Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jul 1980, p. 17

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f Johnsburg RETURNS FROM GIRLS' STATE - Ruth Snyder recently returned from a week at Girls' State. This year Girls' State, sponsored by the American Legion auxiliary, was held at McMuiray college. Over 550 girls, with leadership characteristics, from all over the state were selected to participate. Ruth is the first McHenry high school East campus representative to attend Girls State to over 11 years. Since East campus now will be a four-year building, Ruth leads the list of students who will have represented East at this annual girls' convention. Candidates are selected based on honesty, leadership, good character, scholarship, cooperativeness and good health. They are selected and nominated to the loca* American Legion auxiliary, -which sponsors a local search for talented young ladies. Hie financial backing for this year's Girls' State representative from East campus came from the McHenry Jaycee organization. Richard Oleszczuk was on hand recently to greet Ruth on her return. ^McCullom Lake Margaret Loewe 344-0811 Be as anxious to help others as you are to accept favors. Mary L. Gunderson Local Misses Enter Contest Three Johnsburg young ladies, two I960 graduates of Johnsburg high schoool, and one from McHenry high, Becky Schaller, Mary Beth Schmitt and Nancy NeU, entered the Miss McHenry contest. Mary Beth was fourth runner-up, and gave quite an extraordinary answer to one of the questions put to these young ladies. "If you could go into either the past, or the future, for awhile, what would you choose, and why?" Her answer was, "If I could, I would like to go into the past, to the time of Christ, because, I would like to meet Him, and see some of the won­ derful things that He did!" These young ladies are to be congratulated for their endeavors, and we are certain they have grown a great deal with this ex­ perience. It should prove helpful to them in their future life. FAMILY PICNIC Keep this important date, Sunday Aug. 10, for St. 385-3052 John's church Annual picnic at the Johnsburg Com­ munity club and grounds. More details will come soon. This is a chance for a great family get-together, close to home and with something for everyone! Extend your invitations now, so that no one will be missing. CONGRATULATIONS Jeanine Susan Frett, who was served at the table of the Lord at a home Mass, for the first time, Sunday, June 15, and best wishes to her family. They are members of St. John's. HOME & HOSPITAL Please do keep these folks in your prayers; William Brown, Melissa Jackson, Chester Piatek, Mark Sch­ mitt and Lynn Spencer Also, remember other friends and neighbors who may be ill. SYMPATHY the family of Ed Hettermann, Sr., whose funeral Mass was at St. John's, 11 a.m. June 23, with burial in St. John's cemetery. Ed was very welf known in Johnsburg and the surrounding area, and he will truly be missed. the family of Lorraine Rutxen, who died Sunday, June 22. Funeral Mass was celebrated Thursday, June 26 with ' interment in the church cemetery. The family she left behind will long remember her. Life brings us many sorrows and Joys, and we never know where, when and how! Let us keep them and their families in our prayers. Remember, too, the souls of Bob Barron, brother of Pat Race of St. John's, who died recently, and Casiiser Marulewski, father of Ron Marulewski of St. John's, who died last week. ^ REGISTRATION ...for new students of St. John's school, will continue as families move in. Come to school during school hours, or contact the sisters at the convent. If there is no an­ swer, please call the rectory. ...St. John the Baptist pre­ school is beginning in Sep­ tember, for three and four year olds. For further in­ formation, call the school or Mrs. Richard (Diane) Himpelmann, Ringwood. B.V.M. SODALITY St. John's Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality will have their meeting, Tuesday, July 8, 1 p.m., at the Michael Schaefer residence. Come and join the ladies for a pleasant afternoon. N.C.S.F. Call Mrs. Francis (Laura) Schmitt, or -Mrs. Lloyd (Doris) Freund, for in- PAGE 17-P1AINDEALER-TUESDAY, JULY 1, MM formation, and reservations will be served from • to • by July 7, for St. Agatha Court 777, Golf Outing, July 16,9 a.m., at the Chapel Hill Country club. Cards will begin at 11 a.m. and lun­ cheon will be served at 12:30 p.m. Members are invited and may bring Forester daughters who have graduated from the eighth grade. On Sunday, July 20, ,11 a.m., National Catholic Society of Foresters members and famines are invited to attend the Fraternal Order of Congress picnic, at the Polish National Union c«mp, Flanders road, McHenry. Registration starts at 10 a.m. and lunch at 11:30. Bring your own lunch; all CourF 777, Juniors, picnic, beverages will be available Lake wood Forest Preserves, p.m., with dancing from • p.m. to 1 a.m. For in­ formation, contact Wayne Hiller, McHenry DATES TO REMEMBER July 8 B.V.M. Sodality, St. John's, meeting, 1 p.m.. Michael Schaefer residence. . July 16 N.C.S.F. St. Agatha Court 777, Golf Outing, Chapel Hill Country club - Cards - Luncheon. July 20 N.C.S.F. Fraternal Order of Congress picnic. Polish National Union camp, Flanders road, McHenry, 10 a.m. Aug. 2 N.C.S.F. Mass, 5:30 p.m., St. John's, for all living and deceased members.* Aug. 4 N.C.S.F. St. Agatha at camp grounds; There will be games for children, at­ tendance prises and music. No meetings are scheduled during the summer for the junior members of St. Agatha Court 777, N.C.S.F. There will be a picnic at Lakewood Forest Preserves, Waucondar Aug^ 4, Junior directors will have necessary permission slips. Younger members of the junior group must have chaperons. RESCUE SQUAD DANCE Make plans now to attend this affair, Saturday, Aug. 23, at the Johnsburg com­ munity club, to benefit the Building fund. Tickets are available from members. A roast beef sit-down dinner. Wauconda. Aug. 10 St. John the Baptist Catholic church Annual Family Picnic - Johnsburg Community club and grounds. Aug. 23 Johnsburg Rescue Squad dance - sit-down dinner, 6 to 8 p.m., dancing 8 to 1 a.m. Johnsburg Com­ munity club. Benefit Building fund. Brown Rice Brown rice is the whole- grain rice from which only the hull and a small amount of the bran have been removed., It hai a nutlike flavor and a (lightly chewy texture. Brown rice needs to cook longer than regular white rice. Slate Summer Cleanup Days At the June 24 meeting, it was decided that a summer cleanup will take place over the weekend of July 12 and 13. Four big dumpsters will be at the beach house, so clean out your attics and basements. Do not bring trees, broken cement or garbage that is put out weekly. It will not be accepted. The maintenance man will bring a truck around for senior citizens and peoplfe' who are physically in­ capable of bringing their unwanted items down. , After spring cleanup day, ordinance 134 pertaining to dumping rubbish and gar­ bage will be strictly en­ forced. For those unable to haul their items to the beach house please call Joann Weisenberger at 385-8067. LADIES OF THE LAKE A surprise package auction was the main event for the June meeting and it was a huge success. There were 15 members present and two guests. The guests were Joan Beck and Irene Johnson's granddaughters, Joann and Jeanette Sickinger who are visiting for the summer. The July picnic has been postponed until July 24. Anyone wanting to attend but has not signed up, please contact Irene Johnson at 385- 4933. The picnic will be held at Mrs. Weber's house. The next meeting will be Aug. 14. BEACH GALS The next Beach Gals meeting is July 2, 7:30 p.m., at the beach house. At that meeting, we will d^cuss the activities the Beach Gals will be sponsoring at Hie Village Anniversary celebration coming up in August. Hope to see you there. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Happy anniversary to Tom and Marv Jo Farrell who will be celebrating their big day July 8. Hope you enjoy it. BIRTHDAYS Jill Hansen and Pattie Regner have b' thdays July 5. On July 6, Diana Gates turns two years old. The following day, July 7 is shared by Sue Orton and Marie Wyman. On July 9, Danny Bitterman and Gloria Milbralz have a special day. "Happy birthday" to all of you. UNWANTED SWIMMERS Dogs have been seen on the beach and in the lake. There Is a village ordinance against this and their owners may be ticketed. Lilian • But worse than that, dogs can transmit diseases to people and as we all know, we love tp use the beach. So even though your pooch is hot, please don't cool him off in our lake. We're open Ji ; • • V ilv 4th ioTlLL4 SALE ENDS We're open Ji ; • • V ilv 4th ioTlLL4 SAT. JULY 5th SAT. JULY 5th t Last Laugh A country doctor parked his jalopy on the street to run an errand. When he returned, a group of small boys were crowded around the vehicle, laughing at it. The doctor climbed in, say­ ing mildly, "The car's paid for, boys. " Then, looking from one lad to another, he added, "You're not, and you're not, and you ' re no t . . . " Save now. t Misses', women's swimsuits. Entire stock on sale. 25-50% off. Rave waves oTstftts in­ cluding 1-pc high-leg maillots and 2-pc boy- *d leg suits. Antron® ny^» lon/Lvcra® spandex, more; H-18 and 38-46. Sportswear Department LOSE WEIGHT. Even while enjoying three satisfying mesls s dsy. Begin losing weight immediately with extra-strength Super Odrinex reduc­ ing tablets and Diet Plan. It takes over where your will power leaves off. A government panel of medical and sci­ entific experts has reviewed the clini­ cal tests of the extra-strength ingre­ dient in Super Odrlnei, and has termed it "safe and effective" for appe­ tite control and weight loss Try Super Odrinex today To lose water bloat end puffinets, try Odrinil. & Odrinll is the relief you want during the pre-menstrual cycle It is "a natural water pill," and it. too. is sold with a money-back guarantee Read and fol­ low all package precautions carefully May's Roxall 44UU vv. Kte. i A) Bolgor's Drug Stor* V 1259 N. Green .St. LOST OUR LEASE EVERYTHING must GO! f Save now Pick our peanuts, salted in die shell. 8$Cpound Special Buy Peanuts are a nutri­ tious snack. Scoop up your own at Wards and save. Get a bunch now and eat 'em anytime. Sizzling! Big, 26x54" towels for beach or pool. % 25"50 OFF ALL SHOES & BOOTS bowmons 112 CASS ST.-ON THE WOODSTOCK SQUARE Woodstock's Greater Value Shoe Store c :_i l-- k>|<cviai vuy. Dry yourself quickly wqth an eye-catching tow^KUi a choice of popular designs. Cot­ ton/polyester; fringed. A Save 25% For summertime funtime: men's, women's surfers. 2«7 Regularly 3.99 Ideal companions for pool, patio, b&ach or home. Uppers are durable nylon and man- made suede; man-made crepe soles. Men's M7-12; women's M5-10. Whole sizes. Shoe Department Try Montgomery Ward sunglasses. Help cut reflective glare. A Q In assorted frame styles, * Re«nilarlv 5 00 colors for men and women. ™ 15 y Limit 24. 4fo,n JReg. 2 for 88' Light bulbs for iiidoor lighting. Standard base 60-, 75-, or 100-watt. Frosted interior. Garden Dept. 1/2 price. 18" pushbroom for big iwMp Jobs. Durable pal- 449 myra fiber: ^ 48 hardwood Rcs.819 Simulated wood Save *90 V Jw Big girls' 7-14 swim wear makes waves, wins raves. 50% OFF Regular Price Our entire stock of big girls swlmwear is now available at fantastic savings. The Illustrated styles are reprentative of our large assort­ ment. Girl*' Department Special buy. Stretch tube tops bare up beautifully. n Sun-sational alone or under sheers. Fashiori- hot solids and stripes. Stretch cotton/rubber knit for fit. flattery. $ Fashion Acce»»orte« 12920 19" diag TV has 1-button Auto Color. 32988 Regularly 419.99 Locks in best color, tint and brightness. Negative- matrix tube. AFC tuning. Save 250 Self-coiling cable lock guards your bike. covered steel - 2*7 cable, case- » hardened lock. Reg. 4" Wear-Ever1* Chicken Bucket * fast fryer. Big 6-qt aluminum bucket pressure-fries 10-12 chick-' en pieces in 12-15 minutes. 1397 Regularly 34.99 Save 23% K Rugged, lightweight Thermos^ 35-qt cooler. Plastic lire- ^f*iOQ7 thane foam in- ' sulation keeps contents cold Reg. lo.W Save 50% \ Wards Frisbee® is great for family fun. This poly disc weighs only 141 grams. Fling a Frisbee.for fun! Reg. 4.99 Value. Large 20-lb bag of Kingsford* charcoal. K a K t u t a r t i n g hardwood bri- (1 y i queta bum long- ^ er, smoke-free ^ I.IMIT 2 l»Eft CUSTOMER STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. j Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. lOSNartlwatf H*NNy Reals 14 ffeaas I1S499-3120 FtCt PAR KMC

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