if SUNNYSIDE FOODS FRESH 7/ SLICED '/. i PORK LOIN (j/v USDA ' f/ CHOICE v BONELESS SLICED S l i t PACKAGES GROUND SCC* ' S i lCI CHOICE tOUNO STEAK SuCE CMO»CC S l t lOtN SUA* 2 ? IB * R TtNG CHICKENS cut UP 1 3 TO 4 IB POT ROAST i 4 IB ROl iED BEEf ROAST • 7 4 EA CENTER CUT PQR« ChQP' . ? 7 i® STEAKS HA(M Pregnant, NEED HELP? Call I L». LOAF «JOt PAGE 10 - PLAINDEALEK - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, I960 wtJfci xi i .v>J n*'» btie nij? sr.iv toT ?0 Past 65 Write to Carl Riblet, Jr. at Box 40757. Tucson, Ariz., 85717 for information and advice on questions you may have as an elder citizen! with self addressed, stamped envelope All questions will be answered, either direct or in this column Question -- "As an elder woman. I need to know how I may contact a reputable plastic surgeon in a foreign country and what the cost would be for a face lift. I need a face lift so I can prolong jny effectiveness in the job market. I thought that a foreign country such as Mexico would be more in line with what I can spend -- Jean B. Answer Beware of plastic surgery below the border. It is likely to be more expensive for Jean than right there in her home town -- a big city. Some good work may be 'done in Mexico's plastic surgery clinics, but we have as our well-spring of doubt the heartless and greedy actions of Mexican doctors in charging terribly high fees for dispensing the doubtful Laetrile to despairing cancer victims from north of the border. News stories have told of plastic surgeons in Rio Janeiro operating on American women who didn't like the oversize of their posteriors. I've seen nothing about face lifts in Brazil, but a rear-end lightening by plastic surgery would seem to be ' more complicated than a face lift. There are excellent plastic surgeons in all the big cities of the U S and Canada. For example, in Tucson there are 12. Jean should select the city -- north of the border -- where she may wish to be operated and then write or telephone the medical society of that city for names of surgeons. Question -- I was bowled over at the supermarket when I had to pay $2.75 for 10 razor blades to fit my old Gillette, a price that makes it lough for an old man With a tough beard. Do you know any method of home- sharpening safety/ blades, something maybe like our fathers used in the old days of straight-edged razors?" -- Maxwell H. Answer -- The high price of razor blades has shar pened the inventive genius of my old friend down tbe road, a retired Wyoming cowboy. This is what he did: he poured water out of an or dinary drinking glass and then, holding the dull blade with the first two fingers qf one hand, pressed the blade to fit the bevel of the inside of t he wet glass. He next rubbed the blade back and forth while maintaining slight pressure on it. "The blade got nice and sharp", he said of his experiment. "I used the same blade for a month, sharpening it on the inside of a wet drinking glass," It works! Question -- "Last week you wrote 'Thank God for Medicare'! Not I! My wife had major surgery - a colostomy. Medicare paid the hospital bill of $3,600, all but the deductible. The doctor bills make a different story. Medicare approved nothing of the charge of $364 for the internist's visits to her bedside in the hospital. Medicare approved only $277 of the $620 surgeon's bill. J sent Medicare a request for review but have heard nothing in three weeks. What else can I do?" - W.V.T. Answer -- Three weeks is not loo long to wait for word from Medicare on a request for review. It could stretch out to six or eight weeks or autre. A request for a review is not likely to move swiftly. A surgeon's fee of $620 for a colostomy seems to be downright bargain cheap. I should think Medicare would have jumped fast as can be to pay it. Medicare in W.V.T.'s area sure 4s tougher thai) it is in my area. Five years ago I had surgery for ah aortic aneurism that wasn't too far away from rupturing when my doctor discovered it in a routine annual exam. The surgeon's fee was $1,000. Between Medicare and Blue Shield I collected enough to pay the surgeon. W.V.T. should not be too impatient. But he must press his request for a review. He can make them do it if he persists. There is Something a bit perculiar, or at least a bit unusual, in Medicare's rejection of the visiting internist's fee; although $364 would seem to be a pretty stiff total fee for visits to the patient's hospital bedside. Question -- I am 75 and learned poetry in the early grades in Seattle! Our class made books out of sheets of paper, sewing them together and then pasting fancy paper or fabric to the hard card board covers. Then we handprinted the poems on the stitched sheets. I saved my poetry book for many decades until, in a fit of cleaning, I threw it out. Oh, how I regret it." -- Nelda B. Answer --- To all others who made such poetry books; don't ever throw them away, or you'll be sorry. PEN PALS PAST 65 Question -- A Pen Pals Past 65 club is just what is needed for us elders who are alone. For years 1 believed. I was the only one in the world who was disabled and mistreated and ignored. Not any more nowthat I may get a pen pal. Perhpas" we who have heartaches, tears, loneliness and deep, dark depression because we have no onejtcu«$e, can unite and help one another. Please include me. When do I get a pen pal?" -- LaGene G. Anserw -- Just as soon as we get enough applications. All who wish to participate are urged to write to Pen Pals Past 65, Box 40757, Tucson, Ariz., 85717. QuestioA -- "Will you give me permission to have a copy made of one of your columns, the one answering Mamie C. who wrote that she didn't have all the answers, so that we can have it enlarged amd posted on the bulletin board at the senior citizen center?" -- pah G.S. Answer -- Sure. Question -- "I am 68.1 will list some of our insurance policies. Are they any good? -- 1) National Senior Citizen Group Insurance Trust, with Union Fidelity Life In surance Co, 2) Cancer Benefit Plan, with Union Fidelity. 3) Cancer In- •••"rance Increase Rider, .thv CJnion Fidelity. Their address is Trevose, Penn. I have read in the paper that some mail-order insurance policies are no good." -- Woodrow P Answer -- Union Fidelity gets an "A" for effort for its smash pitch in sales by mail. If Wooidrow had Medicare, and any good supplemental policy, why would he need special cancer, insurance? I wouldn't buy such a thing. I will now stick out my , neck, far out like the giraffe's, «nd say again that' those seeking supplemental insurance should go to a local insurance expert of good reputation to ask what they need and then buy what i s r e c o m m e n d e d , foreswearing all other policies. That's my advice. Question -- "I am in the U.S. on a. permanent . resident visa since January, 1978.1 applied for Medicare at age 65 in 1980. My ap plication was rejected and on June 1 Blue Cross will discontinue my medical insurance. I will then be without medical insurance. No company will insure me unelss I have Medicare. I will have to give up my permanent resident visa and return to my former home in Canada, where I can get medical insurance. I am willing to pay for Medicare, but they won't issue me a policy. The Social Security Ser vice center wrote in the rejection letter they sent me • that I have not worked long enough under S.S. to qualify v for monthly benefits and thus am not entitled to any other benefit, such as Medicare. The department of Health, Education and Welfare ED'S FINER MEAT (815)385-7663 CHICKEN LEG QUARTERS « \ MSI IB./ \0.5WEAC h/ >'5ID B O X \ y \ S FRESH \ ̂ /'GROtM CHUCK V * FRESH \ i ITALIAN W ( nmr r 4 i sausage \ VIM™/ V48W \1.79u./ , W-- /COUNTRY > STYLE SPARERttS SLAB BACON 9Scu>. BUTT STEAKS >2.98LB; USDA CHOICE HIND QUARTER freezer specials MINI-HOME SELECTION BEEF FREEZER BOX HOME SELECTION BOX 4 StRlOlN STEAKS l EACH 2 tOUNO STEAKS 1 EACH 4 RIB STEAKS 2 EACH 3 J BONf STEAKS 1 I ACM 4 CUBE STEAKS 2 EACH 1 & LB BOX BE ft PATTIES 5 4 IB GROUMO BEEf 2 L IB BEEf STEM 2 3 TO 4tB POT BOAST 2 4 IB ROltEDBEEf BOAST 2 2 I ACH SHORT BIBS BEEf 2 2 EACH BEEf SHANKS 1 2 TO 3 IB PC CORN BEEf 3 i IB PKGS GROUND BEEf StB BOX GROUNO BEEf PATTIES ? SHCES CHOICE ROUND STEAK 1 EACH : SfiCES CHOICE SiRlOlN STEAK 1 EACH ) I xt PACKAGES BE I f STEM ? 2 IB fRviNG CHICKENS CUT UP ? 3 TO 4 IB POT ROASTS 4 tB ffOitED BEEf ROAST | | | | 2 St ABS BABT SPAREBIBS JJH » iB PORi IOIN ROAST ? 4 IA CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS A | ? i tB' PKGS BEEf HVER StiCED 4 B iB STEAKS 2 EACH 2 ( ORNISH HENS ; i i f i PORK SAUSAGE ROtt APP 70 IBS Of MEAT USDA CHOICE BEEF SIDES PRICE INCLUDES CUTTING. WRAPPING, FREEZING FIELDCREST 2% MILK EVERYDAY LOW PRICE grocery savings DELMONTE VEGETABLES <co,„ PURINA CAT CHOW 3FLAVO TOP JOB CLEARER .... MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 14-17 (Corn, GrMnBtansor Peas) OZ. GROCERY PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 12 -14 ICECREAM CAKE ROUS HOLLAND DUTCH ICECREAM 22 OZ • GALLON / DEAN'S HALF & i HALF I EVERYDAY LOW I PRICE I - 2BOZ % GALLON • • • « • • • 9 • 32 OZ. BLUE LUSTER CARPET PAMPERS HOMESTYLE BREAD • • • • • • • • 1 2 C T SH AMPOOER S I EVERYDAY LOW HERE!!! I PRICE HIDRI PAPER TONES IGA FROZEN PINT JOHN'S WtiOGMAHh m 4 ! ? O Z C A N r S (SIS) MS4097 I 7S LITER 1 UTER fert CAMS wrote to me saying that HEW does not permit people . to purchase Medicare unelss they have five years of lawful, continuous per manent residence in the U.S. What is your advice? I en close their letter stating I had only 8 quarters." Herschel L.L. Answer-- It Appears that Social Security and HEW want Herschel to have the ' same qualifications for benefits that all others must have in the U.S. The. per manent resident visa cannot change the, fact of the number of quarters the S.S. Service center says Herschel has, which is 8, as against the 26 quarters required. Question -- "I didn't like your answer to the reader who said that the smart alec in church was irreverent when he mocked the pastor's praise of the 100-year-old man's exemplary life, and made the church laugh when he yelled -- 'Imagine! A hundred years of that'. You left the impression that a life of sin is eating compared to a Christian life. What is exciting Vjroout chewing tobacco, smoking, drinking w7|CK>I and loose sexual living < ,'h multiple marriages?' "I have observed that so- called exciting things only bring sorrow. I choose to live my life for God and be clfean." -- Mrs. O.W.F. Answer - I want. Mrs. O.W.F. to know that I am sorry I may have offended her. Perhaps I was the wont of two smart alecs. However, as a young reporter in Chicago I did indeed interview a few centenarians. Some had a glrnt in their eyes when they recounted the midly sinful and exciting times they said they had. All were Christians except one, who was a Jew. All believed in God and said so. But one and all, the pleasure-loving ancients had a sense of humor. Their lives had never been dull. By the way, the 100-year- old who told me of his four marriages did hot say he was living a tyose life sexually. His wives all died. He didn't divorce them. He was simply trying to explain that, unlike most elders, tie would not die disappointed, that he had found out what lay around the corner and over the hill, and not just what went- down the drain. Write to Carl Riblet Jr. at P.O. Box £0757, Tucson, . Ariz., 85717, for information and advice on questions you may have as an elder, with self-addressed stamped envelope. All questions will be answered, if possible, either direct or in this column. No identities will be disclosed. Kurt Roth In Youth Chorale Soon On Tour KURTROTH Kurt Roth of McHenry is among members of the greater Chicago Youth chorale preparing to leave on its fourth annual European tour under the -'direction of Dana Floor. This year's 87 singers inclucto high school and university students and choir directors, who have been assembled through their love of music and desire to see Europe. They are from the com munities of Antioch, Cary, Crystal Lake, DesPlaines, Fox River . Grove, Grayslake, Lake Forest, Lake Villa, Lindenhurst, Marengo, McHenry, Morton Grove, Mt. Prospect, Mundelein, Palatine, Park Ridge, Pt. Byron, Rich mond, Riverwoods, Round Lake and Woodstock. The chorale will sing a variety of compositions including spirituals, folk songs, and sacred classics of both American and European composers. Five scheduled concerts and many impromptu per formances throughout the tour will be given in places such as churches, cathedrals, museums and parks. The first two nights of the 1980 concert tour will be home stays in the southern islands of Holland. Some places to be visited are the canals of Am sterdam, Holland, Brussels, Belgium, Paris' Eiffel Tower, Louvrew and Notre Dame Cathedral, the Palace Of Versailles, France, the seaside resort of Hastings, England, London's West minster Abbey, Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral, and Windsor Castle, beautiful Edinburgh, Scotland, and an overnight ferry crossing to Rotterdam, Holland. The public is invited to a free outdoor concert the evening before the chorale's departure. It will be presented June 12 af 7 p.m. at Cary Grove high school, v ilSt street and Three Oaks road, Cary. Those attending should bring lawn chairs, blankets, etc. Kurt Roth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Roth, 2614 Holiday drive. He graduated with the 1980 class of McHenry high school. While at West campus he was a member of the boys' chorus, mixed chorus, swing choir, concert band and stage band, under the direction of John Leighty. Kurt, who is locally employed, will enter MCC this fall. CONSUMER VXHECKUST DON'T BE A SUAAMIR ENERGY WASTER By properly insulating the outer portion of the hot water heater, enough energy can he/ saved to light an entire horn for as long as the insulating "blanket" is in use. Ort a na tional average, this would amount to annual savings of St3 to S25 per home. t0bm r*m mm denim lmm in mm «# towi* rt>*nvM tf* 1*4* tHifar NMtf (iAMefttfMi n»wf« J U « f » I 2 t turn 72 tmmlM • p.m. 2 p.m. J**'Ml