yiimiinnn INSTALL OFFICERS-The new officers of Kiwanis club of McHenry are shown being installed by Lt. Governor Roy Horning from Illinois and Eastern Iowa district. Left to right are Tom Williams, second vice-president, Dan Jannotta, director, Dennis Buch, treasurer, Roy Horning, Illinois District Lt. Governor, incoming President Dave Gelwiclu, Jim Marinangel, past-president, Bryce Klontz, president elect and Brian Cunat, secretary. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Record Crowd Hears Speaker The largest crowd ever to convene at the Historical museum in Union gathered to hear Mrs. Reta Schwisow of Hinsdale present her program, 4'If Quilts Could Talk". Guests came from as far away as southern Wisconson and outlying counties in Illinois. In addition to the beautiful quilts brought by Mrs. Sch wisow, there was a display of quilts owned locally. Perhaps the oldest was the "Monkey Wrench" or "Hole in the Fence" which was made between 1830 and 1850. Three lovely old "Crazy" quilts made in 1884, 1887 and 1894 were interesting because of embroidered and painted designs on the scraps of velvet and silk. The profits of a recent project will be used to restore a large old loom owned by the McHenry County Historical society. o The curator, Mark Haggitt, has transported the loom to Mineral Point, Wis., for its restoration. Two Greenwood women, Clara Vogel and Leta Clark plan to attend a three-day workshop at Mineral Point to receive instructions on weaving on the loom. Nurses Schedule "TT Kidney Program, Monthly Meeting The monthly meeting of the 16th District Nurses' association of Lake and McHenry counties will be held Monday, Oct. 13,7 p.m., at Highland Park hospital, meeting room 1, 718 Glen- ..view avenue, Highland . •*! The program, "Brain Death vand Kidney Tran splantation" will be presented by Amy Peele, R.N. of Billings hospital, Chicago. It will be devoted to the topic of kidney tran splantation and highlighted by the perspective of a kidney transplant recipient. No reservations are needed. * * * * The know-how is less important than the do-it- now. * * * * There is no such thing as something for nothing in life. NAIM Meets At Elgin Church The next meeting of NAIM will be held Oct. 11,8 p.m. at St. Mary's rectory down stairs, 390 Fulton, Elgin, 111. This group is for Catholic widows and widowers with dependent children. Following the meeting there will be an Oktoberfest potluck dinner. Everyone is requested to bring a German dish to pass and a place setting. Call Alice Walter, 697-2621 for information. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Dick of 1517 Woodlawn Park, M c H e n r y , r e c e n t l y welcomed into their home an adopted girl, Melissa Joy Dick, who is now 8 weeks old. She was greeted by three other Dick children, Bill, 18; Debbie, 16; and Tim, 14. Proud grandparents of Melissa, who was born Aug. 8, are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Olszewski of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. William Dick of Chicago. Mrs. Dick is the former Carol Olszewski. Steven M. and Robin C. Conley, 714 Ringwood road, McHenry, named their second son Joseph Matthew. The 7 lb. boy was born Sept. 29, in McHenry hospital. He has a brother Jeremy. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pettry of Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Conley, also of Wauconda, are the paternal grandparents. Jean Marie is the name chosen by Michael and Ruth Woods, Box 74, Pell Lake, Wis., for their first child. The infant was born Sept. 25, at McHenry hospital and weighed 4 lbs., 11 oz. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Tonyan of Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Woods of Lake Geneva are the paternal grandparents. * * * • This is the time of year to check your fire insur ance. IB fl B fl fl BTTB'flWfl B ITB'fl'fl flflB 8i»lHI5M1BISETT] Professional Residential Carpet Cleaning Two Step Process J Rotary Machine * Scrubbing O Steamex * Rinsing CALL PAUL 385-3252 UUUULAJUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUtJUU^iJ spurgeons We feature the LARGEST Selection of MATERNITY WEAR in McHenry CoMty •OPEN! [SUNDAYS I10T05I NEW 1981 25" CONSOLE ^ CABLE-READY! REMOTE CONTROL! ELECTRONIC TUNING! COLOR SENTRY Zenith's most sophisticated automatic color control system1 lops *Slacks •Jeans -Dresses •Pantsuits •Nursing Gowns •Maternity Panties •Nursing Bras •Maternity Panty Hose V McHenry Market Place Shopping Center 385-4100 S3 The TALBOT • SM2505E • Modern Styled Console TRI-FOCUS PICTURE TUBE TRIPLE-PLUS CHASSIS ELECTRONIC POWER SENTRY NEW CHROMATIC ONE-BUTTON COLOR CONTROL ADVANCED ELECTRONIC TUNING REMOTE VHF and UHF CHANNEL SELECTION CABLE-READY CAPABLE OF RECEIVING 105 TV CHANNELS (82 VHF and UHF; 23 CABLE TV) WITHOUT NEED OF CONVERTER UP/DOWN SCANNING OF PROGRAMMED FAVORITE CHANNELS ON-SCREEN CHANNEL NUMBER AND TIME DISPLAY NO FINE-TUNING ADJUSTMENTS NECESSARY The MILANO • SM2509P Mediterranean Styled SPACE COMMAND* 1600 REMOTE CONTROL Up/Down scanning of your favorite programmed channels on-screen channel number and time display Alto turn set on or ott adjust sound to 8 different levels and completely mute sound 1241 North Green St. ...we're moving television into the future! Serving the McHenry Area for over 50 Years CAREY APPLIANCE Sales & Service 385-5500 McHenry, Illinois Community I Calendar Vmimmutnij OCTOBER 8 McHenry Senior Citirens - bus trip, Milwaukee zoo- leave McHenry State bank, 8:30 a.m.--lunch at Milwaukee restaurant. Valley View Book Fair--7 to 9 p.m.--at the school. L a L e c h e L e a g u e - meeting, 7:30 p.m.--for in formation call 385-5237. OCTOBER 9 Kitchen Band Reunion luncheon-noon, McHenry Country club-reservations with Lyda Radisch. Priscilla Circle-meeting, 9:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. Lakeland Park Women's c l u b - m e e t i n g , 7 : 3 0 p . m - Community house. Compassionate Friends- help for bereaved parents- meeting, 7:30 p.m.-United Methodist church, Wood stock-public invited. OCTOBER 10 "Fall For Us"-Chamber of Commerce dance open to guests-Johnsburg Com m u n i t y c l u b , 8 p . m . t o 1 a . m - -Tickets at Chamber office, 385-4300. OCTOBER 10 & 11 Ringwood church Fall Rummage sale-Ringwood church-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon. Rummage sale, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.--St. Peter's church hall, Spring Grove. OCTOBER 11 Bake sale-benefit St. Paul's Episcopal church- McHenry State bank-9 a.m. to noon. Friendship club Potluck Dinner and meeting--5:30 p.m., Fellowship hall-First United Methodist church. Xi Kappa Iota chapter, Beta Sigma Phi sorority- progressive dinner. OCTOBER 12 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Woodstock Opera House, 6 p.m.--"Fiddler On The Roof" OCTOBER 13 R e g u l a r m e e t i n g , American Legion Post 491- Legion home, Ringwood road-all veterans welcome, 8 p.m. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Board meeting, 9:30 a.m. OCTOBER 14 Newcomers club, monthly meeting-Fitness & Exercise demonstration--St. Paul's Episcopal church, 7:30 p.m. McHenry Chapter 547, O.E.S.-Past Officers night- 75th Anniversary of Chapter Celebration, 8 p.m. Whispering Oaks Garden club-Board meeting, l p.m - -Community center. PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALFH • WK OCTOBER 15 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-meeting, 1 p.m.-- "Fashions In Flowers". Senior citizens, Christmas bazaar-bake sale-Moose hall, McHenry--10 a.m. to 4 p.m. OCTOBER 16 Annual Fall Bazaar-First United Methodist church- Fellowship hall--10 a.m. to 4 ' p.m. Xi Kappa Iota chapter, Beta Sigma Phi sorority- home of Carol Ridlen, 914 Golfview drive-Round Lake Beach. C D ofA. meeting and social hour following Mass - K. of C. hall--7 p.m. McHenry Junior high- Parent Teacher association- meeting, 7:30 p.m.-at the school. OCTOBER 17 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Meeting, 7:30 p.m.- Oak room, Montini Middle school. OCTOBER 18 McHenry hospital's 24th Anniversary Dinner-Dance, 6 p.m.-Hunter Country club, Richmond-for information, call 385-2200, ext. 622. Annual Fall Bazaar-First United Methodist church- Fellowship hall--10 a.m. to 2 p.m, OCTOBER 19 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Mass, 9:45 a.m.-St. Mary's church, McHenry- brunch follows. DNESDAY, OCTOBER 8.1980 N a t i o n a l C a t h o l i c Daughters' day Mass-St. Mary of the Assumption- 9:45 a.m. A m e r i c a n L e g i o n auxiliary-semi-annual chicken dinner-noon to 4 p . m . - L e g i o n H o m e , Ringwood road. OCTOBER 20 T.H.E.O.S. meet 5:30 p.m - -dinner at Pizza Hut-then to First ^United Methodist church. B.P.W. meeting-Andre's restaurant, Richmond- Candidates night-guests welcome. OCTOBER 21 Women of the Moose- Business meeting, 8 p.m.- Moose Lodge. McHenry Lodge 158 A . F . 4 A . M . -- S t a t e d a n d Annual meeting, 8 p.m.- Election of Officers. Whispering Oaks Garden club-Botanic Gardens tour- leave Community Center 10:15 a.m. Society Holds Rummage Sale The Christian Mother's soceity of St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, is sponsoring a Rummage sale at the church on Oct. 10 and 11, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. R u m m a g e w i l l i n c l u d e clothing, toys, household, and other miscellaneous items. Refreshments will also be served. Home trwrnishincis .<* IS... " BIWNM6 Home «l »m*i.i*n 0>ra i w pwctsi) - GET YOUR ORDERS IN NOW FOR YOUR DINING ROOM SET FOR THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS!!! "LAMPS 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1" 1 OVERSTOCKED MUST SELL AT SACRIFICE PRICES m USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN I' * 11 4 4611 W.ITL 120 mm McftMf, KL Sit, fMk IfctfL, M. SttHVM Witts* mum LARGE SELECTION OF PICTURES AVAILABLE f! ALL OUR FURNITURE 1$ WOOD. NO PLASTICS OR SIMULATIONS. SEE OUR Decorator Pieces F« «T# IKUffir ••••• ItHflBHRV Home ITwritiKHiMfisst ' Th« Stor# rhoi Car** T« S«*« Vow Mon*y"