PAGE 4 • PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29,1980 ,n Twice Told Tales (In the absence of Marie Yegge, who usually makes this column possible through the microfilm files of the Plaindealer, these items are taken from issues provided by Don Pedersen of 7611 Beach, Wonder Lake, who found the newspapers in a McHenry home recently) JUNE 1942 The last Sunday in June has again been set for the celebration of the Volo picnic, which will be held on the church grounds with all its favorite amusements. War or no war, people must have a good treat at a picnic, so the beginning of the picnic will be the fine roast chicken dinner which will be served from 11 a.m. Sunday to 3 p.m. Well, folks, it looks right now like McHenry Post, No. 491, American Legion, is going to play host to the largest crowd of people in the history of carnivals in McHenry on July 2,3,4 and 5 when the opening signal is given Thursday evening, July 2. Pat Owen is the general chairman this year and he has a grand assistant, none other than that old-time hustler, John Dreymiller. McHenry county will lose 94 more young men to Uncle Sam when that many leave in the near future from draft boards one and two to enter Army life. Fifty-seven will depart from the former, in which McHenry iS; included. Among those to,'leave are Clarence L. Anderson, Harry R. Dahms, Bert T. Dibble, Victor A. Johnson, William Pearson, James W. Smith and Lester E. Witt, all of McHenry; Victor Blink of Spring Grove and William J. Lawrence of Ringwood. The Colony theatre is putting on a matinee for the kids Saturday afternoon, June 20 at 2 o'clock. The admission charge will not be money. All you have to do is to bring some rubber article for the government drive and you will be admitted free. A total of 513 new truck tires, 422 truck tiret ubes, 1,797 new passenger tires and 212 passenger tire tubes have been issued by the McHenry county rationing board in the first five months of this year or since the rationing of tires and tubes started in January. A fire of unknown origin which resulted in con- siderable damage to the Chevrolet garage operated by Paul Schwerman was discovered about 11 o'clock last Monday night by four young people. Crossing the bridge near the city hall, they noticed flames rising from the back of the garage and reported the fire to the police, who in turn called the fire department. Much ado has been made recently in large cities, and rightly so, about families which have sent three and four boys to the service. McHenry, with its population of little more than 1,400, has not been left behind in this patriotic gesture, however, and the three sons of Mrs. M.J. Walsh, who are now serving in the Army, are proof of the fact. They are Pvt. James Walsh, Sgt. Melvin Walsh and Pvt. Joseph Walsh. Aircraft Trails Alter Weather Having A Party?--Call Us! • 10 DELICIOUS MEAT ft CHEESE PARTY TRAYS • FRESH FRUIT TRAYS *FRESH SALADS • DESSERT TRAYS • FRESH BAKERY ROLLS • COMPLETE DELICATESSEN AND OF COURSE OUR SPECIALTY: 2,3,4,5, and 6 foot SANDWICHES A»y ITALIAN U-BOAT 363 VIRGINIA ST (Rta 14) CryUal laks II (ACROSS f*OM ARMANI TTIS) SALE KRAKUS POLISH HAM ONLY *2 .98 pe r lb . from HISTORY'S SCRAPBOOK DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS October 30, 1969 -- Supreme Court orders immediate end to separate school systems for Blacks and whites. October 31, 1859 -- John Brown convicted of treason and mur der for his raid on Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. November 1,1S79 -- Thomas A. Edison applies for a patent for his carbon filament lamp. November 2, 1947 -- Spruce Goose, Howard Hughes' mam moth 8-engine, 190-ton airplane, largest in the world, makes its 1st and only flight -- 1,000 yards, off Long Beach, Cali fornia. November 3, 1837 -- Housewives in Illinois protest the high cost of living -- butter, 8C a pound; dozen eggs, 6<; beef, 3* a pound; pork, 2« a pound; coffee, 20* a pound; tea, 10C a pound. November 4,1916 -- Walter Cronkite, longtime television news anchorman, born in St. Joseph, Missouri. November 5, 1940 -- President Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes 1st and last president to be elected to a 3rd consecutive term, as he defeats Republican Wendell L. Willkie. Is it possible those long, narrow cloud streaks that sweep across the sky after aircraft are affecting our weather? Yes, it is possible, at least in some weather cir cumstances, say at mospheric scientists at the Illinois State Water Survey. The Survey is located at the University of Illinois and is a part of the state's Institute of Natural Resources. Scientists making the study include Stanley Changnon, survey chief, Richard Semonin, assistant chief, and Wayne Wendland, head of the Climatology section. Although only one year of the study is done, they have evidence that, in some cases, aircraft condensation trails, called contrails, alter sur- £ face weather conditions. Contrails were seen only occasionally in the 1940's and 50's, says Changnon. Their frequency increased significantly with the advent of jet aircraft in the 60's and they've been commonplace during the last 15 years. At times, the contrails appear to be only 1 or 2 miles long, and quickly evaporate and disappear. Other times, they persist behind the airplane for several miles, and occasionally last 5 or 6 hours or more and spread out into a wide cloud that is WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ON SALE ITEMS DEIIIIQU0RS MERCHANTS OF FINE WINES AND LIQU< i .385-3200: SALE BEER NOT ICED NO SALES TO MINORS LIQUORS 4610 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILLINOIS) SALE BATES: WED., OCT. 29-TIIES., NOV. 4 OUR McHENRY STORE ONLY • WHILE QUANTITIES LAST CAIIFORNU WIRE HARVEST SAII VINEYARDS 1977 CLASSIC RED 1979 CLASSIC WHITE 1979 CLASSIC ROSE' 750 It FIFTH 3 19 (RE*. 3 M) JIM BEAM 80 PROOF VOPKA 750 ML FIFTH CANADIAN ORD CALVERT 750 ML FIFTH 3 99 CALIFORNIA WINE HARVEST SALE MIRASSOII1979 MONTEREY CHARDOMAY 750 ML FIFTH 4 99 (RE*. 6.49) GILBEYS 6IN 750 ML FIFTH 3 99 HEUBLIEN EXOTIC COCKTAILS •ZOMBIE •SR.FUNK •SINGAPORE •NAVY6R06 SUNG 750 ML FIFTH CALIFORNIA WINE HARVEST SALE PAUL MASSON HON VINTAGE CHEHIH BLANC ZINFANDEL 750 ML FIFTH 2 99 (RE*. 3.19-3.49) CaCifoxriLa cMaujest <SaCz DuBOUCHETI MOCHA LIQUEUR 750 ML FIFTH £ t len SALE 3.59 CALIFORNIA WINE HARVEST SALE ALMADEN 1974 PETITE SIRAH 750 ML FIFTH 2 29 (RE*. 2.79) OnyTenoo^igT^^^afpLaChTnLn^STan^ uena Q/Lxta 1978 ^xeen cHungaxCan cM ontexey IQ77 ^o&annLx&exg LexCing <Sonoma 1976 ^xencfi CoCom&axcL OngCenook 1977 ^amay <zRoxe' !Buena Q/ixta ZPtnot <zA/oix oxe ' *1/Vente oxe ' ^Wente NON VINTAGE <zMlxaxxou ^Petite <zR oxe ' Wente 1Q73 ^Petite <Sixa(i cMaxtlni IQ77 ^ amay HBeau/oCatx tfngCenood tQ76 ^ amay Seaufofaix Qxanclxcan HBuxgundy CaxH 3/7 crfCmaclen l<?75 ^y Cafcaxnet G o t t l £ 1 U X L f i f t f l l . b j t c t t o i n U £ n t o i l ] . c * i u ' £ e l l o t £ . a n c f 2 0 ( l l i n e i i n o u t C a l i f o r n i a l l i n e a i v e . i t ^ a t e i n t o a c a l e o f / L ' a n d d e d u c t HENRI PHILLIPE AMARETTO 750 ML FIFTH 3 99 ARROW • GMGCR SCHNAPPS CINNAMON SCHNAPPS SPEAMT SCHNAPPS 750 ML FIFTH FREE TASTMO FRI. T SAT. t f -FECHVE THRU NOV. 4 1980 ALL EIGHT PACK SuBAS BUBBLE UP NORH IAD'S ROOT ItlOOll BOTTLES viini MIXERS NQUARTSN COKE FRESCA [SQUIRT M A W ROOT BEER p-16 01 BOTTLES MT. DEW 749P ONE LITRES |PLUS| DEPOSIT OUR EVERYDAY! I LOW PRICE! I DRY ALE PLUS •DEPOSIT OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICEB ANHEUSER BUSCH NATURAL LIGHT J2129Z. 12-1201 ICANSl 24-1201 BOTTLES difficult to distinguish from natural clouds. How do they affect weather and climate? Although aircraft contrails are thin and wispy, Changnon says, they make the earth appear brighter when viewed from outer space. This is because sunlight is reflected outward by contrails. So the recent increase in contrails reflects more sunlight away from the earth, and this tends to make the earth cooler than it would be without contrails. We found a high frequency of contrails in the area of high density jet traffic in the upper Midwest, he adds. This "jet alley" area is roughly from northern Ohio across north-central Illinois to southern Iowa and nor thern Missouri. Our studies of historical records of sunshine, cloud cover, and temperature for 1901-1978 showed this to be the area with the greatest climate change • cloudier days, less sunshine, and less extreme temperatures. And, this major shift in jet-alley climate has occurred since the late 1960's. Some of the changes found include: ...High clouds (those generally above 20,000 feet, which arc common jet flight altitudes) increased more than lower clouds, as shown by National Weather service cloud observations. ...Autumn, which typically has the least cloud cover of all the seasons shows the greatest downward trend in possible sunshine, and the greatest increase in cloudy days. ...The average difference between the maximum temperature in daytime and the minimum at night has decreased over the last 15 years. This lesser difference between day-night tem peratures is caused by the increased cloudiness, and we suspect this is partially due to the increased contrail frequency, Semonin com ments. Contrails lower the daytime high temperature by reflecting sunlight away from the earth and would limit the downward march of temperature at night by enhancing the well-known "greenhouse effect." Contrails are observed between a fourth and a third of all days, but are not necessarily seen from the ground because they spread out and become associated with natural clouds which prevents sighting them from the surface. Contrails in the Midwest are more frequently formed in areas of lower at mospheric pressure and near the jet stream, Wen dland found. Therefore, if contrails are observed from the surface on a particular day, one may correctly conclude that a low pressure area (usually inferring cloud cover and perhaps precipitation) is relatively close, though in any direc tion. The Survey group are continuing this research for a second year to investigate relationships between the presence and absence of contrails and surface temperature anomalies. Shift RTA Control To Suburbs, Skinner Says A study commissioned by Hep. Cal Skinner, Jr. (R- McHenry county), indicates that population shifts bet ween 1970 and I960 will eliminate one RTA board member from Chicago, while giving it to suburban Cook county. "According to the reliminary census data hich has surfaced, Chicago's percentage of the six-county RTA area has slipped from 48 percent to aboyt 41 percent of the total with the difference being to the Cook county suburbs and the collar counties. Ex cluding the RTA board chairman, who is chosen by the twelve other members, pi w! $ TRILOGY FRIDAY, NOV. 14. 9 p.m. • 1 a.m. Appearing One Night Only 2.00 cover per FOR RESERVATIONS AND INFORMATION CALL; PHONE 815-678-2471 •••-. ' ' : ... Chicago would deserve five of the 12, rather than the six it currently has. The seat Chicago will lose should go to suburban Cook county, assuming there is an "honest" reapportionment map drawn by the Illinois General Assembly next year, according to Skinner. Representation for DuPage county would remain at one and would be two for the four outlying collar counties," Skinner said. "When one considers that Chairman Lewis Hill is a Chicagoan, that will give the city six out of 13 votes through the end of Chairman Hill's contract in 1964. "A requirement that reapportionment occur after every federal census was the only-amendment to the 1974 RTA act which was adopted in the Illinois House. It was sponsored by Represen tative William Mahar (R- Homewood) who is currently running for the State Senate,", Skinner con cluded. STEP STUDY Learning more effective ways of relating to children takes courage, practice and vorldng and theTlffcP patience. By w< learning together (Systematic Training for Effect ive Parent ing) parents can finally admit that they, too, have the right to make mistakes and learn from them. Contact Family Service and Community Mental Health center for information on the next STEP study group (338- 4750). If you're planning to buy a $4500 car, take two. They're small. THE ORIGINAL "BUNTING BUNNY BY_WEIL i Monsanto Zippity gr6wn-up version of the bunting sleeper made in soft and cud dly Dyersburg Bunting" wear dated by Monsanto® , easy front zipper closing knit cuff, rope belt and detachable tie booties to keep tootsies warm. 100% ACRILAN® ACRYLIC PINK, BLUE, YELLOW or RED S(to 5'2), M(5'2-5'4"), L(5'4"-5'6") The Casual Shoppe New Hours: MThurs. 9:00-5:30 Frl. 9:001:30 Sot. 940-5:00 1216 N. Green Street McHenry