SECTION 2-PAGE 4 • PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29,1980 I Real Estate Facts By Yvonne Beer, Executive Officer McHenry County Board of Realtors Trick or Treat! Which will it be in your community this year? Sad to say in many American communities, Halloween is sometimes more trick than treat. The McHenry County Board of Realtors recognizes that Halloween is a prime time for bewitching tricks on homes and property. To keep your home safe from mischievous masqueraders, the McHenry County Board of Realtors has some Halloween hints for homeowners: Maintaining property in good condition is one way to discourage vandals. A cared for house and yard frequently turns off the costumed crowd bent on Halloween shenanigans. Poorly maintained property is always a tempting target. Clearing your yard of such items as lawn mowers, hoses, barbecues, or outdoor furniture will remove a REPUBLICAN COUNTY TEAM Honest and Experienced HENRY A. (Hank) NULLE Sheriff n 136 fS \ I THEODORE J. FLORO Stat* Attorney ,24 116 VERNON W. KAY JR. County Clerk •> 8 WILLERT H. RUSSEL ,20 gj ALVIN J. QUERHAMMER County Coroner .28 g} ALBERT M. JOURDAN County Auditor 132 . gj Vote Republican for Good Government / in McHenry County VOTE REPUBLICAN FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT Nov. 4th Sponsored by The McHenry Republican Central Committee . A< Jourdan, Chairman source of items that might otherwise be "borrowed" or vandalized. « Put your car in a locked garage. Lock sheds and other outdoor storage facilities as well. Utilize whatever outdoor lighting you may have ~ port lights, garage or carport lights, patio or yard lights. Indoor lights should be switched on, too. Encourage community- sponsored trick-or-treat treks in daylight or dusk hours. Adult supervision of door- to-door visits will deter a peer group from the van dalism pressure exerted on youthful warlocks and witches, as well as protect the young people from adult "tricks" aimed at them. Ask concerned adults in your area to join you in ac companying children on their Halloween party. School, church and community groups, as well as fraternal organizations, might sponsor a Halloween night party for neighborhood youth. Well planned fun with adult supervision leaves little time for random vandalism. Local talent, such as amateur magicians and musicians, a costume contest and a "haunted house" might be included on the agenda. Halloween flies by just once a year, but vandalism is a year-around, dirty trick that calls for spirited action by all citizens, especially property owners. Vandalism - both in public places and on private property - is a hex on the entire community. Property owners pick up the tab with higher taxes and insurance premiums. There are ways to erase the bad marks of vandalism. Increased security and tough laws are one part of the solution. The long-range answer lies in recognizing vandalism as a people problem. Positive action community programs aimed at redirecting the energies of young people are strongly supported by the National Association of Realtors through its Make America B e t t e r V a n d a l i s m Prevention program. With community caring and action, we can turn potential plunder into positive pride. The McHenry County Board of Realtors suggest that the tab picked up by the American public for vandalism could be better spent on educational and cultural offerings. And, wouldn't that be a treat for us all! Farmland Protection Ask Interested Volunteers Help For New Committee THOUGHT FOR FOOD 6» GOuiC C«00< CHEESE VEGETABLE CHOWDER Yield; approx. 2 quarts 2 cups chopped cabbage 1 cup onion slices 1 cup celery slices 1 cup frozen peas, thawed 1 cup thin carrot slices Vi cup (1 stick) butter 1 can (16 oz.) cream-style corn 2Vi cups milk 1 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper V* teaspoon thyme 2Vi cups (10 oz.) shredded sharp Cheddar cheese # Saute cabbage, onion, celery, peas and carrots in butter in 3-quart saucepan 8 to 10 min utes or until vegetables are ten der, stirring frequently. Add corn, milk and seasonings; heat over low temperature 15 min utes, stirring occasionally. Add cheese, stir until melted. From the United Dairy Industry As sociation. Save Fuel This Winter! Persons willing to serve on the Agricultural Areas committee to help ad minister the Agriculture Areas Conservation and Protection act are asked to obtain an application form at the McHenry county cour thouse, David Plocher, McHenry county Extension adviser and member of the C o u n t y A p p o i n t i n g Authority, has announced. The Agricultural Areas and Conservation and Protection act was passed by the General Assembly and signed by Governor James Thompson as part of this state's efforts to "conserve, protect and encourage the development and im provement of Illinois' agricultural lands for the production of food and other agricultural products." Through this act, farmers can protect and enhance farm land as a viable segment of the state's economy and can farm with the knowledge it will stay farm land for 10 years, Plocher explained. The law provides for a committee to administer the act, to be composed of four active farmers, no more than two of whom shall be of the same major political party, plus a member of the County board. The five-member com mittee is appointed by the C o u n t y A p p o i n t i n g Authority, comprised of the county Agriculture adviser (David Plocher), chairman of the County board (Richard Klemm), and chairman of the McHenry .County Soil and Water Conservation district (Charles Budreck, Jr.). In order that Klemm and the committee may make their recommended ap pointments to the McHenry County board for its Nov. 18 meeting, Plocher said the application deadline has been set for 5 p.m. Nov. 6. Application forms are ap pearing in several county newspapers and the Far mer's News, official publication of the McHenry County Farm Bureau. Ap plications should be mailed to the County board office, Room 204, McHenry County courthouse, 2200 North Route 47, Woodstock, 60098. Plocher said the members of the Agriculture Areas committee will serve without pay but may be reimbursed for expenses. The committee is to advise the County board in relation to the proposed establish ment, modification and termination of an agricultural conservation and protection area under this act. The committee serves as experts for the County board relating to the desirability of setting up an Agricultural Area (minimum of 500 acres), including advice on the nature of farming and farming resources within the proposed area. Forms for farmers to apply for the establishment of an Agricultural Area are available at the Farm Bureau, Extension office, and county courthouse. Absentee Ballots For School Vote Anyone wishing to vote in the McHenry Community Consolidated School District 15 tax rate referendum, but who will be unable to cast a ballot in person Nov. 15, may apply for an absentee ballot at the administrative office, 3926 West Main street, McHenry, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Oct. 16 was the first day to apply for an absentee ballot. Nov. 10 at 4:30 p.m. is the last day and time to make application by mail for absentee ballots. Nov. 14 at 4:30 p.m. is the last day and time to make application fpr absentee ballots in person. The school district office will be closed Tuesday, Nov. 11, in observance of Veterans' day. The absentee voter must be a legal voter. Certain registered voters presently living in the precinct are permitted to vote by ab sentee ballot: A. voters expecting to be absent from the county of residency on election day; B. Voters unable to be present at the polls because of physical incapacity; C. Voters observing a religious holiday who are unable to be present at the polls because of the tenets of their religion; D. Voters who expect to be absent from the country on election day because of service to the United States. Such voters may make application on federal government postcard form. l/owi WuuLutU, JbaoAA,, Po\cU & jStsefsuMHf/ Run ft. 36" Wide Al}0 28" • 48" Widths WARP BROS. Chicago 60*51 Pioneers in Plastics Since 1924 Take this ad to your Hardware, Lumber or Bldg Supply Store Accept no substitutes--Get top quality FLEX-O-GLASS Shutter HuT Window & W all Decor 30%«, Kirsch Woven Wood Shades & Draperies jsiMiiiiiiSips RIPPLEFOLD® PANELTRAC® WORK FOR YOU I Courthouse Squares MANY A PARTY HAS BEEN GIVEN FOR THE Cut Fltl-O-QIft TO Slf Tack Oror Serooni or Window Opening*! PURPOSE OF NOT INVITING SOMEONE. Ace Hardware 3729 W. Elm St.. McHenry Coast to Coast Store 4400 W. Rte. 120. McHenry Wonder Lake Tru Value 7602 Hancock, Dr., Wonder Lake LOOK IN YOUR YELLOW PAGES FOR A NIPDI PROFESSIONAL :hd NORTHERN ILLINOIS PAINTING & DRYWALL INSTITUTE For a complete local listing call 742-4144 2 Gal. Peak Anti-Freeze 7.88 2.00 Our Sale 2 For Less Rebate Your Cost 2 Gal. ARCHIFOLD® OLD STYLE DOUBLE-FOLD SHADE 2 BUCKS BACK We'll send you a check for $2.00 when you purchase 2 gallons of PEAK'*' antifreeze & coolant between September 15 and November 15,1980. Here's all you have to do: Enclose the inner seals fro/n the 2 gallons of PEAK® antifreeze & coolant and the dated cash register receipt with price paid circled. SEND MY $2.00 CHECK TO: NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE. MULTIPLE SHADES TWO SHADES OR MORE UNDER ONE HEADRAIL SI Daily 9:30-5:30 Wednesday 9:30-Noon Sunday Closed , Please allow 4-6 weeks for return Void where taxed, licensed or restricted by law Otter expires November 15.1980 Requests must be postmarked by November 15. 1980 and received by November 22 .1980 Requests received after this date cannot be honored Only | one request per envelope and only one request per household Re quests without all required proofs of purchase cannot be honored Refund requests must be on this coupon No mechanical reproduc tions will be honored WAIL TO Special Coupon Program i Oept A - P O Box 6892 Chicago H 60677 ZIP. 815-344-1888 We Measure & Install ^ 800-892-8916 Route 12 Just North of Route 120 Volo, Illinois RT. 47 & COUNTRY CLUB R».( WOODSTOCK 4400 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY HOURS: PAILY 9 til 9. SUNPAY 10 HI 6 I i