PG. 4 - PLAINDEAIER - FRI. JULY 25, 1969 LAKELAND PARK NEWS Carole Humana S8V1606 William Ross, District 10, Woodstock, leads Charles Wisner, a Johnsburg school student, through an improvised creative dram atics skit. Lori Fossum arid Ron +'uqua await their turn to per form with their hats. Teachers of the workshop in the back- GIFTED CHILDREN RAINING GIVEN AREA SCHOOL ground record data for teacher self-assessment as to pupil and teacher roles in the lesson. This was part of an in-service training program for teachers of multi-talented children held at Johnsburg school July 9 through 22. PLAINDEALER PHOTO R « Through funds from the Ill inois Plan for Gifted Children ind the Illinois Department of HEARING AIDS \ew He conditioned. Repair Ser- ice. loaners asailabli1 hile >ou wait, eat molds, cords. Mail er. nnd IXiraceli Matter- ies for all inakeb. P H O N E 3 8 5 - 0 1 2 5 1407 N wreen Street McHenry, Illinois Education, Johnsburg school has been host to a two-week workshop from July 9-22. The main thrust of the workshop was to orient teachers as to their role in working with tal ented pupils. The workshop involved tea chers from Distric 10 (Wood stock), Spring Grove, ^otus, and Johnsburg schools. George Boyd, superintendent of Spring Grove school and formerly as sociated with a gifted pupil demonstration center at Met ropolis, HI., and Duane An dreas of Johnsburg directed the workshop. Fifteen students from the Johnsuburg school dis trict identified on the basis of I.Q., school achievement, cre ativity, personality and teacher recommendation were a part of the workshop in a very unique for MEN When selecting a gift for him. ... let us help! :!! TfoQeefA 5TORE for MEN 1245 N. Green St., McHenry, 111. Phone 385-0047 Open Daily 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fri. til' 9 p.m. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA Leisure lite to KmfuUemtl 6 Swimming in just 3 to 5 days! Your own private, full size swimming pool, at a sur prisingly low price! An ou ts tand ing V iny l l i ne r poo l w i th s tee l wa l l s bo l ted I toge ther and re in fo rced w i th s tee l A f rames fo r super s t reng th ' Because o f ou r exper ience and eng ineer ing kno-w how, you w i l l have exper t i ns ta l l a t i on USAC Poo ls a re a l so ava i lab le fo r the Do i t yourse l f han dyman A comp le te cons t ruc t ion manua l i s p rov ided upon reques t Write or phone for a FREE estimate. G & W Enterprises P.O. Box 402 MoHenry, Illinois 60050 PHONE AREA 815-385-3703 USAC POOLS / e divmon of U.S. ALUMINUM & CHEMICAL CORP. Franklin Pirk Illinois 60131 way. They attended the work shop from 9 to 11 each morn ing and a teacher presented a twenty-minute lesson to them which was video-recorded. Af ter presenting the lesson, each teacher was critiqued by the other teachers as to his goals, plans and teaching style. The classroom climate and activ ities were also assessed, us ing the Flanders technique of inter-action analysis. In this technique, the degree of teacher talk, pupil talk,;,i^d other tea cher and studertfbehaviors were assessed on thta basis of eval- uators recording^what_wa-s hap pening in the classroom sit uation every three seconds.In this way a teacher became bet ter aware of different class room climates and different teaching styles. He also could see himself teach by viewing the video-recorded playbacks. Miss Betty Butler of the State Department of Education and the Plaindealer photographer visited the workshop on Thurs day, July 18. Teachers ti^ed a variety of techniques in their instruction to the pupils. The rest of the day was spent dis cussing the under-achieving talented pupil, the state plan for talented piqjils, and brain- storming. Other consultants have come from Evergreen Park, Decatur, Crystal Lake, and Chicago. Each participant was ajfco expected to complete readings related to teaching talented youngsters, and daily lively discussions have been en joyed by the twelve teachers and project directors. The partic ipants have been most enthu siastic and complimentary of the workshop and new self- assessment techniques used. Johnsburg school has had a program for talented pu pils during the past two years at the junior high school lev el in math, science and social studies. Pupils identified as talented Nx>m St. John's school and the publk^school were a part of this programed were group ed together for half a day>S ing the past year at Johnsburg school, a study group of elemen tary and junior high schooltea chers recommended expanding the program for talented pupils to the elementary school level. Students identified will be grouped together for a half day in an ungraded situation (one class for grades 2 and 3, one class for grades 4 and 5), be ginning this fall. Mrs. AnnLatz and Mrs. Macv Rose of the Johnsburg staff® will instruct these pupils. With the added experience of the summer workshop and special supplies and materials being purchased, it is believed that the needs of talented pupils will be better met next year. SHOP IN McHENRY CLUB SCHEDULES CORN ROAST FOR SATURDAY AUG. 9 The McCullom Lake Conser vation club is sponsoring a corn roast to be held at West Shore Beach on Saturday, August 9. All the proceeds from the day "»?ll be ^ised to make further improvements in the lake. For ifurther information about the schedule for the big day , contact Jack Oakford, presi dent of the McCullom Lake Con servation club. COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE All bookings and cancella tions for the Lakeland Park community house arev to be made "in advance by calling Jo Rizzo at 385*2728. Thursday, August 24 - <3tib Scout meet ing - 7:30 p.m. Monday, July 2S-Lakeland Merrymakers 4-H Club meeting - 7:30 p.m. Tues day. July 29 - Boy Scout meet ing - 8 to 9:30 p.m. (summer schedule). Monday, August 4 - McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Lun cheon meeting - 12 noon. SWIMMING LESSONS The Red Cross swimming program will begin on Mon day, August 11, and end (m Friday, August 22. Each reg istered swimmer will be con tacted before lessons begin as to the time of the classes. Les sons will be conducted at the West beach which will be closed to recreational swimming dur ing class time. Swimming will be allowed at the east beach as usual. Both beaches will be open on the weekend of Aug ust 16 and 17. Class times will be reported later. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS July 26 is a very busy birth day day so one big wish goes to birthday kids, Lorraine Pike, Linda Meurer, Rob Wick- enkamp, Chris Sweeney, and Leah Nuss. July 27 is the big day for Jan Walker, Bill Burns, MacKays TV SALES iii* SERVICE COLOR ON DISPLAY Complete Antenna Service 7224 BARNARD MILL ROAD . PHONE 653-7111 ^ Fo'd LTD Count', Squi re .TD 2 Door Hardtop Its Smart Buyers Time! Official Ford Dealers' Clearance Smart buyers, welcome. You ve waited yourself right into the year s lowest Drices on every Ford in stock. Seeetaflfc* ̂ flipped t^te*iea4suxur40us'i.JD's. . Best selling wagons. Come save 3936 Buss Ford Soles W. MAIN STREET - WHENRY, ILLINOIS Debbie Schaedel and Jack Laur- sen. Brothers Tom and Rich Reining share July 28 for their birthdays. Gayle Laursen cel ebrates another birthday on July 29 and Jane Grothman claims the thirtieth for her day. Lil Benes, Helen Strandquist, Bette Kamp, and Ken Vanek will blow out their birthday candles on July 31. Happy days to all of you. ANNIVERSARY WALTZ Shirley and Marv George will celebrate their eighteenth wed ding anniversary on July 31. Here's to many more. STORK GRAM Number three son was born to Larry and Mary Alice Sword on Friday, July 11, at 2:17 a.m. at McHenry hospital. The newest little guy to join the family was named Mark Allen. He weighed 8 lbs. 14 ozs., and measured twenty inches at birth. The husky lad has two big brothers, Todd, who is Ave and Scott, who is four years old. TTie happy grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sword of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor of Wonder Lake. Our best wishes to the happy fam ily. STROLLING THROUGH THE PARK Strange to see so many peo ple wandering around with bloodshot eyes this past week. Between ogling the beauties in the Marine Day parade and watching the coverage of the moon landing the old eyeballs have really had a workout. I was wondering while watching the astro-nasties on the moon, just what my 87 year old grand ma must think of all the change's , that have occurred in the world during her lifetime. The mind boggles at the enormity of the thought. Horse and buggy or just plain feet were the only modes of local transportation avail able in her youth. Maybe that's why the youth of her day didn't go in much for demonstrations and riots. It took away enough of the excess energy just to get where you wanted to go. But anyway hey I bey! for our men on the moon who proved beyond all doubt that it isn't made of green cheese. Get well wishes to Jimmy Dawson who is recovering from second degree burns on his neck and ears. He is at home and can't have any visitors be cause of the danger of infection especially now that the blisters have broken. He will be spend ing at least another week in ^ bed and could probably use some _ ^ cheerful cards from his friends. His address is 5108 W. Home avenue. Cheri Koehl and Susan Waut- elet are spending the week in Chicago visiting Susan's aunt. Jackie Creutz and Tom and Chris are visiting with Penny and Doi^Veenhuis and Danny and Randy at their homeinFort Atkinson, Wis. Hope Don sur vives the week. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS Holly Koehl was the guest of honor at a birthday party giv en for her last week by Cathy Humann. Among the guests who attended were Jan Woodward, Yvonne Newman, Mary Ellen Harner, Tim Corson, Ed Lin- nane, Dave Dawson and Jeff Hoskins. Fifteen candles sure lit up the scene. The clean streams commit tee gave a report on the con dition of the water at the meet ing of the McCullom Lake Con servation Club last Thursday. The club works very hard to keep our lake in good condi tion and needs your support for their August 9 corn roast. Don't forget to buy some tickets from one of the officers. You can't lose. ' There must be some vacation news floating about. Don't be shy give me a call. Tracy Wil- kens caught a big bass in the lake last week. She was fix ing a tangle in the line and the fish just couldn't resist biting her hook. Seems like the girls are doing a terrific job of bass fishing lately. Any boys want to challenge? SALES INCREASE Modine continues to set sales and earnings records, E.G. Rutherford, president, told sfcme sixty stockholders at tending the annual meeting Thursday."' Following on the heels of the company's sixth straight year of setting new- -j sales and earnings highs, Mo dine's first quarter of the cur rent fiscal year has reached a new sales-earnings record for any first quarter in the com pany's 53-year history, Rutheit- ford said. Sales for the three months ended June 30, 1969, reached $18,887,000, up 10 per cent from last year's record first quarter high of $1,016,000, up 5 per cent over last year. If s easy to eat your cake, and still have it. That's why so many people can't get into last year's clothes. BAB8BTT MEMOBIAL8 Granite fc Bronze. Evening St weekend appointments only. HOMES E. BA88ETT 4816 W. Home Ave. McHenry, m. 06-1487 Dollar Days are coming to 5TTORE FOR MEN 1245 N. Green St. McHenry July 31, August 1 & TIRED OF WASTING YOUR SUMMER REPAINTING THOSE RLISTERED, PEELING E & V Relax, See The New Maintenance Materials At aLumber 'c^rrenry ouumber K^ompanu 4030 w. MAIN ST. McHENRY IUINOIS 60050 PHONE 815-385.4600 A D i v i s i o n o f Spring Cjrove < dompanu, Jhic. K" % J