PAGE 12 - PLAINDEALKR • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER It, 1969 Past 65 byCarlRiblet Jr. Q. "It is a nuisance to have an itch just below one's left shoulder blade. At age 67, I'm tired of such an itch. My doctor said go to a der matologist. The der matologist said I should bear with it. "What I need is another back-scratcher because I can't reach the itch with my fingers and the backscratcher I already have is unsatisfactory. She is my wife. When she scratches my back her fingers don't stay in there on the job. They wander all over and I still have the itch. Then I scratch my back against the door jamb. Then against the wall. It helps some to use a rough towel like you're drying after a bath. But the itch always comes back. "What I need is one of those back-scratchers sold in curio shops 5040 years ago made of Chinese bamboo. Do you know where I can get one like that with small claw fingers? A wood carver could carve one, but I'm an ex-Sears salesman, not a wood carver." - Jake W. A. There is no need for Jake to look for a Chinese back-scratcher, or to become impatient with his wife when she doesn't SNUG HARBOR Saturday Evening December 13, 1980 Raffle Antique-Authentic KGUMBALL MACHINES DRAWINGS 8:00-9:30-10:30 HOMESTYLE "From Scratch" SPECIALS Complete dinners including chaet* & cracker basket*, generous relish tray, soup or salad with entree. Monday - Country Fried Steak w/gravy 4.50 Tuet. • Stewed Chicken & Dumplings 4.00 Wed. - Corned Beef & Cabbage 4.95 Thurs. - Sauerbraten w/Red Cabbage 4.50 German Potato Salad Frl. • Fresh Fish (All You Can Eat) 4.95 SATURDAY - SUNDAY Succulent Roast Duck/ Generous Prime Rib Saturdays - Music - Sing-a-Long concentrate on his itch. He can open the stove drawer in the kitchen and find the perfect back-scratcher - a spatula; not to fry eggs with but to scratch with. If it is a metal spatula, and not made of rubber or plastic, it has just the right weight, is not too sharp, and is of the right length to successfully assault an out- of-reach itch - anywhere. There's nothing better than a spatula, originally designed to handle fried eggs, as a handy instrument for removal of an itch from just below a shoulder blade. OoooohhhIWhat a wonderful b a c k s c r a t c h e r ! Ahhhhhhhhhh! Q. "I read the letter from Mr. Benjamin A. about.his son going to prison. We are interested in contacting BAR PROMOTION • 7:30 - 9:00 PM Dig our "Looney" Bartenders MON. 'Sadie Hawkins" Nite Escorted Men Drinks Vi Price TUES. CRAZY HOUR' Special Tickets WEDS. "Ladies" Nite Escorted Ladies Drinks Vi Price THURS. "CRAZY HOUR' Special Tickets "Crazy Hour" • This week - Bartender will give you a FREE BRINK if you're wearing - a monocle, hand tied bow tie, a derby, or if you're a lady in a mini. Check Out Next Week's "Crazy" antics 11 SNII6 HARBOR ( VA mile south of Rte. 120 Bridge) 801 RIVER ROAD 1^ How To Sobscribo to The McHenry Plaindealer The McHenry Plaindealor 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, II. 60050 • 2 Years - $25.00 (Best Buy) • l Year $13.50 Q] 6 Months * $7.50 0 Payment Enclosed Name. Address. City. Prices good in McHenry County. prison inmates, to encourage them and have them take our series of free Bible courses that will provide an inmate with a source of strength for the trials of prison life. We ask Benjamin to let us have his son's prison address. We will contact the son without delay." - Mission Prison Assn., P.O. Box 3997, Riverside, Calif. A. Benjamin no doubt will welcome the concern of the mission group for his son's need for strength in prison. However, what Benjamin said be wants first of all for his unfortuante son is a face- to-face meeting with someone who has had previous experience as a convict, someone who can graphically tell the son how to cope with the brutality of prison life. Then can come the prayers. Q. "I went on social Security this month at age 62 and my check was $458.80. Unless I've been misin formed, that amount seems short. Can you help me?" - Charles G.T. Jr. A. It doesn't seem short to me. That isn't bad for a SS benefit at the young age of 62. Q. "I read a story about humans on planets way out in outer space. The author calls them humanoids and writes as though they are smarter than us and that we should dread how they might act when and if they ever get here to earth in one of their space ships. "As if older people didn't have enough to worry about, with inflation and taxes and low Social Security payments, now we have to worry about what they describe as bad humanoids. Is there any truth to all that stuff about humanoids?" - Nancy G. A. The science fiction writers are partly to blame for the idea that people in outer space may be smarter than we are. I don't think they are smarter. Those space dwellers haven't been able to get here yet, have they? If they were smarter than Nancy, or you or me, for example, they'd be here by now, wouldn't they? Q. "You advised Helen Jl JL Jl II ,11, lp twfflw GIVE A GIFT OF FURNITURE FROM f itlfiHBNRY Home ftwuishinas "The Store Thot Cares To Save You Money" ALL SOLID OAK DINING ROOM SET by AMERICAN DREW ONLY *2495 Suggested Price $3500 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRAND 10 YR WARRANTY RECLINERS $219*5 AND UP QUEEN SIZE ISLEEPERI ROUND 7 PC. DINETTE SET Solid wood, maple/pin* |LARLY AMERICAN! SOFA & LOVESEAT BEDROOM SET ITH TWO Mil REG. $1395 $89995 table, six chairs, two leaves VALUES630.00 HERCULON RETAIL $1295 VALUE $699.00 $449*s BEDDING TWIN SIZE MaUress & Box Spring G S 219 95 FULL SIZE Mattress & Box Spring REG $289 95 NOW s!7995 QUEEN SIZE Mattress & Box Spring REG $329 95 NOW 95 209 SEE THESE FANTASTIC BUYS! CONTEMPORARY SOFA & LOVESEAT SOLID OAK IGUNI CABINET ALL WOOD REGULAR AND ROLLTOP DESKS AT SPECIAL PURCHASE || 6 GUN & 10 ALSO AVAILABLE DAR& 2 STOOLS $39995 VALUE $1195 r 0 ALL WOOD CURIO CABINETS REG. $449.00 385-8200 4618 W. RTE. 120 LARGE SELECTION OF PICTURES AVAILABLE • \ McHENRY. ILL. ALL OUR FURNITURE IS WOOD. NO PLASTICS OR SIMULATIONS SEE OUR USE OUR liYAWAV Decorator Pieces »mer 0'ft HtellBltRY WOOD ROCKERS FROM $9995 Horn«(Furnishings "The Store That Cores To Sove You Money" Large Selection TABLE LAMPS Buy one at our Regular Low Price Receive 2nd FREE SET-OP. Ties. Thirc., Fri. tDELIVElY ««• SAM to SPM N.C., aged 88, who had bar savings accounts and Treasury bills held in both her and her niece's name, to see a lawyer. Helen's letter did not so state but I assume the accounts were held as joint tenants with the right of survivorship, thus no will being necessary. I think your response to her would drive older peoplt into the expense of going to at torneys. You are doing a disfavor when you recom mend going to a lawyer with such a small estate matter." - Norman K.W. 1 A. Norman writes that he "assumes" the accounts are held in joint tenancy. In my profession, one assumes nothing. Helen didn't give full details, so I can't assume there is joint tenancy. I am not about to advise an 88- year-old woman that she may not need an attorney, unless I have all the facts and I am certain of her needs. If legal expense is a problem for any elder, all he or she has to do is inquire at Lawyers Referral service or the Legal Aid society, or any lawyers' clinic. They won't overcharge, if they charge at all, any sensible and serious inquirer. Many people who stay away from lawyers when they should not, have lived to regret it. Q. "Irene L. wanted to know where she could write about some oldtime tan neries. She wanted photographs and in formation for a modeling project. A company known as Muir & McDonald Co., P.O. Box 136 at Dallas, Ore., 97338, should be able to supply the information requested. "It is the only tannery located west of the Mississippi that still uses the tanbark process. Parts of the building go back more than 100 years. The property recently was nominated to the National Register of Historic places." - Lewis D. McA. A. R.E.B., and Lee D also read Irene's letter. They each replied with the suggestion:"Write to Muir & McDonald." Q. "Every time I go to a senior citizens gathering, whether it be a dance or supper, somebody talks about nutrition for elders. As a matter of fact, the literature handed out on nutrition for eiders is great. It is that we should eat well and plenty. Most of us do, as far as people I know are concerned. But what about a hundred years and more ago? "The way I read it in books about the previous century was that everybody ate like kings then, and ate about 10 times as much as people eat today. I read about a break fast in a Boston home that had pancakes, steaks, toast, sausage, ham, bacon, eggs, fried potatoes, fruit pies, tea, coffee, and hot chocolate - all for breakfast. Could that be possible? That's more than I could eat in two months." - Gerald J. . A. The tables groaned with plenty of food back before the Civil War, but so did the people who ate like that. J.C. Furnas, in his book, "The Americans, A Social History of the U.S." tells about the large amount of food and the large amount of dyspepsia prevalent among such big eaters. Everyone had the bellyache. He writes - "That our forebears ate too much is evident in the history of the times. For example, mid day dinner in 1840 at the Van Wycks of New york City, went through many courses of side dishes, four meats, six vegetables, hot rolls, and pie and cake for dessert, with wines. It probably was no afterthought, but a real need, that prompted Mr. Van Wyck to walk to and from his office in Wall Street." The nutrition information given out to elders is wor thwhile and can be followed with profit by all who wish to eat well. No steaks or pies needed for breakfast, however. Q. "There is a small alarm system that is worn around the neck and which may be; a real alternative to nursing homes, or constant care, called 'Microlert' and is sold by various agents around the country. The device is worn like a necklace. "If a person falls and is unable to get up, he or she presses a button that ac tivates a recording that automatically rings the doctor, ambulance service, fire department or neighbor - whichever ring is preset on the button. "I can go to bed with my heart problem and not worry if something goes wrong in the middle of the night because ail I have to do is push the button and the ambulance will be here in a few minutes. "I think Microlert is better than going to a nursing home that I would otherwise not need if it were not for emergencies such as sudden illness or a bad fall." - Mrs. Samuel M. A. I know what Mrs. Samuel means. Many's the night when I had acute bronchitis last week that I wondered how I could call for the doctor if I couldn't reach the phone. Oh, boy, I was sick! Now I know. Microlert is situated at 3029 San Fernando road, Bur- bank, Calif. 91504. Q. "A woman wrote you asking for sheet music to a dance entitled 'Spanish Fan Dangle." She mentioned that the guitar was tuned by her father differently for that particular piece. One of my favorite pieces for guitar is 'Spanish Flang Dang,' which may be the same guitar piece the woman was looking for. It is a very old piece that was adapted by Elizabeth Cotten in 1960. I am en closing the sheet music that you can forward to the woman who inquired." - Marcia K. A. If she wishes "Spanish Flang Dang" I will forward the sheet music to her. Write to Carl Riblet Jr. at Box 40757, Tucson, Ariz., 85717 for advice and in formation on problems of aging. Send self-addressed, stamped envelope. All questions will be answered if possible. No identities are revealed. Asbestos Study By Women's Voter League The Woodstock-McHenry League of Women Voters is participating in a state-wide league study, funded by a grant from the En vironmental Protection agency, dealing with loose asbestos particles in schools. The role of the league is to survey schools in Illinois to determine if inspections have been made, if questionable material was found, and where necessary, corrective measures have been taken. At MCC The local league is now in the process of contacting school districts in this area. Several have already been contacted and in some cases the schools have embarked on then* own investigative procedures. The first of these was Elementary District 15, which was found to pass inspection. Results of the state-wide study will be published in the Spring of 1981. For further information, contact 385- 1625. Name Asst. Dean Dr. Robert Frank has been appointed assistant dean of instruction at McHenry County college by the board of trustees. Frank will take over his new assignment on Jan. 1. 1981. & mww ACCOUNTS Will soon be available at The McHenry State Bank FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 385-1040 Dr. Frank, who has served as chairman of the humanities and com munications division at the college since 1976, is the former pastor of the First Congregational chUrch in Huntley. He fills a post which has been vacant since Richard Fuhler was named dean of instruction earlier this year. Dr. Frank, who lives in Crystal Lake, has a Doctor of Divinity degree from University Life seminary and a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Hastings seminary. He originally came to MCC as a part-time philosophy instructor in 1973. In addition to his new duties, Frank will also teach a class in "Living with Death", during the Spring semester. Publicity, like fire, can be friend or foe. • With An Additional . r BONUS! "£""? "»» «•» G1VC THE GIFT THAT'S USED EVERYDAY... A CHAMBERLAIN HEAVY-DUTY POOR OPENER Chamberlain s Best mosi powerful garage door opener Heavy duly motor install it yoursell with step by step illustrated instructions and ordinary household tools • Solid stat* radw controls with chotc* ot 3.375 tasily changeable codes tor security from intrusion and outside electronic imerterence • Wall mounted receiver with Htuimneted push button lor easy location in the dart and Vocation/Security switch to shut out all signals from outside for added security • Independent pud chain to turn on opener lights without opening door • Double lights with separate lens covers, stay lit a convenient 4V, minutes • Automatic Safety Reverse -- Stop door at any height WerWe Larfttl H Chamberlain mi^adlMrtf mt Olr«|g Bssr Openers *169" SAK ON TK BEST SCRfW-ORIVE GAftACE DOOR OP^^R BUILP NOWONUT The 333S is driven by a powerful t '3 ti p motor Like the Heavy-Duty 444 it gives you the reliability of solid state electronics And a screw-drive system with lifetime lubrication and no metal-to-metal contact NOW A | ONLY | toy low M Get V Litn HjnHteK katsaffla DW$£ 909 Front St., McHenry 815-385-1424 FREE ESTIMATES FREE KLIYERY