Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Dec 1980, p. 13

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PAGE 14-PLAIN DEALER- TUESDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1160 Legal Notice NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF McHENRY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CRYSTAL LAKE, a Corporation, n-k-a FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO, a Corporation, Plaintiff; vs. DONALD C. CARLSON and CAROL A. CARLSON, his wife; DONALD J. CARLSON, and UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, )SS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Defendants. ) IN CHANERY General No. 79 CH151 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court in the above entitled cause, LEONARD BRODY, Associate Judge of the Circuit Court will on Tuesday, the 27th day of January A.D. 1981, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock A.M. (CENTRAL STANDARD) TIME, in ROOM 307 of the Court House in the City of Woodstock in said County, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular, the fo l lowing desc r ibed premises and real estate in said decree mentioned, situated in the County oi McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to-wit: Lots 6 and 7 in Block 18 in McCullom Lake Estates, b e i n g a S u b d i v i s i o n o f part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21. and the North Half of Section 22, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded May 31, 1929 as Document No. 88347 in Book 8 of Plats, pages 90 and 91, in McHenry County, Illinois. ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 5113 Or­ chard, McHenry, Illinois together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and ap^ pur tenances the reun to belonging. DATED, Woodstock, Illinois, this 18th day of December A.D. I960 VERNON W.KAYS, Jr., Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois McKenney, Chapman & Graham Attorney for Plaintiff 95 Grant St., P.O. Box 408 Crystal Lake, IL., 60014 Exhibit A (Pub. Dec. 23,30,1980 & Jan. 7,1961) „ No. 800041 Legal Notice The Board of Education of McHenry Community High School District No. 156 will receive sealed bids on a Football Scoreboard. Bids will be accepted until 11:00 A.M. Monday, January 12, 1961. Specifications may be obtained at the Board of Education Office, 3926 W. Main St., McHenry, IL., 60050. James Tonyan, Secretary (Pub. Dec. 23,1960) No. 800043 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF IDA D. LEGGE Deceased, File No. 80-P-402 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of IDA D. LEGGE, of McHenry, Illinois. Letters of office were issued on December 6, 1980, to ESTHER PETERSON, 2519 S. 17th Ave., Broadview, IL., 60153 whose attorney is John F. Lampe, 3424 W. Elm St., Suite 27, McHenry, IL., 60050. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at 2200 N. Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois. 60098, or with the representative, or both , within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and' any claim not filed "within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the represen­ tative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk of the Court tPub. Dec. 23, Dec. 30,1980 & Jan. 7,1961) No. 800042 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF LENORA fe. MCCARTHY Deceased, File No. 80-P-410 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of LENORA E. MCCARTHY, of McHENRY, ILL. Letters of office were issued on December 8, 1980, to JULIE ANN KUNZER, 1102 S. Hollywood, McHenry, IL., 60050 whose attorney is McKenney, Chapman & Graham, 95 Grant St., P.O. Box 408, Crystal Lake, IL., 60014. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at 2200 N. Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois. 60098, or with the representative, or both , within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the represen­ tative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk of the Court (Pub. Dec. 17,23 & 30, I960) No. 800027 legal Notice NOTICE of ANNUAL MEETING of MEMBERS of McHENRY SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the members of the McHenry Savings and Loan Association will be held at 1209 North Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, on Monday, January 19, 1961 at the hour of seven-thirty o'clock in the evening for the purpose of election of directors, considering the report of officers, directors and committees and the transaction of all other business required or permitted by the Statutes of the State of Illinois and the by-laws of said Association. McHENRY SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION Chas. M. Adams, President Attest: Virginia Aalto, Secretary (Pub. Dec. 23 & 26,1980) No. 800039 Legal Notice In The Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. In re the Marriage of Anna M a r i e G r a b o w s k i , Petitioner, and Ronald E. Grabowski, Respondent, No. 80D837. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION. NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU. Ronald E. Grabowski respondent, that this case has been commenced in this court against you. asking for a judgment of dissolution of relief. UNLESS YOU file your response or otherwise file your appearance in this case in the office of the cleric of this court, McHenry County Courthouse, 2200 N. Seminary Av., Woodstock, IL., on or before January 23, 1961, A JUDGMENT BV DEFAULT MAY BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU FOR THE RELIEF ASKED IN THE PETITION. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk of Court ZUKOWSKI, POPER & ROGERS AND WARD P. FISHER Attorneys for Petitioner 50 Virginia St. Crystal Lake, IL., 60014 815-459-2050 (Pub. Dec. 23,30,1980 & Jan. 7,1981) No. 800038 legal Notice NOTICE Petitions for nomination for the coming April Election in the village of Sunnyside are now available from the Village Clerk, 1405 W. Bayview Lane. On the ballot For election tins year will be 3 Trustees. President or Mayor and Village Clerk. For further information call 385-6023. Betty Messer, Clerk (Pub. Dec. 23,1960) No. 800040 ' AIR FORCE SEARCH The Air Force is looking for oustanding young men and women from Illinois and northern Indiana to form a special unit of Air Force security specialists. "The unit will be called the 'Great Lakes Centurion Flight' and will begin training in San Antonio, Texas, next Mar­ ch," according to Lt. Col. Boyce W. Wiltrout, are Air Force recruiting com­ mander. Further in­ formation about the "Great Lakes Centurion Flight" is available from the nearest Air Force recruiter, listed in the telephone directory under "U.S. Government". THE ms ' 4 ^ V • H- . . . i t fvV, » • ' J ' m 3 4jt ear starts friday december 26th r V»V r* -r C. - VJ sweaters were *25to*39 e v e r y o n e i n s t o c k . . . a n g o r a s , v e l o u r s , b o u c l 6 s n o v e l t i e s . . . a l l c o l o r s a n d s t y l e s blouses were *18 to*32 g e o r g e t t e ? , p o l y c r e p e d e c h i n e s , i n p r i n t s a n d s o l i d s . . . m e n s w e a r p l a i d s a n d s t r i p e s $11.99 t0 $23.99 $9,99 |g $21.99 skirts p l a i d s a n d s o l i d s p l e a t e d , s t r a i g h t s a n d A - l i n e s s i z e s 5 - 1 3 were *27to*38 $12.99 t0 $25.99 dresses were b o t h d r e s s y a n d c a s u a l s i z e s 3 - 1 3 $48 to$68 30% Off pants were *24to*38 c o r d u r o y s , p l e a t e d s , f l a t f r o n t s , . c h i n o s b e l t e d s , f i v e p o c k e t w e s i e r n s $13.99 t0 $23.99 ski coats were $55 to*ioo $32.99 fo c o l d w e a t h e r v e s t s a n d j a c k e t s • 0CQ QQ i n a v a r i e t y o f s t y l e s everything winter cft0/ reduced up toOllm E&IMH3 liMSlED 1220N.G&EN Si MCH ENR.Y, it.6°o50 MON.-THURS. 9-5:30 FRI. 9-8:30 SAT. 9-5:30 All Sales Final m . h Helping Shoppers Temperatures took a dip last Thursday night, and to make Christmas shopping more pleasant, Girl Scout members of Troops 88 and 480 served hot coffee and tea at the McHenry Market Place. Above, Guss Klabunde accepts the offer of a steaming cup of coffee from Jenny Boggs of Troop 88. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD ChristmasWeek Church Rites FAITH PREBYTERIAN Fa i th Presby te r i an church, located next to the outdoor theater at the in­ tersection of Lincoln, and Chapel Hill roads, - has planned a variety of events to celebrate the Advent and Christmas season. On Sunday afternoon, Dec. 14, an enthusiastic group of 40 carolers visited shut-ins to bring Christmas cheer to those unable to get out. The carolers then returned for hot chocolate and snacks. The 100 children of the Sunday school presented their annual Christmas program Dec. 21 at the church. The program in­ cluded a pagaent entitled "Angels We Have Heard on High", including children of all ages. The newly formed Gospel Group, "Isaiah 53", also performed. Refresh­ ments were served following the program. The Gospel Group will be playing a Christmas concert at the church Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. Dec. 23. On Christmas Sunday, Dec. 21, the Gospel Group will, provide several beautiful modern Christmas Then, on Christmas eve, Dec. 24, there will be two identical candlelight ser­ vices, one at 5:30 p.m. and the other at 7:30 p.m. A brass choir will provide special music at these services. Visitors are welcome to attend any services. Nursery services are provided. « * * * Theory is all right for the books, but it takes practical expression of ideals to make life better. * * * * The best advice for modern people, young and old facing all sorts of propaganda, is the single word: think. PRESENTING THE BEST IN CONTEMPORARY MUSIC! FRIDRY, DEC. 26 Country Rock by: "Mississippi Band** SRTURDRY, DEC. 27 Jazz Fusion by: "Bass 30** NEW YERR'SEVE Rock n Roll by: "Northern Comfort*' FRI. JRN. 2 Er SHT. JHN. 3 Rock n Roll by: "Northern Comfort'* WHO KNOWS? 1. When does winter be- oin9 o 2. When it is winter in the North Temperate Zone, what season is it in the South Temperate Zone? 3. When was slavery ended in the U.S.? Pot what was uranium used before atomic energy was developed? 5. What is "cynopho- bia"? 6. Is the orange a vege­ table, fruit, or a berry? 7. What happens when one says, "I hit my funny bone"? 8. Name the capital of Utah. 9. When did Fidel Castro assume power in Cuba? 10.Who was the 17th president of the United States and when was he born? Answers To Who Knows 1. December 21, 11:56 a.m. EST. 2. Summer. 3. December 18, 1865, when the Thriteenth Amendment went into effect. 4. Mainly for coloring glass. 5. Fear of dogs. 6. Botanically, it is a berry. 7. A tingling sensation results when the ulna nerve on the inner side of the elbow receives a sharp blow. 8. Salt Lake City. 9. January 1, 1959. 10.Andrew Johnson, Dec­ ember 29, 1808. THOUGHT FOR FOOD •yOOULOCROOK TURKEY-HAM CURRY 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 tablespoon chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons buner or mar­ garine V * cup flour Vi teaspoon salt '/«to V i teaspoon curry powder few grains pepper 2V* cups milk 1 cup cooked, diced turkey Vi cup cooked, diced ham 6 slices toast Cook onion and green pepper in fat until onion is clear but not brown. Stir in flour and season­ ings. Add milk slowly, stirring constantly. Cook, stirring con­ stantly. Add turkey and ham. Heat to serving temperature. Serve over toast. Serves 6. VS&SS& FIRST DRINK WITH THIS ADV. 414-279 It's important to remember one thing about that Arab title. It isn't pronounced "sheek" as in fashionable -- it's pro­ nounced "shake" as in down.

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