Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Oct 1980, p. 17

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REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED TWO LOTS in Island Lake 60 x 120 each. Near school and shopping $8500 each. Cash, trade or contract. 815475- 6214. 10-3-10-Slc Comfortable 2 bedroom ranch, located in McCullom Lake on quiet street, nice sized lot, warranty covered, affordable at $48,500. Cen­ tury 21 Care. 815-344-1033. 10-8-10-10C Super value, 3 bedroom ranch in Immaculate con­ dition, features family room with fireplace, fenced yard, and lake rights. All for only $56,900. Century 21 Care 815- 344-1033. 10-8-10-10C WONDER LAKE, Charming log cabin with fireplace and knotty pine cathedral ceiling. Large enclosed porch on wooded lot with lVfe car garage near the lake. A must to see for $52,600. Call (815) 728-0527. 10-8-10-10C For Sale by Owner, 5.2 acres, highway frontage, Hebron township. Reduced from $28,500 to $24,900: 815- 648-2034 10-8-10-17C NEW 2 BEDROOM raised ranch, $49,900. (2 bedroom insulated condo $39,900). Contract possible 344-1183 10- 8-10-10C SHORE OAKS SUB­ DIVISION, near Sun Electric, Crystal Lake. 3 bedroom ranch, family room with fireplace plus attached garage, on Vfe acre, fenced back yard. Reduced to $57,900. by owner. 815-728- 0131 10-8tfc HELP WANTED Ml DENT PAGE 17 - PLAIN DE ALER • WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 8,11 m SALE ** 0ADACE SALE Mature woman to sit in my home, flexible hours, call if interested. 815-3444559 10-3- 10-15c FULL TIME SALES position, is now available. Call Ron, at Century 21 Care RE. 815-344-1033 10-ltfc RECEPTIONIST Full time position available McHenry School Districts No. 15 & No. 156 Boafd of Education Office 3926 W. Main St. ' McHenry Contact Mrs. Best* 385 7900 10/8-10/10 WANTED SIDING & TRIM APPLICATORS Must have experience. With or without own equipment 815-385-9427 10/3-10/8 SROWINC MACHINE SHOP is looking for someone with minimum of 2 years experien­ ce to SE1 IMP A OPERATE TIMET LATHIS I CHECKERS Clean pleasant surroundings, benefits and growth potential. W22S,. McHenry SI5-344-3650 CARPENTER WANTED Steady Work Zidek Construction 312-381-6564 312-381-6591 or Call evenings 10 8 10 10 RN'S or LPN's Full and Part Time positions available on day shift. Must enjoy caring for the elderly in a beautiful long term care setting. Excellent starting salary and complete benefit package. Call Mrs. Clarke 815-338-1700 for appointment WOODSTOCK RESIDENCE HELP WANTED Part Time To deliver Chicago Tribune. 7 days per week. 2 to 4 hours. BtS-aaS-3643 before noon 10/3-10/8 9/26-10-# REPUTABLE INSURANCE CO. is seeking sharp male or female sales representatives for McHenry and take County areas, to service an established territory. Salary $15,000 to $25,000 plus com­ mission and bonus. No ex­ perience necessary, we train. Call Ike 312-662-1076 NMEOMTE 0K1M For an experienced Spring Maker to set-up and operate high speed coilers and torrington No. li s Spring Machines. Must be self starter and require little supervision. Very good working atmosphere. Top salary for the right person. Call or apply to Elgiloy Company 1565 Fleetwood Dr. • Elgin, II. , 312-695-1900 10/1H PART TIME TELEPHONE $AIE$ Community Cablevision is now accepting ap­ plications for part time telephone sales positions. $4.00 per hour and some bonuses. For interview call Randy Keylor at 815-344-4165 » or come to office 207 Main St, Woodstock between 2 A 6 p.m. An equal opportunity employer SHOP/WAREHOUSE Person capable of spray painting, light metal work and some general warehouse duties. CLEANING TECHNICIAN Will train reliable person to operate our equip­ ment cleaning system. Good starting wage with comprehensive benefit program. 815/344-1730 4 TeleTechnology _h international. INC PART TIME CASHIER Few evenings during the week and possibly weekend hours. Must be 21. McHenry Drug 1025 N.Riverside Dr 815-385-4426 call for appointment 10 8-10 10 m RENT Rent/ Option to buy on contract, 7 room house, zoned business, lVfe baths, garage, central air, l block from downtown Woodstock. $450. month. 312-356-7178 after 6. 10-3-10-10c 5 room all electric, V/t bath, basement, and garage, large fenced in yard. To working couple only. $350 month, security deposit and one months rent in advance: No children. 10-8-10-10c 1.000 Sq. Ft. of office or retail space, Zoned B-l, on Route 120. Separate utilities and ample parking. 815-338- * 0777 10-ltfc FURNISHED APART­ MENTS and sleeping rooms, weekly or monthly rates. Mature adults only 815-385- 8905 10-ltfc 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENT, carpeted, stove, refrigerator, no children, no pets. $295. references, lease, deposit required. 815-385- 7065 10-ltfc ONE BEDROOM APART­ MENT for rent, kitchen, living room, $250. per month includes utilities. Security deposit required. No pets. 815-385-9872 10-ltfc OFFICE IN McHENRY, good location, air con­ ditioned. All utilities fur­ nished $95. Call 815-385-3490 10-ltfc For Rent, McHenry, two bedroom, one bath, utility room, carpeted, built-in range, cedar fence, close to shopping, attached garage, quiet neighborhood $325.00 Security deposit. 815-344-2745 10-8-10-10c Wanted Female roommate to share house in Wonder Lake. Prefer serious artist. 815-728-1143 10-8-10-10C 3 bedroom house, McHenry- Crystal Lake area. Call between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 815- 385-3300 10-8-10-17C WHISPERING OAKS, 3 bedroom ranch, full basement, 2 car garage. $450. per month. Credit check and security deposit required. Lakeland Gateway 815-385-4810 10-8-10-10c O N E A P A R T M E N T AVAILABLE, ideal for retired, semi-retired or middle aged, in city of McHenry. Two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and V/z baths. $375. 815-344-1632 or 815-385-6566 10-ltfc 112 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Available Now Close to shopping center, within walking distance. 704 Logan, Cooney Heights McHenry NEW APARTMENTS Ready for leasing on Rt. 31 CHAR-MAR ARTS. Coll between 9:00 am « 4:00 pm ' 8153855965 ofter 5:00 pm 815-385-9019 Wonder Lake area, 3 bedroom furnished home, heat and electricity paid. October to June occupancy. $345 month. After 5, 312-383- 3287. 9-26-10-1 QUAINT, 1 BEDROOM HOME, full bath, living room, sun porch, utility room, located 1 mile from McHenry, Vfe mile from State Park on beautifully wooded lot. $290. per month, security deposit required. Available for occupancy. 10-15-80. Call 385-3192 or 385-7632 10-3-10- 10c Fox Lake Cape Cod, on one acre $390. 312-397-3737 or 815- 344-2407 after 6 p.m. 10-3-10- 15c Two bedroom ranch, in lovely Wooded Shores, Wonder Lake. Includes stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer $375. per month plus utilities, security deposit required. 312-566- 8400 or 312-566-5737 Steve or Judi. 10-3-10-8 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SPACE, new opening in areas of 1200 to 15,000 sq. ft. Immediate occupancy. 815- 678-2861 10-ltfc WAREHOUSE OR FAC­ TORY SPACE from 5,000 to 15,000 ft. 815-385-1079 10-ltfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9 a.m. to 12 weekdays or after 6 p.m. 10-ltfc For Rent, 2 & 3 bedroom houses $325. to $450. per month. Security deposit and references required. Cen­ tury 21 Care 815-344-1033 10- ltfc FOR RENT 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, with pool. 815- 385-9289 or 312-775-7000 10- ltfc OFFICE IN McHENRY, air conditioned. Located across from McHenry State Bank 815-385-0258 10-ltfc RENT (Option to buy a v a i l a b l e ) y o u n g professional home with access to Fox River, 3 bedroom, family room, fireplace, appliances, fenced yard. A quality home $450. or negotiable 385-6801 after 6 p.m.If no answer, 312-328- 4970. 10-8-10-10C Person to rent a house in McHenry, $200. includes utilities. Call for ap­ pointment 815-385-9235 10-8- lO-lOc SOLON MILLS, two, I bedroom apartments available, newly decorated, new carpeting and paneling, nice large yard, with garage plus parking facilities $290. per month each. Barrington Properties 312-382-1020 10-8- 10-10C 3 BEDROOM RANCH, finished basement, 1 month security deposit, pets allowed. 385-3536 or 459-1770 10-8 tf ADULTS ONLY, 1 bedroom furnished apartment available Nov.l, 1980 to May 1, 1981, references and deposit required. Walking distance to hospital. 385-9145 or 385-4768 10-8-10-10C 2 BEDROOM RANCH, with fireplace on Golf Course, $375. per month. Call ERA- RDG Realty 815-385-9394. No fee to renter. 10-8tfc 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, car­ peted, some appliances, pier. Pay own utilities, no pets. $400. a month, security deposit. 815-455-5797 10-8-10- 10c 1701 S. Schroeder Lano, McHenry 10 8 to 17 % V & FOR RENT Business Zoned-6 room house and large screened-in rear porch-2400 square feet-2 baths and central air. Ideal for professional offices. In ad- dition-2 story 3100 square foot barn- plus 2 car garage. Located on busy Illinois Route 31. Plenty of parking and immediate occupancy. For com­ plete details, please call Mr. Jim Marinangel 385-3000 McHenry Condo, twg bedrooms, 14 baths, all appliances, air, pool, no pets. Security deposit $330 month. 815-459-0363 after 6 pm. 10-8-10-10C $73,900 listed price, new 3 bedroom 2 car garage, full baS'ement, cathedral ceilings, wooded, Sunrise Ridge $500 rent with optional 6 months lease, entire rent to be applied toward down payment. 815-728-0206. 10-8- 10-24c WONDER LAKE, 2 bedroom house, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, November 1st occupancy $290. . Plus security deposit. 344-4463 after6pm. > 10-8-10-10c 3 bedroom apartment north of McHenry, heat, water and sewage included, $340 month. 815-385-4349 after 6 or weekends. 10-8tfc House for rent, McHenry, near town, 3 bedrooms, $425 plus one month security, immediate occupancy. 312- 668-7542. 10-8-10-10C Immaculate 3 bedroom ranch with wall to wall carpeting, full basement, attached garage, on wooded Vz acre. Close to RTA, references and security deposit required. Call 815- 675-2217 after 5 pm. 10-8-10- 10c Large modern efficiency a p a r t m e n t , s t o v e , refrigerator, dishwasher, garbage disposal, carpeted, $225 month, security deposit and references. 815-385-5194. 10-8-10-10c G A R D E N Q U A R T E R A P A R T M E N T S o f McHenry, now renting, two bedroom apartments from $305 month. Includes shag c a r p e t i n g , s t o v e , refrigerator and master TV antenna, two bedroom units also equipped with Hotpoint d i s h w a s h e r . W a l k i n g distance to downtown McHenry and Northwestern Commuter station 815-385- 2181 " 10-ltfc io m I McHenry, open house, Saturday 10 am to 12 noon, 254 Rand Road Rte. 120, Lilymoor, lovely 3 bedroom ranch with 14 baths, living room-dining room-den. One year lease with security deposit $375 per month. Call 815-728-0404,815-653-9653 10- 1-lO-lOc WAREHOUSE STORAGE 4500 sq. ft. Can divide in Ringwood area. Call Bill 385- 2639 10-1-10-31C ONE BEDROOM APART­ MENT, available im­ mediately, all appliances, carpeting, newly decorated. Richmond area. 815-678-2861 10-ltfc House for rent, 2 bedrooms, kitchen with built-in oven- range, 14 attached garage. 14 blocks to shopping. $300 a month plus security. No pets. 815-385-7155. 10-8-10-10C 3 bedroom house, attached 2 car garage, water rights, $425 per month, security deposit and references required, Johnsburg school district. 815-385-6392. 10-8-10- 10c Will share house with male, $160 per month plus 4 utilities. Call 815-385-1218. 10-8-10-10C SHOP, For lease or rent, suitable for auto repairs, body shop. Storage, general contractor etc. Plenty of Parking. 14 ft. Electrically operated door. $400.00 plus utilities and security deposit. 815-653-7296. 10-8-10-10C LEASE OR SALE Restaurant. Fully eqiupped and operating owners retiring $600.00 plus utilities security deposit and last months rent. 815-653-72%. 10-8-10-10c IN McHENRY, Deluxe two bedroom first floor Condo. 14 bath, all appliances including washer, dryer, drapes, and carpeting. Swim pool. Walking distance to shopping area. No pets $365.00 month. 815-385-1970. 10-8-10-10c Wonder Lake, two bedroom home near beach $275.00 per month.815-728-0116 after 6 p.m. 10-8-10-10c WANTED TO MKT WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bedroom house. East side of Wonder Lake. Call evenings or weekends. 815-653-4276 10- 1-lO-lOc WANTED TO RENT: Ap- prox 200-300sq. ft. (Heated) Facilities for artist studio. 344-1001. 10-3-10-10c SEWING MACHINE, por­ table Singer, about 6 years old, good condition. $60. 312- 526-5804 10-8-10-10c Doll Houses, and hand crafted miniatures,custom design our specialty. Order now for Xmas. 815-648-2170 10-8-10-24c Baby Grand piano, best offer. 815-344-2755 10-8-10-10C Garage cleaning sale, gold couch, $95.; 2,500 pound boat lift $200.; commercial coin coffee machine $200.; Hollywood bed $50.; baby crib and dresser $75.; 7 ft. Meyers snow blade $325.; 73 Yamaha EL 433 $650 ; 73 Yamaha GP433 $675.; 76 Polaris 340X $1,000.; 70 Skiroule 300 $250.; 69 Homelite, not running $75.; 73 Mustang convertible, all new $4100.; 57 Chevy, street rod, cherry $4,000. Chevy heads and manifold for 396 $150 :815-385-2012 or 385-1759 10-8-10-10c AVOCADO FROSTLESS refrigerator, $150., 10 speed bike $25 ; small oak drop leaf table $10.; also 1970 Monte Carlo $600. Call Windhill, 385-1172 ask for Kathy. 10-8-10-10c 10 Inch bench saw ^ hp cap. motor $150.; 120 Bass ac- cordian $260.; one square of Alcoa Aluminum siding $25.; 3 new galvanized stove pipe 6"xl0 ft. $8.00 385-3337 10-8- 10-10C Whirlpool refrigerator frostless, ice maker 19.6 cubic ft., white, 4 months Old. $425. 815-344-5175 10-8-10- 10c Intermediate Belsono ac­ cordion $100. 815-675-2865 10- 8-lO-lOc REFRIGERATOR $50.; round table-4 chairs $35.; Hairdryer $Jifc; £53-9438. 7605 Beaver Road, Wonder Lake, 111. 10-8-10-10c Snowmobile, 12 hp.; 11 hp. Tractor lawnmower; Caloric gas range deluxe; family room 3 pc wooden furniture; wooden desk and chair; 815- 455-3477. 10-8-10-10C Starcraft popup Swinger Camper $1550; Pair of Lovebirds with cage $50; 815- 653-6806. 10-8-10-10C Airtight wood stove, Fireplaces & Etc. 815-344- 3660. 10-8-10-10C Sears 3 hp. air compressor, gas powered, very good condition $250.00; Sunbeam humidifier 3 speed with automatic shut off, walnut cabinet $30.00; 815-728-0962. 10-8-10-10c Black vinyl hide-a-bed sofa, excellent condition $50.00; Two G78xl4" snowtires on rims $50.00 for both; 26" girls 3 speed bike $40.00. 815- 344-2543. 10-8-10-10C NUBIAN BUCK, Registered, tested, young outstanding qualities, gentle, hand raised. Beautiful, must sacrifice $50.00. 815-338-8705. 10-8-10-10C 2 white wall snow tires E78- 14 very good condition, 2 wheels with tires C 78-14, one fair, one worn. Call 815-385- 5185 after 5 pm. 10-8-10-10C ELECTRIC FIREPLACE, excellent condition 3 ft. 9 inch high by 5 ft. wide, complete with screen and andirons $350, new asking, $130. 344-2980 after 6 pm. 10- 8-lO-lOc 30" gas stove, avacado green, 3 years old $75.00. 815- 344-5332. 10-8-10-10C Twin bed. complete, matching dresser, night table, and bookcase, yellow t white enamel, $100.; two extra long twin beds, complete $100.; Spanish linen sofa, 15". $12$.; Mahogany dining room table, six upholstered chairs, china cabinet, $2$0.; Den furniture, 96" sofa, 44" glass topped cof­ fee table, octagonal matching end table I 54" parson's table, best offer. 3S5-1641 day f w»sls| S I E G L E R S P A C E HEATER, natural gas, fan type, input 50,000 BTU. Sears furnace, upright natural gas, fan type, output 26,250, max input 50,000 BTU, Sears air conditioner cooling 6,000 BTU 815-385-9109 10-8-10-10c Oak Parquet tile, 75 sq. ft. $100. or best offer. 815-385- 4705 10-8-10-10C 1969 Olds 96, 2 door, runs good $250 ; 1974 Suzuki TS 125, excellent condition. $350. 815-344-3080 10-8-10-10c Concord grapes for sale, .15 cents pound, North Spring Grove Road, McHenry. 815- 385-5421 10-8 Drum set, $400.; Honda 125, low mileage $300.; green porcelian enamal double sink, grass spreader, grey formica kitchen table, one leaf strong, Xmas lights. 815- 653-9640 10-8-10-10c Electric dryer, 220 volt, good working order, $35.; old Pinto engine block for scrap 815-344-0635 10-8-10-10 16 ft Fiberglass boat, 40 horse Johnson and trailer $400.; one set of Colliers Encyclopedia $250. Call after 4 p.m. 815-728-0612 10-3-10-8 4 piece bedroom set, 2 dressers, 1 mirror, regular size bed, complete $75. or best offer. 815-678-4244 after 4 p.m. 10-3-10-10c FARMALL TRACTOR with hydraulics, loader and power takeoff. Very good condition $1500.815-455-6346 10-3-10-22C JUKE BOX, Seeburg DS 160, 200 selection, Yamaha amp (optional) works good with amp. $725. without amp $460. 5 large & small radio con­ trolled model airplaines. 2-U controlled. Call nights 385- 1484 10-3-10-8 TRASH BAGS, 30"x37" Husky, 1.5 mil, 30 gal. $10.00 per case of 100,312-587-9322. 9-24-10-17c NEW AND USED railroad ties, bulk grass seed, rustic cedar rail fencing. Wood­ stock Farm and Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47, Woodstock 815-388-4200 10- ltfc WATER SOFTENER SALT Sale, pellet type only, 1st Saturday of every month. Huemann Water Con­ ditioning. 3607 Chapel Hill Road, Johnsburg 815-385- 3093 10-ltfc INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Rent a Quality Water Sof­ tener for $3.00 a month for the first 3 months. Free in­ stallation. Call collect 815- 338-3344 Quality Water Conditioning 10-ltfc WASHERS AND DRYERS R E C O N D I T I O N E D a n d guaranteed. $60. and up. 815- 385-6431 10-ltfc Oak Firewood, seasoned, split, delivered $55 a ton. 815- 728-0234 10-1-10-10 HAY FOR SALE $1.10 bale, 815-648-2034 Call after 6 p.m. 9-24-10-17c R A I N B O W V A C U U M CLEANERS with at­ tachments. Take over payments or pay off balance. 815-722-6412. 9-24-1W7C OIVCAWAV CARACE SALE COUPON ™ FREE FRAME with purchase of (ony mattress or box spring) minimum purchase $100. LENNY FINE FURNITURE 230 Virginia Rd. Crystal Lak* 815-455-4550 Country Corner Shopping Center Good Thru u 10 31 -1980 _ -- ^ 10 Ml Jj I I I I I I I MOVING AND GARAGE SALE 9 Rooms, Everything Goes Thurs. Fri. Sat £ Sun. 405 Shepherd Hill McHenry, II. Sale:All household items, 4715 Jeffery, Pistakee Hills, October nth ft 12th. 10 am. til 5 pm. lO-8-HMOc FINAL GARAGE SALE, Some antiques, collectables, much misc., new and old. Thursday thru Sunday 7212 Algonquin, Wonder Lake, 111. 10-8-10-10C GARAGE SALE, Oct. 10th, Friday (9 am. • 6 pm.) 1305 N. Fairview Lane (Off Chapelhill) Eastwood Manor (Near Outdoor) Antiques; Many picture frames-some bubbled glass, movies, coke, car ads-40's. True Detective- 30's Nat'I Geographic-20's to 50's, Life and misc. 30's 4 40's, wall mounted coffee grinder, crocks, bottles, jugs, tobacco jars, wicksr and more, Clothes: Baby, girls, boys, women, men. Furniture, toys, texas long- horns, medicine cabinet, vanity, heater (220 volts) dressers, broiler oven, roU- away bed, trailer hitch, helmets, bikes, light fix­ tures, king size bedspread and 1 pr drapes. i(HI Garage Sale, 142 S. Park Drive off of Roberts Road. Fox River Valley Gardens. End of Park Drive. October 10, 11. 9 - 5 pm. Some fur­ niture. 312-639-4887. 10-8-10- 10c Garage Sale, items too numerous to list Saturday & Sunday Oct. Uth & 12th, 8 am. to 6 pm. 306 Rand Road, Lakemoor Route 120. 10-8- lO-lOc GARAGE SALE, Friday and Saturday, 4708 Willow Lane, Lakeland Park. 9 -5pm. 10- 8-10-10c Garage Sale, October 10 & 11th & 12th, 3924 West Elm St., McHenry. 10-8-10-10c Moving Sale, 5111 W. Park­ view Drive, McCullom Lake, Gate 6, Friday and Satur­ day, 10-5 1O-8-1O-10C GARAGE SALE: Oct. II, 12, 13th, at 1103 Chapel Hill Road, (Eastwood Manor) 94 Standing hair dryer, chain driven tricycle. Everything reasonably priced. 10-8-10- 10c MOVING SALE-ONE DAY only, Sat. <5ct. 11th, 9 to 5. Bookcases $15. each; Singer Console sewing machine $25.; Ladles 14 lb. bowling ball $5.; set of swivel cnsvi' $20. j Sears 1250 geneMHor $200.; Mirro-electric grill $7.; boys 3 speed bike $50.; 750cc Honda; dressers and many misc items. 3408 W. Third Avenue, McHenry (BehindSt. Pat's) 10-8-10- 10c 4 Family Garage Sale, October 10th & 11th, 10 am. to5 pm. No Earlier! Bar-B-Q grill, glassware, lots of misc. priced reasonable to sell. 912 Oakwood, Whispering Oaks. 10-8-10-10C Garage Sale, Second hand clothes, books and misc. household, 308 John St., P i s t a k e e H i g h l a n d s , Saturday & Sunday 9 am. to 5 pm. 10-8-10-10C FREE MANURE for your garden, small and large quantities. 1321 W. Old Bay Road, McHenry. 10-8 10-17c Garage Sale, October 9th, 10th & 11th, 1315 Oeffling ( S u n n y s i d e ) f u r n i t u r e , d i s h e s , m u c h m i s c . a n d many collectables. 10-8-10- 10c Fireplace accessories, car radio, tires, household, pony bridle, toys, infant-teen clothing, Brownie uniforms, tools, Thursday, Friday 9 am. to 4 pm Saturday 9 am. to 2 pm , 4602 Ramble Road, lakeland Park. 10-8-10-10c Multi-family garage sale, Friday & Saturday, October 10 & 11th, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 5 0 1 2 W . A s h l a n d D r i v e ( F o x r i d g e ) M c H e n r y . Clothing, infant to adult, misc. baby accessories, m a t c h i n g d r a p e r i e s a n d bedspreads, lots of misc. items. 10-8-10-10c Garage Sale, Friday & Saturday, 9 am to 5 pm, 2602 Holiday, Holiday Hills, much misc 10-8 10-10c 6 Family garage, sale, Oc­ tober 9, 10 & 11th, 1316 May Ave , Pistakee Terrace 10-8- 10-10C MOVING SALE Furniture and 30 years of < oiler led treasures 1966 Chevy Impala good running condition, $1 75 or be»t offer Oct. 9, 10* II Thurs., Fri., t Sat. 9 to 5 5411 W. Orchardway Dr. (Off Ringwood Road) 10 H 10 10 BOATS k MOTORS 1 5 f t . w o o d b o a t , w i t h 50 hp. Johnson and tilt trailer. Just tuned $500 or best 312-658- 4868 108 10-10C iNOWMOIKi 1972 Scorpion Stinger $450; 1970 Ski Doo Nordic $450; 815 344-3976 lO-8-lMOc 1978 Snobird, 4 place snowmobile trailer, ex­ cellent condition. 312-639- 6551 10-8-10-10C

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