PG. 14- PLAINDEALER - FRI. JULY 25, 1969 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Mai* Help Wanted Malt Help Wanted EXPERIENCED NEW, USED CAR AND TRUCK S A L E S M A N Weekly guarantee, demo., hospitalization, life insurance. Plenty of advertising to insure floor play. NO DRIFTERS. ' . SUNNYSIDE DODGE 4810 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, 111. 815-385-7220 7-25-69 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC We have on immediate opening for a man to take care of maintaining our plant and grounds. Thii po sition will include a variety of cjirties so applicants should be familiar with basics-"of electricity, carpen try, plumbing and mechanics. ̂ Work in pleasant surroundings in modern plant. Good company benefits. Please apply in person or call for an appointment. Crown Industrial Products Company State Line Road Hebron, llinois PHONE: (8151 648-2424 Male Help Wattlid WELDING . FOREMAN To $10,000 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. Woodstock 815-338-3200 7-25-69 WL Reichert Chevrolet & Buick HAS AN IMMEDIATE OPENING in Their Body Shop for an E X P E R I E N C E D Body & Fender T echnic ian CONTACT KURT PETERSON Body Shop Manager • REICHERT • C h e v . & B u i c k S o l e s BODY SHOP -- INDUSTRIAL AVE. C r y s t a l L a k e , I l l i n o i s TOUR OWN ROUTE $300 WEEKLY GUARANTEED INCOME Sanitize washrooms on estab lished route in offices, stores, etc, We furnish established customer routes. You can't miss. We train and supply^ you. Minimum investment $3500. Balance financed if you qualify. Or start on part time plan. Must inquire today while territory near you still open. For interview call (312) 832-8407. National Chemicils A Services Inc., 530 S. York St, Elmhurst, Illinois 7-23/7-25-69 TECH WRITERS Must know government specs. TAJ12,000 SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. Woodstock 815-338-3200 7-25-69 2i Male Help Wanted ENGINEERING TECH. Recently degreed, to $12,000 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. Woodstock 815-338-3200 7-25-69 WELDERS D A Y S 7:30 AJM. • 4 P.M. NIGHTS 4 P.M.-12:30 AJl. • Excellent Starting Pay • Automatic Increases • Paid Holidays • Paid Vacations • FREE Retirement Plan • Steady Work With Overtime • FREE Life and Medical Insurance Apply To A FARR CO. 500 S. Main CRYSTAL LAKE an equal opportunity employer 7-23/7-25-69 Male Help Wanted WANTED: Retired Railroad Model Maker Will buy completed model railroad kits or will pay to have kits completed. Write to Box 238 c/o McHenry Plaindealer „ 7-23/8-1-69 HELP WANTED: We do all types of construction. We have all kinds of work ahead. We need all types of tradesmen. * Painters * Brick Layers * Carpenters * Cement Men 1 Many company benefits. 1 Overtime premium. 1 Only experienced tradesmen need apply. ARNOLD MAY. BUILDERS. INC. 9716 North Route It Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861 7-2-69TF12 ^ COMPUTOR OPERATORS To $750 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton Woodstock 815-338-3200 7-25-69 i ( HIGH SCHOOL GRAD. Electronics background We need a young man who has studied electronics to as semble inter-com components, check out systems, test equip ment, etc. You'll also take care of stock, order parts, etc. This opening will lead to a position as an installer and serviceman. Call or come In today for an Interview. SCAN-AM CO. 1705 S. RT. 31 MCHENRY 88*8409 7-25/7-30-69 Full Time Help W A N T E D Starting Salary $550 per month. DEEP ROCK CAR WASH 4416 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, 111. 385-9729 723/7 25 69 BODY AND FENDER MAN. McHenry Auto Body, call 385- 7-4-69TF12 L Need Immediately Local • Young • Degreed ACCOUNTANTS 2-3 years general accounting experience, to $10,000 Free WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. --.Woodstock 815-338-3200 T-2&69 Full or Part Tim* SALES PERSON Get paid weekly. Sell Nurs ery stock produced by MC- . KAY NURSERY COMP ANY, Wisconsin's Greatest Nursery, established over 60 years. Nurseries of over 700 acres at Waterloo, Wise., No delivery. No investment ' required. Training provided by experienced landscape de signers. Excellent, opportun ity for hard worker. _ , WRITE: McKay Nursery Co* v Waterloo, Wise. /; 718/T2569 r NOTICE NOTICE WE ARE NOW YOUR LAWN BOY authorized Sales and Service Center. All makes and models serviced. Pick up and delivery service; Paul's Sons Mower Service 2610 S. Thomas Ct. - McHenry, 111. 385-5879 or 385-9739 7-25/7-30-69 PETS FOR SALE BEAGLE PUPPIES. 10 week! old. Call 815-943-5390 after 12 noon. 79/72560 4% MONTH OLD female Ger man Shepherd puppy, AKC, $60. Call 385-6141 after 5 p.m. 7 23/72569 PICK of the Utter. AKC regis tered, male, German Shepherds, 6 weeks old. Already intelli gent, beautifully marked. Call 385-2353. 723/725 69 RECEIVES TROPHY John Hogan and Sons of 6606 Barnard Mill Rd., Ringwood received a trophy -for the largest increase in sales in their district for LOWE SEED COMPANY For information in our products call 815-653-5548 7-25-ftt 3 WEEK OLD pure bred Ger man Shepherd puppies, not reg istered. Pick yours now. 120 each. CaU 385-4389. 7-23/7-25-69 arage Wanted To B«at NOTICE WANTED T.P.MATHEWS. Realtors urges all to attend WONDER LAKE FIRE DEPT.'S CARNIVAL % tonight through Sunday at the f irehouse grounds on JL Wonder Lake Rd. V\ 7-25-69 PUPPIES, litters only. Up to 7 weeks old. Will pick up if brought to McHenry area. Good homes guaranteed. Call 385 7897 7 2 69TF12 BOATS & MOTORS fohN rent OFFICE SPACE Spacious""room for rent in new, modern, air conditioned KENT BUILDING. 3322 W. Elm St McHenry. Partially furnished and plenty of storage space. Call 385-0269 after 6 pan. 7-2-69TF12 PRODUCTION CONTROL SCHEDULERS „ Heavy experience to $14,000 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. Woodstock 815-338-3200 7-25-69 OFFICE FOR RENT Deluxe modern professional Site of offices in the heart McHenry. Panelled, air conditioned, stereo system, reception area. Many ex tras. Excellent parking cilities. CALL S12-JU7-0177 or 815-385-5200 7-25/7-30-69 YOUNG MAN to work on haying crew. Willing to work hard, steady all summer. Must be 16 or over. Apply ready to work. WILLIAM SCHMIDT FARM Spring Grove, IIL 7-16/7-25-69 2 BEDROOM apartment in Mc Henry. Range, refrigerator, car peting furnished. No pets. \vailable, August 1. Call 385- 8042. 718/7-25-69 16 FT. "Cruisers Inc." Lap- strake, 45 h.p. Mercury motor, electric start with alternator. 2 gas tanks, etc. Excellent con dition. Must sell, $395. Call 385-5554. ; 7 23/725 69 14 FT. SeaKing outboard boat with trailer. Running lights, windshield, etc., $200. Call 653- 5812 after 6:30 p.m. 723/72569 SAILBOAT FOR SALE, fiberglass hull, 2 sets of with trailer, $700. CaU 459-6076 after 5 p.m. 7 23/7 25 69 W A N T E D HOUSING FOR TEACHERS McHenry and near by areas. Furnished or un furnished rental apart ments and homes. Rooms with private families. -- Can -- 815-385-3731 or 815-385-6122 weekends 7-23-69TF1-2 ummage Backyard List your Garage Rummage. Basement or Backyard Sato the McHENRY PLAIN- DEALER Want Ads and you will receive (FREE) 2 printed signs to identify your pioperty as the SALES location. The ad must run in two issues of the McHenry \ Plaindealer to qualify. 1 , When planning a SALE of your own stop in at Plain- dealer office for a Free bro chure of helpful hints that will enable you to gain more revenue from your sale. Some who have never conducted a Sale of this type will find this brochure helpful. 3 BEDROOM HOME to rent by Plaindealer employee. Sincere interest in maintaining premis es. Credit and character refer ences available. Phone 385-58 7 2369TF12 -- 3 OR 4 BEDROOM home be- tween McHenry and Great Lakes, till February. Good re ferences. Call 385-1966. 723/7 3069 GIRL needs room near Mo- Henry Beauty School. Call 385-2290. 7-25-69 ESPERATE: Need to rent ouse for family of 5. 2 or bedrooms. Call Mrs. Hawkins, 385-5236. T25/73069 / LOST AND FOUND LOST: Girl's I.D. braclet, brushed silver, Thursday night at city park. Name "Cathy" on it Sentimental value. Call 385-1605. 7 23/7 2569 FOUND July 14th: Boy's bi cycle south of West Campus on Crystal Lake blacktop road. Call 385-3074. 7 25 60 LOST: Tackle Box. McCullom Lake, Polish National Grove. Call 385-7000, ext. 262. 7-2W9 CARD OF THANKS We sincerely thank everyone for their prayers and expres sions of sympathy in the pass ing of our little angel, Jeff. The Ray E. Hansen Family. 723/72569 GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE Saturday and Sunday, July 26th * 27th 10 A.M. till dark 1020 Curran Rd. at Drafter (1 mile south of 120) 2 year old Tappan gas range, $100; Frigidaire re frigerator, $40; Modern di nette set, $40; boy's 24" bike, $10; Westinghouse fan, $7; and 2 snow tires, as sorted garden tools, misc. toys and games, misc. dishes and kitchen utensils. 723/72569 GARAGE SALE HOME FURNISHINGS SALE Everything Must Go Now Camping gear, 24' fiberglass boat, inboard-outboard with double tandem trailer, elec tric brakes, load leveler. 1964 Country Squire Galaxie with frame hitch. 815-385-3196 2108 N. Orchard Beach Dr. McHenry, 111. 723/7-25-69 GARAGE SALE Thursday thru July 24th • 8 A.M. - 8 P.M. 7106 Mac Arthur Ave., Wonder Lake, IIL 3 blocks east of Wonder Lake Rd. 300 - new and used items - antiques • decorator items - variety of lamps - pictures • clocks - vases - dishes • elec. fans - breakfast sets - end A cocktail tables - cabinets - T.V. stands • lawn turn. - maple beds - dressers - desks - draperies • chairs • room dividers - clothing • table saw - and drill - 80 hand tools - vises - lawn mower - garden tools - elec. and plum bing supplies - lot of bolts - screws * nails - paint - many miscellaneous items • 7-23/7-25-69 \ Wanted To Buy WANTED -- top quality mixed hay for show horses. Second cutting. Will take all you have. Knolland Farms, Rich mond, 111. Call 815-678-2261 . 725/8-6-69 USED 6 year crib and bathi ne tte. Call 653-9209. 725/8-1-69V PERSONALS GARAGE SALE 1964 Chevrolet Corvair truck, tools, women's clothing, size 14, 16, 18, shoes and house hold goods. 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Sunday, July 27th S105 W. Still HOI Dr. McHenry Shores McHenry, Illinois 7 23/7-25-69 GARAGE SALE Bicycles, trydcle, folding closet doors, rotisserie, bird cage, TV chairs, end tables, car roof carrier, food chop per, vacuum cleaner, clothes racks, portable 5000 watt power plant and misc. 512 W. Bald Knob Rd. Past Harmony Resort Friday, Saturday A Sunday July 25th, 26th, A 27th 7 23/7-25-69 TO JIM, a good sport. From The "Pie-O-My" girls'. 7 25 69 FOR FAST RESULTS 385-0178 GARAGE SALE. Chairs, ta bles, lamps, dishes, bicycle, an- lues, odds and ends. 2903 S. ver Rd., mile north of 176 on Griswold Lake Rd. Satur day, 9 am. to 4 pan. 7-25-69 SEMI-DRIVER Full time, to load and haul hay. Year around work, good wages. John Henricks, Inc. Arlington Heights and Rand Rds. ̂ Arlington Heights, 111. 312-253-0185 7 23/7-25-69 ROOM for neat employed man. $15 week. References. Call 385- 4398 after 5 p.m. 718 69TF1-2 i GARAGE, 3404 Broad St. Call 385-0142. / - 723/7-25-69 £ ) ULTRA deluxe huge water front 2 bedroom apartment. Extra large kitchen, dining room, stove, refrigerator, heat and cooking paid, fully carpet ed. Adults only, no pets. Call 315-385-3868. 7 23/7 25 69 CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS mi i • DELIGHTFUL, airy 2 bedroom home on large level lot. Nat ural gas furnace, attached ga rage. Large kitchen with built* in range and oven. $155 per mo. Open house Sunday, 2-4 p.m>- 1814 N. Park Lane, Lakeland Park. 7-23/725 69 SYSTEM ANALYSTS PROGRAMMERS Immediate Placement To $13,000 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. -- Woodstock 815-338-3200 7-25-69 EXPERIENCED ornamental iron man. Top wages and bene fits. Long time local business firm. Send resume to Box 239. c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 7-25/7-30^69 SHOP IN McHENRY IVa, ROOM kitchenette apart ment. Private bath and en trance. Utilities included. No children. Call 312-JU7-2453 after 6 p.m. , 7 25 69 2 BEDROOM house, Highland Shores, with car stall. Avail able August 1st, $120. Security deposit required. Call 385- 2480. Lake Shore Drive and Elm St 725/7-30-69 3 BEDROOM residence, in town, 2V* baths, available a- bout September 1. $250 per month. Write to Box 240, c/o McHenry Plaindealer 7 25 69 WE WISH TO THANK THE Mc HENRY FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THEIR PROMP ACTION DURING OUR RECENT FIRE. GEARMASTER, INCORPORATED McHenry, Dlinoli Pets That Need A Horn* •e .ucnoN AUCTION NEW 1 bedroom apartment in McHenry. Air conditioned, $140 month vplus utilities. Call 385- 1618 before 6 p.m. Friday or Saturday all day. 7-25-69 Male Help Wanted PJLD. In Organic * Chemistry Research Development to $20,000 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 2S5 Benton St. Woodstock 815-338-3200 7-25-69 PUBLIC AUCTION i ) LOCATION: 4806 Barnard Mill Rd., Ringwood, 111. SUNDAY. JULY 27. 1969 1:00 P.M. SHARP FARM MACHINERY: Case DC Tractor w/cult A front end loader; Case Manure Spreader; Case Corn Planter w/gende att.; John Deere 4 bar side rake; Lindsay 4 sect, drag, like new; Lundell chopper; New Idea tractor mower; fertilizer spreader; rubber tire hay rack; Case elev.; McD. 8' disc.; 2-14" plow; HOUSEHOLD GOODS: 3 pc. Beige sectional, like new; cu. ft freezer; R.C.A. comb. TV A phono; Airline TV; trie oven/range, like new; floor scrubber; 2 dining room w/chairs; kitchen set w/chairs; 2 maple love seats; di bed, dresser, bureau; roll-away bed; living room chairs; tail and end tables; elec. sewing cab; bookcase; many bric-a- brac shelves; 2 portable wash mach.; many asst. lamps; many pieces imported glassware & figurines; Copperbottom Revere- ware; Nesco elec. roaster; elec. mangle; canning equip, and jars; dishes; silverware; 2 baby cribs; baby buggy; children's toy furn., dolls, games, roller and ice skates; hand loom; 4 new alum. comb, windows; asst. storms A screens; folding chairs; lawn chairs; grill; luggage; phone stand & chair. ANTIQUES: Singer sewing mach.; Victrola; baby rocker; long handle water pump; and other items. LAWN A GARDEN & MISC. EQUIPMENT: Go-Cart w/new $125 motor; motor scooter; 6 power mowers, rotary A reel, all in good cond.; 3 stepladders; lawn cart; paint sprayer; elec. lawn trimmer; 3 wheelbarrows; many garden tools; hind tools etc., & items, household & other too numerous to mention. SALE MANAGERS: WIESER A ASSOC., REAL ESTATE A AUCTION SERVICE % 1326 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry; HI. 815-385-4880 AUCTIONEERS: MICHAEL J. WIESER * ROBERT L BRENNAN TERMS: CASH NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS < OR ARE Looking For Their Master As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets Hat Need A Home" are Free. The only re qui ?ments are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge or ^ou are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY KITTENS, 1 male, 1 female, grey and white, 8 weeks old, pan trained. Call 385-5456. 7 25 69 Jt booobo Enjoy ' Your Summer the Fun Way! OUTBOARD RUNABOUT Wide Beam, Mahogany Deck, Air Horn Windshield, Ski Tow Post,. 40 H. P. El-^ g i n M o t o r . S t o r a g e T r a i l e r I n c l u d e d I ! ! Call 385-5630 AW By owner V