J 4 As by } v # Y J iy yi ¢ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1918 5 " George Blossom and her | y : | da h Miss Katherine Blossom.! Major Hardenbergh has ret urned | principles accepted practically as {of Hubbard Woods, will be hostesses [from overseas wg been assigned to |generally as water cooling, it is com- ocial H ap PENN 3 {at a luncheon at the Wom an' s Ath-|the staff of the 9th Div at Camp | m on to neglect emphasis upon this letic club next Tue sday, in - of | Sheridan which is located near Mont- | feature that distinguishes Franklir on the i King, whose age | gomery, Ala. | performance as much as any pein? illiam a Mitchie ST is to -- | in the construction. No: rit h Shore re take place on September 4. | Wilberforce Taylor is now at Camp | This stretch of hot weather that --p-- Dix, Texas. has struck most parts of the country A R th R; ] | Miss Jane Greeley, daughter of ---- lately is likely to freshen in many ry u 1.8 ey Ld | | Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Greeley of Cher-| Captain Henry Tenney is over- [a man's mind how advantageous it | ry street, has joined the Woman's | seas. would be to get away from the con- ID YOU KNOW that ten cents feed one of Dr. Alice Brown's | [27 ARS alifomin, pug ia) rR Ey n a 2 TE wd juenfen i babies a day, over there in France, and that one special | picking pe: Soha and SEties in the AIR-COOLED CAR HAS Fit should be. These are the days table at the V egetable market has been set aside for the sale | Sacramento valley. ADVANTAGE: BRIDGES | when water cooled cars draw up of articles for ten cents? Surely all of us have articles in our | dein SE ! along the roadside to cool off and possession which could be donated to the cause and sold on Satur-| yf. Avres oat and children. andi By C.'E. Bridges ;-{stop, ab every 'sparking brook for day morning at the Market! Search your attic and your home | Mrs. Boal's erin Taw Mrs. Hd Just iremember. that #tis the alr lradiator refreshment; the days when again, look for a vase, a tray, picture, book, or a toy, and bring it | uel Douglas Flood of Kenilworth, | go0jes Pranthn 3 De ers rhe frost NESEY Se glued tothe with you Saturday morning for this table. Mrs. Percy Davis have 'returned from. Charlevoix, | 1 c0ulinl 'has been established for a jmotometer inthe hope that the red y Cc avis and | number of years, and its air cooling | danger signal won't show up. the Lincoln Avenue circle will be in charge this week and on Sep- | | where they have been since early] 3 ¢ > = =» tember 7, Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt will take charge. The following | summer. poem, sO appropriate in its way, has been written by Miss Olive | --- FITS EERE AR RT Grover: 3 | Mr. and Mrs. S. H. .Brownell, of [IR "Come friend and neighbor, come and view | 962 Pine street have returned from | ENCOURAGE HONEST What goods we set forth for you. ja four weeks businessitrip to-1.os | HAVE Ir CONSCIENTIOUS SERVICE Enough, forsooth, to tempt your eye, Angeles; Cal, And stomach, too, so come ar r i 3 And w hile you're her : iy '4 HE CONTENPYT TORHUN ere, we bid you scan TURNS TO LOATHING Vote For This mem'ry of far off Japan; Full of suggestions as can be (Continued from Page One) You'll find the recipes on our tree. ANTON J. CERMAK or 3 Some posies to deck your tables, insult of all--so things must be going We'll sell you with your vegetables. very well up front although we are . : A word of thanks we wish to say free from news. Candidate ¢ To those who ¢ 'surplus" comes each day. ~ We Americans must be more care- For i Each "bit" to other "bits" we add, ful though or as a Frenchman said to ™ . To make oar *Doctor's" children glad." me all who are left after the war "di 3 5 will be able to go home on one 5 , --The Gift Shop. boat". I'm very much inclined to-| SHERIFF hf ward fatalism but that doesn't pre- | THE HOUSE OF Miss Genevieve Rudolph daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Georgelvent. me from taking all necessary | SALIS BURY Rudolph, 851 Spruce street, left W ednesday for Washington, D. Cy precaution in the line of a handy | : h to enter the service of the United States Navy as a third class dug-out to aid the good Lord in case | Estab. 1855--308-310 W. Madison Street on tas yeomanette. Miss Rudolph enlisted several months ago, but only |He has to make any hasty decisions | "ON YOUR WAY OVER" Democratic recently received her call. During the spring and summer months | Mostly its just a wee sitting trench | Ticket she has been actively engaged in War Recreation work, as a mem- [Put very effective against anything | We are Showing Novelty ber of the Navy league of W innetks. but direct hits--and nothing is much | She is the first young woman of the service, and in appreciation of her enthusiasm in the war work, the Navy. league presented watch. in Winnetka to enter this branch her with a very handsome wrist- oS. A Ninety-two dollars was cleared at the little entertainment given last Sunday afternoon on the IL. B. Kup- penheimer lawn, at 1130 Laurel avenue, Hubbard Woods, when a small group of young folks presented the playlet, "The Forest of Every Day", so successfully. During the in- termission lemonade was sold, and the receipts from this alone helped considerably in swelling the funds. The proceeds were turned over to the Red Cross. Following is the order of the pro- gram: Princess: ..vv. 2.0 F.dna Spiesberger Miss Jenkins ....... Theodora Lange | Guide .....5 .Jane Kuppenheimer Bells a vet Theodora Lange Arithmetic. ....... William Maldener Grammar: .o.v...0-.0 George Lange Pleasure: ..o. 0 ile. Ruth Dieball Fnvy on. acta Libby Levora Contentment Marion Altschuler Imagination ...... Francis Alschuler ate se on Ruth Dieball Sls. Francis Alschuler Bad Temper Self-Control Dances: ; \ 3 ; Indian Lament .. JaneKuppenheimer Nutting Party Edna, Theodora, Lib- by Jane, Ruth and Marion Minuet Theodora, Edna, Jane and Ruth Spring Dance Theodora, Edna and Jane Artists's Dream ..Theodora and Jane Bird Dance ..~.... Fdna Spiesberger Stories ........... LB. Kuppenheimer | tf -- Mrs. Samuel H. Greeley returned from her daughter, recently visiting relatives of) Mrs. Alvah Crocker, ! Jr. in Worcester, Mass. Mrs. Crocker, whose husband died sud- | denly in Brest several months ago, will return to this country in Sep- tember after living for seven yeras in Paris. She and her children will spend the winter in Worcester with relatives of Mr. Crocker. --rrti Lieutenang Summer N. Blossom. son of Mrs. George W. Blossom of Hubbard Woods, who for several months had charge of publicity work for the Great Lakes station, but who "hankered" for sea service and won his regular navy star and anchor by hard training cruises during the spring and summer months, has "shoffed off" to sea. --p-- Mrs. Petersen of the Rumford De- partment of Household economics will resume her lectures on, "Food Conservation" in the parlors of the Congregational church of Wilmette. on Tuesday, September 3. A fee of twenty-five cents will be charged for the entire course. Everyone is wel- come from any of the north shore towns. _--_.e: August 25. Members of Le Cercle Francais. a woman's organization formed to up- hold the art and traditions of France, are congratulating themselves these days upon a little piece of conserva- tion work which truly bears out the French tradition of thrift. When the war came these women, as indeed those of every other organization, plunged into war relief work and be- gan the manufacture of hospital sup- plies and refugee garments. They joined forces with the workers at the shop of the American fund for French Wounded in the Garland building, Chicago, and while making up all the new material they were allowed they began to think thriftily of what old material could be saved and used again. Architects' tracing linen, they discovered, was being used again and could easily be re- claimed from the waste heap. They began asking for it and have now a pile of 250 neatly made handkerchiefs manufactured from this old linen. To get money for the purchase of new supplies one of the members of Le Cercle. Mrs. M. Dreyfuss, has col- lected old and new French recipes from French cooks known to her and has had them printed in book form. i Henry Clay Tufts, who has making his home with his Mrs. Arthur Mitchell, 1161 Ashland avenue, Hubbard Woods, left the first of this week to attend the En- 'sign school at the Municipal pier. . BLT Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Fowler of Chi- cago were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar F. Alden, 352 Linden avenue. Mr. Fowler left ear- ly this week to enter war work in Washington. been sister, si ihnoaoz"z"z Richard H. C. Miller. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H.-C. Miller, 304 Ridge avenue, left Wednesday to attend the Officers' training school for Field Artillery at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. UR Shin Mr. and Mrs. Rufus W. Porter and family will return to their home at 1085 Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods, about September first. after spending the summer at Bar Harbor, Me. ---- The Hubbard Woods committee of the Ravinia club wishes to thank all those who so kindly donated and helped serve the supper to the sol- diers and sailors at Ravinia Park on Rb Mr. William E. Spackman and daughter, Muriel. of Detroit, Mich., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas good against them but they rare. I'm about to move up with battery for a little more active duty. All right by me as things are getting too restful around here for Tve really not a thing to do except an occasional detail job. Things are very quiet along our front as Fritz seems to be getting all his junk out are very of this pocket which has proved such | an unprofitable spot for him. WAR EMERGENCY NOTES (Continued from Page One) N. Landon Hoyt, who enlisted Jr, at the Municipal pier last June and | has been attending the Ensign school at Northwestern University, receiv- ed his orders to report August 26. Lieutenant J. Allen Haines has started for duties overseas. A number of other officers at- tached to the 86th Division formerly at Camp Grant have also been as- signed to precede the division over- seas. Among these officers are the following: Henry Tenney. Alanson Follonshee, Preston Boydon, Fred- erick Copeland, Sidney Greeley. LILLIA SS LSS SLA S LASSI SLA SLE AS SSS SSIS LYS SASS SS SIS ISS ASS FORT DEARBORN Fireproof Storage Company 4615-29 Clifton Avenue Wilson Ave. L Station Phone Ravenswood 100 2 27777 277 7777 rides. Have You Decided? To place your household goods and valuables into storage, or possibly to change your loca- tion, if so Arrange Now For Storage Packing Moving Shipping An important feature is our private Elevated Switch Track which runs Directly to Ware- house Doors, thus saving extra Handling and Hauling of your belongings For Infor iaticn as to Rates and Estimate WS S. Phone warsavnosstanes, | Ravenswood UNITED STATES , 100 Day or Nigh H. Madsen, 554 Fir street. origi Mr. and Mrs. William Gold Hib- Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lindwahl, bard left last week for an eastern| Oak street. have returned from a trip. fortnight's visit in Canton, Ohio. 1020 ,| | Under control of the State Public Utilities Commission of Illinois 2 ZZ 7rd 207 722: 777 dd ddd dd ddd de ddd ddd i Lad de badd dzriiirrrzicriziziz ILLS SSL LS SASS Sl SA SS SSS LSS SSS LASSI ISIS SISAL SSIS S STALL SSIS SIS SSS LSS RY SS SILA LLL SSIS SL 1 0 £1L L111 77. SSS STLSSSSSSIS SSIS SSS SSSI SSS SSSSS SS SSSI IIIS SSSI SSIS the | Bathing Caps AND ACCESSORIES -~ | Best Record as Citizen,Patriot, CHIC, © DIFFERENT [1 / and Public Official | MADE OF | Rubber that wit Wear 1918 308-310 West Madison Street CHICAGO | | W. H. SALISBURY & CO, Panny SEPTEMBER 11, Phone Franklin 5744 | HTH TTTT IS ALWAYS PLENTY OF CASH HERE to meet any legitimate demand. Our cash reserve is always above what the law requires. Also, we have plenty of cash to loan on approved security at all times. If your business sometimes feels the lack of ready cash come and con- sult our loan department. We shall be glad to aid you'if we pos- & sibly can consistent with sound banking principles. CAPITAL $35,000.00 Formerly BANK OF M. K. MEYER Established 1894 WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK TH Y220070 0 0 0 "0 gg gg ne Aspegren & Company TEL. WILMETTE 420 EVANSTON 466 0 Zz 2 Zi 7; OLIVE OIL--Still some to offer--Imported and Domestic--Prices will not be lower for some time to come--A cordial in- vitation to learn our stock and prices. CANNED GOODS Future prices will empha- size the benefit of buying of the present stock--Sugar, prices of fruit, glass, tin--all makes for present purchases. ASPARAGUS TIPS--From 25¢ to 35¢, dozen $2.90 to $4.00. 72% 7 7 2 7 % 7 % 7 72% 7 7% 7 7% Z LABOR DAY--Store Closed All Day--Customers co-operation in advance placing of orders for August 31, (Saturday before Labor Day) will be much appreciated. 2% Every effort will be made to serve the com- munity with quality goods and prices. 7022227222272 mm Zi Z No 777% #000000 000002 N A