Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jun 1980, p. 15

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A IIMVMtl fwi hIbT HiiiATlwi w/Miifli Legul Notice PAGE 15 - PLAINDEALEE - FRIDAY. JUN£ 20, ltW • •_ arr.r.r.r.irsllv than as AUCTION ESTATE OF NELLO ORSOLINI Lifetime collection of fine Antiques, Including one of the largest collections of Bells. SUNDAY, June 22nd, 12:00 Noon INSPECTION 10:00 A.M. 5310 Kenosha Street (Rt. 173) • Richmond, Illinois (across from Hunter Country Club) SPECIAL ITEM: Large SETH THOMAS TOWER CLOCK, made in 1913 for the Mills a , ~ Novelty Co. of Chicago, with 3 large brass bells. (30"-25"-21") 17 Brass Locomotive Bell, 12 Brass Locomotive Bell, 15" Brass Bell, 16" Iron Locomotive Bell, 3 No. 2 Iron School House BeHs, 21" Iron School House Bell, 20" Iron School House Bell, 17" Brass Mission Bell, I ,ron CourtVard Be". 10" Iron Bell, 38" Louisiana Plantation Bell. . .Miscellaneous Bells. . .PALACE WINDSOR PARLOR STOVE WITH EISEN GLASS & NICKEL TRIM, Bucks Enamel Parlor S!°X*' Small Caboose Pot Belly Stove, Hardwood Heater Stove, Small Queen Incubator Stove (Pat. J*20/' ™ JOYS, Large Black Iron Pots, Seth Thomos Walnut Wall Clock, Ansonia Marble Mantel Oay Anniversary Clock, Banjo Clock, OAK KITCHEN CLOCK WITH ORNATE PENDULUM AND ALARM, New Haven Mantel Clock, 4 fUNE 6" CYLINDER MUSIC BOX WITH INLAID MOTHER OF PEARL S«?i«erf««i,Chin9 Po8tS' Wind Mil1' 6 TAU waLnUT STORY ft CLARK PUMP ORGAN WITH LAMP ll 1870), Warble Pedestal, Crocks, Crocks with Penn. Dutch design. Butter churns, ROUND OAK PEDESTAL BASE TABLES, Drop leaf Tea Cart, WICKER FURNITURE, Spool Cabinet,3 Drawer Walnut Wash Comode, Dictionary Stand, What-not-shelf, Lane coffee Table. 2 Lane End Tables, Cedar Chest, Dining Room Set, Couch, Hi Fi, Mahogany Library Table. Pine Wash Stand. Picture fromes. Folding Rockers, Lincoln Rocker, Platforn Rockers, Cane Seat Rockers, Rayo Brass Kerosene Lamp, g*ro,*"*Br?ck*t LamP' G&H Kerosene Lamp, Gone with the Wind Lamp. Satin Glow Electric Lama. Buggy Wheels, Pumps, Oxen Yokes, Eveners, Grain Cradle, Snow Mobile Trailer Garden Tools, Porch Posts, Antique Wheelbarrow, Horsedrawn Draft Sled, Advertising Signs, HAMM'S ROTATING SCENE BEER SIGN, 25« OWL SLOT MACHINE, Silver Pickle Caster, Sausage Stutfer, Weaving Machine. Tall Brass Spittoon, Old flat Irons, Antique Clothes, Fireplace Tools, Victorian Walnut carved Chairs, Vic­ torian Walnut Bed & Dresser, East Lake Bed, Ease Lake Dresser with Marble top, Trunks, Victorian Love Seat, 5 Empire style Choirs, Large Dressers, Mission .style Oak j Secretary Desk, Walnut Oval Mirror, Vanity, Braded Rugs, Clock Shelf, Morris Chair, .Old Books, Old Pictures (many about Old Richmond) and much, much more. Ed Flynn - Auctineer 815-678-2911 6/19-G FOR RENT FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENTS IN McHENRY, 1 yr. lease, no pets, Security Deposit required, $300 per month. For information and rental applications. 385-2352 or 385-4646. 6-20tf INDUSTRIAL COM­ MERCIAL, building for lease, 2400 sq. ft. insulated, office, bathroom, overhead garage door, available immediately. $600 month, 815-385-8110 or 344-2957. 6-18- 6-20C OFFICE FOR RENT, heat, electric $150.00 wired for computer 815-385-8570. 6-4tfc OFFICE IN McHENRY, good location, air con- , ditioned. All utilities fur­ nished. $95.00 Call 815-385- 3490. 6-4tfc WAREHOUSE OR FAC­ TORY SPACE from 5,000 to 15,000 ft. 815-385-1079. 6-4tfc EXECUTIVE HOME on McHenry Country Club, 5 years old, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room, atev? car garage, " $575 plus security. Call after 5 pm. 815- 455-5148 or 815-459-1944. 6- 6tf Furnished apartment on Fox River $300 per month, one month security deposit, includes all utilities. 1406 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry 815- 385-8093. 6-13-6-20C VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9 to 12 weekdays or after 6 pm. 6-4tfc Two bedroom house, $275. per month plus security deposit, adults only, no pets, available July 1st. 815-385- 8066. 6-13-6-20C 5 ROOM APARTMENT, City of McHenry, two bedrooms, with new carpeting and all appliances.- 815-385-6566 or 815-344-1632. 6-4tfc FOR RENT WATER­ FRONT . Deluxe one bedroom apartment, car­ peting, stove, refrigerator, adults no pets. 815-385-3493. 6-4tfc J BEDROOM APART­ MENT, Kitchen and living room "$250. per month, in­ cludes utilities, security deposit required, no pets. 815-385-9872. 6-4tfc 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Includes: Refrigerator, stove, 1 car garage w/opener, water, sewer & garbage pick­ up. No pets. 2 bedroom-$350.00 1 bedroom-$325.00 . Must see to appreciate 1301N. Richmond Rd. 815-385-0258 LAKELAND PARK 2 bedroom home, available July 1st. $350 mo. Call 312- 497-3960 or Laurie Rosenfield, Century 21, Lake Region. 815-344-1122. 6-186- 20c ATTENTION HORSE FANCIERS 4 bedroom, 3 both hillside ranch home on 1 acre in Vol Mar Country Estates. Large family room with fireplace. All bedrooms newly decorated. All kitchen appliance? in­ cluded. Included is access to 12 acre horse lot, barn and recreation house with pool. $700/month, references and security deposit. 815-385-4472 Cocoa Beach Florida On the Oceon 1 Bedroom ' Condominium Poolside By the week or month Phone after 5 815-385-0282 £20 112 BEDlHKM APJW1KMS Available Now Close to shopping center, within walking distance. 704 Logan, Cooney Heights McHenry , NEW APARTMENTS Ready for leasing on Rt. 31 CHAR-MAR APTS. Call between 9:00 am 4 4:00 pm 815-385-5865 after 5:00 pm 815-385-9019 «/« . i : ' .7 i VN - FOR RENT Business Zoned-6 room house and large screened-in. rear porch-2400 square feet-2 baths and central air. Ideal for professional offices. In ad- dition-2 story 3100 square foot barn- plus 2 car garage., located on busy Illinois Route 31. Plenty Of parking and immediate occupancy. For com­ plete details, please call Mr. lire Marinangel 4/2H 2 BEDROOM HOUSE with fenced in yard for rent. Near stores, available July 1st, $350 per month, plus security deposit. 344-1577. 6-20 McHENRY WATERS EDGE, new ranch condo, 2 bedroom, 2 baths, carpeted, decorated, all drapes, dish­ washer, * frost free refrigerator, continuous cleaning stove, central air, garage with auto opener, beautiful view overlooking Bull Valley. $395 includes all outside maintenance, garbage, water, no J>ets, adults preferred, special discount to senior citizens, references, security deposit required. Phone 455-2494 after 5:00 for appt. 6-20-6-27 SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE available for l or 2 persons. References required. 815-385-4398. 6-20 HOUSE ON FARM in Johnsburg school district, 3 bedroom, possibly 4. Living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room, family room on first floor. Full bath up and % bath down. $395 per month plus utilities and security deposit. Call 385- 0342. 6-20 3 BEDROOM HOME in Lakeland Park, $325 per month. No pets, references. 312-626-5977. 6-20 IN TOWN, 1st floor, 1 bedroom apartment, available immediately, $250 per month, no pets. 385-4400. 6-20 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENT, heat, utilities, stove, refrigerator furnished. $300, security deposit, references required. 385-0539. 6-20 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, full basement, yard, off street parking. In Harvard. $225. Call 815-385-3490. 6-20-6-25 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SPACE. New opening in areas of 1200 to 15,000 sq. ft. immediate occupancy. 815- 678-2861. 6-4tfc 1,000 Sq. ft. of office or retail space zoned B-l on Route 120, separate utilities and ample parking 815-338-0777. 6-4tfc One Room for 'rent, call anytime. 815-344-0962 6-4tfc 1 & 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENTS, situated in a country setting. This large apartment has self defrosting freezer-ref., oven, stove, garbage disposal, and is within walking distance of shopping and medical centers. $229 to $279 Mayline apts., 9716 N. Route 12, Rich­ mond, n. 815-678-2861. 6-4tfc -- r-1"- 4 bedroom house for rent in Johnsburg $375.00 per month, plus security deposit. 815-385-6627. * 6-13-6-20C ~ -- -- -- -- -- r r -- " " r m Z L . ROOM FOR RENT for single man 815-385-9858 or 385-9262: Mtfc 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENT, stove refrigerator, air conditioner, no children, np pets, $295 per month, references, lease, and deposit required. 815- 385-7065. Mtfc ROOM FOR RENT for single man. 385-9262. 6-lltfc ---i-- UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, utilities included, $250. per month. 1st months rent and security deposit, no pets. Information 385-0724 between 7 & 10 p.m. 6-13-6- 20c 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, non smoking adults over 40 preferred on Mathews Lake, l mile west of 12 on Bay Road. $275 plus utilities, security, lease and references. Sat-Sun 815-385- 6606. 6-18-6-27C FARM HOUSE to be shared on 260 acres, private lake, barn, Franklin fireplace, washer and dryer. Larry, 815-338-7817. 6-18-6-20C ;-- < '• '• FEMALE TO SHARE 7 room private home in Mc- Cullom Lake, must be of legal age, will" need tran­ sportation, reasonable, all utilities paid. 815-385-2193. 6- 18-6-20C WEEKLY RATES, clean sleeping rooms and fur­ nished apartments for mature adults. 815-3858905 after 6pm. 6-18tfc TWO BEDROOM Wonder txiKe, |z9U per; montn one month security. 815-385- 3269, available July 1st. No more than two kids and no pets allowed. Call after 4:30. 6-18-6-20C FOR RENT IN McHenry. 3-4 bedroom house, fenced lot, refrigerator, outdoor pets only. Availalbe July 1st. Security deposit, references, call 815-344-5945, 3 to 5pm or after 10pm weekdays, all dayweekends. 6-18-6-20c GARDEN QUARTER APARTMENTS of McHenry now renting 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. From $275 per month includes shag car­ peting, stove, refrigerator and master TV antenna hookup. 2 bedroom units also equipped with Hotpoint dish­ washer, walking distance to downtown McHenry and Northwestern commuter station. No pets, closed Wednesday. For more in­ formation 815-385-2181. 6-18- 6-20C AVAILABLE AUGUST 1st, convenient location in MCHenry in 4 unit building. 2 bedroom townhouse apart­ ment, Vk bath with utility room. Built in range, no refrigerator, no pets, references, lease and security deposit required. $280 per month plus utilities. Cadi after 5pm. 815-459-4646 or 815-344-0603. 6-18-6-20C 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. No pets, $340 per month. References, security deposit. Available July 1. 815-385-4424. 6-18-6-20C 2 BEDROOMS IN TOWN, washer & dryer, garage, large yard, $350. Call 815-344- 2564. 6-18-6-20C ATTRACTIVELY DECORATED 2 bedroom, 1 Vfe bath Condominium in lovely area, pool included. Call after 5:30 weekdays .or all day weekends. 815-385- 3721v 6-18-6-20C 3 BEDROOM, enclosed porch, 1 car garage, car­ peting, close to schools, $450 per month. 385-1027, available August l^r. 6-18-6- 27c k.4 ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED Highest cash price paid for your olu rugs. SAROUK, K ASH AN, KERMAN, CHINESE, etc.. Will travel. Call Collect 312-884-6444 « HAPPY 15th CHERYL I WILL WATCH your dogs at my house on your vacation. 385-8568, ask for Connie. 6-20 WILL DO BABYSITTING in my home. Hot meals any tiriie. license 540236.815- 344-5459. 6-18-6-20C Love, Mom, Dad, Deb, Carolyn, Danny and Karen EXPERIENCED CAR­ PENTER, looking for side work in carpentry. 815-385- 4867. , 6-18-6-20c PAINTER LOOKING for interior and exterior work. Free estimates. References and neat work. Call 385-5564. 6-18-6-20C KATHY It's only three more years! Patli, Nancy and Karen MT COLUMN WANTED PUPPIES, 6-8 weeks old, good .homes guaranteed , also we buy poodle, cocker or Schnauzer mixed pups. 815-385-7897. 6- 4tfc LAKE- Schnauzer and Poodle mix, choke collar. If not claimed, give away. 815- 385-4968.* 6-20 MALE GOLDEN retriever mixed puppies. 6 weeks old. Give away to good homes. 815-344-3190. 6-20 MTS fOft $mT" AKC TOY POODLES- 3 white females, 1 cream male. $125 and $150. 815-653- 9626. 6-20-6-27C The Board of Education of McHenry Community High School District No. 156 will receive sealed bids on Art & Drafting desks for the 1980^ 81 school year. Bids will be accepted until 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, July 2, 1980. Specifications may be obtained at the Board of Education Office, 3926 W. Main St., McHenry, IL., 60050. Michael R.Kelly, Business Manager (Pub. June 20,1980) Legal Notice VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR ORDINANCE NO. 80-0-5 GARBAGE SERVICE CHARGE AN ORDINANCE FOR THE LEVY OF A SERVICE CHARGE FOR THE COLLECTION AND-OR DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE FOR THE VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR, ILLINOIS. WHEREAS the VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR has con­ tracted to provide for the collection and disposal of garbage for the residential, commercial and industrial property within the cor­ porate limits of said Village and has imposed a garbage tax levy upon said properties for purposes of financing the costs thereof ; and WHEREAS the VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR has determined that it can directly provide for the collection and disposal of garbage within tne cor­ porate limits more Arrest Waukegan Man For Threat Made In McHenry A 20-year-old Waukegan man was arrested by McHenry police after he threatened four youths with a knife. Alfredo Gomez, 20, of Waukegan, became involved in an argument with the youths after he reportedly threw a beer can out of a car window last Sunday night in the 1200 block of Green street. Gomez ended the argument when he left the car he was riding and ap­ proached the youths bran­ dishing si knife. He was charged with unlawful use of a weapon and aggravated assault. The driver of the car, Dawn Durrett, also of Waukegan, was ticketed for having open liquor in a motor vehicle. Vincent Brastad, 22, of 4526 Lakewood road, McHenry, was arrested last Saturday at the Market Place shopping center after he tried to persuade a young girl to go for a ride. A complaint was signed and Brastad was charged with disorderly conduct and assault. According to Pasenelli, assault can be charged even though there was no physical contact. A 13-year-old McHenry youth was bilked out of $110 in a variation oh the "get rich quick" scheme. The youth gave the money to a man, about 19-years-old, who said he would return in a little while and give the youth $140 for his in­ vestment. The man never returned. The McHenry Rescue squad took a 12-year-old youth to McHenry hospital Monday evening after the youth suffered a dislocated hip. ng to the police repor the youth and some were lighting rackers at McCracken field. David Smith, 17, of McHenry, was jogging at the track when the youths threw a firecracker near him. Smith told the youth not to do that again, but the 12- year-old threw another and fled. was was The youth's hip dislocated when he tackled by Smith. No police action was taken. ' "* Investigation Of Fires l'/2 car garage section$50. per month. Auto storage only. 815-385-3192. 6-4tfc WANTED TO BENT PROFESSIONAL COUPLE RELOCATING from Milwaukee, Wi. wish to rent lakefront home, country home or farm house. Call 414-242-9198 or write to 10537 N. River Road, Mequon, Wi. 53092, References available. 6-18-6-20C » , . UDANTEO TO BUV MOVINO? CLEANING HOUSE? Buying antique furniture, old toys, china, lamps, old advertising items, etc. 815-678-4141. 5-7- 6-27C "BUYING & SELLING COINS, US & foreign. Scrap gold and silver. Paying top prices. "OLD WORLD COINS" 815-344-4010. 6-18tfc WANTED: Gefman Lugers, Walther P-38's, Holsters and accessories. Top $$$, call 815-942-1473 after 7pm. 6-11- 6-27C ORIENTAL RUGS WAN- TED, Immediate cash paid for rugs, Sarouk, Kashan, Chinese. Call collet 312-884- 6444 anytime. 6-4tfc "The chemistry of fire is important when trying to determine if arson has been committed because nothing burns completely, it is all there but is in a different chemical form," said Ernest Arenz, investigator, state fire marshal's office. Arenz spoke at one of the sessions of the Illinois Department of Insurance annual seminar for ^examiners held recently in iringfield. l\enz pointed out that when a murder is being investigated, the scene is easily created but that when an investigator arrives at a fire scene, he must sift through debris to find clues that will enable him to recreate what was present before the fire and where it was located. He said it is important that fire investigators know how various types of materials, including metals, .react to heat. This tells the prober how much heat was generated by the fire. Arenz said the heat intensity of the fire gives a clue to the type of accelerant that-was used to start it. As an aside, Arenz said more fires are set when the moon is full than during any other phase of the sphere. On a more serious note, the investigator said more firemen are killed each year in pursuit of their duties than are policemen. He said 40 percent of firemen killed lose their lives fighting arson and that 10 to 20 percent of all fires are set. The state fire prober said it has been reported 40 percent of fires have elec­ trical causes but that he believes that less than 10 percent have' electrical causes. In talking about problems encountered by arson probers, Arenz reported a scorch on a building shows intent to burn it. For personal property an item must be valued at more than $150 and must be destroyed in order to show the intent to willfully fire it. Arenz further noted that arson is not considered a felony even if persons are normally in a building which is torched unless someone dies as a result of the con­ flagration. Defenders' Scholarship * For Environmental Studies The McHenry County Defenders have announced the third annual Alta Rush Titus scholarship for en­ vironmental studies. This grant of $500 is to encourage students to continue their education in this field. It will be awarded for the 1980-81 school year. The scholarship is open to college juniors, seniors or graduate students who are legal residents of McHenry county. Selection will be based on academic record, character, leadership, ability to succeed and variety of interests. The applicant must be enrolled in an accredited, U.S. college or university, be a full time student during the period of the scholarship, be. Working toward a degree in the fields of environmental .science, and have a scholastic average of "B" or better. Holding other scholarships does not ex­ clude applicants. Last year's winner, Jef­ frey Simpson, graduated this month from the • En­ vironmental Engineering department at Washington university in St. Louis. He will return to work in the Elgin area. The 1978 award was given to two recipients. Tom Thurow and Dave Olesen. Thurow completed a master's degree in biology at Brigham Young university. He is now a wildlife biologist for a private firm in Idaho. Dave Olesen graduated from Northland college in Wisconsin and currently works for a winter travel bureau and is now con­ ducting a trip near Hudson Bay. Applications for the scholarship may be obtained by writing to McHenry County Defenders, Box 603, Crystal Lake, or by calling 385-1987. The deadline for filing applications is July 15. The award will be an­ nounced by Aug. 1. The scholarship honors Crystal Lake resident Alta Rush Titus, for her years of concern and hard work for environmental issues. She was awarded the Federal Environmental Protection agency's Environmental Quality award in 1977 for land preservation. Alta Titus, now in her voung 80's, is a member of McHenry County Defenders, the conservation chairman of the McHenry county chapter of the Illinois Audubon society and a member of the Crystal Lake Garden club. 3 Freezer Containers Packing materials for freez­ ing foods should be chosen carefully. Moisture-vapor proof materials such as glass, rigid plastic and metal freezer con­ tainers are recommended. FREE IMMUNIZATIONS Free immunizations for children in high school and under will be given Wed­ nesday morning June 25, from 8:30 to 11 a.m. in Room 102 of the New McHenry county courthouse located on Route 47 north of Woodstock. The shots are offered by the McHenry County Board of Health with the en- doresment of the McHenry County Medical society. contracted aforesaid; and WHEREAS the VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR itself wishes to undertake the collection and disposal of garbage within tne cor­ porate limits, and in respect thereof has determined that it is necessary to establish and maintain, systems, plants, and-or equipment; and WHEREAS the revenue generated by the garbage tax levy, VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR, Ordinance No. 78-0-9, is not sufficient for the purpose of aforesaid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and the Board of Trustees of the VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR, Mchenry County, Illinois, as follows: , Section I: That there be and is hereby assessed upon all the residential property receiving garbage collection within the corporate limits of said Village, in addition to the maximum taxes authorized for general corporate purposes and the garbage tax levy imposed under VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR Ordinance No. 78-0-9, a service charge of $2.50, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 24, Section 11-19-4, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1961, as amended. Section II: ihat there be and is hereby assessed upon all commercial and in­ dustrial property receiving garbage collection within the corporate limits of said Village, in addition to the maximum taxes authorized for general corporate pur­ poses and the garbage tax levy imposed under VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR Ordinance No. 78-0-9, a service charge of $25.00 for one yard containers and a service charge of $35.00 for one and one-half yard containers, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 24, Section 11-19-4, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1961, as amended. Section III: That upon passage of this Ordinance and establishment of the service charges provided herein, the Village Clerk is hereby directed to prepare a schedule of said charges and to provide a copy of said schedule to each residential, commercial, and industrial user upon whom a service charge has been assessed, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 24, Section 11-19-4, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1961, as amended. SECTION IV: That should any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereqf other than the part so declared to be invalid. SECTION V: That this Ordinance shall be known as Ordinance No. 80-0-5. SECTION VI: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication, in ac­ cordance with the law. Richard J. Hyatt, President of the Village of Lakemoor McHenry County, Illinois Attest: Pacita R. Morrison Village Clerk Passed: This 12th day of June, 1980. Approved: This 12th day of June, 1980. 0 / Ayes 6 Nays o Absent 0 •(Pub. June 20,1980) Safety Hints BY ALAN J. DIXON Secretary of State When you go on vacation, take safety along with you. If you forget something else, you can probably replace it. Forget safety, and it could ruin your entire trip. Make sure your vehicle is in good operating condition if you are driving. If you haven't prepared your car, truck or recreational vehicle for hot, summer travel, have it checked thoroughly before you leave. Stop periodically at rest areas to avoid fatigue. Allow ample time for possible delays, and plan to drive a comfortable number of hours each day. You should avoid quarrels while driving, which could affect your concentration. Be extra careful if you hit expressways around large cities late in the afternoon when traffic is heaviest. Pay close attention to your speedometer and stay within the posted speed limits. A speeding ticket could be an unwanted expense out of your budget. (A copy of the Rules of the Road will be sent to you upon request. Write to Alan J. Dixon, Secretary of State, Springfield, 111. 62756.) Over/Spending I have onik one question for any candidate: How is the government agoing to balance the Ihidget whey we're work- ing five days a week and it's spending seven?

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