tuesdoy Eastwood, Sondra Locke. An aaay-going truck driver who happens to be the best barroom brawler in the Sen Fernando Valley has his buddy set up fights snd the side bets. He slso has an orangutan and a mother who sweara a lot. (Rated PG) (114 mine.) CD Movie -(Adventure) * % "No Room To Run" Richard Benjamin, Colm O'Shea. Man travels to Aus tralia to promote s concert. Shortly after his arrival he's on the run from henchmen and police who want him for murder. (Rated PG) (2 hrs.) Independent News Informacion 26 ESPN College Football _ Transformed O Popcllps 9 Maude €9 Movie -(Drama) ••• V» "Condominium" Part I. 1980 Barbara Eden, Dan Haggerty. In this tale, the life aavings of hundreds are lost when a condominium, irre sponsibly built on greed snd corruption, crumbles during a hurricane. (2 hrs.) 10:15 SD <S> Movie -(Musical) "ManOfLaMancha" Peter O'Toole, Sophia Loren. (Paid Subscription Televi sion) Man, imprisoned dur ing Spanish Inquisition, paases the time by spinning the tale of Don Quixote, Al- donza, Sancho Panza and their adventures together. (2 hre.) 10:30 ©OG<23> Campaign *80 Continues O O © Decision '80 Continues © © © The '80 Vote Continues ©(52) Benny Hill Show (39) €D Fast Forward ID Movie -(Western) •*•• "High Noon" 1952 Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly. Retir ing sheriff feelsan obligation to an ungrateful town, when challenged by outlsws. (85 minsj CBSLateMovie 'LOU GRANT: Pills' Stsrs: Ed Asner, Robert Wslden. Lou's attempt to expose a pill-pushing doctor lands Rossi in jail. (Repeat) 'The Greateat Thing That Almost Happened' 1977 Stars: Jimmy Walker, James Earl Jones. Just sbout to fsce an important interscholastic basketball gsme, a high school sthlete is stricken by a aerious disease (Repeat) Independent News © $$ Sandra Y Paulina ©NationalLampoonElec- tion Night Live © SportsCenter €D @ PTL Club-Tslk And Variety © Morecambe And Wise 11:00 © (52 Comedy Classics (33) €D Soundstsge 'Gordon Lightfoot' (Closed- Captioned; U.S.A.) (60 minsj OS©CBSLateMovie LOU GRANT: Nazi' Stars: Ed Asner, Robert Walden. Reporter Billie Newman un covers some shocking infor mation while doing an article about the American Nazi movement. (Repeat) 'ZE BRA FORCE' 1975 Stars: Mike Lane, Glenn Wilder. Former members of a U.S. military unit, the Zebras, take the tactical skills they learned in Vietnamandapply them tothestreets with stun ning force. © NCAA Football North Carolina vs Oklahoma © Racing From Yonkers Racaway 11:25 © Movie -(Suspense) •** "Grand Slam" 1968 Edward G. Robinson, Janet Leigh. A Convent professor makesadealwithagangster to crack a safe filled with valuable diamonds during carnival time. (2 hrs., 30 mins.) 11:30 ©(g) Newstalk ©Movie-(Drama)*** "In ferno" 1953 Robert Ryan, Rhonda Fleming. A million aire's fsithless wife and se cret lover plan his 'acciden tal' demise by stranding him in the desert. (90 mins.) All it takes is a woman's touch to make a room feel warm. 11to.- Hadiant U) is (.onvenient and «*asy to <)|HJMlr |lisl press .1 level and it son It has a ( lean modem look tti.it tit4? any decor Hunuimj up to 3/ hours on 1 (J2 gallons ot Hero Tenr-Tt Mls-ensily w»th Uw Uaudy siphon pump th.it < onios with every model With ,i Kero SUM Portable Heater like this IJI listed Hadiant 10 model you <..in leave youf thei mosl.it turned low and save money m the months atie.id *# tuul «rflu leni y means odoi les*. .modeless operation And it need , no < hiiliney liatleiy poweied Kjnition syslenv and autom.itu stint otl devit e lot enliasately 9 models to i house tiom bee a demonstration today KEROSUN Th« wod nswt m Ivims twdUnu THI HOUSK THAT ftltVICI ftUliT GEORGE P. FREIINDJnc 4102 W. Cryttol lak* Rd McH»nry 1IM4M 12:00 © Nlghtbeat © All Night Movlea Texas Buddies' Bob Steele. 2) 'Tearing Into Trouble' Ri chard Talmsdge. 3) 'Take Me Back to Oklahoma' Tex Ritter: 4) 'Sinister Shsdows' Reginald Denny. (6 hrs.) © Standing Room Only: Glen And Tanya This excit ing pop-country music pre- sentstion features Glen Campbell snd Tsnya Tucker. © Movie -(Comedy) ••*• "Heaven Can Walt" 1978 Warren Beatty, Julie Chris tie. Football player is ac- cidentally brought tohesven beforehistimeendreturnsto earth in a different body. ELECTION NIGHT COVERAGE On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, all three networks will provide extensive election night coverage Correspondent Walter Cronkite (pic tured) will be anchoring for 'Campaign '80' on CBS TV with regional reports from correspondents Dari Rather, Harry Reasoner, Bob Schietfer and Lesley Stahl. On ABC TV, Frank Reynolds and Ted Koppel will co-anchor 'The '80 Vote' with special reports from Bar bara Walters and Max Robinson. And at NBC TV, lohn Chancellor arid David Bririkley will co anchor 'Decision '80' with Tom Brokaw cover ing the Seriate races and Jessica Savitch reporting on the Home nd gubenatorial contests. CHICK I ISIINtiS FOR EXACT TIME TV OOMPUUM MftVtCft. NIC