daytime 6:36 O Ed Alton Show 6:45 O A.M. Weether (Mon.) 6:64 • WL8 Editorial 6:65 • WBBM Editorial 7:00 • Morning Oil IB Today ssrar Good Morning Amaiica O IS) Newe And Farm Report O Ray Raynar And Hit Caapar OvarEaay Movla (Tua., Thur.) 'The ln-Lawa'(TUE.), 'TheSeduc- tion Of Joa Tynan' (THUR.) S® 700Club • FUntatonaa I Lova Lucy 7:10 0(8 Batman 7:30 O Captain Kangaroo QD® Magllla Gorilla O Saaama Straat O Movla (Fri.) 'Moonraker' 0) 0 Scooby Ooo B I Draam Of Jaannla O Varioua Programming 7:40 BO Uttla Raacala 7:46 ®D O A.M. Waathar (Exc. Thur., Frl.) 7:55 B Day'a Beginning 8:00 O O ® Captain Kangaroo >?o Battla Of Tha 35) 81 ln-School Program ming (Exc. Thur., Frl.) SWoman'a Channel Movla (Wed.) 'Bananaa' Kroffta Superstar* TV College (Tue., Wad.) Tony The Pony IUR., FRI.) Duaty'a Traehouae Hazel Joa Franklin Show PTL Club-Talk And Variety 8:30 I Lucy Show I® FUntatonaa Mlater Rogera Fran Carlton Show Richard Simmon* Little Raacala TV Collage (Tue., Wad.) My Favorite Martian fUR.. FRI.) Plnwheel Graan Acree 0:00 BO® Jefferson® B Vldal Saaaoon: Your New Day B 8 ® 8 Lae Vagaa Gambit O Phil Donahue Show O A.M. Chicago Q Movla 'Marco Polo' (MON.), 'Incredible Shrink ing Man' (TUE.). 'Swiaa Family Robinaon' (WED.), 'Pippi Longatocking' (THUR.), 'Prince and the Pauper', 'Black Arrowa' (FRU S3 B Romper Room AD Saaama Street All My Children Varioua Programming Movie (Tue., Thur.) 'Romeo And Juliet' (TUE.), 'The In-Lawa' (THUR.) 6D (Si American National Government IE) (3$ Opening Stock Market S® 700 Club SportaCenter Movie 'Gentlemen Marry Brunettea' (MON.), 'John LoveaMary' (TUE.), 'One for the Book' (WED.), 'Panda and the Magic Serpent' (THUR.), 'Hoppity Goes to Town' (FRI.) © Cartoon Town 0:15 ID® Opening Commodity Report 0:20 IB® OpeningBualneaa And Financial Nawa g:24 CD ® Day By Day g:25 IB ® Moat Active Stocka-Commodltlea 0:30 O Alice O Q i O Blockbuatera O Edge Of Night O ® Alice (Exc. Tue.) Let's All Sing (TUE.) @ ® Pleaae Dont't Eat The Dalalea ID Heartbeat Weat 19 Movie (Exc. Tue., Thur.) 'The Double McGuffin' (MON.), 'Picnic At Hanging Rock' (WED), 'Thievea Like Us' (FRI.) CD (H Introduction To Business IS) ® Buslneaa News makers (Exc. Wed.) IS) Profeaalonal Football From Canada €D O Varioua Programming g:45 O ® Finding Our Way (TueJ a® a A.M. Weather (Frl.) 10:00 OOO® Price la Right 8 John Davldeon Show (3) IE) Wheel Of Fortune ® ID Love Boat _ 82) Partridge Family 39) ® ln-8chool Programming {Electric Company Paul Ryan Show Wheel Of Fortune (Exc. Wed.) Think About And In- aide Out (WED.) O ® PTL Club-Talk And y Nawa National Preaa Club Luncheon-Tentative Chicago Straight Talk Bullwlnkle 10:15 O ® Moat Active Stocka-Commodltlea 10:30 Paeeword Plua Green Acree 3-2-1 Contact (Cloeed Captioned) lhaf'a Secrete That Girl Aak An Expert Mundo Hlepano Plnwheel Contlnuee Movie (Thur., Fri.) 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin' (THUR,), 'Batman' (FRL) O Romper Room 10:57 OOO® Newebreak 11:00 O O Young And The Reetleee Card Sharke Family Feud To Tell The Truth PAOl It Phil Donahue Show Monkeee ln-School Programming O Bread And Butterfllee (Mon.) Family Fued (EXC. MON.) O Don Kennedy'a >tllght ' Movie (Thur.)' Atteck Of The Killer Tomatoea' (fl)0 Roee Baglay Show (Exc. Fri.) The Leeaon (FRI.^ ~B Newe U.S. Houee Of Repreeentatlvee O Freeman Raporte (Exc. Thur., Frl.) O Richard Slmmone Show 11:16 IE) Matter And Motion lon.l Moet Active Stocke-Commodltlee 11:30 KDoctore Ryan'aHope Search For Tomorrow ® Munatera Slim Culelne Edge Of Night Joen Fontaine Show Movie (Exc. (Thur.) 'Lawrence Of Arabia' (MON ), 'When You Comin' Beck Red Ryder' (TUE ), 'Save The Tiger' (WED ), •J's LIQUORS | Southern Comfort 4 750 ML Mattui ROSE OR WHITE 750 ML Canadian Club l .75 LITER Millor _ ^ Lit* lite lai w 24 12 OZ. CANS OPEN THANKSGIVING DAY!! ! SALE ENDS WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 26 RTt 4/NORIH W.-Resefvu Tho Hujht lo WOODSTOCK IL . I unit (Juontitic, (' i m11 f south of MrH»»nr y County Comthous,, DAILY 9 9 (BI5]33B-8850 SUNDAV IO e I