Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1980, p. 12

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PAGE 12 - PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JULY 16. 11 7 «2*}M5 ItOtlK •o»i »• mini» WAMINGTON t»« f KMEST HILLS 4«M< tr>' uiim I Ot HI-1J00 •"p» t )«•'* No eo»h refund* on prepaid od* Cards of Thonks In Momoriom Situation Wanted Wanted to Rent Wanted to Buy, and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance The Plamdeoler i> not responsible lo r errors in cloMif iedadt after the f irst insert ion Check your od af ter the f i rst insert ion and ca l l our a t tent ion to any mistakes OFFICE HOURS: MON. F«|.«:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. SATURDAY f-12 P.M. Classified Cspy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER-WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 Aim ^CLTCSSIC 1967 LEMANS convertible. Perfect con­ dition. $2,200 or offer. 815- 344-4648 or 312-497-3218. 7-9- 718c AITtS 72 MONTE CARLO, power steering, power brakes, new iires, air conditioned. $995. After 4:30,815-344-2954. 7-11- 7-16 *1974 CHEVROLET, 38,000 miles, like new inside and our. Locally driven and serviced every 1,000 miles since new $1600 Call 815- 653-9369 7-11-7-18C AUTO INSURANCE PROBLEMS? Call 4(8, foe can and will help you. Budget terms available. Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815-338-3328 7-16-7- 18c mmtu UMKts PAINTING MMMM 'Wallpapering •Reasonable Rates •Quality Materials •Fully Insured •Proa Estimates An Established Professional SI5-653-5808 tatyNhcmtiif "WD IKE WORK!!! SHOUT TIMBER!!!" Uliaiiirr <lrrf fttrfcirr 315-5910 305-9075 S. 1 Free Estimates CONCRETE . worn *Patio» *Drives *Garage Slabs Free Estimates Call between 8 A 5 P.M. Weekdays 815-38541715 7/4-7/16 GRANNY'S quilts Summer Classes Basic A advanced quilting Machine & hand applique Purse & tote bags Jacket or vest Quick Log Cabin Christmas Projects can385-5107 information 6/4.8/27 Tf I IHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllllHtlllll COMMUNITY TREE ^SERVICE ™38M733 . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiniiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil SILK FLOWERS BYLaBUY For Arrangements Conventional or Unique Open Sat. 10-5 Or by appointment 816 N. Front St. (Rte. 31) 344-0755 or 385-8570 I 167 19112. % MATERIAL 815 305-1970 * *ShnI '"Gravel •Black Dirt •Stone *lim Stone •Decorative Stone, Etc. Coll after 4:00 P.M. CALL ANYTIME ON WEEKENDS MATCHEHS LANDSCAPING No Job Too Large or Too Small Excavating and Light Hauling Black Dirt or Gravel Call 344-3342 Please leavfe Name, and Number HARRY L. ViEZENS CONSTRUCTION CO. Remodeling Homo Repairs 'Screen Porches "Wallpaper "Kitchens "Baths* Electrical "Family Rooms'Basements'Paneling'Ceramic Tile "Custom Work NO JOB TOO SMALL ' TELL US YOUR NEEDS 14115 385-2847 PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residential-Commercial-Residential "Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers." • Machine Laid * N®w Drives • Resurfacing * Parking Lots * Seal Coating All work guaranteed Free Estimates 312-546-5600„™ L ^ vJ Grayslake, Ml. K WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL* Serving your area 25 years experience. We are now taking orders. Deal direct with owner & save!! -Coll anytime for FREE ESTIMATES^ GRAYSLAKE 312 223-5634 LIBERTYVILIi 312387-0676 1976 PONTIAC VENTURA, good condition, clean, radial 'i ires, $1,950. 815-344-5946 after 6pm. 7-11-7-18C FOR SALE OR TRADE, 76 Olds Cutlass, 4 door hardtop. Blown engine, cruise con­ trol, till wheel, automatic, air conditioned, electric seats, 70 Chevy engine and transmissions. 385-5405 7-11- 7-16 BUSINESS SCAUKES " ******* C A N ' T A F F O R D VACATION? Then change your surroundings, Paint your home! Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates, Call 815-385-7736 anytime or 815-344-1722 after 6:00 p.m. 7-2tfc PULVERIZElf BLACK DIRT, sand, 'gravel, driveway gravel. C&E of Wonder Lake. 815-653-4616 7- 21 fc Foundellotii-NawMomfi t Additions SoMfflMt floors Corogo Slab. ^aHo# Orivowoy* Stoop*, Ctc. fr-- EitlmatM 815-344-1080 *r 312439-9148 6/J5-B/6 M - H BLACKTOP Drlvowoyi*Ro«urfoclnt Parking Lot**Ropoir Work Orovol Froo Ittlmoto* All Work Guorontood Intwrod Call \ 312-495-9820 6/18-9/)0-TM ALLAN'S IMSKHEd-Lowes' SUMMER SAVINGS •Parking lots *New Drives •Long Lanes •Patching •Resurfacing *Seal Coating 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Estimate* 815-459-5757 Cell New S Save 7 ii e/W WHEN YOU'RE TAKING your vacation, who's taking your stereo? Certified, registered and bonded locksmith.- Frantz Look & Key. 497-4900 7-16-7-18c LOCAL MOVING and hauling, reasonable rales. 815-385-9386 7-2tfc HANDYMAN, I'll do those little jobs you don't have time for! Electrical, car­ pentry, household repair, cleanup, paint up. Depen­ dable, reasonable 815-385- 4399. 7-9-7-18C BOB'S HAULING, no job too small or large. Two men will move you, also will clean out your attics, basements, garages, houses and yards. Trash hauling. Free estimates. Call anytime, Pistakee Highlands. 312-497- 4455. 7-9-7-30C HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALIST. Experienced in wallpapering painting, decorating, kitchens, baths, electrical, plumbing and carpentr^Call for free C815-385-9385 7-9tfc R&S PAINTERS, quality workmanship, custom ex­ teriors and interiors. Fully insured, free estimates. 815 459-4264 7-9-7-18C J E N S E N S W O O D RESTORATION, fine an ilques, furniture and kitchen cabinet, repair and refinishing. Also specialize in chair reglueing and hand Stepping. 385-4024 7-16tfc LANDSCAPING SERVICES of many types. Tree and shrub trimming, garden roto tilling, fertilising etc. 815- 728-1363. ; - 7-2tfc JULY SPECIAL! Living room and halls team cleaned and deodorized, only $39.95. Additional areas only 10 cents per sq. ft. We save you money! Bauman Carpet Cleaning. Collect 816^43- 4793. 7-2tfc SEPTIC SYSTEMS, New installations, and repair of old systems. Sewer and water hookups. Free estimates, Mathison Septic .Service, McHenry, H. 815-344- 3980 7-2lfc S C H U E R R W A Y BUILDERS, All phases of carpentry, concrete work, excavating, electric, plumbing, heating, tiling, no job loo small. 815-385-4808 7- 2tfc RAKESTRAW LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE •Rototilling •Lawnmowing •Light landscaping We guarantee our work 815-344-1971 815-385-4883 for free estimate t/<7/1' CARPENTRY * Remodeling "Room Additions ""Home Repairs * Potio Decks * Alum. Siding G Soffits * Windows 6 Doors Replaced SMALL JOOS WELCOME ' . Joy Owen 815-065-8406 ACE CEMENT & CONSTRUCTION Concreto A Remodeling Oar Speciality 'Room additions 'Garages 'Sundocks 'Sidewalks 'Driveways 'Patios, etc. Call for Free Estimate 815-653-6366 7 2ri BITTERMAN EXCAVATING On V Septic Service 415-385-7791 4410 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, II., PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE COMPANY •SEAL COATING •PATCHING •PAVEMENT MARKING •CARSTRUCK STOPS •SWEEPING '('REE ESTIMATES* 815-385-6334 INDUSTRIAL S RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 6/I3-7/2S RUSSELL RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING • REPAIRS * ELECTRIC SEWER RODDING Installation of new septics 815-385-6445 7 2H cai \Se r 391 LAID OFF-Will do light \remodeling, shingles and Concrete work. 20 years experience Reasonable 815- 728-0663 ^ 7-16-7-18C EXPERT SLOT MACHINE repair. Will also purchase older slots. 815-385-4704 . 7- 2tfc REMODELING SPECIALISTS, 30 years experience, no job too big or too small. Financing available. O.E.A, Con­ struction, 815-344-1632,, 815- 385-6566,815-344-0748 7-2tfc SMALL LOADS,- gravel, stone, sand, dirt. Also lot., cleanup,«mall tree removal, yard grading, sodding. 815- 344-3980 7-2tfc WSTBUCTIOWS RIDING LESSONS-Our Farm^ McHenry, Bull Valley All levels. Call days 312-639-6630, evenings 815- 385-8553 7-2tf/e NOTICE BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE, All breed professional dog grooming. Nails clipped, ears cleaned, fluff drying, scissor cuts, call 385-2018 anytime. 7-2tfc NEED HOME REPAIRS, remodeling or an addition? Call Trim Construction. Free estimates. 815-385-5912. 7-2tfc FREE PICK UP junk cars and trucks, day or night. 815- 459-0081 7-2lfc P A I N T I N G A N D DECORATING, interior and exterior, fully insured, free estimates. Call Jim after 5pm. 815-459-3677 . 7-2tfc FOUNDATIONS, all types of concrete, residential or light c o m m e r c i a l , , F r e e estimates. C&E Concrete. 815-385-3596 7-2lfc Child Core UNLICENSED FACILITIES CAN'T BE ADVERTISED. According to the Child Care Act of 1969 it is a misdemeanor to care fc another person's child in your home unless that home is licensed by the State of Illinois. It is also illegal to advertise for stich services in an unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the'* safety, health and well-being of the child. For ihformation and Licensing contact: UMMS •EPARTMENT CMNOII FAMILY SERVICES Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave Lake Villa, II. 60046 312-356-1011 1967 PLYMOUTH LeHeap- runs good 9175. or best offer. 815-385-7624. ' 7-16-7-18C 1974 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1500 convertible, 4 cyl, 4 speed, 30 mpg, Toneau cover, excellent condition. Sharp car! 92350 or best offer. 815-385-0485 7-16-7-18C 1972 PINTO STATION automatic, 4 cylinderT^Hjfry food coil: dition 9700 Or offer. 815-385- 3864 7-|$-7*l8c WtUIIWH 12 FT ALUMINUM WARDS boat with some accessories^ 9250 or best offer. 815-385- 0462 7-16-7-18C 17 FT. CHRYSLER BOAT and trailer, 109 HP with automatic lilt, walk-thru canvas lop. 91800. 815-385- 5482 7-9tfc - - 1r • MUST SELL 17 fl Glaspar with trailer, 65 horse Mer­ cury engine, low hours 9900. 815-385-2957 7-11-7-16C CHRIS CRAFT 18 foot in­ board ski-boat, wood, 283 Chevy, completely rebuilt, 1978 Shorelantier trailer, no hull rot, 92,700.728-8050 7-11- 7-16C FOR SALE: 1975 HONDA 350cc, electric start, ex­ cellent condition-. $550.00. Call 815-728-0312. V 7-2-7-31C 1 9 7 5 - 3 5 0 YAMAHA MOTORCYCLE, low rpileage, excellent condition, approximate 35 mpg. 9800. 815-385-2018 7-11-7-18 1978 SPRINTER MOPED. Low mileage, good con­ dition, $165. Phone 815-385- 8533. 7-16-7-18C WINDJAMMER FAIRING for Kawasaki 900 or 1000, $150, KZ 900 ejftfaust pipes, back rest. 815-344-4648 or 312- 497-3218 7-16-7-18C 1978 SUZUKI GS 1000 EC, bought new in 1979, 1500 miles, black mags, im­ maculate condition. $2,675 or best offer. 815-385-9168 7-16- 718c 1976 HONDA 250 dirt bike, $300.385-3587 *-16-7-18c KAWASAKI 350, 1975 mint condition. 1200 miles, $850. 344-1315. 7-16-7-18C fc_ 1978 HONDA, 750 cc, super sport, black, only 1700 miles, excellent condition. 91,900. 815-728-1515 7-16-7-18C MOTORCYCLE MAICO, 1980 MC-1 Maico 440,. like new, Olhins shocks 91,395; 1979 MX Maico 250 excellent shape 91,000. 815-338-7260 after 5pm. 7-16-7-18C NOTICE PAINTING, WALLPAPERING, decks, and getferal remodeling. Mike 815-459-4098 7-2tfc BABY PHOTO CONTEST V0TM8-1' A VOTE-NO LIMIT During Business Hours Sunday, July 20 . Riverside Dr. Beach during Water Show Monday, July 21 Tho Toddler Shop Tuesday, July 22 Spurgoon's Wednesday, July 23 ^--Susfcn's Shoos Thursday, July 24 Taml's Juvonilo Furnituro Friday, July 25 1 st National Bank off McNonry Saturday, July 26 Groan ft Elm Stroots Sidowalk Salos Day -10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, July 27 9-12 Noon Windhlll 12:30-3*p.m. Poarl Street Pprk Winner Announced 4 p.m. Peorl Street Pnrk Proceeds to Benefit McHenry Area 19 Johnsburg Rescue Squads REAL ESTATE Pistakee Highlands DREAM STARTER 91,200. down, 10% % interest 2 bedroom ranch, dining room, new aluminum siding, located in excellent neighborhood. $457 per month, 30 years in­ cludes taxes and insurance add closing costs. HOMI TO HOMI, INC. 31M10-2S5O 311.4M.W7f ., „ l FOR 9ALE BY OWNER ~2 bedrooms, central air, 2 car garage, full basement. Quiet residential area. $54,000. 815-385-3477 8154784207 7/14-7/18 T OLDS, 1978 DELTA ROYALE sedan. My Boss gave me a new car and I will sell this fine car for 93333 or best offer. 815-344-0874 week­ days^ 7-16-7-18C 1974 FORD STATION WAGON. 9850 1971 Chrysler 9450.385-8380 - 7-16-7-18c 1975 FORD PINTO, 91,050, 3 room camper ^furnished, stove, hie box table, and teds. 9750. 1973 Chrysler Jtew^orker 9650.385-8380 7- --^-- --T-- 72 OLDS WAGON, brand new radlals, runs good. 9200 or hest offer. 815-344-0773 7- 16-7-18C 77 TOYOTA LONG BED pick up with c«p, runs great, looks sharp, new tires. 815- 385-7588 7-18-7-I8C 1975 CHEW CAPRICE CLASSIC, air conditioning, fully loaded, good condition. 91)900 or best offer. 815-344- 4275 after 8pm. 7-16-7-18c 79 DODGE OMNI, sun roof, 19,000 miles, must sell. 94,400. 815-798-1751 7-16-7-18C 1974 EL CAMINO CLASSIC V8, power steering, power brakes, clean, 6 tires, asking 91350,815^728-1255. 7-16-7-18C MMT 1976 PONTIAC ASTRE GT, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, call 815- 385-7312 after 6pm 7-16-7-18c ONE OWNER 1972 Ford LTD, air conditioned, mint condition, 91,050. Can be seen at Bob's Auto Body, 1701 W. Rte 120^McHenry. 815-385-9222. ^16-7-18c CYLINDER HEADS (2) off a big block 1971 Chevelle engine, 19,000 miles, with recent valve job. 940.815-385- 1989 7-16tfc INTAKE MANIFOLD, cast iron 4 barrel for; a 71 Chevelle big Mock 930. 815- 385-1969 7-16(fc 1973 CHfeVY WAGON, best offer 815-344-2424 between 8am k 4pm. 7-16-7-18c COMPLETE INTERIOR for SS Super Sport 1971 Chevelle, olive green, $50. 815:385-1969 ^ 7-16tfc 1974 RENAULT SPORTS COUPE, not in running condition, but can be repaired by one with know- how. Make an offer. Call 815- 385-4908 7-16-7-18C 1973 GALAXIE 500, al^, 95,000 miles, 9400. 815-344- 3398 7-16-7-18C . . --r- 1975 4 CYLINDER MUSTANG, 91,800 or best offer. 815-385-6451 7-l6-7-18c HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER, 98,000 cash down. Assume payments at 9Vfe percent. Wonder Lake area. 312-639- 3529 evenings after 6pm. Contact Steven Christensen. 7-9-8-lC MCHENRY-By o^ner. 3 bedroom ranch, J bath, lot 70X140. Asking $55,000. 815- 344-1239 7-ll-T-t»e REDUCED TO 956,900. Owners are anxious and must sell their lovely home in Worthmoor Estates. 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage, fireplace and more. Call for details. Century 21 Care. 815- 344-1033. w 7-16-7-18C WELL KEPT STARTER, Pleasant living in this quiet neighborhood, 2 bedrooms, cheery kitchen and plenty of closet space. Owners moving out of state. $39,500 Century 21 Care. 7-16-7-18C MUST SELL-LiStlng lime Up. Was $67,900 BOW $59,900. 3 bedroom ranch with at­ tached garage, family room with fireplaee, fenced in Vfe acre lot beautifully land­ scaped. Shore Oak Sub­ division. Near Sun Electric, Crystal lake, by owner. 815- 7284)131. 7-2tfc ftY OWNER. VA assumable 8 percent, possible contract. $59,500. 3 bedroom tri-level, Vk car garage, family room 23x13. 312-546-5831. 7-16-7-18 WOODED '/z ACRE, rear scenic view, community water, Johnsburg Schools, mid $60's to $70 area. $12,900. 815-344-5469 . 7-11-7-18C MCHENRY-3 bedroom raised ranch, 1'^ bath, family room, 24 car garage $63,900. By owner, 84 assumable. 312-9814)124 7-11- 7-18c BUILD RN INVESTMENT FOR TOMORROW PRE GRAND OPENING SAIE HICKORY RIDGE ESTATES 1 to 5 acre estate lots. Low down payment, land contracts, interim financing, end financing available. Call Lee ntsoinunens ap Bruce Klein S1Z-4Z8-83B3 312-741-2350 7/16-7/18 WONDER LAKE: 4 bedroom home. Living room, kitchen/dinner area, 1 VJ baths, family room, den with built in, bar. Coktyeting throughout. In­ terior just repainted. Wooded corner lot. 100% bank financing available to qualified buyer. 13.5% mortgage rate plus 2 pts. at closing. $72,000.00 Call Bob Polenzani at First National Bmik el •15-568-7252 HELP U)ANT£0 LOCAL MEAT agd Grocery Co. desires representatives to call on local customers. Men or women, full time and part time. 615-385-1025, 815- 344-5180 7-16-7-25C MAN WITH CUBE TRUCK (no van) for local deliveries, part time, evening work. 815- 344-5130,815-385-1025. 746-7- 25c

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