Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Nov 1980, p. 11

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PAC1E 12 -PLAINDEALER TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1980 •i24S |'iLu*L5*ft<L-:r»« , , kzl BGo«*.kt4i iw * « « V •.« • »-• lfl| . wabungton •« FOIFST HillS i?n '•dial* Orr 941-1200 No cash re funds on prepo id ads Cards o f Thanks In Memor iam Si»uo» ion vVanted Wanted »o Rent Wonted to Buy and Garoqe Sa les MUSI be pa id in advor t rc The P lamdeo ler is r io t respons ib le fo r e r ro rs >r i ( l ass i t ied ads a f te r th» f i rs t inser t ion Cher k /ou ' ' i d a f te r the f i rs t inser t ion ar id ' a l l our o t te r t io r i u , an / mis takes OFFICE HOURS: MON FRI 8:30 A M to 5 00 P M S A T U R D A Y 9 1 2 P M Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER-WEDNESDAY 4 P.M, PHONE 815 385 0170 AUTOS AUTOT AUTOS BUSINESS SEAUKES The Holiday Season will be here before you know it!!! Call as for all of your interior painting needs. Free estimates. Call 815-385 7736 or 815-344-1722 after6 p.m. 1l-5tfc BITTERMAN EXCAVATING 0 I Septic Service 815-385-7791 4410 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, ll. HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALIST, experienced in wallpapering, painting, decorating, kitchens, baths, electrical, plumbing and carpentry Call for free estimate, all work guaranteed 815-385 9385 11- 5tfc SNOW PLOWING Be prepared, contract now, driveways, parking lots. No job too small Sidewalk snowblowing. Call today 815- 344-1632 11 -5tfc mm n ' iT' LIONEL. TRAINS OUR SPECIALTY BUY SELL ALL SETS Sale Priced 815-385-8672 1 0 2 9 \ 2 I V WE ARE TAKING ACCOUNTS FOR THE 190081 SNOW REMOVAL SEASON Driveways. sidewalks, parking lots. ate. Also available ice control and san­ ding. Prompt and dependable service. Residential, commer­ cial and industrial. DAVE SMITN LAWN CAR! AND LANDSCAPING 815-385-2834 PLUMBING Repair, Remodeling New Construction No Job too Large Or Too Small SWANSON & SON PLBG. L IC NO 8 /89 REASONABLE CALL 815-385-3240 ACi CEMENT & CONSTRUCTION Concrete A Remodeling Our Speciality Room add i t i ons Ga iogcs Sundecks S idewa lks Dr i veways 'Pa t i os e tc . Coll for Free Estimate 815-653-6366 REMODELING SPECIALISTS E^cpetiei No jobloo big or too small. Financing Available O.E.A. CONSTRUCTION 8153441632 815-385-6566 815 344-0748 <> RUSSELL RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING • REPAIRS • ELECTRIC SEWER RODDING Installation of new septics 815-385-6445 TOM'S ON THE SPOT REPAIRS 24 Hour Mobile Truck and Auto Welding Service 312-497-3066 CARPENTRY * Remodeling * Room Additions * Home Repairs *O.H.Garage Doors * Alum. Siding 6 Soffits * Windows & Doors Replaced SMALL JODS WELCOME Jay Owen 615-385-8408 Screen Fami HARRY L. ViEZENS CONSTRUCTION CO. Remodeling Home Repairs Por ches" Wo I I poper * K i t chens" Ba ths * E lec t r i ca l l y Rooms 'Basemen ts 'Pane l i ng 'Ceramic T i l e "Cus tom Work NO JOB TOO SMALL TELL US YOUR NEEOS 1 815-3852847 ANTHONY'S s BLRCKTOP i Frfce Estimates o 4* Licensed *Bonded ^Insured *5 Industrial Seal Coatinq ^ •Patching •Machine Layed </> •Driveways •Parking Lots </» All //orl* Guaranteed Crys*s Laire 815-455-6735 or 815 4SS-S6GO £$•>$?$•> S?S?S?S?$?S'S?$?S?S?$?S?$'|fc 1962 BUICK SPECIAL 2 dr. all white V6 stick, 20 to 22 mpg, good second car for student or collector. This will be a classic next year. Price is $1200 firm. Call after 6 pm. during week or anytime weekends. 815-653- 9628. 11-21-11-26 1970 OLDSMOBILE, Needs battery $250. Call 815-385- 0214. 11-21-11-28C BUSINESS Sf MIKES SPECIAL! Living room and hall steam cleaned and deodorized for only $44.95, additional areas only 10 cents per sq. ft. We save you money! Bauman Carpet Cleaning. Collect 815-943- 4793 ll-5tfc PROFESSIONAL MAGICIAN, Tom Hubbard, award winning performer, is available. 312-395-7168 or 312- 395-6006 10-1-11-28C J.W.I. CARPET SERVICE, Reputable and reliable carpet service. Sales, in­ stallations, and repairs. Custom designs. All work guaranteed. 815-344-5916. 11- 19-11-28C BOW WOW BOUTIQUE, all breed professional dog grooming. Nails clipped, ears cleaned, fluff drying, scissor cuts. Call 815-385-2018 anytime. ll-5tfc NEED HOME REPAIRS, remodeling or an addition? Call Trim Construction. Free estimates 815-385-5912 ll-5tfc J E N S E N W O O D RESTORATION Repair and refinishing of antiques and furniture. This month speciality: Baby cribs, dressers, hi chairs and vanities. Xmas rates. 815- 385-4024. ll-19tfc Brick layer will do custom fireplaces and residential, free estimates, insured. 815- 344-1296 or 312-537-8677. 11- 21-12-12 S C H U E R R W A Y BUILDERS, all phases of carpentry, concrete work, excavating, electric, plumbing, heating, tiling. No job too small. 815-385-4808 ll-5tfc A & B Cleaning Service, commercial, residential, reasonable rates, contract available. 815-385-7897 11-19- 12-12c SEPTIC SYSTEMS, new installations, and repair of old systems. Sewer and water hookups. Free estimates, Mathison Septic Service. McHenry 815-344- 3980 ll-5tfc THE GROOMING DEN, plan ahead, make your holiday appointment now. Professional all-breed grooming. Large dogs welcome, cats too. For appointment call 344-3177 evenings. ll-7-12-31c FREE PICK UP junk cars and trucks, day or night. 815- 459-0081 ll-5tfc CHIMNEY CLEANING, Don't risk a chimney fire- reasonable rates. Call 815- 653-9978 after 4 pm. 11-26-12- 5c LOCAL MOVING AND HAULING, reasonable rates. 815-385-9386 ll-5tfc NOTICE Child Car* UNLICENSED FACILITIES CANT IE ADVERTISED. According to the Child Care Act of 1969 it is a misdemeanor to care ffc( another person's child in your home unless that home is licensed by the State of Illinois. It is also illegal to advertise tor such services in an unlicensed homt. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well-being of the child. For information and Licensing contact: UJNilSKPAJtTMIMT §f FAJMY SIRVKSS Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Bo* 269 2)5 North Milwaukee Ave. Loke Villa Jl. 60046 312 356-TOIL* 65 JEEP PICKUP TRUCK with plow. 6 cylinder 3 speed. OHC $750. 815-385-8639. 11-19- 11-28c 1976 FIAT X19, Good con­ dition. Call after 4 pm. 385- 3840. U-2M1-26C 1977 Ford F100 Custom, loaded, customized, 15,000 miles, like new, best offer 815-385-4996. 11-21-11-28C SNOWMOBILE 1973 ARTIC CAT PUMA, 440 cc, excellent condition. Very low miles, adult driven, $500. firm. 385-2881 11-26-1 l-28c 1971 • 440 Rupp, good con­ dition. $250. Call after 4:30. 815-385-6540. ll-19-ll-28c 1977 POLARIS TX 340 snowmobile. Complete with cover and spare belt. Ex­ cellent condition $1150. Phone 815-653-7536 after 6 pm. 11-19-11-28C 1980 LIQUIFIRE John Deere Snowmobile and Lemans 3 place trailer 3000.Call after 5 pm. 344-4562. 11-5-11-28C INSTRUCTIONS RIDING LESSONS, Our Farm, McHenry, Bull Valley. All levels. Call days. 312-639-6630, evenings 815- 385-8553 ll-5tfc CARD Of THANKS"^ I WISH TO THANK the McHenry Rescue Squad, the Doctors and nurses at McHenry Hospital, Fr. Gaynor, Fr. Buckley, Fr. Novak and my family and friends. Flowers and gifts and the many cards which were so cheery when I fell and broke my hip. Your kindness will always be remembered. Catherine Weber 11-26 PERSONALS Anyone witnessing the ac­ cident on Sunday Nov. 16th, on Route 120 in front of Jewel, between a White Mustang and a gray Mer­ cury, Please Call 815-385- 5793 after 6 pm. 11-21-11 -26 WANTED Tp"W MOVING? CLEANING HOUSE? Buying antique furniture, old toys, china, lamps, old advertising items, etc. 815-678-4141 10-1- 12-5c BUYING AND SELLING Coins, U.S. and Foreign. Scrap Gold and silver. Paying top prices. "OLD WORLD COINS" 815-344- 4010. ll-5tfc HOUSE, BARN, or 3 car garage, in need of repair under $10,000. Johns, Box 447, Elgin, 111. 11-19-11-28C 1973 Red .Opal GT 58,000 miles, needs some work $450.00 firm call after 5:30 pm 815-653-9376. 11-21-11-26 71 FORD MUSTANG good condition, needs work. Call after 5.815-653-9487 11-26-11- 28c 71 DODGE 1 ton pickup. In running condition. Best offer Call after 5.815-653-9487 11- 26-11-28c SITUATION WANTED Young man, seeking em­ ployment. Bulldozer ex­ perience, some backhoe experience. Call after 5:30 p.m. 815-385-2335 ll-5tfc EXPERIENCED DRUM­ MER-VOCALIST seeks working band. Versatile in all types of music. No basement bands. 815-338- 8862. 11-14-11-28C Handyman will do odd jobs for you. Carpentry, painting, etc. Reasonable. Call 385- 8294. 11-21-11-28C DRUMMER 24 SEEKS JOB with working band. Just moved from Florida. Plenty of Night Club experience. All types of music. 815-344-5838. 11-21-11-28C BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AMBITIOUS PERSON who want to earn but who can only work part-time. Op­ portunity for good extra income. Assistance given. Call between 5-7 pm. 344- 1188. ll-14tf m COLUMN PUPPIES WANTED: Small breeds for our 11 year old licensed kennel. Homes guaranteed. 815-385-7897 11- 7tfc PETS FOR SALE CUTE & CUDDLY PUPS, small breeds, guaranteed healthy. 815-385-7897 ll-12tfc MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS A.K.C. Registered, 8 weeks old. All black males, have had 1st distemper vac. Dewclaws removed, wormed. 815-385- 3719. 11-21-1 l-28c HORSES 18x10 BOX STALLS RRTOHT TURN OUT, IF DESIRED DAILY GRAIN •URCE OUTDOOR RIDING ARENA •NEW GOxIM' NIOOOR ARENA •LARGE FOALING STALL AVAILABLE •INDOOR ARENA AVAILABLE BY THE HOUR VISITORS WELCOME RAJA ACRES 8417 REGNER RD. HEBRON. IL 815-648-4044 AUCTION AUCTION MOVING TO FLORIDA. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL THE FOLlOWING LOCATED 2 MILES N W OF McHENRY ILL BEING ' , MILE NORTH Ot IMON Rl .11 IO M<CULlOM LAKE RD THEN N W I', MILES IO R R IRACKS. THEN RIGHT UP LONG LANE JUST BEFORE TRACKS ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30 at 11:30 TRUCKS - TRAILERS - FARM EQUIPMENT - FURNITURE - SNOWMOBILES 1976 Chev. *'« T pickup w AT. PS. 350 V8 & hitch. 8x20 flatbed gooseneck trailer 5*16 gooseneck horse trailer; 6x16 bumper hitch stock trailer Int. No 350 Utility tractor w loader, rear blade & 2 pt. hitch 16 bale elevator, almost new, 3-3 pt. rear scraper blades 6 & 7 No 175 Int. manure spreader w new apron; 8 soil pulverizer 2 3 pt. rotary mowtrs (bushhogs); 2 almost new Polaris snowmobiles; Int. running gear w hay rack; horse breeding chute propane & oil space heaters; 7:50x 16 8ply tues & rims 6-16 cattle panels; roll of new 48 woven wire acetylene torch & hoses stock tanks, tank heaters, misc. horse equipment, small items and 24" truck cap: J.D. No 480 8' Hoybine 1.000 & 300 gal. fuel tanks; rack load of small items. FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 1979 16 upright freezer. 1979 18' frostless refrigerator; 1979 Crown 30 gas range. Norge matching washer & elec dryer chest freezer matching set of 4 dark maple tables (3 are dropleaf) ladies kneehole desk & chair, antique dining table & chairs stereo w 5 walnut cabinet: 3 kitchen tobies & chairs, chifforobe; o^k chmo hutch queen size bed w chest drawers & nite stand Singer sewing machine; shag carpets 12x15, 12x14, 9x12 2 humidifiers, book cases, end tables & lamps; misc. chairs; 2 Weber grills, picnic table; fireplace set, horse shoe plant stand: tanned cowhide w brand; farm bell many more items. This is all clean furnishings. Come & take a look and save a lot of money TRIPLE D. FARM AUCTIONEER: Gordon Stade, McHenry, IL 815-385-7032 CLERK. Stade Auctions TERMS Cash. Settlement day of sale Not responsible for accidents. 78 Blazer 4 wheel drive. Many extras $5200 or best offer. 815-653-9243. 11-19-11- 28c 1973 IMPALA STATION WAGON, p.s., p.b., 8 track, interior very clean, engine in good running condition. New exhaust, some rust on body. $575,312-639-9556 11-26-11-28 REAL CSTAT~ SHORE OAKS SUB­ DIVISION, near Sun Electric, Crystal Lake, 3 bedroom ranch, family room with fireplace plus attached garage. On Vfe acre, fenced back yard, reduced to $57,900. by owner 815-728- 0131 ll-5tfc BY OWNER-Rent with option to buy, Harvard area, includes range, refrigerator, freezer, 3 bedrooms, newly carpeted and decorated, financing available. 815-459- 2466 11-26-11-28C WOODED ACRE Buildable improved lot, Johnsburg area. No realtors $12,000.815-344-5469. 11-21- 11-28C CYLINDER heads (2) off a Big Block 1971 Chevelle engine 19,000 miles with recent valve job $40. 815-385- 1969 ll-5tfc 1978 Ford Van, E150, fully customized, p.s., air con­ ditioning, automatic tran­ smission. Regular gas, V8, $5,000.815-344-0509 11-26-11- 28c 1978 Datsun x/z ton with King Cab, 65,000 miles, new brakes, very clean. $4,000.00. 815-344-4342. ll-5tfc Over 55 years old? Save t money with Milwaukee Mutual's Pluss "55" Auto Policy. Call us for details and quote. Sunderlage In­ surance Agency, Inc. 815- 338-3328 11-26-11-28C HELP WANTED USHERS & CONCESSION McHenry Theatre Apply in person after 6 p.m. Must be 16 or over FOR SALE BY OWNER Ranch style house, 3 bdrm, 2'/j car garage, fireplace, new furnace & roof, cable T.V. available, walking distance from river, pier space, located in beautiful subdivision, McHenry Dam area. Asking $65,000. SI5-385-7455 815-344-0510 HELP WANTED Experienced Paste-Up Artist . Part Time Responsible for page make-up, photo typesetting and Advertising paste-Up. Good typing a must. Apply in person at the McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry No Phone Calls, Please 11/36-11/38 FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 bedroom, 7 room ranch, one full bath, family room with fireplace, patio, storage shed, on wooded lot. Johnsburg school district. Mortgage available. Contract purchase at 9'/j#/« interest, or rent with option to buy. Immediate oc­ cupancy. $59,800. Call 815-344-1632 or 815-38541566 HELP WANTED BAKER WANTED EXPERIENCED ONLY 815-385-0044 RIVERSIDE BAKE MP ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We need an aggressive sales oriented per­ son to work for McHenry County's largest newspaper group, selling display adver­ tising. Join a growing newspaper calling on established and new accounts, while receiving salary, commission, auto expen­ se, paid vacation, hospitalization. Send Resume or Come In and fill out an application at McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 11/36-11/38 Technician Travenol Laboratories, a leading manufacturer of medical care products, has immediate openings for technicians at our Round Lake facility. These positions offer outstanding oppor­ tunities for bright, innovative individuals who meet our position requirements. Positions currently available include: QUALITY CONTROL TECHNICIAN Candidates for this position will possess equivalent to an Associate of Arts degree in Medical Technology with an ASCP certification and 1-2 years of clinical laboratory experience. Consider ation will also be given to recent grads holding a bachelor degree or equivalent in Chemistry or Biology. Work experience in a clinical laboratory environment and familiarity with documen­ tation of test results will provide a definite advantage. FUSTICS LABORATORY TECHNICIAN 0 Candidates for this position will possess equivalent to an Associate of Arts degree in Chemistry or Plastics Technology with one year of polymer laboratory experience. This position offers an outstanding opportunity to gain q wide variety of experience including exposure to thermal analysis equipment, liquid and gas chromatography, and electro-chemistry. Equivalent experience may substitute for educational background. MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN Several opportunities currently exist for persons with a medical laboratory background. In order to qualify, you must have equivalent to an Associate of Arts degree in Medical Laboratory Technology and ASCP registration. In addition, at least one year of previous laboratory experience in a hospital or clinic is desirable. This is a bench position requiring good attention to detail and previous exposure to documentation procedures. Travenol offers a broad range of benefits and execellent starting salaries. Qualified persons interested in applying for one or more of these positions should send their resume to/ Centrel Employment TRAVENOL P.O. Box 490 Round Lak«, II. 60073 or call 312-546-6311,«xt. 2713 Equal Opportunity Employer

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