Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1980, p. 12

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12 -TLAINDEALKR FRIDAY. OCTOBER 24,1980 « *245 IILLUM BOOKKEE ItMtM ' FOREST Milts 4tM< in* •OS; « GAtof«tm N. Y "• * .vamiwcton »OMH Iff •tdioit Ore *41-1300 ft** A iftf*"* No cosh refunds on prepaid ods Cords of Thanks In Memonam Situation Wonted Wanted to Rent Wanted to Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advonre The Platndeoler ts not responsible for errors in classified ods after the first insertion Check your ad of ter the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes OFFICE HOURS: MON. FRI §:30 A M to 5:00 P.M. SATURDAY 9-12 P.M Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER-WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 815-385-0170 IUSMESS SCMIKCS BITTERMAN EXCAVATING • I V; Septic Service 815-385-7791 4410 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, II. I0 CARPENTRY * Remodeling * Room Additions •Home Repairs * Potio Decks * Alum. Siding & Soffits * Windows b Doors Replaced SMALL JODS WELCOME Jay Owen 815-385-8408 WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. C O M M E R C I A L R E S I D E N T I A L T Serving your area 25 years experience. We are now taking orders. Deal direct with owner & save!! Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES- GRAYSLAKE 312 223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE 312 3674)676 j ANTHONY'S s »; BLACKTOP I Free Estimates o </> Licensed *Bonded •Insured ^ "O ANTHONY'S BLACKTOP •Insured </» Industrial Seal Coating ^ •Patching 'Machine layed £ •Driveways •Parking Lots All Work Guaranteed •o Crystal Lake 2 8 1 5 - 4 5 5 - 6 7 3 5 o r £ 8 1 5 - 4 5 5 - 5 6 6 0 £ $?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$'. 10 22 12 3 Screen Fami HARRY L. ViEZENS CONSTRUCTION CO. Remodeling Home Repairs Porches 'Wallpaper' Kitchens "Baths * Electrical ly Rooms'Basements'Paneling'Ceramic Tile 'Custom Work NO JOB TOO SMALL TEIL US YOUR NEEDS 1815 385 2847 CHUCK'S 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE For All Your TOWINC • TOWING NEEDS • STARTING PROBLEMS • TOW BAR RENTAL PHONE FOR SERVICE! 385-5840 KHza Siding Wood Decks 2. S. 3iake ConAtzuction Quality Custom Built Homes Remodeling Experts Will design and draw plans for your new home or remodeling needs Free Estimates Call John Blake Roofing 385-5593 after 5 P.M. Concrete Patios 10 3TF2 PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVIN6 Residential-Commercial-Residential "Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers." • Machine Laid 9 New Drives * Resurfacing • Parking Lots • Seal Coating All work guaranteed Free Estimates r .7,3 312-546-5600 1975 MALIBU WAGON, air, auto, p.s., p.b.,low miles, excellent condition. $1775 or best offer . 815-455-3649 10-22- 10-24C 1971 FORD LTD, wagon, good runner, new brakes $200 or best offer. Call evenings, Larry. 815-385-8252 10-15-10-24C C M C PANELLED and i n s u l a t e d t r u c k with recreational vehicle license $495 344-11&3 10 22- 10-24C CYLINDER HEADS (2) off a Big Block 1974 Chevetle engine. 19,000 miles, with recent valve job. $40.00 815- 385-1969 10-ltfc BUSINESS SERUICES Call the rest, THEN CALL THE BEST. Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. Call 815-385-7736 anytime or 815-344-1722 after 6 p.m. 10-ltfc SPECIAL! Living room and hall steam cleaned and deodorized, only $44.95 Additional areas only 10 cents per sq. ft We save you money! Bauman Carpet Cleaning. Collect 815-943- 4793 10-1 tfc REMODELING SPECIALISTS 30 Years Experience No job too big or too small. Financing Available Oii. CONSTRUCTION 115-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-34441748 . ITMAN and lor Rerm>roJing Experienced Many References 815-653-5533 McHENRYA WELDING $ERVICi -ALL TYPES WELDING- SPECIALIZING IN 'Boat Prop Repairs 'Custom Trailer Hitches 2912 W. Rte 120 McHenry 815-385-4929 V GENERAL HAULING * Crushed road gravel * Grade 9 for driveways * Pea Grovel * Sand * Black Dirt 815-385-5827 815-385-4835 JOHN FICKEN. JR J & J Lawn & Shrub Specializing in •Mowing *Edging •Trimming *Weed Control •Light Tree Work* Superior Work at a Low Price Free Estimates 815-385-4989 ACE CEMENT & CONSTRUCTION Concrete A Remodeling Our Speciality ' Room addi t ions 'Garages 'Sundocks 'S idewalks 'Dr iveways 'Pat ios e tc Call for Free Estimate 815-653-6366 RUSSELL RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING * REPAIRS • ELECTRIC SEWER RODDiNG Installation of new septics 815-385-6445 J E N S E N S W O O D RESTORATION, can refinish your home! Kitchen cabinets, stairways, w i n d o w s , t r i m . A l s o specializing in fine antiques and furniture. 815-385-4024 10-24tfc SEELEY DISTRIBUTOR will give lessons in making porcelain reproduction dolls. I also carry doll supplies. 815-385-5789 10-24-10-31C WILL DO ODD JOBS, of any kind. Call 815-385-0726 10-22- II 14c BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE, all breed professional dog grooming Nails clipped, ears cleaned, fluff drying, scissor cuts Call 815-385-2018 anytime 10-ltfc PULVERIZED BLACK DIRT, sand, gravel, driveway gravel. C&E of Wonder Lake 815-653-4616 10-ltfc NEED HOME REPAIRS, remodeling or an addition? Call Trim Construction. Free Estimates 815-385-5912 10-ltfc THE GROOMING DEN, All breed professional dog groomihg Large dogs welcome, cats too. For appointment call 815-344-3177 after 3.30 pm 10-1-10-31C P l u m b i n g N o r m a n Swanson and Son, repairs, remodeling, new con­ struction License No. 8789 815-385-3240 10-8-10-31 PROFESSIONAL MAGICIAN, Tom Hubbard, award winning performer, is available. 312-395-7168 or 312- 395 6006 10-1-11-28C W O R K W A N T E D , combining beans and corn and Fa 11 plowing. 815-648-2875 or 648-2301 10-22-10-31 c R & S PAINTERS Quality interior paintiiig Seasonal rates Free estimates. Phone 815-459-4264. 10-17-1 l-14c LEE'S AUTO REPAIR, Qualified technician. Evening and weekend Service. 815-728-0973. 10-17- 10.31c TWISTER CONSTRUC TION REMODELING, new con­ struction, custom baths, kitchen, and decks. 815-385- 5099. Call Robert 4Y1. Morissette. 10-22-11-14c AT HOME HAIR CARE SERVICE. By licensed hair dresser, Call for ap­ pointment for Mondays or Tuesdays. 815-344-3060 - 312- 526-2224. Ask for Marv 10-1- 10-31C FREE PICK UP junk cars and trucks, day or night. 815- 459-0081 10-ltfc SEPTIC SYSTEMS, new installations, and repair of old systems. Sewer and water hookups. Free estimates. Mathison Septic Service McHenrv, II 815- 344-3980 10-ltfc HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALISTS. Experienced in wallpapering, painting, decorating, kitchens, baths, electrical, plumbing, and carpentry. Call for free estimate, all work guaranteed. 815-385-9385 10- ltfc $NOW PLOWING Be Prepared Contact Now. Driveways. parking lots. No Job Too Small Sidewalk snowblowing Call Today 815-344-1632 1973 Cadillac El Dorado, many new items. $2300. 815- 459-6991 10-17-10-24C 1969 Plymouth Belvidere, station wagon, 6 cyl. stan­ dard shift, good body, good running condition. $650. or best offer. 815-385-3864 10-22- 10-24C BUSINESS SCRUICES LOCAL MOVING and Hauling, reasonable rates. 815-385-9386 10-ltfc S C H U E R R W A Y BUILDERS, all phases of carpentry, concrete work, e x c a v a t i n g , e l e c t r i c , plumbing, heating, tiling. No job too small 815-385-4808 10- ltfc SITUATION WANTED Young man seeking em­ ployment. Bulldozer ex­ perience, some backhoe experience. Call after 5:30 815-385-2335 * 10-24tf WILL DO TYPING in my home. 815-653-3031 after 4. 10-22-10-24C Will do typing in my home. 312-497-3191 10-22-10-24C Mature woman wants house cleaning once a week, ex­ cellent references, own transportation. 815-385-4079 10-22-10-24C INSTRUCTIONS ORGAN, PIANO, AC- CORDIAN and guitar in­ structions in your home. Specialize in popular music. $6.00 and up. 815-344-1743 10- 22-10-24C Voice lessons by professional singer. Call 815- 385-1143 for appointment. 10- 17-10-24c R I D I N G L E S S O N S , O U R FARM, McHenry, Bull Valley. All levels. Call days 312-639-6630 evenings. 815- 385-8553 10-ltfc BOATS * MOTORS FREE BOAT if you buy the trailer $150. 455-6346 10-10- 10-29c SNOWMOBILE SK?D0^T?TAT?0^97r Twin cylinder 300 cc, like new. Used less than 15 hrs. by older woman. Plus ex­ tras. Asking $1100. 815-385- 7073 10-22-10-24C A U T O I N S U R A N C E PROBLEMS? Call us, we can and will help you. Budget terms available, sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815-338-3328 10-22- 10-24c 1980 OMNI, 024, 4 speed, air conditioned, rustproofed, radials, p.b. 338-6954 or 338- 1623 10-22-10-24C 79 AMC CONCORD DL, 19,000 miles, 4 door, air, stereo, many extras. $4900. 815-675-6090 after 5 p.m. 10- 22-10-24C 1979 TRANS AM TA 6.6 engine, T-tops, air conditioned, power windows, 4 wheel disc brakes, am-fm cassette stereo, many more options to list, mint condition. Must sell $6940. 815-728-0677 10-22-10-24C 1 9 7 0 V O L K S W A G O N BEETLE, new snow tires, radio, excellent condition $700.815-385-6929 after 6 10- 22-10-24C 72 FORD $75., 73 Rambler $75.815-728-1561 10-24 69 Ford Van with 73, 302 V8, good condition $800. or will trade for good automobile. Call after 5 p.m. 815-653-3391 10-24-10-31C WANTED TOTSV" WANTED TO BUY: baby crib, good condition, reasonable 815-385-9255 10- 24-10-29 BUYING AND SELLING Coins, U.S. and Foreign. Scrap gold and silver. Paying top prices. "OLD WORLD COINS". 815-344- 4010. 10-ltfc M O V I N G ? C L E A N I N G HOUSE? Buying antique furniture, old toys, china, lamps, old advertising items, etc. 815-678-4141 10-1- 12-5c ORIENTAL RUGS WAN­ TED, Immediate cash paid for rugs. Sarouk, Kashan, Chinese. Call collect 312-884- 6444 anytime. 10-ltfc ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED Highest cash price paid for your old rugs. SAROUK, KASHAN, KERMAN, CHINESE, etc. Will travel. Call Collect 312-884-6444 10 III NOTICE Child Care UNLICENSED FACILITIES CANT BE ADVERTISED. According to the Child Care Act of 1969 it is a misdemeanor to care ft{ another person's child in your home unless thot home is licensed by the State of lllinoi'.. It is also illegal to advertise for such services in an unlicensed home These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well-being of the child. For information and Licensing contact: HUNtlS tCPARTMEMT Of CMLMIN I FAMILY SKRVKIS Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villa Jl. 60046 312-356-TOIL* WILL THE PARTY that took the wrong light blue coat at luncheon at Windhill, Oc­ tober 13th please call Mrs. Anton Williams 815-385-08% 10-22-10-24C NOVENA TO ST. JUDE has never been known to fail. He has granted my request. Please seek his aid if needed. M.A.Q. io-24 HAVE A CHRISTMAS GIFT PARTY and select some gifts for yourself. Rocks, silver and things, has a full line of Silver, gold and costume jewelry. Over 5,000 pieces. For more in­ formation call Kathy. 312- 669-3268 10-10-10-31C City of McHenry NOTICE LEAF PICKUP The City of McHenry will conduct LEAF PICKUP SERVICE ON MONDAYS ONLY this year. The remainder of the week, McHenry-Woodstock Disposal Company, will pick up bagged leaves with their regular garbage pickup runs, with no limit to the number of bags. City sponsored Leaf Pickup on MONDAYS ONLY will begin October 27, 1980 and con­ tinue while necessary. BARBARA GILPIN, City Clerk DUMP TRUCK 1977 1 ton Chevrolet. 2 to 3 yards dump box 10,000 lb. GVW, 4 speed, p.s., dual rear wheels. $4750. 815-678-4676 10-22-10-24C 1974 FORD LTD wagon, p.b., p.s., air, radio $500. or best offer. 815-344-4429 10-22-10- 24c 1970 Javelin AMC V-8, 360 automatic, power steering, power brakes, vinyl top $750. or best offer. 312-587-6515 10- 24 1977 Pontiac Grand Prix coupe, rear defrosters, stereo, air, very clean. Asking $3100. 312-581-6600, extension 215 (days) 815-385- 6054 after 5:30. 10-24tf 1975 PINTO Runabout, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, body in fair condition. 385-7233 10-24 1978 Datsun ton with King cab, 65,000 miles, new brakes, very clean. 815-344- 4342 10-24tfc 77 Buick Regal, 6 cylnder, T- top, automatic transmission, am-fm stereo, 8 track, power steering, new tires. 59,000 miles, $3800 815-728-006710-24 1974 VEGA HATCHBACK, no rust, excellent condition, new clutch, starter, muffler, shocks, brakes, exhaust 48,000 miles, 27 mpg, $1150. offer. 815-344-3864 10-22-10- 24c 73 Ford Ranchero, 351 Cleveland, ram air, needs some body work. $500. or best offer. 815-385-4391 10-22- 10-24C 1974 MUSTANG GHIA, clean $1900. or offer. 385-3079 10-22- 10-24C 1970 JEEP, 2 tops, plow, new wheels, tires, brakes, shocks, springs, good con­ dition. $2650.815-338-1365 10- 22-10-24C 1970 FORD Pickup, 351 V8, yellow with topper. Call after 6 p.m. 815-344-5134 10- 22-10-24C SAVE MONEY on this clean, gas economical 1974 AMC Hornet, 6 Cyl. priced right $1000. Can be seen at Hahns Phillips 66 Gas Station on Rte. 120 and Darrel Road, in Lake moor. 10-ltfc mm ucthom HAPPY 22nd Love, Sam 10 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER MORE YEAl UNTIL THE DIG 40 YOUR BEAUTIFUL SISTER HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRITZ MUELLER Happy Birthday FRED FRADINARDO • • ' > t m Best Wishes From Dorothy & Jack CARD Of THANKS THE FAMILY OF KYLE MISKOVir Wish to express their gratitude to those who ex­ pressed their sympathy in so many thoughtful ways, during our recent bereavement. Your kin­ dnesses have meant so much to us. 10 22 10 24 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER, 3 bedroom ranch, dining room, lVfe car garage, wood patio deck, Johnsburg Schools, $57,900. 312-497-3744 after 5:30 p.m. no brokers. 10-22-10-31 c D U T C H C R E E K WOODLANDS of Johnsburg. Vfe acre and larger from $20,000. Private owner 815- 3 8 5 - 8 8 7 3 . F i n a n c i n g available. 10-ltfc DUTCH CREEK WOODLANDS 3308 Cove Court "ONE HALF ACRE ESTATE ON THE WATER" Tri-level with family room with wet bar. 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 2-Vi baths, fireplaces in living room and family room. Gibson kitchen ap­ pliances plus washer and dryer. All drapes stay, fully carpeted, touches of panelling and wallpaper. Beautifully lan­ dscaped. In ground heated swimming pool. $155,000 Call 815-385-7150 for appointment

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