Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1980, p. 14

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NOT WANTED FOR RENT EQft RENT Pre-school teacher position available. Call 815-344-4970 11-14 LA MARQUE k COMPANY, is expanding operations to this area. Several good career opportunities available. $270-1490 per week. Prefer recent high school graduates. Part time considered for some positions. For interview appointment, call Mr. Janz 312-695-3237 - n.5tfc F TN A N C I A L I N " DEPENDENCE CAN BE YOURS, Want more out of life? Tired of just making it? Need extra money? Have little time to spare? Call (815) 385-7969 between 5 & 7 pm. Il-12-ll-l4c Days, home and office cleaning. Will train on the job. 815-728-0005 11-12-11-14C MODELS PART TIME, lunch and evenings, lingerie fashion shows in area will train. 312-039-7547 ll-7-ll-14c WOMAN FOR RESTAURANT WORK, full or part time, experience not necessary, will train, Mothers Hours OK. 815-653- 7296. 11-12-1l-14c COPPERCRAFT GUILD~is now hiring. Earn extra money for Christmas. Will train. Call Bev. 312-546-0645 or Beth 312-587-1767 11-12-11- 21c PAGE 15 - PLA1NDEALER - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,11 FOR SAUE BABYSITTER NEEDED in Johnsburg area for week­ days 815-385-4485 11-12-11-14C FOREMAN Permanent management position for experienced foreman with good supervisory skills. We are a manufacturer of industrial ovens and prefer background in assembly of fabricated metal parts, including some welding and electrical wiring. Department of 30 people. Modern plant and machinery. Good salary and benefits. CALL MR. CALABRESE 312-546-8225 f he Grieve Corporation Round Lake, Illinois HELP WANTED Experienced Paste-Up Artist Part lime Responsible for page make-up, photo typesetting and Advertising paste-Up. Good typing a must. Apply in person at the McNenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry No Phone Calls, Please , loii DRRFTSMRN SHEET METHL Rapidly growing manufacturer of industrial ovens needs draftsman with three to five years sheet metal experience. We offer top salary and ex­ cellent company paid benefits. Modern new plant. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT D.V. GRIEVE 312-546-8225 THE GRIEVE CORPORATION Round Lake, Illinois BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Gearmaster, a division of Emerson Electric, is currently seeking an individual for the following position. PRODUCTION CONIROL CLERK Great entry level opportunity for person with good figure ap­ titude, and an eye for detail. We will train you for the necessary skills. We offer good starting salaries and com­ plete company benefits. Please contact Industrial Relations Department. Oearmaster G E A R M A S T E R Division of Emerson Electric 1809 S. Rte. 31 McHenry, II. 815-385-7020 equal opportunity employer M/F 11/14-11/19 ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We need an aggressive sales oriented per­ son to work for McHenry County's largest newspaper group, selling display adver­ tising. Join a growing newspaper calling on established and new accounts, while receiving salary, commission, auto expen­ se, paid vacation, hospitalization. Send Resume or Come In and fill out an application at McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 NEW COUNTRY HOME, 4 bedrooms, 2% baths, 2 car garage, living room, dining room, family room with fireplace, $700.00 par month, security deposit and references required. 815-344- 1115 or 312-587-9544. 11-12-11- 14c WATERFRONT Coach house apartment. 1 bedroom, glass doors from kitchen to large sun deck. Carpeting, air, immediate oc­ cupancy. All utilities included. $350. per month. Negotiablet security deposit required. 8I5-3S5-8470 1t2KMMVUnwnS' Available Now Close to shopping center, within walking distance. 704 Logan, Cooney Heights McHenry NEW APARTMENTS Ready for leasing on Rt. 31 CHAR-MAR APTS. Call between 9:00 am 8 4:00 pm 815-385-5965 after 5:00 pm 815-385-9019 FOR RENT Apartment and/or Office Downtown McHenry Mature Adults 815-344-1119 11/12-11/14 LIVE IN BEAUTIFUL LAKE GENEVA Deluxe 1 & 2 bedroom apar­ tments, fully carpeted, 1'/» ceramic baths, color applian­ ces. dishwasher, air con­ ditioning. laundry. large storage area, gas heat. By lake, several blocks from downtown. Geneva Lake Apartments 1321 W.Main St. Lake Geneva, Wi. 414-248-4572 «>3tf2 FULLY FURNISHED CONDO Sleeps 2 to 4. Rent on month to month basis $285. per month. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1 car garage. Rent or rent with op­ tion to buy. $290. per month. 2-3 bedroom, all appliances, drapes, carpeting, full basement, garage. Rent or rent with option to buy. $350. per month. Dvrbin-Stovall Assoc., Inc. 815-385-8060 1,000 sq. ft. of office or retail space, zoned B-l, on Route 120, separate utilities and ample parking. 815-338-0777 ll-5tfc 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENT, carpeted, stove, refrigerator, no children, no pets. $295. references, lease, deposit required. 815-385- 7065 ll-5tfc FURNISHED APART­ MENTS, and sleeping rooms, weekly or monthly rates. Mature adults only 815-385-8905 ll-5tfc OFFICE IN McHENRY, good location, air con­ ditioned. All utilities fur­ nished $95. Call 815-385-3490. ll-5tfc 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, Holiday Hills, II. $350. per month, plus utilities, no pets, security deposit. Call after 5 p.m. 312-272-7619 11-5-11-14C ROOM FOR RENT, call anytime. 815-344-0962 ll-5tfc FOR RENT BUILDING, 2,000 sq. ft., center of McHenry. 815-385-3683 11- 5tfc O N E A P A R T M E N T AVAILABLE, Ideal for retired, semi-retired or middle aged, in city of McHenry. Two bedrooms,, dining room, kit­ chen and\Vi baths, $375. 815- 344-1632 or 815-385-6566 11- 5tfc FOR RENT, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, with pool. 815- 385-9289 or 312-775-7000 11- 5tfc 5 room, 2 bedrooms, garage, McCullom Lake, $300 plus security deposit, references. Century 21 Lake Region Realty. 815-344-1122. 11-14 Sharp 3 bedroom 2 bath split level in Brittany Park, with family room, 2 car garage. Reasonable. 312-359-1153. 11- 14 Two bedroom upstairs apartment, Green St. area. $250 per month 815-385-0310. 11-14 Newly decorated 2 bedroom ranch, appliances, no pets. $330 month. 815-344-4039. 11- 14 SUPER CONDO 2 bedrooms, IV2 baths, all electric, in­ sulated, no pets, $310. (Sell 10 per cent down). 815-385- 0169. 11-14 W O N D E R L A K E - LAKEFRONT December 15 - May 15, 2 bedrooms and Family room $300.00. Security and references. 312- 998-5882 between 4 & 9 pm. 11-14-11-26C MONTH TO MONTH RENTAL, 1 bedroom fur­ nished Condo in Vacation Village. Available now $300. 815-385-7049 after 6 pm. 11-14 RENT-IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY-RENT New, 3 bedroom homes in McHenry and Lake Counties FREE Micro Wave oven to new renters "AFFORDABLE HOMES" Call Sat. ft Sun. 815-344-3370 Call Sat. ft Sun. for appointment Hrs. 10-5 Model Open Weekends If no answer 312-356-3383 >v X. FOR RENT * \ Business Zoned-6 room house and large screened-in rear porch-2400 square feet-2 baths and central air. Ideal for professional offices. In ad­ dition^ story 3100 square foot barn- plus 2 car garage. Located on busy Illinois Route 31. Plenty of parking and immediate occupancy. For com­ plete details, please call Mr. Jim Marinangel 385-3000 Lakefront Home, furnished, 3 bedrooms, garage, 2 baths, basement, references and security deposit required, terms negotiable $350 month. 312-420-2985. 11-12-11- 14c LOVELY 3 bedroom ranch with full basement, large fenced in yard with attached lVfe car garage. Available immediately $375 month. Call 815-728-0404 or 815-653- 9653. 11-12-11-21C SUBLEASE McHENRY, Two bedroom, 1V4 bath, dishwasher, disposal and carpet. Available now. Call 815-344-3171. U-12tfc Two bedroom apartment, McHenry, ready now, fully c a r p e t e d , s t o v e , refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal and air conditioner, children accepted. 815-385- 2181. ll-12tfc Garage for rent on Green Street, in McHenry Call 815- 385-5492. ll-12-ll-14c NICE LARGE SLEEPING ROOM, phone 815-385-1948 ll-5tfc 2 bedroom ranch Country Club area, $375 per month, month to month rental. Call 815-385-7050. Essex Costello Real Estate. Ask for Rich. 11-12-11-14C READY NOW! LARGE one bedroom apartment, very clean, carpeted, appliances, big closets. In town McHenry, security deposit. 815-675-2435. 11-12-11-14C COUNTRY APARTMENT McHENRY, Living room, 2 bedrooms, 1 large bath, eat in kitchen $350.00 per month, utilities included security deposit and references required, no children or pets. 344-1115. 11-12-11-14C WONDER LAKE 3 year old home, Sunrise Ridge. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, balcony, separate dining room on Vfe acre. Appliances included $450. References and deposit. For details call 815- 728-1314 11-12-11-14C 4-5 bedroom, 2 bath home in Spring Grove area. $425 per month plus utilities. 312-526- "8887. . U12 -11-14C 4Vfe ROOM 2 bedroom apartment. Utilities in­ cluded $325. per month 815- 344-0773 11-7-11-14C COUNTRY CLUB STABLE, large indoor arena, stall board $100.00 month, pasture board $75.00 month. 815-338- 1377. 11-5-11-28C LARGE ROOM with cooking privileges, responsible adults apply only. Call after 5 p.m. 385-0028 11-7-11-1 iC 2 BEDROOM HOUSE On McCullom Lake, Couple only. 385-3856. 11-7-11-14C McHENRY SUPER CLEAN 3 bedroom ranch, attached 2Vfe car garage, full basement, lake rights. $425.00 per month, plus security deposit. 312-394- 9456. 11-7-1 l-14c VERY SHARP HOUSE on River, Johnsburg Schools, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, lots of cabinets, newly decorated. Call 385-1776 or 385-8791. 11- 121114c A N T I Q U E S P A C E AVAILABLE in the new Peddlers on the Square Building, Woodstock. Call after 6 pm. 815-338-7260. 11- 12-1 l-14c ONE BEDROOM APART­ MENT $235 month plus utilities. References needed Phone 815-385-6636 or 385- 3435. 11-12-1 l-14c 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, working adults only, No pets $260 per month. 815-385-7127 11-12-1 l-14c McHENRY FURNISHED LARGE One bedroom apartment in town. Air conditioned, carpet, utilities furnished. Security deposit, no pets or children. $275.00. 815-385-9018 or 312-885-9745. 11-12-11-14C In McHenry, house for rent, immediate occupancy. 312- 587-0758. 11-12-1 l-14c McHenry Condo, two bedrooms, l'/2 baths, all appliances, air, pool, no pets, security deposit $310 month. 815-459-0363 after 6 pm. 11-12-1 l-14c VFW CLUBHOUSE and hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9 a m. to 12 weekdays or after 6 p.m. ll-5tfc LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SPACE, new opening in areas of 1200 to 15,000 sq. ft Immediate occupancy. 815- 678-2861 ll-5tfc WAREHOUSE OR FAC­ TORY space from 5,000 to 15,000 ft. 815-385-1079 ll-5tfc McHenry, 3 bedrooms, large living room, plus dining room, close to town, secluded area $350.00. 312- 564-1972. 11-12-11-14C McHenry, 2 bedrooms, extremely large rooms close to town, excellent condition $260.00.312-564-1972. 11-12- 1114c 4 room upstairs apartment, Hebron $195.00 plus utilities. 815-338-3838. 11-12-U-14C WONDER LAKE, 2 bedroom, house with garage, Central Air, Across from beach, 1 month Security Deposit, no pets, 653-5381 after 6:30 pm. all day Sat. and Sunday. ll-12-U-14c ONE BEDROOM APART­ MENT for sublet, In McHenry. 815-385-2181. 11- 121114c 3 bedroom house on one plus acres in Johnsburg School district $475.00 per month, security deposit and references required 815-459- 4700 weekdays or 312-639- 3155 evenings. ll-12-ll-14c For Rent Lease or Sale, Restaurant fully equipped, and operating, owner retired. Call Letizia Financial Corporation. John Letizia Realtor, 815-728-0404. 11-12-11-14C HOUSE FOR RENT, Wonder Lake, 1 bedroom, furnished $350.00 month, utilities included. Call 728- 0876. ll-12tfc 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, 1 car garage, located only one block from East Campus and public library, References and security deposit required. Phone 815-385-3007. 11-12-11-21C FOR SALE ROTOTILLER REAR TILLS $550.00, 1970 Snowmobile Ski-Doo $100.00, New ceiling tiles, $10.00. Call 385-4368 Before 2 pm. 11-12- 11-14C MAGIC CHEF DOUBLE OVEN ELECTRIC range. 3 years old. Excellent con­ dition $300.00. Call 815-385- 4523. 11-7-11 14c KENMORE ELECTRIC STOVE and dishwasher, good condition. 385-0868 11-5- 1114c TOY SALE Samples of Five Sales tops ALL NEW TOYS Saturday, Nov. 15 10:00 am t« 2:00 pm PlitaltN Country Club •15 Wost Bay ltd. USED APPLIANCES, r e c o n d i t i o n e d a n d guaranteed. Come and see our supply . Reasonably priced. 815-385-1896. 11-14-11- 21c PORTABLE GAS WENCH, 2,000 lbs. 400 ft. 4" cable (new) $4700. value, will sell for $1700.815-385-9151 11-14 2 SNOWTIRES C78-13, $10. each, Ski boots size 9 and 6, $5. pair, man's bike $20. 385- 4122 after 6 p.m. 11-14 DINING ROOM SET, wrought iron, very good condition. 815-385-6567 11-12- 11-20 MOVING SALE: Antique dresser, needs refinishing, $40.; couch, $20.; easy chairs, $15 each; piano, $60.; Panasonic turntable, $20.; gas stove, $50; freezer, $100.; sewing machine and cabinet, $40.; mangle, $10.; dining table, $15.; twin bed, $20.; blue rug, $10., more. 2401 N. Richmond Road, McHenry, II. 815-344-1064 11-14 Rainbow vacuum cleaner with attachments, take over payments or pay off balance 815-722-6412. 11-14-12-lOc F I R E W O O D : O A K , HICKORY etc. $50 a face- cord delivered. Call 815-338- 2454 ( 8:30 to noon) or 338- 4097 ( 5to9pm ). 11-14-1 l-21c Fender 73 electric piano $350., deluxe soccer table like new $175, fold up heavy duty ping pong table $50, 2 design accoustics speakers excellent condition, sacrifice $400,815-385-0250. 11-14 Drop leaf table and 4 chairs, wrought iron frames $40, interior and exterior doors with knobs. $10, storm windows $2. 815-385-0827 evenings or weekends. 11-14 Antiques, collectibles, 1974 Avon Christmas plate, pottery, glassware, silver, Nippon Brentwood chair. Priced right. 815-459-3465. 11-14 WURLITZER FUNMAKER ORGAN, Plus synthesizer, many rhythms, chimes, earphones, cassettes and self instruction book, $1600 new, now $925.815-653-7916. 11-14-11-21c 2 PR. B 78-13 SNOW TIRES mounted on Datsun wheels 1 pr. $25.1 pr. $30. Call 815-385- 4127 after 5 pm. 11-14 BOYS 20" BIKE. Good condition $25.00. 815-385-7637. 11-14 ACOUSTICAL GUITAR with case. New condition $150.00. Retail value much higher. 815-648-2869 11-14 I I I I I I I | , COUPOM FREE FRAME with purchase of (any mattress or box spring) minimum purchase $100. LENNY FINE FURNITURE 230 Virginia Rd. Crystal Lake •15-455-4550 Country Corner Shopping Center Good Thru 10-31-1980 •n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FURNITURE SALE Schweiger Custom made overstuffed matching loveseat and chair $450.; 2 naugahyde captains chairs $100.; rich leather look sofa $175.; Ethan Allen oak buffet hutch $100.. Bassett oak tables. I coffee. 1 end. I sofa table $200.; Her- culon recliner $75.; All fur niture in excellent like new condition. Call evenings Larry 815-3S5-S252 O A K F I R E W O O D , seasoned, split, delivered. 815-385-1896 11-5-1 l-14c ' GIVE A PERFECT LASTING ^ "PERSONALIZED GIFT" AN ENGRAVED OR SANDCRAFTED REDWOOD FAMILY NAME SIGN "YOUR NATURAL CHOICE" PARKWAY SISNS 7318 W.Rf. 120-Mcll«iiry ,11. 815-J85-0825 10 31 H I "I # Radio Shack TRS-80, Model I, level 2, 16 K 815-344-0639 after 6 pm. 11-12-1 l-14c Bally "Air Aces" pinbail machine. Four players with an interesting target playing field $400. firm. 815-385-8688 ll-5tfc NEW AND USED railroad ties, bulk grass seed, rustic cedar rail fencing. Wood­ stock Farm and Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47, WOODSTOCK. 815-338-4200 ll-5tfc WATER SOFTENER SALT SALE, pellet type only, 1st Saturday of every month Huemann Water Con­ ditioning, 3607 Chapel Hill Road, Johnsburg 815-385- 3093 11 -5tfc INTRODUCTORY OFFER: RENT a Quality Water Softener for $3.00 a month for the first 3 months. Free installation. Call collect 815- 338-3344 Quality Water Conditioning. 11 -5tfc WASHERS AND DRYERS RECONDITIONED and guaranteed $60. and up 815- 385-6431 11 -5tfc MOVING SALE, OUVITn Electric typewriter $85.00, Antique desk, chair $125.00, Fridgidaire 11,500 BTU window air conditioner $125.00, 6 cu. foot wizard deep freeze (chest) $75.00. New maytag washer and gas dryer $500.00 pair. 72-750 Suzuki motorcycle 7,000 miles $550. 120 base Italian accordion $600.00 No reasonable offer refused, 344-1467. _ 11-7-11-14C PROCESSED COAL for stoves and furnaces. We also sell woodbuming stoves. Woodstock Farm k Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47, 815-338-4200 U-5tfc FOR SALE Insurance, auto, renters, homeowners, health, mortgage. Kim Smith 312-426-5432, George Kingos, 312-658-8621, Dan Walters, 312-888-4387 11-5-11- 28c MOVING, FURNITURE SALE: 5 piece bedroom set and 3 piece bedroom set, and other misc. items, also 3 piece parlor set. Call evenings. 385-3337 11-5-11-14 SOUTHWIND MOTORHOME, 25 ft. 1978, sleeps 6, generator, air conditioned, 11,000 miles $11,900,815-385-7065. 11-12- U-28C WINDOW SHADE CUTTER, Display counters, Roll wrapping paper holder cutter, curtain stretcher, 50 per cent off Hot air heating supplies pipe, Boots registers etc., Call 385-3829. 11-12-1 l-14c Tractor, Ford 4500 Diesel Industrial, front end loader, 3 pt. hitch with landscaper box, very good condition $5500.385-8306. 11-12-11-14C 24" GAS STOVE $25 good condition, 3 end tables $25 complete, like new. After 5:30 pm . 815-344-4943. 11-12- 11-14C CRAFT BOUTIQUE XMAS Ornaments, corcheted gifts, dolls, and baby items. Friday Nov. 14th, 9 - 3, Sat. Nov. 15th 9 - 2, 110 N. Ashland, Foxridge. 11-12-11- 14c SG System studio deluxe amplifier all attachments and cover $395.00 or best; Ibanez Les Paul electric quitar with case $200; Buesher trombone with case $100 or best call after 7 pm. 815-344-4323. 11-12-1 l-14c MODERN SOFA & CHAIR excellent condition $145; also avocado dishwasher $60 or bestoffer. 815-385-3864. 11- 121114c LIKE NEW BAR stools (4) black vinyl swival base, cost new $49.00 each. Will sell $30.00 each. 385-4472. 11-12- 1114c Mahogany and teak wood dining room set, includes buffet, large hutch, host and hostess chairs, plus 4 chairs. Upholstered. 815-385-4447. 11-1M1-14C ORIENTAL BUGS Old Handmade, Persian Rugs, 107" x 15'H", 3'3" x 5'8", 815 344 2636. 11 -12-1 l-14c HO Train set on 3 x 7 decorated board, 2 engines, 27 cars, 10 buildings, like new, perfect for Christmas. 815 728-0791. 11-12-11-14C 23 ft. motor home, self contained, generator, roof, air, low mileage $6,000. 815- 459 4988 11-12-11-14C McHenry Jacket size 44 long $25, BSR McDonald ceramic cartridge turntable $25; both excellent condition. 815-344- 0552 11-12-11-14C S N O W M O B I L E , 1 9 7 3 Scorpion 440, Super Stinger, Excellent condition $450.00 or best offer; Westinghouse gas dryer runs good $50.00 or offer call 815-344-4224. 11-12- 1114c 65,000 BTU gas fired forced hot air furnace Ideal for small house, addition, garage. $75.815-728-0131 11- 7tfc 3 I/)TS FOR SALE, 130 x 120 by owner 815-385-3337 Call anytime 11-5-1 l-14c SOLID STATE STEREO, AM-FM, radio, 8 track, phonograph, excellent condition Make offer, records and stuffed toys like new 815 385 7764. 11-12-11- 14c Seasoned Oak or Hickory firewood, split, delivered and stacked Oak $50, mixed $55 Hickory $60, face cord. 815-385-2067 or 815-385-0855 11-12-11-14C HANDMADE DOLLS for Christmas. Raggedy Ann and Andy's and Holly Hobbies Call 815-344-1519 11- 12-1 l-14c Refrigerator Wards, 21 cubic ft. top freezer good condition $40; Gas siove, Sears, griddle, broiler, electric rotisserie good condition $40. Call evenings 815-385-5775 11 12-11-14C

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