FRI. J-UtV 25, 1969j-j>LA!NDEALER-pg. 5 The two British railroad cars used by General Eisenhower as living and working quarters in England prior <to D-Day and later in France and Germany will be exhibited in the North Western passenger terminal in Chicago July 26-27. (Shown is the Gen eral's personal car.) The cars, restored to their wartime con dition, are making their last stop before going on permanent display at the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, Wis. EXHIBIT TWO RAILROAD CARS USED BY GENERAL The two British railroad cars in which General Eisenhower made some of the most his toric decisions of World War n will be displayed by the Chi cago and North Western Rail way Co. at its Chicago pas senger terminal, July 26-27, the weekend of the Illinois State American Legion convention. Hie cars served the General and his staff as living and work ing quarters in England during the planning of D-Day and la ter in France and Germany. Car No. 1592 was General Eisenhower's personal car, containing his working and sleeping quarters. Car No. 1591 was used as living quarters by the General's staff. * The cars, as displayed, will be just as they were when in the General's service - with one exception. They are no lon ger armored. When converted to the General's use in 1943, the cars were heavily armored - including armored window shut ters which closed automat ically. Other precautions included separate heating and electri cal systems from the remainder of the train and a telephone sys tem which featured electronic scrambler devices on each phone to discourage eavesdrop pers. The code name " Bayonet" was used to refer to the cars to aid in keeping the train, and its passengers, top secret. •After the war, the cars were refitted and returned to reg ular service between England and Scotland on the London and North Eastern Railway. The restoration of the cars to their wartime condition has just been completed in Abilene, Kansas, General Eisenhower's home town, with the addition of some articles from the Eisenhower center. Before the cars left England, extensive recondition ing was completed with the co operation of the British Mu seum of Transport. T-H Hie cars, owned by the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, Wis., were obtained from British Railways through the English-Speaking Union. They were officially turned over to the U.S. when Prince Phil ip, consort to Queen Elizabeth n, presented gold keys to the here and there in BUSINESS VOTER LEAGUE MAKES ELECTRICAL CbLLEGE SURVEY Summer heat may have some people in the doldrums, but one group of local women refuses to let it quench their enthus iasm. The ladies are the part of the League of Women Voters of Woodstock-McHenry which is studying the history and op eration of the Electoral Col lege. "The Electoral College plays an increasingly important role in the selection of the Pres ident," said Mrs. James Mi- yashiro, chairman of the group. "Legislation affecting its structure is sure to come under consideration soon, and the League wants to be able to sup port or oppose whatever mod ifications are proposed." She went on to explain how the League will decide its po sition. First the item is stud ied thoroughly, then the mater ial will be presented to the membership and the item wtll be discussed in all aspects un til a general agreement (con census) is reached. Hie decis ion is sent to the state level and then to the national of fices. When the matter comes to a legislative hearing, the League will know how its mem bers feel and will take a po sition ac^Kdingly. Because of the thorolgh, non-partisan study given each item, legis lators often ask for the Lea gue's opinion on proposed leg islation. Source material for this study is The People's ^resident by Neal Pierce, a discussion of the Electoral College in Amer ican history and the direct-vote alternative, and Who Should Elect The President, a Lea gue of Women Voters publica tion. This book presents a concise review of the develop ment of the Electoral College, approaches to reform of the presidential election method, Supreme court decisions and congressional moves affecting elections and the opinions of na tions and the opinions of na tional personalities and organ izations. League members are urged to read this valuable background material before the October concensus meetings. It is available through Mrs. Joseph Lewis, publication chairman. The committee meets reg ularly at the home of Mrs. Robert Briscoe, 9505 Thomp son road, Woodstock. Local in formation regarding meetings or any aspect «of the study may be obtained from Mrs. Waiter Bolger and Mrs. Alfred Kon- ger. by LEES, ARMSTRONG, VIKING, other POPULAR BRANDS VINYL ASBESTOS TILE SOLID VINYL Floor Tile Specials 19C sq. ft. 21c sq. ft. CERAMIC WALL TILE 57c sci- ft' Complete Installation Service PURCHASES CALF Kenneth C. Peterson, McHen- ry, has purchased a bull calf, Cherry Key Sultan. The new animal is a registered Milking Shorthorn and the record of the transfer of ownership has beeen made by the Ameri can Milking Shorthorn society at Springfield, Mo. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 315-7311 KADISAK TILE ft SUPPLY 5002 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY BALLOON ASCENSION -- The McHenry Realty balloon ascen sion took place at 12:45 p.m. Sunday, July 20, on Main street, McHenry, at the beginning of the parade, with the able assis tance of the McHenry Fire department. The balloon was re leased to welcome the astronauts on the moon and^to preempt other claims to moon-development. McHenry Reiity's banner is now on the moon, and the entire office staff has been assigned phone-duty to take all calls from the " Moonlings" that wish to sell. At the next meeting of the E.L.S., a discussion will be held as to whether these listings are the sole property of McHenry Realty or whether they must be given to the other brokers for showing. cars to U.S. Ambassador Da vid Bruce in a ceremony in London witnessed by a num ber of Atlantic alliance com manders, as well as Lady Chur chill and Harold Fuller, pres ident of the Railroad Museim. Shortly thereafter they began their last trip - 4,000 miles to the National Railroad Mus eum in Green Bay. The cars will be reunited there with the British locomotive,' " Dwght D. Eisenhower," which powered the train dipping its wartime days. The Museum acquired the locomotive several years ago. The cars will be displayed by the North Western under a special arrangement with the Museum. At the conclusion of the exhibition, they will be transported by the North West ern to their permanent home at the Green Bay Museum. The Eisenhower cars will be open to the public at the North Western terminal from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 26, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, July 27. AWARD WINNERS Two members of the staff of T.P. Mathews, Realtors, of Wonder Lake, have been hon ored With membership in the Million Dollar club of the Ill inois Association of Real Es tate boards. Horace R. Wagner, G.R.I., and Joseph P. Sullivan, of the Mathews' staff, were the only two honored from McHen ry county of a total of sixty- three real estate sales rep resentatives from throughout Illinois for having achieved a total of at least $1,000,000 of sales and listings of real es tate during the calendar year 1968 by the IAREB, Mr. Math ews pointed out. The awards will be made dur ing the IAREB's 53rd an nual convention Oct. 7 to 10. The Crystal Lake Resale Shop will accept your Fall and Winter clothing on consignment , beginning - AUGUST 4TH AND 5TH AND EACH MONDAY AND TUESDAY, THEREAFTER. > Clothing must be in good condition, clean and currently in style. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES ON NEW UPHOLSTERY REMNANTS :53 Brink SL Crystal Lake Ph. 459-3401 - ACROSS FROM JEWEL PARKING - ivited to Plymouth i fe°e rat '«* 0 W* was r Valiant V-100 2-Door Sedan Road Runner 2-Door Coupe AUTHORIZED DEALERS Valiant cut $193. Now costs $2,094.00^ CHRYSLER MOTORS CORPORATION PAA Make your goodbuys great buys. V* /""SI 'Based on manufacturer's suggested retail price of standard Valiant V-100 2-Door Sedan, including Federal excise and excluding state and local taxes, destination charges, optional equipment and dealer preparation charges, if any. FURY MOTORS, INC. y2 MILE EAST ON RT.120 MCHENRY $