Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1980, p. 12

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PAGE 12 - PLAINDEALER -FRIDAY 7 JULY 11.1166 \ 'OWi wit %K I A I X' Oec HI-1300 i- » FOIEST HILLS 4«M< t7* WAMINGTON |c»* «j» w «i * v » «.* 0« V. -,v. I ,*ir • • . No cosh refunds on prepaid ods Cards of Thanks In Memonom. Situation Wanted Wanted to Rent' Wanted 'to Buy. and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in classified ads after the first insertion Check your od of ter the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes OFFICE HOURS: MON-F*l.i:30 A.M. to S:00 P.M. SATURDAY 9-12 P.M. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER-WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 iusmcss scums ACE CEMENT Cencrete A Remodeling Our Speciality 'Room additions 'Garages 'Sundccks 'Sidewalk* 'Driveways 'Patios, etc. Call for Free Estimate 815-653-6366 7/2H 'NEED IKE WORK!!! SHOUT THIBER!!!" HANDYMAN AVAILABLE College student with ex­ perience will do your home maintenance jobs & let you enjoy the summer. Painting exterior & interior decor, in­ sulation,. carpentry, cement, landscaping & all misc. types of work. Call •15-653-6498 Between 5 4 7PM 7/9 7/11 $rrr ^rrfcicr 385-5980 385-9075 Free Estimates PAINTING INTERIOR EXTERIOR •Wallpapering •Reasonable Rates •Quality Materials •Fully Insured •Free Estimates An Established Professional 815-653-5808 Dm Ryan Decorating • _ Wood Decks Siding y?. S. Stake Gon&tzuction --^Quality Custom Built Homes Remodeling Experts Will design and draw plans for your new home or'remodeling needs fV Free Estimates Call John Blake 385-5593 after 5 P.M. Roofing Concrete Patios 7/4HJ WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. C O M M E R C I A L ' R E S I D E N T I A L Serving your area 25 years experience. We are now taking orders. Deal direct with owner & save!! -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES- GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE 312 367-0676 .... HARRY L. ViEZENS CONSTRUCTION CO. RMOdelwgHMW Repairs Screen Porches'Wall paper'Kitchens'Baths'Electrical 'Family Rooms'Basements'Paneling'Ceramic Tile "Custom Work NO JOB TOO SMALL TELL US YOUR NEEDS 1-815-385-2847 PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residential-Commercial-Residential "Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers." • Machine Laid * New Drives • Resurfacing • Parking Lots * Seal Coating All work guaranteed Free Estimates r T 1 312-546-5600fc L ^ Grayslake, III. 1969 T-BIRD, mint interior, Gangster doors, runs gc 29,000 original miles. 312-4 4434 7-9-7-1 lc 1971 JEEP CJ5, good con­ dition, new top, new heater, rebuilt transmission and transfer, Craig & Jensen stereo, call after 6:30pm 815- 385-2270 7-4 7-llc > MUST SELL 1976 Chevy Imp&tt, automatic, power steering, power brakes, air cond, velour seats, 22,000 miles. Excellent condition $2500. Also 1975 Ford pickup F150, power steering, power brakes, automatic, good condition $1400.815-338-5146 7-9-7-llc 1969 VW SQUAREBACK $300 or best offer. 312-497-3447. 7- 9-7-1 lc IUSMESS SMOKES C A N ' T A F F O R D VACATION? Then change your surroundings, Paint your home! Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates, Call 815-385-7736 anytime or 815-344-1722 after 6:00 p.m.-' 7-2tfc LOCAL MOVING and hauling, reasonable rates. 815-385-9386 7-2tfc PULVERIZED BLACK DIRT, sand, gfavel, driveway gravel. C&E of Wonder Lake. 815-653-4616 7- 2tfc COMMUNITY TREE $ SERVICE " 385-6733 „ CONCRETE WORK *Patios *Drives *Garage Slabs Free Estimates Call between 8 & 5 P.M. Weekdays 815-385-0715 PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE COMPANY •SEAL COATING •PATCHING •PAVEMENT MARKING •CARSTRUCK STOPS •SWEEPING *FREE ESTIMATES* 815-385-6334 INDUSTRIAL t RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL , 6/13-7/25 PAINTING • FREE ESTIMATES • PROFESSIONAL SERVICE • WALLPAPER HANGING • FULLY INSURED • LOCAL BUSINESS 815-385-3675 C7SI RAKESTRAW LAWN ft GARDEN SERVICE •Rototilling •Lawnmowing •Light landscaping We guarantee our work 815-344-1971 y 815-385-4883 for fr-- estimate 6/4-7/16 RUSSELL RNOTON SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING/ • REPAIRS * ELECTRIC SEWER RODDING Installation of new septics 815-385-6445 CARPENTRY * Remodeling * Room Additions *Home Repairs * Potio Decks * Alum. Siding O Soffits * Windows & Doors Replaced SMALL JOBS WELCOME Joy Owen 615-085-6406 MATCHERS LARDSCAPIHG No Job Too Large or Too Small Excavating and Light Hauling Black Dirt or Gravel Call 344-3342 Please leave Name and Number f McHENRY SERVICE -ALL TYPES WELDING- SPECIALIZING IN • '"Boat Prop Repairs 'Custom Trailer Hitdies 2912W.RU. 120 McHenry 815-385-4929 7/4H2 • ADAMS REPAIR SHOP •Lawn Mowers •Small Engines •Machine Shop 1910 W.BAY ROAD McHENRY 385-2534 GENERAL HAULING * Crushed road gravel * Grade 9 for driveways * Pea Gravel * Sand * Black Dirt 815-385-5827 •15-385-4835 JOHN FICKEN. JR. ALLAN'S MSSOL. SUMMER SAVINGS •Parking lots *New Drives •Long Lanes "Patching •Resurfacing *Seal Coating 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates •15-459-5757 CeH Urm A Sore 7/n 8/22 BITTERMAN EXCAVATING s Septic Service 815-385-7791 4410 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, ll; . 7 CONCRETE Foundations-New Home* • Additions Basement floor, sidewalks Garage Slabs fotlos Driveways Stoops, Etc. Free Estimates 815-344-1080 er 312-439-9248 6/25-8/6 1979 DATSUN 210 Hat­ chback, 5 speed, am-fm stereo, Rusty Jones rust- proofing, 29,000 miles, $4500 or best offer. Call after 6pm. 414-279-3967 7-9-7-llC 1967. CAMEEO, $500. many parts 815-385-5580 or *15-344- 5189. 7-9-7-1 lc 1968 CHEVY Vi ton pickup $600 or best. 815-728-0889 7-9- 7-llC 1977 MONTE CARLO LANDAU, power windows and steering, stereo tape, cruise control, loaded. Excellent condition $2,800. 385-7292 or 385-8743 7-4-7-llc FOR SALE OR TRADE, 76 Olds Cutlass, 4 door hardtop. Blown engine, cruise con­ trol, tilt wheel, automatic, air conditioned, electric seats, 70 Chevy engine and transmissions. 385-5405 7-11- 7-16 0WWBI SfWHttT LAID OFF*Will do light remodeling, shingles and concrete work 20 years experience. Reasonable. 815- 728-0663 7-4-7-llc HANDYMAN, I'll do those little jobs you don't have time for! Electrical, car­ pentry, household repair, cleanup, paint up. Depen­ dable, reasonable 815-385- 4399. 7-9-7-18C BOB'S HAULING, no job too small or large. Two men will move you, also will clean out your attics, basements, garages, houses and yards. Trash hauling. Free estimates. Call anytime, Pistakee Highlands. 312-497- 4455. 7-9-7-30C HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALIST. Experienced in wallpapering, painting, decorating, kitchens, baths, electrical, plumbing and carpentry. Call for free estimate, 815-385-9385 7-9tfc RAS PAINTERS, quality workmanship, custom ex­ teriors and interiors. Fully insured, free estimates. 815- 459-4264 " 7-9-7-18C JULY SPECIAL! Living room and hall steam cleaned and deodorized, only $39.95. Additional areas only 10 cents per sq. ft. We save you money! Bauman Carpet Cleaning. Collect 815-943- 4793 . 7-2tfc SEPTIC SYSTEMS, New installations, and repair of old systems. Sewer and water hookups. Free estimates, Mathison Septic Service, McHenry, II. 815-344- 3980 7-2tfc S C H U E R R W A Y BUILDERS, All phases of carpentry, concrete work, e x c a v a t i n g , e l e c t r i c , plumbing, heating, tiling, no job too small. 815-385-4808 7- 2tfc REMODELING SPECIALISTS, 30 years experience, no job too big or loo small. Financing available. O.E.A. Con­ struction, 815-344-1632, 815- 385-6566,815-344-0748 7-2tfc *•» SMALL LOADS, gravel, stone, sand, dirt. Also lot cleanup, small tree removal, yard grading, sodding. 815- 344-3980 7-2tfc CONTRACTORS •FULLY INSURED •FREE ESTIMATES •HOMES •GARAGES •REMODELING •ADDITIONS •DECKS Frank Flcek 815-385-1383 a ffl 8Ityty MATERIAL 815/385-19701 llack Hit *Stm liMStMW *fcantitt Stm, Etc. Call after 4:00 P.M. CALL ANYTME ON WEEXEIBS 7/2H EXPERT SLOT MACHINE repair. Will also purchase older slots. 815-385-4704. 7- 2tfc LANDSCAPING SERVICES of many types. Tree and shrub trimming, garden roto tilling, fertilizing etc. 815- 728-1363. 7-2tfc BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE, All breed professional dog grooming. Nails clipped, ears cleaned, fluff drying, scissor cuts, call 385-2018 anytime. 7-2tfc NEED HOME REPAIRS, remodeling or an addition? Call Trim Construction. Free estimates. 815-385-5912. 7-2tfc FREE PICK UP junk cars and trucks, day or night. 815- 459-0081 7-2tfc P A I N T I N G A N D DECORATING, interior and exterior, fully insured, free estimates. Call Jim after 5pm. 815-459-3677. 7-2tfc FOUNDATIONS, all types of concrete, residential or light c o m m e r c i a l . F r e e estimates. C&E Concrete. 815-385-3596 7-2tfc PAINTING, WALLPAPERING, decks, and general remodeling. Mike 815-459-4098 7-2tfc 80ATS * HOfOftT" 16 FT. CRUISERS INC. 40 hp motor, trailer, extras, $1,000 or best offer. 815-728-1504. 7- 9-7-1 lc NORDICA 12 FT. SAILBOAT with Jib. $225. 815-728-0623' 7-9-7-1 lc 17 FT. CHRYSLER BOAT and trailer, 105 HP with automatic tilt, walk-thru canvas top. $1800. 815-385- 5482 7-9tfc SAILBOAT 16 ft. Hobie Cat 1980 and trailer with ac­ cessories, $3,000. 815-385-7692 7-9-7-1lc 24' DELUXE PONTOON BOAT, fully equipped, like new. $4,000. 815-728-0524 7-11 MUST SELL 17 ft. Glaspar with trailer, 65 horse Mer­ cury engine, low hours $900. 815-385-2957 7-11-7-16C 1973 THOMPSON 22 FT. COHO fishing boat, 165 HP. 1-0 Volvo stern drive, full canvas top includes down riggers, poles, depth finder, lures, life jackets and 1975 EZ Loader Trailer, all in excellent condition. 385-3108 after 5:30pm. 7-11 12 FT. ALUMINUM WARDS boat with some accessories $250 or best offer. 815-385- 0462 c 7-II 17' CRUISER INC., 110 HP Mercury and trailer, runs good. $995. 815-344-1544 7-11 CHRIS CRAFT 18 foot in­ board ski-boat, wood, 283 Chevy, completely rebuilt, 1978 Shorelander trailer, no hull rot, $2,700. 728-0050 7-11- 7-16c MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE: 1975 HONDA 350cc, electric start, ex­ cellent condition. $550.00. Call 815-728-0312. ' 7-2-7-31C 1 9 7 5 - 3 5 0 Y A M A H A M O T O R C Y C L E , l o w mileage, excellent condition, approximate 35 mpg. $800. 815-385-2018 7-11-7-18 1976 YAMAHA 650. Low miles, must sell. $950 or best offer, 815-385-9466. 7-11 1978 SPRINTER MOPED, low mileage, good condition $165. Phone 815-385-8533 7-11 1973 FORD PICKUP TRUCK, very good con­ dition. 815-385-8581 7-9-7-llC 1976 PONTIAC ASTRE GT, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, $2100. Call 815-385-7312 after 6pm. 7-9-7- 11c CLASSIC 1967 LEMANS convertible. Perfect con­ dition. $2,200 or offer. 815- 344-4648 or 312-497-3218. 7-9- 718c 1974 MERCURY MON- TEGO, ps, pb, very good condition, many new parts, air. $895. 815-385-1849 7-9-7- 11c 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA, 4 door, air conditioned, 4 speed, stick, 60 miles since complete overhaul, excellent condition. Asking $900. 815- 344-3864 7-9-7-1lc 1972 VW BEETLE, excellent condition, low miles, gas heater $1,475. 815-385-6929 evenings. 7-9-7-1 lc 1976 TRANS AM 400 engine, 4 speed, loaded, very good condition, 35,000 miles $4250 or best offer. 815-344-2573 7- 9-7-1 lc 197̂ CHEVROLET, 38,000 miles, like new inside and out. Locally driven and serviced every 1,000 miles since new. $1600. Call 815- 653-9369 ' 7-11-7-18C 1976 PONTIAC VENTURA, good condition, clean, radial tires, $1,950. 815-344-5946 after 6pm. 7-ll-7-18c 1967 MERCEDES BENZ 200 Diesel, $2,500 or best offer. 815-385-2826 7-11 72 MONTE CARLO, power steering, power brakes, new tires, air conditioned. $995. After 4:30,815-344-2954. 7-11- 7-16 78 FORD VAN, all extras, qualifies as RV. $8,000 or best. Call 815-653-9079 7-11 MOTORCVCLCr""" 1969 KAWASAKI 500 cc, oil injection, farring, saddle bags, excellent condition. Asking $875. 815-344-3864 7-9- 7-llc 1971 HONDA, CB 450, gold and white Wixom wind­ shield, electric start, 4500 miles, adult owned. $600. 815- 385-7180. . 7-9-7-1 lc 1972 HARLEY DAVIDSON 350 cc, 4300 original miles. 815-385-7764. 7-9-7-1lc M O T O R C Y C L E T 9 7 5 Yamaha RD 125, like new, $300. 385-7642 after 5pm. 7-9- 7-1 lc SALE OR TRADE Honda CT70, $175 or trade for small dirt bike of same' value. Pistakee Highlands. 312-497- 4098. 7-9-7-1 lc 1972 HONDA 500 CC, I cylinder, 1 owner, 8,000 original miles. 815-344-1738. 7-9-7-1lc 1978 YAMAHA XS 650, dark green with gold pin strip­ ping, 2,200 miles, back rest and luggage rack, like new condition. $1,475. 815-385*1917 7-9-7-1lc HONDA CT Trail Seventy, good condition, new tires, $175. Call 815-728-0623 . 7-9-7- 11c Before you tour the open road -- Cycle over and see us, the Pekin Insurance professionals in Motorcycle Insurance. Then have a Happy Day! FITZGERALD'S INSURANCE 385-8700 5 « <11 1975 PINTO, like new, 2 door wagon, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, $1,150. 1973 Golden Duster, new radial tires, air, am-fm, excellent condition $825. 1971 Chrysler New Port, small engine, 48,000 miles, ex­ cellent condition $450. School bus, 3 rm. converted cam-' per, ice box, stove, table, chairs, beds. $750.385-8380 7- 4-7-1lc OVER 55 YEARS OLD? Save money with Milwaukee Mutual's Plus "55" Auto Policy. Call us for details and quote. Sunderlage In­ surance Agency Inc. 815-338- 3328 7-9-7-llC 68 TR 250, good condition except for trans. $600 or best offer. 815-344-1813. 7-9-7-llc 1977 CHEVY IMPALA, air, like new radials, $2100. 815- 338-3448 evenings and weekends. 7-9-7-1 lc 72 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME, 2 door, silver with black vinyl top, automatic, power steering, power brakes, 8 track tape player, very clean, good condition. Only 50,000 miles. $995 firm. 815-385-8769 7-9-7- llc 68 VW VAN, asking $595, 72 Montego, excellent body, needs engine, asking $100. Must sell, best offers take. 815-344-3778 7-9-7-llC 1969 FORD F 100, Many new parts including battery and starter. $400 or best offer. 312-577-8555 7-11 73 AMX; ps, pb, 401, Hurst linkage, posi, excellent condition. Must sell. Ask Jay 815-344-1652. 7-11 A U T O I N S U R A N C E PROBLEMS? Call us, we can and will help you. Budget terms available. S u n d e r l a g e I n s u r a n c e Agency. 815-338-3328 7-16-7- 18C 1972 PINTO STATION WAGON, automatic, 4 cylinder, good condition $700 or offer. 815-385-3864 7-11 INSTRUCTIONS R I D I N G L E S S O N S - O u r Farm, McHenry, Bull Valley. All levels. Call days 312-639-6630, evenings 815- 385-8553 . 7-2tfc SITUATION WANTS" WILL BABYSIT in my home anytime. Hot meaw. 815-344- 5459. License number 540236. 7-9-7-llc LICENSED DAY CARE, flexible hours, fenced yard. License number 536287. 815- 385-8993 7-9-7-llc P A I N T E R L O O K I N G f o r interior and exterior work. Free estimates. References and neat work. Call 815-385- 5564 - 7-9-7-llc LICENSED DAY and NIGHT care. Home 6pened by college trained nursery school teacher. Three hot nutricious meals served plus snacks. Lie. No. Day 540629, Night 540630. 815x385-5286 7- 11-7-23C CARD Of THANK?" WE THANK THE FAMILY for our wonderful 90th Birth­ day party Also to friends and relatives for cards received. FRANK M.BLAKE 7-11 Child Care According td the Child Care Act of 1^69 ' it it a misdemeanor \|o care fc- another person's child in your home unless that home it licensed by the State of Illinois. It is also illegal to advertise for such services in an unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well-being of the child. * For information and Licensing contact: FAMftT SSRVK8S Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 Nortn Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villa, II. 60046 312-356-1011 0

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