTION, portable building, full washrooms, electric heat, air conditioning, former school. $2,500. Call 312-889- 1983or 312-GL3-0849. 5-23-5- 30C GRASS. CUTTER, Lawn Boy 21" self propelled $185. Call after 6pm, 815-344-2858. 5-23 DODGE MINI MOTOR HOME-22 ft. with all extras. Air', stereo, full bath, cruise ' control, sleeps 8. Call evenings 459-8721. 5-21-5-23C SAW SHARPENER-like new with all attachments for scissors, knives, chain saw etc. Call evenings 459-8721. 5-21-5-23C 2 MOPEDS, 1 year old, $350 each. 815-344-1717. 5-21-5-23c GREEN COUCH $20; green recliner $15; brown and tan chair $15; two FR7Qxl4 tires $5 each; double Anderson thermopane window, screens and shutters, 83 wide x 57 length $100. All in good condition. 815-385-5077. „ 5-21- 5 23c v For Sale old butcher block. $125 firm. Call 385-2177. 5-21- 5-23C TAKING BAND NEXT YEAR? For sale, flute. $100. 385-6491. 5-14-5-23C FURNITURE: Ear ly American kitchen dining room set. Mexican desk, couch and chair, and boys bedroom furniture. 312r639- 5629. 5-21-5-23C PATIO STONE, We manufacture 8"xl6" thru 2 ft. x 2 ft. Exposed stone concrete picnic table sets, bench ends. Richmond Cement Products. US 12 & 173, Richmond. 815-678-8561. 5-21-5-23C REGISTERED LAMAN- CHA milking doe with new born kids. Excellent 4-H project. $150. Healthy stock. 815-338-8705. 5-21-5-23C 1974 SUPER CAB with cap and tent trailer. 815-385-8906, 5 pm to 8 pm. 5-21-5-23c FOR BABY; Strollee car seat, like new, $28. Call 815- 385-5317. 5-21-5-23C 14.8 WHITE UPRIGHT freezer, washer and dryer. Manufactured by GE. For information call 385-1658. 5- 21-5-23C ETHAN ALLEN cherrywood dining room set, kitchen set, office desk, am-fm audiovox auto radio, breakfast nook. 815-653-6061. 5-21-5-23C 1979 % ton FORD V8 pickup available. Ziebart un­ dercoat. Make an offer. Days 312-939-4131. Weekends or evenings, 815-455-1307 5- 21-5-23C SEARS 10 HP 26" cut electric start lawn tractor, with 38" snow blade, used one season. Runs and looks like new. $750.312-824-1441. 5-21-5-23C WATER SOFTENER SALT SALE, Pellet type only, 1st Saturday of every month, Huemann Water Con­ ditioning, 3607 Chapel Hill Road, Johnsburg. 815-385- 3093. 5-2tfc NEW AND. USED RAILROAD ties. Bulk grass seed, rustic cedar rail fencing. Woodstock Farm and Lawn Center. 2020 S. Rte 47, Woodstock, 0 815-338-4200 5-2tffc WASHERS AND DRYERS RECONDITIONED and guaranteed. $50 and up. 815- 385-6431. 5-2tfc 30% to 75% OFF ORIGINAL PRICES On oil new and used Lowrey, Hammond and Baldwin orgbns on our floor! cut mikic cana 312-639-5717 3/14-5/23 Mr. Jn Marimgel SOLE SLUE SPRUCE TREES $21.95 EA. Cosh ft Corry ACMH RMB HMSSBT 1S22S. Dirrell toed, McHeary (Vole) (S»e.110 8--t te DerreS Id. tfcw Seeth 1'i mMesleew |i|A A HefcA rfM WW ^pe wW»»e trees "COLORED TV, recliner, couch, dog house, ice house, everything good condition, • 365-6373. 5-23 52", SOLID HARD ROCK maple hutch, best offer over $200.312-526-8997. 5-23 EARLY AMERICAN coffee table, formica top maple $40; green Herculon swivel rocker $45.815-385-7441. 5-23 OLYMPUS OM-1, 50 MM lens and filters. New $210. 815-385-7839. 5-23-5-30C QUILTING CLASS BEGINS May 28th. Blake beautiful sampler (fuilt in six lessons. Granny's 815-385-5107. 5-23 FARMALL M TRACTOR and cultivator. Asking $1,200.312-526-8481. 5-23 NEW--WHITE WESTINGHOUSE electric dryer, still in original unopened carton. $225. Call after 4pm. 815-455-5891. 5-21- 5-23C 30'xl5' OVAL POOL with expandable liner, ac­ cessories include % hp sand filter, two ladders, diving board, gas heater, complete vacuum. $750. Call 815-385- 7397 also selling % hp sand filter $75. 5-21-5-23C AVOCADO WHIRLPOOL oven and broiler. Neva1 used, with cabinet, $150. 385- 6143. 5-21-5-23C 2 WHEEL TRAILER, 49"x78"x24, springs, shocks with 4 wheels, $125 or best offer, also 16', Of 12" aluminum culvert, $2.50 ft. 4316 W. Lakewood Rd., McHenry. 5-21-5-23C 4 FIRESTONE SUPER SPORTS (60 series) mounted on western polished aluminum slotted dish wheels. $350. Call 344-0965 after 5pm. 5-21-5-23C AVOCADO PORTABLE Dishwasher, $40. White youth bed $40.385-0531. 5-21- 5-23C MILLER AC PORTABLE ' gas drive welder, electric s ta r t wi th cables and equipment, % ton comealong and Vz ton chain fall, heavy duty roto hammer, plumbers torch set, heavy duty electric drill, set bolt dies, air tool with attachments,- other . power tools, all in excellent condition. Call weekdays after 5:30, weekends anytime. 815-728- 0803. 5-21-5-23C JACUZZI SAND POOL filter, 200lbs. brand new cost $600, sell for $300 firm. 385- 1414. 5-21-5-23C TELEPHONE MEMORY DIALER-stores 20 phone numbers, includes digital alarm clock and electronic calculator. $180-offer. 815- 653-7619 or 648-2306. ' 5-21-5- 23c # ANTIQUES: FEATURING- large selection-quality- affordable prices. Won- . dermere Antiques, 9111 Wondermere Road, (near Greenwood) 815-653-7497. 5- 14tf MUST SELL HUSBANDS TOYS: 1974 Cadillac, black with white pin striping, many ext ras , $2 ,950 . 19 f t . Glasspar tri-hull 100 HP Evinrude and trailer, many extras, $2,950. 27 ft. travel trailer, self contained, sleeps 6, many extras, $2,950. 815- 385-6361._".. NOTICE Child Cor* gSSKWSBffl! i According to tho Child Core Act of 1969 It is o misdemeanor to core fef another parson's child in your homo unless that home is licensed by tho State of Illinois. It is also illegal to advertise for such services in an unlkonsad home. These licenses are issued free to homos mooting minimum standards for the safety, health and well-being of the child. For information and Licensing MUKti • Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villa/Jf. 60046 312-356-T011 GARAGE SALE: new and used items, lots of goodies. Friday through Monday. 4704 E. Wonder Lake Rd., Wonder Lake. 5-21-5-23c GARAGE SALE: antique furniture, glassware, records, mowers, much misc. Friday through Monday, May 23-28, 7212 Algonquin, Wonder Lake. 5- 21-5-23C GARAGE SALE: Saturday- Sunday-Monday, 9 am to 6 pm. Ban tires, Bradley GT car kit $3500, clothing, furniture, old butcher block, misc. 5023 Hampshire- Johnsburg. Off Ringwood Rd. 2 miles west of Route 31. 5-21-5-23C Mftfy HfMftfifOtV mr* ™ggSBg; CONGRATULATIONS to a lovely Whispering Oaks Couple on their 45tkWMMI*9 Analvtrsery Willard and Ma lyois = 5/23 iPANTEO TO SUV WANTED TO BUY: Corvair" convertible, running or not. Do you know of someone who has one? 312-356-5787 5-23 ORIENTAL RUGS WAN­ TED, immediate cash paid for rugs, Sarouk, Kashan, Chinese. Call collect. 312-884- 6444 anytime. 5-2tfci -- -I MOVING? CLEANING HOUSE? Buying antique > furniture, old toys, china, lamps, old advertising, items, etc. 815-678-4141. 5-7-' 6-27C ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED Highest cash price paid for your olu rugs. SAROUK, KASHAN, KERMAN, CHjNESE, etc. Will travel.. »• •• «»</ r Call Collect 312-884-6444 m COLUMN WANTED PUPPIES, 6-8 weeks old, good homes guaranteed, also we buy Poodle, Cocker or Schnauzer mixed pups. 815-385-7897. 5- 2tfc LOST: MALE MIXED SHEPHERD, 22" tall, black and tan. 338-7343 or 312-396- 3238. ° 5-21-5-23C OLD ENGLISH SHEEP DOG. Free to good home. Female-housebroken. 312- 359-6024 5-21-5-23C PtTS fM SAli MYNAH BIRD FOR Hie. Excellent talker. $375. AKC registered Pomeranian, female, red. $200. 815-344- 1325. 5-14-5-23C DOBE PUPS AKC, female and male, blacks and blues, ears, tails and shots, health & temperment guaranteed. $275 and up. 815-344-2538 or 344-3413. 5-23-5-30C LARRY RYAN, HOR- SESHOER, 815-385-2542 5-16- 5-30C 11 YE ARNOLD QUARTER horse, male (chestnut). Rides English and Western, good for children or family horse. 312-497-3177. 5-21-5- 23c WHITE MARE, 8 years old, % Arab 4 Appaloosa, 15 hands, very gentle, all around family horse. No bad habits. $625.815-675-2843. 6- 21-5-23C mum |99099990899989999iMt9$i MAIN STAY FARM Richmond. III. Offerini the vary best in BOARDING LESSONS and TRAINING Milts of conservation trails next door. ! Bob & Sera Gibson (81$) 653-9374 ! Limited stalls araitaMe • CaH eew far raseiiilse < ThoFamiy Bare Rea widi s Frelnsieê Teeek" bOOOOOH 8 99 t t i9 • j999 *SV%#

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