•! I'M PAGI 13 PT FOX" VALLEY MEATS Grand Opening! 150 Lbs. FREE!!! 50 lbs 'jO I R S SOIH'. Pork Poultry Potatoes W I T H B E E F H A L F P U R C H A S E SHORT OF CASH? Beef Sides U.S.D A. CHOICE >1.06, OULDER SKET HARGE IT! r Months CASH All MEAT SOLO HANGING WEIGHT WEIGHT SOLD ACCORDING TO WEIGHTS AVAILABLE ALL MEAT GUARANTIED I Wotch your meat cut ond wrapped T1 200 1U.S.D.A. CHOICE SPECIAL VLjjyyj i i fOHfcS' We plodgo to do ovorything pottiblo to too that your ordor it procottod tho way you wont It undor tho most lanitary condition*. Com* by and moot ut. have a cup of coffoo on ut and too our markot. You'll bo glad! 11 EXAMPLE ! Loin and Round • 130 lbs Beet $1.14 per pound [PIM 7t LB. NMK • M (NARM TOTAL 150 80 I Mm Hmmi Iwst •btmi Iwf *MMl *TI«tMl •fffrfti Vwt) •SirlM l« tool ImW Imii per week for IS week* FOR ONLY m--r 300ibs S.D.A. CHOICE VARIETY EXAMPLE I Loin. Rib ond Round • 210 Ibt Beef $1.13 per pound KM N IS BONUS • NO CHARM TOTAL 237 30 •J«Mi Mi 'Nikton IMi *1 Jm Mil •(M Mi Mi •i*» Mi Mi •V»m Ml •fail Mi I* Imu *baM| It Ml L •(•i Imii •Qnct lmi *<iM M mi Mm per week for IS week 1 i--r~o 400sr USOAPnmmPtm Trimm*.4 •OF Ml MRS l"-3" FREE RACK OF RIBS!! 10 LBS. OF SMOKED SPARERIBS For opening your charge account with Beef Purchase EXAMPLE 250 lb Side Beef $I.M per pound IS* LBS SMMS - M CHARM 1 TOTAL 265 00 I I I iu |m| I P ^ I "waa Ml! "TWMI n laMl flNfct SlMkl •lit* Mi HWMi •CM Mi Hitoi Mi . , •mi *WHI MI *U Km VISIT OUR SMOKE NOOSE per week for IS week* Free Samples Daily! Ribs, Hocks, Chops, Weiners, Ham A Bocon | w r | j T U E S . . F R I .9.7. Other items in Season nPSC w twi/wnSMj SAT. t SUN. 114, 697-2616 Meats 312-697-2414 for Appointment Now 920 Villa, Elgin, IL Bus fit 20