Emergency Service Awards Made To McHenry County College Honors Lynto Lupo In EIU Play Cast PAGE 11 - PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER t». 11 The US. has 727 commercial TV stations and 269 aducettonal stations for a total of 990. Lynn Lupo, daughter of Mrs. Laura Cornwall, of McHenry, has been cast in the Eastern Illinois university Interpreters' Theatre presentation of A Miracle of Rare Device. The production is a compilation of works by Ray Bradbury being compiled and directed by Donna Rice Shehorn, instructor of Oral Interpretation in the Department of Theatre Arts. Lynn, a sophomore Theatre Arts major, is one of the 16-member cast Gravity PaN Trousers should be hung on special pants hangers that sus- „ pend them by the cuffs. In this Members of the County board's Public Safety commitee display entries that won six awards In. way, gravity helps pull the a publications contest sponsored by the United States Civil Defense council and entered by the creases straight and removes McHenry County Emergency Services and Disaster agency. From left are Phyllis Walters, minor wrinkles. Algonquin; Jim Curran, McHenry; Gary Verdnng, Cary, holding the plaques; John Shay, director of this agency; and Ervin Walters, Hebron, committee chairman. Don Peasley Photography responsible for the delivery of these styles. Lynn last appeared as "Prossy" in the EIU homecoming produc tion of Candida. A Miracle of Rare Device will premiere Nov. 7 at 8 p.m. in the Playroom of the Doudna Fine Arts center. M_S B Is Coming to McNMry Stat* Bank ALEXAKOS for STATE SENATE "Gus Is For Us" "I'm concerned about our high taxes, seniors, farmers, and the average working per son." Cary's Mayor GUS ALEXAKOS initiated and won the fight against USEPA on Barium, sav ing you millions of tax dollars. ELECT GUS AS YOUR STATE SENATOR On Tuesday, November 4th Pd. for by Alexakos lor Senate Comm., Hugh Friable, Trees. r The McHenry County Emergency Services and Disaster agency has received six awards in a publication contest spon sored by the United States 'Civil Council. Ervin Walters, Hebron, chairman of the County board's Public Safety committee, said the awards are in recognition of a good job of communicating with the public about various facets of the Emergency Services through the cooperation of county news media. Members of the committee include Phyllis Walters, Algonquin; Ed Buss and Jim Curran, McHenry; Gary Verdung, Cary; an Walters. John Shay o McHenry is director of the county's Emergency Ser vices and Disaster agency. There were 182 entries from throughout the United States in the contest. McHenry county received three firsts, two seconds and a third. Information from the Emergency Services or events involving the Emergency Services provided the means for news media personnel to develop stories and photographs. First place awards went to entries featuring: a news photo on a Crystal Lake disaster drill, printed in the Crystal Lake Herald; a photo in the McHenry Plaindealer on a leaking propane gas tanker ; and an editorial in the Crystal Lake Herald praising the weather spotter program of the Emergency Services. Second place honors went to a photo in the County News of the Crystal Lake Herald on the com munications equipment of the department and a story in Fire Chief Magazine on emergency medical services and the mutual aid bill. A Woodstock Sentinel story and photo on the Woodstock mini-drill earned a third place award. PROPOSED IRS CHANGES The Internal Revenue service (IRS) is proposing to update its rules on the taxing of interest in contract sales, unless it is persuaded by farmer comments to keep the current rules in effect. The changes would increase the minimum interest rate applying to any contract sale. The proposed rates on contract sales of farmland between family members would make it more difficult for a young farmer to "cash flow" his first land pur chase. HOME ECONOMICS featuring "Capri" Bed & Bath Ensemble MH Ul TOKO S-200 Snowthrowert Enter Toro's.. Guess • The - Snowfall Contest* Guess the amount of snowfall the Chicago area will receive be tween Sept. 1,1980 and Dec. 15,1980 (12:01 am) and you could win a new, tough, dependable Toro S-200 • America's number one snowthrower! Just stop in to your participating dealer, look over the S-200 and fill out an entry form. If your snowfall prediction is the closest to the ac tual amount of snow recorded at O'Hare Airport between Sept. 1,1980 and Dec. 15,1980 (12:0* am) by the National Weather Service you win! But hurry! Deadline for entries is December 1, 1980. The winners will be notified by mail no later than Dec. 25,1980. In case of a tie, win ner will be selected in random drawing from ail correct entries. Fifty snowthrowers to be awarded* Haven't you done without a Toro long enough?® * No purdMM iMCMMry. Must bo IS or oMor to register. TOKO 4/ffi k" I i w ;: , • ; • f i t * i i r i h « : } 1 11 4 %•> e * <8 • » r i. "< I 3 a % \ sfc. : f wv ;t * ft "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUILT" GEORGE P. FREUND, IMC.** 4102 W. Crystal Lake Road - McHenry 315-0420 "MASTER SALES & SERVICE DEALER ' Lose yourself to a forest of flowering vines in bedroom and bath. Spring Mills "Capri" - a meandering dusty colored floral scenery that allows one to escape and indulge. From the Bassetti Collection of Spring Mills. Domestics, Elgin on 2, Crystal Lake & St. Charles Bedspread, 100 percent polyester filling Twin 45.00 Full "... 60.00 Queen 74.00 King 90.00 Comforter, 100 percent polyester filling Twin 50.00 Full/queen 70.00 King 88.00 Sheets, luxury No/Iron Wondercale", 65 percent Kodel" polyester and 35 percent cotton percale. Twin 9.50 Full H.50 Queen ... 15.50 King 18.50 Standard cases, pair 8.50 King cases, pair 9.50 Towels, thick plush terry. Bath 9.50 Hand 600 Wash cloth 2.25 / We welcome your Spiess Charge, Visa ana MasterCara Free Parking St Charles Mall. Crystal Point Mall, Elgin Plaza Upper Deck,