Suva 76.97 Seeheeai® flkrnrm OVM ' With Act» Prafci Savo tlmo, wwrgy A money on food. Sovos on cUon-up work, too. Automatic accu-probo son tor control toko* tho guosswork out . ... porfoct for moots and poultry plus soups, otc. Includos cookbook and ovon lias In- torior light. No, 39*40. fe Reg. 376.97 Save *19 Kimball® Mkrowavo Ovon Tablo All solid hardwood pocan, 20" dopth x 30" width x 34" hoight. Slattod bottom shoH I '/*" squaro. Sturdy pocan logs. No. 31S0KD. 56.87 Reg.75.87 Super Gifts For Holiday Home Makers .... • - rrw" i I • Wsar-Evsr® A.KobsUt Delight a cocktail crowd, dinnor guosts * or family with tomptlng skoworod foods. No. 74000. 33.00 R*g. 38.84 Save 36% Mr. CoHoo® Royal Strvlci Mr. Coffoo I2-Cup with Coffoo Savor . . . plus oxtra docantor and oloctrlc warmor platol No. MCS-24A. Our Rag. Low Prico Loss Robato From Mr. Coffoo 46.97 -17.00 Your Cost Aftor Robato 29.97 Woar-Evsr® c. Sapor Shootor Mako cook lot f aitor and oatlor than ovor and fill croam puffs and mako canapas In mlnvtos. No. 7001. 14.86 Rag. 18.97 Praetor Silos® o.Lady Light. Iran Supor stoam/doluxo solf-cloanlng action, ravarslMo cord, ono flngor controls, Hghtwolght, coo lor touch 26.57 Ewroka® E- Vlbra Sroomor II Vacawm Cloanar Trlplo caro doanlng powor, boats, shakos, swoops, combs -- romovos tho ground-in dirt. 4 position dlal-a- nap. No. 1450. 73.97 R«g. 89.97 Proctor Sllox® F 2 Sllcs Broad & Pastry Toastor Romarkablo broad brain controls a thormostat to ensuro tho porfoct shado of toast. Snap opon crumb tray for oasy doanlng. No. T621W. 16.76 Wffi* Rt. 34 447 Rwrto 136 I,H OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 SUNDAYS 10 to 6 940 Watt Fremont Gaksbarg, IL Ctr. U.S. 6 & Rt. 26 HflpHwtCtr. Koato47 Rt. 116166 459 Kmady Dr. til Priacatoa, II McHtary, II WMditocfc, H Pontile, II BredUy, II