PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21,1980 ocux [ MR. AND MRS. MARK MOTULEWICZ LIVING IN WYOMING - Mr. and Mrs. Mark Motulewicz are making their home at 245 Pinion street, Rock Springs, Wyo., after a honeymoon trip to Canada. The former Patricia Gail Blanco, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Blanco of Tampa, Fla. and Mark Allen Motulewicz, son of Mrs. Burton Annis of Wonder Lake and the late Edward Motulewicz, were united in marriage Oct. 4, in Northampton, Mass. The new Mrs. Motulewicz received an. Associate of Science degree in Physical Therapy from St. Petersburg college. Her husband attended Medical Institute of Minnesota, Ferris State college, Michigan and Northwestern Colorado Community college and is a program director and instructor of Radiologic Sciences at Western Wyoming college. THf flSH A Sunday, Nov. 23, is the day Thanksgiving baskets will be packed and delivered to the needy of the area. FISH received names of many people from various chur ches, social services, etc. Those who are making p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r Thanksgiving day festivities of their own are requested when shopping to purchase something extra to donate to FISH. Non-perishable food items are needed - canned fruits, vegetables, soups, meats, cereals -• as well as paper goods and other household necessities. Packing and delivery will be made from St. Patrick's church hall. Offerings of lllaid CABINETS 40% Off FACTORY LIST Keyline Kitchens (815) 385 1720 Office Spaces Available -Build To Suit- We're already home to many professionals. They have discovered the benefits of locating in the "already vital and important area of the Whispering Point Center Location. Units Priced From $48,600 Building Rentals From $4.50 per sq. ft. •Exterior Maintenance 'Parking •Tax Advantages the look of the future of business, today! PHONE815/385-5577, we'd like to tell you more food may be brought to the landing leading to the hall, west of the main entrance, 3500 W. Washington street, McHenry, on Saturday, Nov. 22 and Sunday, Nov. 23, until noon. Gentlemen are urged to phone FISH, 385-0258, to help carry bags and boxes of food down to the hall for packing and also assist with the delivery. A check, money order, and-or a certificate from a supermarket, may be mailed to FISH, P. O. Box 282, McHenry, 111., 60050, to be used for fresh fruits, vegetables, breads and desserts. It is the wish of FISH that everyone have a pleasant Thanksgiving day and thank God for all the many blessings. M.G. When the world en tirely fits your notions, you'll be the only person in it. ACCOUNTING AND TAX SERVICES WARD and WARD 338-4799 HRS. 1:00-9:00 P.M. U i i i i i i i i i i i i u i i Community • Calendar AJUUULAAAAAAAJUUUUUI NOVEMBER 21 St. Margaret Chapter of N A I M - - F i s h d i n n e r , American Legion hall, 5:30 p.m.-meeting at Oak Room follows. McHenry Senior Citizens- b o w l i n g , M c H e n r y Recreation-Turkey Pot, 12:30 p.m. P i s t a k e e H i g h l a n d s Woman's club-meeting, 7 p.m.-Community Center. NOVEMBER 21-22 Fox Ridge Woman's club- Holiday Bazaar, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-3428 W. Elm street- (route 120). NOVEMBER 22 McHenry Senior Citizens- Bus trip to Holiday Folk Fair in Milwaukee-Bus leaves Savings & Loan, 1 p.m. NOVEMBER 23 C . D . o f A . - - M a s s f o r deceased members-Christ the King church at noon. Meeting and installation of Ladies Auxiliary-Polish Legion of American veterans-American Legion Post 491 home, 3 p.m. NOVEMBER 24 McHenry Senior Citizens- West Campus, 7 p.m.-Art Director, Alf Heggeland. McHenry Woman's club- Board meeting, 10 a.m.- McHenry Public Library. St. Patrick's Ladies Guild- B o a r d m e e t i n g , 1 p . m - McHenry Public library. NOVEMBER 25 McHenry Chapter 547, O.E.S.-Masonic hall, 8 p.m - -Stated meeting. McHenry Senior Citizens- B o w l i n g , M c H e n r y Recreation-Turkey Pot, 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. NOVEMBER 30 Separated and Divorced Catholics-Thanksgiving dinner-3 to 5 p.m.-St. Patrick's parish hall. DECEMBER 1 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild- -members' Christmas party and potluck luncheon, 12:30 p.m.-in church hall. McHenry Senipr Citizens- Board meeting, 10 a.m.- McHenry Public library. U.M.W. Mission Team (Executive committee)-- 9:30 a.m., First United Methodist church parlor. DECEMBER 2 Marcia Mary Ball Circle- catered Christmas luncheon, noon-Fellowship hall-First United Methodist church. McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-Special and Stated meeting, 7:30 p.m.-First Degree. McHenry Women of the M o o s e 1 3 4 8 - C h a p t e r meeting, 8 p.m. DECEMBER 3 McHenry Grandmother's Christmas Party, 12:30 p.m.- -Crescent Bay Landing- Grab Bag. DECEMBER 4 Separated and Divorced Catholics-general meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Montini Middle school. DECEMBER 0 Holiday Bazaar-St. Paul's Episcopal church-9 a.m. to 4 p.m. DECEMBER 8-7 * McHenry Choral Club Christmas Program-8:15 p . m . - - W e s t C a m p u s Auditorium. DECEMBER 8 McHenry Senior Citizens- annual Christmas Dinner- West Campus, 6:30 p.m. American Legion Poet 491- -regular meeting, 8 p.m.-at Legion hall-All wartime veterans welcome. DECEMBER 10 P i s t a k e e H i g h l a n d s Woman's club-Christmas Dinner, 7 p.m.-Community Center. DECEMBER 11 St. Clara Court 659- Mother-Daughter Christmas potluck-6 p.m. Priscilla Circle meeting- 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. Lakeland Park Women's club-Christmas Dinner Party, 6 p.m.-Snug Harbor restaurant. DECEMBER 13 Friendship club potluck dinner and meeting-5:30 p.m.-Fellowship hall-First United Methodist church- program, Daisy and Harold Wildhagen. DECEMBER 14 Separated and Divorced Catholics-Children's C h r i s t m a s p a r t y - - S t . Patrick's hall-2 to 4 p.m.- volunteers contact Tom Breen, 385-9077. DECEMBER 16 McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-Stated meeting, 8 p.m. McHenry Women of the Moose, 1348-Christmas party-potluck, 7 p.m. DECEMBER 18 Separated and Divorced Catholics-General meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Montini Middle school. United Methodist Women- General meeting-Christmas program-potluck luncheon, noon. Presidents Club Picks Date For k ' Christmas Party M c H e n r y C o u n t y Presidents club will hold its Christmas party, hosted by Cary members, Dec. 1, at Branded Steak House on routes 31 and 14, Crystal Lake. The happy hour will be from 12 to 1 p.m., followed by a buffet at 1. There will also be a grab bag exchange. Those unable to attend, and anyone bringing a guest, should notify Mrs. Leila Dittmaii by Monday, Nov. 24. A new member, Mrs. William T. Bruckner, past president of Illinois Federation of Woman's clubs was welcomed'to the club at the last meeting. • • • • M i n d i n g o n e ' s o w n b u s i n e s s n e v e r h u r t anyone. « • • • The news is not to be c o n f u s e d w i t h o p i n i o n s about the news. Miller-Hobson Vows In Methodist Churck 65th Anniversary SURVIVAL FOOD RISIRVES Howard Ruff recommended in his No. 1 Best Seller "How To Prosper In The Coming Bad Years Foo4 Slteirts^pos (flu Happen ACT NOW Gail's Health Services is a distributor for the Ruff recommended Food Reserve & affiliated with Martin's Health & Survival, Inc. Free Information--ACT TODAYf ©all's Health Services 115 S. Main St., Wauconda, III Hrs. M-F-9-5 (312) 526-8332 The First United Methodist church, McHenry was the setting for the ex change of wedding vows Nov. 15, between the former Julie A. Miller and David A. Hobson, Jr. The bride is the daughter of John H. and Betty J. Miller, 310 N. Timothy lane, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hobson, Sr., R. R. 1, Brown town, Wis., are the parents of the groom. Reverend Ralph Smith officiated at the 5 p.m. solemnization and special s e l e c t i o n s i n c l u d e d "Evergreen", "Longer" and "The Wedding Song", performed by Jeff Get- tleman, accompanied by Mrs. Leighty on the organ. White vases filled with white and a touch of pink flowers decorated the church. The bride approached the altar wearing an ivory silesta bridal floor length gown featuring a watteau back. The Queen Anne neckline was accented with appliqued multi-floral venise lace. Venise lace appliques highlighted the bodice, forming a V with flowers at the center of the raised waist. The fitted long sleeves were appliqued with open work lace and reem- broidered English tulle. Her bouffant veil fell from a camelot headpiece of matching lace. Miniature ivory and pink carnations, whte roses, white stephanotis and ivy com prised her bouquet. The maid of honor was Mary Becker of Bensonville, 111., a friend of the bride. Bridesmaids were the bride's sisters, Jane Keller and Judy Dehn, both of McHenry; and a friend of the bride, Linda Filip, also of McHenry. The bride's niece, Jaime Miller of McHenry was the flower girl. Attendants were iden tically attired in floor length gowns of burgundy qiana, styled with a petal skirt and spaghetti strapped blouson bodice, complimented with a bolero jacket. They carried nosegays of miniature variegated pink carnations and white icebergs, graced with burgundy straw flowers, which also gar nished pink hanging streamers. A single pink rose secured to burgundy straw flowers, adorned their hair. The flower girl wore a soft pink, floor length dress layered with ruffles. Her basket of flowers repeated the colors of the attendants' and included petals which she scattered down the aisle. The duties of best man were handled by the groom's cousin, Marty. McDonald of Rockford, 111. Groomsmen were friends of the groom, Doug Dreger of Poplar Grove, 111. and Mike Cooley of McHenry; and Marty Keller of McHenry, the bride's brother-in-law. The mother of the bride chose a floor length, dusty rose qiana gown with matching capelet. A floor length medium blue qiana gown, with matching capelet of nylon chiffon was the choice of the groom's mother. A reception for 180 relatives and friends was held at the Johnsburg Community club. Upon returning from a honeymoon, the newlyweds will reside at 10207 Country Club road, Woodstock. The new Mrs. Hobson attended McHenry Com munity high school and is employed as a bookkeeper at McHenry State bank. Her husband attended Black Hawk high school in South Wayne, Wis., and is self- employed. Club Members Agree To Donate Presents It was unanimously agreed at the November meeting of the Friendship club of the First United 'Methodist church, McHenry, mat members would again bring birthday gifts for the residents at Valley-Hi nursing home. They are to be brought to the December meeting, wrapped as bir thday gifts, and marked for a lady or a man. Harold Wildhagen offered to deliver the gift packages to Valley- Hi. After a delicious potluck dinner, the meeting was called to order in the Fellowship hall. President Elmer Stange expressed appreciation to the ladies for the meal and introduced Arthur T. Newbrough from District 15, who talked about the referendum which was voted on Nov. 15. Guests included the grandson of the Wildhagens; Ann Sabie, guest of Esther Sims; and Donna Gunder, guest of Helen Crouch, all of whom received a warm welcome. E v e l y n S m i t h ' s m e d i t a t i o n s o n Thanksgiving were in teresting and inspirational. President Stange ap pointed Esther Sims, Vivian Bassett, and Ernest Beck to the nominating committee. Election of officers will take place at the December meeting. A note was read from Frieda"1 Olsen, and a letter from Helen and Reno Eckardt. Everyone signed a card for Frieda, Elsie Ricker and Blanche Conrad, all at Sunset Manor. The secretary will write a note to the Eckardts for their gift to the club. The next meeting of the Friendship club will be Saturday, Dec. 13, at 5:30 p.m., in the Fellowship hall, and Daisy and Harold Wildhagen will have the program. Hosts and hostesses will include Cleda and Leonard McCracken, Lyda Radisch, Helen and Harry Lundy, Gertrude Anderson and Anne Demke. The Meat committee will consist of Marie Mullere, Margaret Andersen, Mae Eltoft, Vivian and William Richards, Eileen and John G o d t f r e d s e n , A l i c e Holmgren, Helen Crouch and Laura Norton. All members of the congregation fifty years old, or older, are invited and urged to come to Friendship club and enjoy the warm fellowship and good times. BUDDY'S WORKSHOP Caulking Saves Energy We would like to caulk our house before cold weather gets here with big heating bills. Some of the cracks are large. What is the best way to caulk them? Before applying new caulking, remove the old caulk and wipe the area clean with a solvent. Silicone rubber-based caulk will last longer because it expands and contracts according to the outside temperature. One way to smooth the silicone rubber-based caulk is to apply _ihe caulk, dip your finger in undiluted liquid dish detergent and run MR. AND MRS. FRANK M. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Blake, 3416 W. Elm street, McHenry, celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary with a dinner for the family at the Longhom restaurant. For the occasion, Mrs. Blake was attired in the same dress she wore on their 50th anniversary. The celebrants were married at St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry, Nov. 16, 1915, and Father Edward Berthold officiated. Their attendants were Julie Freund Kent, Dorothy Blake Michels and Bertilla Freund, the latter as a flower girl; also Carl J. Freund and Anton Blake. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Blake, and one, Francis, is deceased. Wilfred and his wife were in attendance to help celebrate the occasion, and of the Blakes' eight grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren, only one was absent. The couple bought a farm at Lily Lake in 1920 and remained there until moving to town in 1945. It was at that time that their son took over operation of the farm. Forty acres of that far mland, including the house and barn, is now a part of Moraine Hills State parte. Mrs. Blake is very proud to have been a volunteer at the Pink Lady shop of McHenry hospital for twenty years. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Present Food Program The McHenry County Homemakers Extension association will present a program on "Food, Early Choices" Dec. 2, at the Farm Bureau building, 11909 McConnell road, Woodstock, at 7:30 p.m. Kathryn Seyller, along with her assistant, Chef Combo from the Milk Foundation, wil be teaching where food comes from; that food gives children giddy-up- go power and helps everyone grow strong and healthy; how to be clean and careful when working with foods; and most of all, that food tastes good. "Food, Early Choices" is a nutrition and fun learning system for children. Along with the program, there will also be ladies from the Associated Milk Producers, Inc. in at tendance. Homemakers Extension association is open to anyone regardless of sex, race, creed, or religion. For more information, please call the Extension office. OES Installs Officers The McHenry Chapter No. 547, Order of Eastern Star, will be holding its in stallation of officers on Nov. 29, 8 p.m., at the McHenry Masonic Chapter, 1309 N. Court street, McHenry. Fawn Vail will be installed as Worthy Matron; Robert Vail, Worthy Patron; Cheryl Brock, Associate Matron; Walter Mueller, Associate Patron; Edith Dowell, secretary, Mildred Thomas, treasurer; Harriett Dodd, Conductress. Other appointed officers will also be installed. A welcome is extended to members and friends to attend the installation. Circle Sets Luncheon On Tuesday, Dec. 2, the Marcia Mary Ball Circle will have its annual Christmas Luncheon at noon, in the Fellowship hall, of the First United Methodist church. It will be a catered lun cheon and therefore, everyone interested in at tending must let Lyda Radisch know promptly so that she can advise the caterer of the exact number at least a week ahead of time. This will be a strictly social event, with no business conducted ~ just a get-together for fun and fellowship. your finger over the caulk to smooth it. For large cracks, use bulk caulking and apply with a putty knife. The following is a list of places to look for cracks; Between win dow and door frames and the main frame of the house, gaps in sidings at corners of the house, the underside of eaves where wall and eave meet, joints where steps and porches meet the house. I stored my lawnmover in a shed. The handle and tubing got rusty. Can you recommend something that will remove and prevent rust on chrome? Bar Keepers Friend is a good rust remover. Use a silicone spray after the rust has been removed to protect it from rusting in the fu ture. Apply the spray several firm's during the remaining season and just before the mower is stored for the winter m Who's Missing from This Picture?? YOU ARE Portraits for Christmas DEADLINE IS DECEMBER 1st CALL NOW! 385-0093 3814 W. Main St. 11; Join Us For Our Annual "Thanksgiving Party1 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd Turkeys Galore Country (j Western Music Performed by "lust Harold" Special Center Cut Dutt Steak 7.50 LONGMN STEAK HOUSE Route 120 - 2Vt Miles East of McHenry - 385-986^^^® We Accept VISA, Master Charge & American Express LLSLAs