Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Dec 1980, p. 17

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P U.K IH I'L.MNDEALER- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, I960 >4245 , ' ,CZL M> Mil AJ«NIJ OW ••rn __ D.^l x.i. I) I.I ••dtot# Off! •411300 « Fotfsr HIUS «m< trVT" No cosh refunds on prepaid ods Cords of Thanks In Memonom Situation Wanted Wonted to Rent Wonted to Buy and Garage Sales MUSI be paid in advance The Plaindeoler is not responsible for errors in classif ied ads after the first insertion Check your ad at ter ihe first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes OFFICE HOURS: MON. FRI.i:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. SATURDAY 9-12 P.M. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPE4-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER-WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 815-38541170 BUSINESS SERVICES I DO ALTERATIONS, sewing in my home at reasonable prices. Call Maria, 815-385-3269 12-10-12- 31c CASA de BARROSO CERAMIC CLASSES 815- 385-8535, Johnsburg- Sunnyside. 12-3-l-16c PLUMBING Repair, Remodeling New Construction No Job too Large Or Too Small SWANSON t SON PLBO. LIC. NO. 8789 REASONABLE CALL 815-385-3240 QUALITY DECORATING Paper Hanging Interior Painting 25 Years Experience 815-344-5953 McHenry, II. FISHERS Snowplowing Service Serving the McHenry, Wonder Lake Area. Senior Citizen discount 815-385-3108 REMODELING SPECIALISTS 30 Years Experience No job too big or too small. Financing Available Oii. CONSTRUCTION (15-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 NEUMANN'S CAR CLEANING SERVICE Hand wash and wax. On all size vehicles. Call for appointment 815-344-3587 815-385-3542 12 17 12 26 TOM'S ON THE SPOT REPAIRS 24 Hour Mobile Tpuck and Auto Repair and Welding Service 312-497-3066 BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE, all breed professional dog grooming. Nails clipped, ears cleaned, fluff drying, scissor cuts. Call 815-385-2018 anytime. 12-3tfc HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALIST. Experienced in wallpapering, painting, decorating, kitchens, baths, electrical, plumbing and carpentry. Call for free estimates, all work guaranteed. 815-385-9385. 12- 3tfc THE GROOMING DEN, plan ahead, make your holiday appointment now. Professional all-breed grooming. Large dogs welcome, cats too. For appointment call 344-3177 evenings. ll-7-12-31c The Holiday Season will be here before you know it!! Call us for all your interior painting needs. Free estimates. Call 815-385-7736 anytime or 815-344-1722 after 6 pm. 12-3tfc NEED HOME REPAIRS, Remodeling or an addition? Call Trim Construction. Free estimates. 815-385-5912. 12-3tfc SCHMIDT AND KOCH, snowplowing and sanding. No job too small. Call Mike at 385-7129 or Dave at 1-728- 0248 12-17-12-26C SEPTIC SYSTEMS, New installations, and repair of old systems. Sewer and water hookups. Free estimates Mathison Septic Service. McHenry 815-344- 3980. 12-3tfc HANDYMAN, small house repairs, yard work, painting, almost any kind of odd job that you can't get anyone to do. Mature man, reasonable rates. 385-5246 11-28-12-26C EXIAVANK o« Septic Service 815-385-7791 4410 W. Rt.J20 McHenry, II. t2 CARPENTRY * Remodeling *Room Additioffe "Home Repoirs •O.H.Garoge Doors * Alum. Siding 0 Soffits * Windows G Doofs Replaced SMALL JOBS WELCOME Joy Owen 615-365-8408 RUSSELL RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING • REPAIRS * ELECTRIC SEWER RODDING Installation of new septics 815-385-6445 12 3l» HARRY L. ViEZENS CONSTRUCTION CO. Remodeling-Home Repairs Screen Porches "Wallpaper "Kitchens'Baths'Electrical 'Family Rooms'Basements'Paneling'Ceramic Tile "Custom Work NO JOB TOO SMALL TELL US YOUR NEEDS 1-815-385-2847 I i I 421 l«« * rzr N. Y W AMINO TON uo« •• \ AUTOS AUTOS 1979 CAPRI TURBO, RS. pkg. 4 speed, sun roof, power locks, am-fm cassette, rear window fog, Michelin radials, paid $7000., Blue Book $6,000, make offer. 385- 9349 ask for Joe. 12-10-12-26C CYLINDER HEADS (2) off a Big Block 1971 Chevelle engine 19,000 miles with recent valve job. $40. 815-385- 1969 l2-3tfc 1979 BLACK CHEWTTE, automatic, Air conditioning, good condition $4,400 or best offer. 815-728-1465 after 6 pm 12-24-12-26-C Over 55 years old? Save money with Milwaukee Mutual's Plus "55" Auto Policy. Call us for details and quote. Sunderlage In­ surance Agency, Inc. 815- 338-3328 12-24-12-26-C HISMIESS StRUKES SITUATION WANTED FROM THE BOTTOM UP- No job is too small. From hanging a door to remodeling an entire home. Quality work at reasonable prices. Call Ken 815-344-2449 12-24-12-26-C FREE PICKUP Junk Cars and trucks, day or night. 815- 459-0081. 12-3tfc LOCAL MOVING AND HAULING, Reasonable rates 815-385-9386. 12-3tfc SALE! PROFESSIONAL carpet cleaning. Living room and hall, steam cleaned and deodorized, only $44.95. Additional areas only 10 cents per sq. ft. We save you money! Baumans 815- 943-4793 12-3tfc S C H U E R R W A Y BUILDERS, All phases of Carpentry, concrete work, excavating, electric, plumbing, heating, tiling, no job too small. 815-385-4808. 12-3tfc INSTRUCTIONS RIDING LESSONS. Our Farm, McHenry Bull Valley. All levels. Call days 312-639- 6630 evenings 815-385-8553. 12-3tfc NOTICE IF YOU ARE planning a home wedding, but need someone to perform . the ceremony, call 815-338-6352 12-17-12-26C EXPERIENCED BAR TENDER wants part or full time work. 385-0121 12-24-1- 2C WILL DO HOUSE CLEANING. Must provide own cleaning supplies. Very reliable, pay flexible. Call after 4:00 pm. 815-728-0874 12-19-12-24 MAI ESTATE ALL ELECTRIC, 2 bedroom condo, $39,900 with 5 percent down interest 9% percent. 344-1183. Available now!. 12- 24-12-26C MUST SACRIFICE: Unique Log home new styrofoam insulated roof, cathedral ceiling, knotty pine interior treated w-pure linseed oil, woodburning fireplace (Heatilator) two beautiful lots w-shrubs & trees. One car garage, w-addtl. work space and storage. Lake rights. 8.5 percent mortgage qual. Vet. $37,500. 815-728-0668 12-17-12-26C Child Car* UNLICENSED FACILITIES CANT ft! ADVERTISED. According to the Child Car* Act of 1969 it it a misdemeanor 1o car* fct another person's child in your hom* unless thot home is lic*ns*d by th* Stat* ot Illinois. It is also illegal to advertise for such s*rvic*s in an unlic*ns*d hom*. Th*s« license* or* issued fre* to hom*s meeting minimum standards for th* safety, health and w*ll-b*ing of th* child.' For information ond Licensing contact: tUMtIS MPARTMIMT tf CMLMOEi FAMILT SERVICES Lake Villa Fi*ld Off ic* P.O. Box 269 213 North Milwauk** Av*. Lake Villa Jl. i 312 356-TOIL FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 bedroom, 7 room ranch, , -iull batb^ fomily room with- fireplace, patio, storage shed, on, wooded lot. Johnsburg school district. Mortgage available. Contract purchase at 9'/i% interest, or rent with option to buy. Immediate oc­ cupancy. $59,800. Call 815-344-1632 or 815-385-6566 WANTED WANTED-DOLLS, doll furniture, doll houses, any condition. 815-385-7879 or 815- 344-3076 12-10-1-9C U) ANTED TOlifr Looking for Alfalfa hay to buy. 312-428-5892 12-24-12-26- C FARM, some rolling hills and wooded acreage preferred. Will grant life tenancy to present owners. 312-526-7755 12-17-1-2C ORIENTAL RUGS WAN­ TED, immediate cash paid for rugs, Sarouk, Kashan, Chinese. Call collect 312-884- 6444 anytime. 12-3tfc YOUR OLD APPLIANCES, working or non working, will pick up, no charge. 815-385- 12-17-12-26C 10x10 BOX STALLS RBtDE" TURN OUT, IF DESIREO DAILY GRAM 4AKE OUTDOOR RIDING ARENA •NEW 60 x108' INDOOR ARENA •LARfiE FOALING STALL AVAILABLE •WDOOR ARENA AVAILABLE BY TIE HOUR VISITORS WELCOME < RAJA ACRES M17KCKRRD. HEBRON. IL. S15-648-4044 HELP I0ANT£O ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED Highest cosh price paid for your old rugs. SAROUK, KASHAN, KERMAN, CHINESE, etc. Will travel. Call Collect 312-884-6444 NATIONAL COMPANY Immediate openings available. Students con­ sidered. Can earn part time $120. per week. Full time $1,440 per month. Mr. Drager 312-232-6550 1978 Blazer, good running condition, 4 wheel drive with many extras. Make an offer. 815-653-9243 12-17-12-26C 76 TOYOTA CELKA GT hatchback, AM-FM, air, 5 speed, regular gas, custom wheels and more $3200. 815- 459-0287. 12-24-12-26C 1978 Chevy Monza, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, power steering, power brakes, like new condition, excellent on m.p.g. Must sell, best offer. 815-385-7615. 12-24-12-26C SNOWMOBILE 1975 SCORPION SUPER STINGER, 440 and cover, 2600 miles. Excellent con­ dition. $850,344-2421 12-17-12- 26c HELP WANTED LA MARQUE & COMPANY, is expanding operations to this area. Several good career opportunities available. $270-$490 per week. Prefer recent high school graduates. Part time considered for some positions. For interview appointment, call Mr. Reyes, 312-695-3237. i2-3tfc P£T COLUMN GIVE AWAY-PUPPY shaggy long haired, 5 months old, tan, black & brown, 22" high. 459-2862 12- 19-12-26C GIVE AWAY-Cats & Kittens, neutered. All colors, all ages. 815-455-1186 before 3 pm. 12-19-12-26C PUPPIES WANTED: Small breeds for our 11 year old licensed kennel. Homes guaranteed 815-385-7897 12- 3tfc 0 PETS FOR SALE DOBERMAN PUPPIES AK- C registered $150. 815-338- 0614. 12-24-12-26C CUTE AND CUDDLY PUPS, small breeds. Guaranteed healthy. 815-385- 7897. 12-3tfc HORSES 12 3»t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AMBITIOUS PERSONS Who want to earn but who can only work part-time. Opportunity for good extra income. Assistance given. Call between 5-7 pm. 815-344- 1188. 12-3tfc FOft SALE FOft SALE SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS McHenry High School is seeking substitute teachers. Must hold valid Illinois cer­ tification. Please call Nancy Baste 3857900 12/12-12/24 Project I stereo receiver and Yamaha turntable $500. or best offer. 815-653-9673. 12- 19-12-26C PROCESSED COAL For stoves and furnaces. We also sell wood burning stoves. Woodstock Farm & Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47. 815-338-4200. 12-3tfc COUPON FREE FRAME with purchase of I (any mattress or box spring) I minimum purchase | $100. LENNY FINE FURNITURE 230 Virginia Rd. I Crystal Lake 015-455-4550 Country Corner Shopping Centef Good Thru 12-24-1980 • ̂ 12/3tf I HELP WANTED We ore seeking a cleaning lady for one day a week. Good pay and pleasant working con­ ditions, in Pistakee Bay area. Must have references from past employers. Must have own transportation. Send resume to: Box DE-2 do McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St McHenry, II. 60050 --msc-- FOR SALE. 1. Heavy Duty 10" vice. 2. I ton chain hoist. 3. 400 lbs virgin lead 4. Milwaukee No.4035 Core drill with bits. 5. 6 gauges,3 handles, 1 hose for cut.ting torch. 6. Ridgid No. 40A pipe stand with No.65R Ratchet Threader •No.44 pipe CutteC. 7. efock & Decker heavy duty 2 speed portable band saw. 8. Hilti TE-17 concrete ham­ mer. 9. Hilti TE-60 concrete ham­ mer. 10. 400 ft. 3' P.V.C. schedule 40 pipe, 10 ft. Igths. 11. Black & Decker No. 6055 rotary hammer. 12. Ridgid No. 161 threading die 4" to 6". 13. 12 - 300 lb. 2" brass gate valves. 14. 1350 ft. copper pipe type K I M Call 815-338-8399 HELP WANTED SALES MAHAGEMEHT TRAINEE A 100 Million Dollar AMEX listed textile rental ser­ vice company, is seeking qualified applicants to fulfill the future corporate requirements for management personnel. Applicants must have a B. A. degree with no less than 2 years experience in sales. Salaried position with company paid per­ sonal and hospital Insurance. Performance bonus plan, retirement plan and company furnished automobile among benefits provided. SEND RESUME TO BOX DE 1 c/o McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, II. 60050 An equal opportunity employer ADVERTISINT) SALES REPRESENTATIVE We need an aggressive sales oriented per­ son to work for McHenry County's largest newspaper group, selling display adver­ tising. Join a growing newspaper calling on established and new accounts, while receiving salary, commission, auto expen­ se, paid vacation, hospitalization. Send Resume or Come In and fill out an application at McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 BAGGED COAL, for fireplaces, stoves, in stock now. Brickettes, genuine cannel, East Kentucky lump-all, low sulphur. R. Dawson, 815-943-6937 12-19-1- 30c FIREPLACES, ALL BRANDS. Installation and or masonry available. Call Quality Fireplaces 815-385- 7478. 12-3tfc WATER SOFTENER SALT Sale, pellet type only, 1st Saturday of every month. Huemann Water Con­ ditioning. 3607 Chapel Hill Road, Johnsburg 815-385- 3093. 12-3tfc O A K F I R E W O O D , seasoned, split and delivered. $55. face cord. 815- 385-1896 12-17-12-26C INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Rent a Quality water sof­ tener for $3.00 a month for the first 3 months. Free installation. Call collect 815- 338-3344. Quality Water Conditioning. 12-3tfc WASHERS AND DRYERS RECONDITIONED and guaranteed $60 & up. 815-385- 6431. 12-3tfc Southwind motor home, 25', 1978, sleeps 6, has generator and air, 11,000 miles. $11,900. 815-385-7065 12-17-12-31C BE YOUR OWN BOSS, magnetic sign machine plus all materials $1,000 firm. 815- 385-2052, 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday. 12- 24-12-26-C WESTINGHOUSE UPRIGHT FREEZER 18 cubic ft. 5 years old; Wurlitzer accordion 120 Bass. 815-385-0446. 12-24-12- 26c VICTOR ELECTRIC adding machine, 19" Antique iron dinner bell, antique record player, 12 volt R.V. water pump, 2-250 gal oil tanks, 1 complete front-end loader for 8-N tractor plus 1970 Buick Wagon. 385-7906. 12-24 OLDIE BUT GOODIE, Lowery organ, lime oak wood Excellent condition, includes several books also color coded Training books. Nice family New Years present $680.00. Blue book value. Super bargain at $350.00. Hebron. 815-648-2046. 12-24-12-26C 8 track am-fm stereo with 2 speakers. 4 pc. drum set, hi- hat, and cymbal. $125. each or best offer. 815-385-5083 12- 24-12-26C 19" B & W TV, chest phone, Schwinn Voyager II10 speed bike. Call Bob. 815-385-6638. 12-19-12-26C MAKE IT A NAUTICAL CHRISTMAS "Everything for the Boating Enthusiast" Jewelry ft Accessories Gift Certificates HANSEN MARINE SERVICE 3112 Wiincoln Rd. McHenry, II. 815-385-3360 FOft RENT McHENRY OFFICE, new carpet, air conditioned, includes all utilities. $105. Call 815-385-3490 12-3tfc SUBLEASE, McHENRY, two bedroom, lVfe bath, dish­ washer, disposal and carpet. Available now. Call 815-385- 2181 12-3tfc FURNISHED APART­ MENTS, and sleeping rooms, weekly or monthly rates. Mature adults only. 815-385-8905 12-3tfc TWO BEDROOM APART­ MENT, McHenry, ready now, fully carpeted, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal and air conditioner, children accepted. 815-385- 2181 12-3tfc LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SPACE, new opening in areas of 1200 to 15,000 sq. ft. immediate occupancy. 815- 678-2861 12-3tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9 am to 12 weekdays or after 6 pm. 12-3tfc WAREHOUSE OR FAC­ TORY SPACE from 5,WW to 15,000 ft. 815-385-1079 12^tfc Whispering Point office rentals; $64. per montt Immediate occupancy. 815-385-5577 V^-3tfc\ IN TOWN, NICEflst floor 2 bedroom apartment, heat furnished. Ideal for older couple or single. $330. per month. Also 1 bedroom apartments available. $240. per month plus heat, no pets. 385-2352 or 344-1034 12-3tfc FOR. RENT, WATER­ FRONT, deluxe one bedroom apartment, car­ peting, stove, refrigerator, adults, no pets. 815-385-3493 12-3tfc HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 bedrooms, full basement. Sunrise Ridge area of Wonder Lake. Beach privileges. $325. per month, immediate occupancy. Call 312-991-3105 12-3-12-31C LOVELY 3 bedroom ranch with full basement, large fenced in wooded yard with attached 1M> car garage. Available immediately $375. month. Letizia Financial. Call 815-728-0404 12-17-12-26C 4 bedroom house, \xk baths, west side of Wonder Lake. $325. month. 312-497-4987 12- 17tfc a FOR RENT OR RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY, new 3 bedroom home, IVi baths, full basement, 2 car attached garage, sliding glass door to deck, large lot on dead end street, no pets. Ask for Rita, ERA-RDG Realty 815-385-9394 12-5tfc 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENT, situated in a country setting. This large apart­ ment has self defrosting refrigerator-freezer, oven, stove and garbage disposal and is within walking distance of a shopping and medical center $295. Mayline Apartments, Richmond. 815 678-2861 12-3tfc HOUSE FOR RENT, Wonder Lake, one bedroom. $275.815-728-0702 12-3tfc 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Available Now Close to shopping center, within walking distance. 704 Logan. Cooney Heights McHenry NEW APARTMENTS Ready for leasing on Rt. 31 CHAR-MAR APTS. Call between 9:00 am ft 4:00 pm 815-385 5965 after 5:00 pm 815-385-9019 RENT-IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY-RENT New, 3 bedroom homes in McHenry and Lake Counties FREE Micro Wave oven to new renters "AFFORDABLE HOMES" Call Sat. ft Sun. 815-3443370 Call Sat. ft Sun. for appointment Hrs. 10-5 Model Open Weekends If no answer 312-356 3383 12/12-12/31 { I

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