Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1980, p. 15

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HELP UMNTEO NO? WANTED FOR RENT PAGE IS • PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. OCTOBER U. It8> FOft RENT RN'S Career opportunities at McHenry Hospital P.M. SHIFT SUPIRVISOR Full t,me. pr1v,o»,_supe_rvisory experience required. KU, TELEMETRY, A ER MrHMru k . . ?U" 4 P°rt Ti*«* McHenry hospital has recently adjusted and expanded our salaries and nursing positions with you. dJd« m^dll!ol?HeOT!!r0hen8iV* benefit P°ck°9«- which in- ser1 m$urance pension P*™. •xten.ive in formoT<^^ n °n ,Ui,i°n re'mburs®m®nt- For further in­ formation Contact Personnel Dept. MchgNRy HOSPITAT McHenry Hospital 3516 W. Wankegan Rd. McHenry, 11.60050 815-385-2200 ext 645 > ACCOUNTING CLERK This position offers a variety of Accounting Duties, such as Payables, Receivables, monthly balancing of bank statements etc. We offer a competative salary and excellent benefit package. At least two years experience is required. To arrange for an interview call 815-385-3964 MODINE I MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4 miles north of McHenry on Ringwood Rd. An equal opportunity employer M/F AA We Need Qualified and Experienced Men SALES t ALARM INSTALLATION In our Crystal Lake office Company paid benefits Call for appointment 815459-2250 MA SECURITY CO, INC. 6119 Northwest Hwy. Crystal Lake, II TOOL MAKER 2nd Shift Fully qualified tool maker, capable of making tools, jigs, fixture and die repair. This is a permanent position of­ fering good starting salary and an {excellent fringe package. Apply in Person X' I NTERMATIC • * C O A » O P A T E O Intermatic Plaza Spring Grove, II. 60081 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F GENERAL CLERK SWITCHBOARD/RECEPTIONIST Work V2 day in Personnel and '/J day in Engineering. Good typing skills required. Switchboard experience a plus. We offer a competative salary and excellent benefit package. For an interview call AA 815-385-3964 MODINE IMANUFACTURING COMPANY 4 miles nqrth of McHenry on Rlngwood Rd. an equal opportunity employer M F BE A SARAH HELPER, work part time, for 4-6 weeks, to help with Christmas rush. Sarah Coventry. 815-459-4928 10-22- 10-24c FULL TIME SALES position, is now available. Call Ron, at Century 21 Care RE. 815-344-1033 10-ltfc HOME MAKERS, earn $10.00 to $15.00 an hour. Sell Creative Stitchery Kits. Join the World of Creative Circle. 815-344-1023 10-24-10-31C INDIVIDUAL for cutting table operation. Must be familiar with pattern layout and multiple layer fabric. Cutting with Eastman cutter. Good benefits, pay depends on experience. Apply VaVSAMMaI m mm • VlMnNvl • rOlwCllvn (Tonyan Industrial Park) If II iayteaSt. We are looking for people who would like to earn extra money, part time and full time, many positions in Dehydraded food supply. For information call 312-497- 3075 10-22-10-24C LA MARQUE AND CO. is expanding operations to this area. Several good career opportunities available $270- $490. per week. Prefer recent high school graduates. Part time considered for some positions. For interview appt, call Mr. Janz 312-695- 3237 10-24tfc SPEECH THERAPIST part time, hours flexible. Contact Robert Decker, M.A. Audiologist, Wednesday 815- 385-7661, 3937 W. Main St., McHenry. Pass this in­ formation on to someone you know, that is a speech Therapist. 10-22-10-24c CAFETERIA WORKER PART TIME $4.50 per hour Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 815-385-7000 Ext. 285 Mr. Mitchell COOK EXPERIENCED IN VOLUMN FEEDING Call between 7 a.m. & 3 p.m. 815-344-0608 ask lor Mr. Becker 10/22-10/24 MCHENRY BASED PLASTIC FABRICATOR Needs part time and full time help in packaging and assembly operations 815-344-2640 10/24 DENIAL ASSISTANT Full Time Experience preferred, but not necessary. Send resume to B«x No. 0C7 c/• McHenry PlaimleaUr 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, II. 60050 10/2210/24 HELP WANTED Only those experienced in needle work need apply. Coll for interview 015-38541884 between 9 a.m. A 5 p.m. 10 22 10-24 MY COOK 8:00 to 4:00 4 Days per Week No Weekends O'Brewery 815-385-3130 INTELLIGENT * INDUSTRIOUS WOMAN To train for Photo Lab Assistant CVSTOM COMPOSITE NIC. 815-385-8150 WANTED NURSES AIDES Now hiring for 11:00 pm-7:30 am Shift and 3:00 pm-11:30 Shift •Starting Salary $3.30 Per Hour •Excellent Benefits •Experience not necessary arfs/Oi OF WC HfNKY 803 Royal Drive McHenry, III. 344-2600 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANTED TO RENT AMBITIOUS PERSONS who want to earn, but who can only work part time. Op­ portunity for good, extra income. Assistance given. Call between 5-7 pm 344-1188 10-10-10-31C FOR RENT O N E A P A R T M E N T AVAILABLE, ideal for retired, semi-retired or middle aged, in city of McHenry. Two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and ll* baths. $375. 815-344-1632 or 815-385-6566 10-ltfc WAREHOUSE STORAGE 4500 sq. ft. Can divide in Ringwood area. Call Bill 385- 2639 10-1-10-31C ONE BEDROOM APART­ MENT, available im­ mediately, all appliances, carpeting, newly decorated. Richmond area. 815-678-2861 10-ltfc CRYSTAL LAKE WOODSTOCK AREA 8 ACRE FARMETTE 3 bedrooms, modern brick ranch. Frplc, full bsmt. $450. month plus utilities. Im­ mediate possession. Referen­ ces. lease 8 security deposit. 815-38541353 WANTED, WORKING FEMALE to share furnished house with same. $40. a week. Convenient location. 312-639-0425 10-17-10-24c LK5HT INDUSTRIAL SPACE, new opening in areas of 1200 to 15,000 sq. f t . Immediate occupancy. 815- 678-2861 10-ltfc WAREHOUSE OR FAC­ TORY SPACE from 5,000 to 15,000 ft. 815-385-1079 10-ltfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9 a.m. to 12 weekdays or after 6 p.m. 10-ltfc For Rent, 2 & 3 bedroom houses $325. to $450. per month. Security deposit and references required. Cen­ tury 21 Care 815-344-1033 10- ltfc FOR RENT 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, with pool. 815- 385-9289 or 312-775-7000 10- ltfc OFFICE IN McHENRY, air conditioned. Located across from McHenry State Bank 815-3854)258 10-ltfc LIVE M BEAUTIFUL LAKE GENEVA Oelu *e 1 & 2 bedroom apar­ tments, fully carpeted. IS ceramic baths, color applian­ ces. dishwasher, air con ditioning. laundry. large storage area, gas heat. By lake, several blocks from downtown. Geneva Lake Apartments 1321 W.Main St. 3 Lake Geneva, Wi. <14-241-457? 10 jtrj It 2 KMOM ANUTMEIITS Available Now Close to shopping center, within walking distonce. 704 Logan, Cooney Heights McHenry NEW APARTMENTS Ready for leasing on Rt. 31 CHAR-MAR APTS. Call between 9:00 am $ 4:00 pm 815-385-5965 after S:00 pm 815-385-8019 .0 FLORIDA NEW CUSTOM DESIGNED ft FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH CONDO Located in Cape Coral on a wide canal with direct access to the Gulf. More than 1300 feet of living area with all applian­ ces including washer & dryer. This unit is on the first floor of a two story, 11 unit building. Pool and covered parking. Boat and car available. Winter Season $1200. per month. 815-728-0433 Ask for Stevo Mitchell, Owner FOR RENT ; V I t 1 \ Business Zoned-6 room house and large screened-in rear porch-2400 square feet-2 baths and central air. Ideal for professional offices. In ad- dition-2 story 3100 square foot barn- plus 2 car garage. Located on busy Illinois Route 31. Plenty of parking and immediate occupancy. For com­ plete details, please call Mr. Jim Marinangel 385-3000 WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bedroom house. East side of Wonder Lake. Call evenings or weekends. 815-653-4276. 10-17-10-31C McHenry, Saturday 10:00 am to 12 noon, 254 Rand Road, (Rt. 120) Lilymoor lovely 3 bedroom ranch with V/2 baths, living room-dining room-den. One year lease with security deposit $350 per month. Contact Pat, 815- 728-0404 or 815-653-9653. 10- 15-10-24C APARTMENTS FOR RENT, 2 bedrooms, Third & James Street, McHenry 312- 381-2059. 10-17tfc 2 BEDROOM RANCH, with fireplace on Golf Course, $375. per month. Call ERA- RDG Realty 815-385-9394. No fee to renter. l0-8tfc At Memorial Hospital we all pull together. Our\^S nurses, physicians and other professionals are people caring about people. They team up to deliver high quality health care. We have a variety of stimulating challenges currently in: RECOVERY ROOM 7-3 PEDIATRICS 3>il. 11-7 ICU 11-7 We invite you to call or stop in and see us up close. We provide the HIGHEST salaries in the area and a TOP benefits package. Call B15-33B-2500, Personnel Department MEMORIAL HOSPITAL for McHenry County 527 W. South Street. Woodstock, II. ru PEquol Opportunity Employ rr iwr^jj |() H ||| jj RENT IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY-RENT New, 3 bedroom homes in McHenry and Lake Counties FREE m » » » Micro Wave oven to new renters AFFORDABLE HOMES' 815-344-5473 for appointment Model Open Weekends If no answer 312356-3383 Whispering Point Office Center in McHenry Were already home to many professionals. They have discovered the benefits of locating in the already vital and important area of the Whispering Point Center Location. Units priced from Building Rentals from *4.50 per square foot. 'Exterior Maintenance 'Parking •Tax Advantages ttiiri center the look of the future of business, today! PHONE815/385-5577, we'd like to tell you more 1.000 Sq. Ft. of office or retail space. Zoned B-l, on Route 120. Separate utilities and ample parking. 815-338- 0777 10-ltfc FURNISHED APART­ MENTS and sleeping rooms, weekly or monthly rates. Mature adults only 815-385- 8905 ' 10-ltfc 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENT, carpeted, stove, refrigerator, no children, no pets. $295. references, lease, deposit required. 815-385- 7065 10-ltfc ONE BEDROOM APART MENT for rent, kitchen, living room, $250. per month includes utilities. Security deposit required. No pets 815-385-9872 10-ltfc INSIDE STORAGE SPACE for winter. Excellent for boats, motorcycles, automobiles, reasonable rates, convenient location. 815-344-2564. 10-17-10-24c WANTED, Male to share living expenses Serious inquires only. Include telephone number in reply. Reply Box OC 6, C-0 McHenry Plaindealer,3812 W.EIm St., McHenry, II. 60050 10-17-10-24f $73,900 listed price, new 3 bedroom 2 car garage, full basement, cathedral ceilings, wooded, Sunrise Ridge $500 rent with optional 6 months lease, entire rent to be applied toward down payment. 815-728-0208. 10-8- 10-24C 3 room furnished apartment on River, ideal for teacher, security deposit, no pets, near schools. $140. plus utilities. 815-385-4931 10-22- 10-24C WONDER LAKE, small 1-2 bedroom home with range $225. month. 815-653-9964 10- 22-10-24C WONDER LAKE Charming newly built 2-4 bedroom carpeted home with range, patio, 1 car garage and nice yard. $425 month. 815-653- 9964 10-22-10-24C UPSTAIRS APARTMENT OF Large 2 flat house, 3 bedrooms, North of McHenry, heat included, $340 month. 815-385-4349 after 6 or weekends. 10-17tf< Large, older, partially furnished, 3 bedroom home. Basement, and 1 car garage, located only 1 block from East Campus, Library and hospital. $375. a month. References and security deposit required. Phone 815- 385-3007 10-15-10-31C 2 BEDROOM,1'/^ bath,shag c a r p e t e d , s t o v e , refrigerator, dishwasher, garbage disposal, central air, walking distance to town. Available November 1st, $325.00. Call anytime 385 8299 10-15-10-24c MAN WANTED to share comfortable home in McHenry. Everything furnished, $60. weekly $220 monthly. Available now. 815- 385-2233 10-22-10-24C SOUTH OF McllENKY, lovely riverfront home, 5 yrs. old, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, some appliances, large kitchen, no pets, pay own utilities. $400. a month, security deposit, available Nov. 1st 815-455-5797 10 22 10-24c LOWER APARTMENT HOME, carpeted, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, all ap­ pliances, includes washer and dryer. Call for appt. 385- 4043 10-15tf HOUSE FOR RENT, two b e d r o o m s , g a r a g e , basement, McHenry area Security deposit, references, $325,815-728-1412 10-22 10 24c SLEEPING ROOMS for mature responsible working people. Furnished, carpeted, HBO terminal in all rooms, kitchen privilages, weekly linens, $40-$45.815-385-6633. 10-15-10-24c G A R D E N Q U A R T E R A P A R T M E N T S o f McHenry, now renting, two bedroom apartments from $305 month. Includes shag c a r p e t i n g , s t o v e , refrigerator and master TV antenna, two bedroom units also equipped with Hotpoint d i s h w a s h e r . W a l k i n g distance to downtown McHenry and Northwestern Commuter station 815-385- 2181 10-ltfc 4'/2 room, 2 bedroom apartment, all utilities $300 a month 344-0773 10 22 10 24c BRITTANY PARK 3 l>edroom, 2 bath $450. a month. 312-359-1075 10-22-10- 24c Female needed to shar4 two bedroom ranch in Foxridge subdivision. For further information call after 6 p.m. 815-344-1792 10-22-10-24C FURNISHED HOUSE, 2 bedroom with enclosed porch, white house, 2 car garage with shed attached. At Burton's Bridge and 176.$260. a month plus security.Pay own utilities 815-653-3243 10-22-10-24C L A R G E F U R N I S H E D ROOM, private bath, private entrance. Close to downtown McHenry . 815-385-2879 10-22- 10-24c OFFICE SPACE ap­ proximately 600 sq. ft. In center of town. $250. a month. 815-653-5876 10-22-10- 24c Person to share 3 bedroom ranch house. $200 includes utilities 815-385-9235 10-22-10- 24c CONDO, 2 BEDROOM, southern exposure, $349. No pets, (sell 10 percent down) 344-1183 10-22-10-24C WONDER LAKE, clean 2 bedroom home, stove, refrigerator, garage. No pets $300. McHenry Realty 815-385-5922 or 815-728-0626 10-22-10-24C OFFICE IN McHENRY, good location, air con­ ditioned. All utilities fur- nished $95. Call 815-385-3490 10-ltfc 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, in McHenry, convenient to all stores, air conditioned, fully carpeted, no children or pets. $220. a month, security deposit, references required. Older |K*rson preferred. 815-385- 1618 10-22 1024c McllENRY-Spacious 3 bedroom, high auality home with panelled living room and family room, dining room, kitchen, utility room, fireplace, deck, patio," fenced yard, attached garage. Ideal for family at $395. a month. 815-385-6801 after 6 p.m. If no answer 312-328-4970 10-24 2 bedroom house, l car garage, in town, references and security deposit required, no pets. $350 a month. 815-385-6900 or 385 5290 Byrnes Bros Realtors, ask for Ken 10-22 10 24c One bedroom house in Wonder I^ake, no children $225. plus utilities Call after 5:30815-653-9376 10 22 1024c 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, full basement, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, large yard, river rights $300. One month security deposit and references required. 815-385- 7499 10-24 New 3 bedroom house, with river rights, nice quiet street, no pets please. Call anytime. 312-566-1300 10-24 2 bedroom cabin on Wonder I^ake, to June 1 $275. per month plus utilities, security deposit McHenry County Realty. 815-653-2061 10-24 FOft SALE PROCESSED COAL for stoves and furnaces We also sell wood burning stoves. Woodstock Farm & I>awn Center, 2020 South Route 47 815 338 4200 HM7tfc Two bedroom apartment, wall to wall carpeting, gas stove and refrigerator, heat included in rent. $285.a month, security deposit required, no pets. Days 815 344-1050 or evenings 815-385 5033 10 22 10 24c ONE COAT 20-20 A tire changer for $700. or best offer Call 815 344-0429 10-22 I0-24C ANTIQUE SLOTMACHINE 5 cent mills, high top. Ex­ cellent condition $1300 815 385-8686 10 2210-24c McHenry Condo, two bedrooms, 1 '/* baths, all appliances, air, pool, no pets, security deposit $330 a month.815-459-0363 after 6 p.m. 10-22-10-24C TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, working couple only $275 per month, security deposit required. 815-385-7127 10 22- 10-24c Freezer, 16 ft. Fridgidaire freezer, 4 years old, white $250., Maytag gas dryer, 4 years old, coppertone $150. 815-385-7150 10-22 10-24C WESTERN SNOWPLOW, fit any Ford model, best offer ('all between 4 p.m. & 10 p m 815 344 3440 10-22-10-24C 2 antique doll buggies, Shirley Temple doll 815-385- f>416 10-22-10-24c i

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