Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 30 Aug 1918, p. 8

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Gnd HHH Sw a ry I es FOR RENT--5-ROOM FLAT AND i- [ETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1918 WINNETKA OBSERVES "LIGHTLESS NIGHT Village President McKenzie Fuel Administration Asking Strict Adherence To New Law Classified Ads FOR SALE » FOR SALE--BICYCLE AND SMITH From motor wheel, atteached or detached; both in good condition. Phone Win. 17% LTG42-1te FOR SALE--2-TON TRUCK, WISCON- sin Motor, Raefield carburetor, A-1 { shape. Apply Wilmette Girast tee MANAGER ISSUESCIRCULAR | Fou wot Hw Lae Phane Win. TR | 674-W. : i T24-1tc | Point out Restrictions Placed On | HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Commercial Illumination; Asks FOR QUICK SALE. $60.00 WILL TAKE Co-operation my Mission oak buffet, and dining- room table, seven chairs and serv- | ing table. All in good condition. i] Phone Win. 967. LTG41-2tc | Notice has been received by Wil- OUR PRICES ON NEW SEWING MA [diam D. McKenzie, President of the | chines are 5% to 259% lower than door-to-door agents; buy in vour | village of Winnetka from the United Home ON alae Rstortment oF Reed States Fuel Administration to take machines, $5.00 up. ig sale ew alae : sewing-machines this month. Pat- the necessary steps to enforce the | "Lightless Nights" order of the Fuel | i | terson Bros, 1522 Sherman Ave. Ev- anston. LTG41-tfc | , nee . FOR SALE EVERSON UPRIGHT | 'ministration. ae piano, in good order; $45.00. 388 Village manager H. L. Woolhiser | Provident Ave., Winnetka. LTG42-2tc | FOR SALE--MODERN FOUR-BURNER gas stove, white enamel trim. pilot lighter. Tel. Win, 1299. T24-1te REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--MODERN STUCCO HOUSE has just issued a circular letter to | all business establishments. pointing | out the restrictions placed on com- | mercial illumination, and requesting | co-operation in their enforcement. | east of tracks, in Winnetka. Bar-| The complete text of the order fol- | gain for quick sale. Nin loss or Mows: a oq "innetl:s Tr lv c x 5 on . i fddress Winnetka Weekly A 22-3te "It appearing to the United States | EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, LARGE FRONT | Fuel Administrator that it is essen-| yard with trees, new heating plant. R08 Prospect avenue. Tle. Owner. Win. 1529. T19-tfc HELP WANTED WANTED--BOY 16 YEARS OR OVER to work in printing office. Good cp- portunity to learn well-payving trade. Apply Lake Shore Publishing Co, 1222 Central Avenue, Wilmette. WANTED---CHEF; ALSO DISH WASH- er. Man or woman, good wages. tial, in furtherance of the national | security and defense, the successful | prosecution of the war, and the sup- port and maintenance of the Army and Navy, to lessen and prevent | waste of 'fuel, and to secure an ade- | quate supply and equitable distribu- !'tion and prevent, locally and general- Apply North Shore Cafe, 631 West | ly, scarcity thereof, and that to Railroad avenue, Wilmette Telephone | these ends, it is necessary that the | Wilmette 84. LTG40-tfo use of fuel shall be limited and re- A BN EE WV. WHITE stricted in the manner hereinafter T24-1te | set forth. . a WANTED--BOY TO LEARN WATCH | The United States Fuel Administra- and clock repairing. G. W. Etting- tor. acting under authority of an hausen, 554 Railroad Ave, Winnetka. e 1 Executive Order of the President of TG24-1te WANTED YOUNG CMAN Soh the United States, dated August 23,1 A Win. 543-W. T24-1te | 1917, appointing said Administrator, | FOR RENT and of subsequent Executive orders | FOIL RENT--FURNISHED 9-ROOM and in furtherance of the purpose of | house. 304 Ridge Ave. Phone 208 said orders and of the Act of Con- MLAS FORNISOED DE gress therein referred to and ap- ? RENT _FURNISHE T0OM 1D > i ab home. 932 Oak Street, Tel. |proved August 10. 1917, eR Win. 318. T24-tfc | HEREBY ADJUDGES that in his FOR RENT--ROOM AND BOARD FOR teacher. Convenient to Greeley school. Tel. Win. 216. T24-1te | 3 fe FOE RENT_THREE ROOMS FOR | consumption of fuel for any of the light housekeeping: or 1 furdished purposes hereafter described, ee PLT Bs (aR a cept as hereinafter provided, is! PO on tov. WW, 5.00 | wasteful, and that any person using | second floor. 989 Ash Street. $12.00 per month, "Stove heat T24-2te | nel or light for such purposes, ex-| |cept as aforesaid, is engaging in a! | wasteful practice or device in hand- {ling or dealing with fuel, and that | {the use of fuel or light for such pur- | | poses except as aforesaid pre- | ljudical and injurious to the national security and defense, and a cause of | scarcity locally and generally; and opinion the use of fuel or of light generated or produced bythe use of | { room cottage, low rent. Phone Win. 1065 or 1212. T16-tfe FOR RENT--FOR LONG TERM S- room house, furnished or unfurnish- ed. Excellent condition. Moderate rental. Phone Win. 1088. Address Winnetka Weekly Talk B-48, T22-3tc SITUATIONS WANTED is LET RR IR SOUR i said United State Fuel Adminis- ess ; Winnetka 911 before 8 a. m. T29-tfc | trator. gi 3 HEREBY ORDERS AND DI- MISCELLANEOUS ER) ] I WANTED TO BUY_SECOND HAND [RECTS that, until further or other clothes. Holsman, 524 Davis stresh. | order of the United States Fuel Ad-| Phone 4676 Evanston. Drop tte | ministrator, and subject to medifica- | FE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK, AND | tion hereafter from time to time and we pay the best prices. Paper, rags, {at any time, | i unk. t ; : " x ; ! i TA and Ea Sw 1. No city, village of town andl mette. Telephone 1150 Wilmette no person, firm or corporation un- | ii TR i ae Bed, CD | der any contract with any city, vil-| 37-tfp | 3 HAVE YOUR PIANO TONED THIS | lage or town, shall use or consume 'month. $2.00. Patterson Bros. 1522 [any coal oil, gas or other fuel for | Wimett ANE Evanston. isientone {the maintenance of lights in the | Pp -] DAN \ - FOUR OR FIVE PASSENGER TOUR- | streets, parks or other public places ing or "Country Club" car for 50:00! of such city, village or town, except Hubbard Woods lot. Clear, West o te estrictions and tracks. Address Lake Shore News under the following rest s A-1. LTG-42-1tc | limitiations : KEW EMPLOYMENT AGENCY OPEN- (a) Street illumination automatic- | 2 Braet Splege: Poe 1475 ally lighted, maintained by or for Win. T17-tfe | any such city. village or town, in MR. A. B, COLLINS OF THE NEWS |the streets, parks or other public Agency has the Glemcoe News at his stands and is also the agent for subscriptions. D.-H.-tf ATTENTION! WINNETKA GARAGE and Livery has purchased a new 7- assenger Dodge taxi. Special or- ders will be taken. No trip made less than $1.00 or $3.00 per hour. T24-2tp ANNOUNCE NEW RULES GOVERNING WHEAT FLOUR places thereof, shall not be lighted | before sunset and shall be turned out not later than sunrise; (b) Street illumination lighted by hand in any such city, village or town shall conform as nearly as may be to the requirements thereinabove prescribed tor automatic lights; (¢) The amount of public lighting in any city. village or town shall be |only such as may be necessary for | safety, and the use of lights com- | monly known as cluster lights for purposes of display or decoration shall be reduced to such portion only of the necessary for safety. It is still extremely necessary to conserve wheat but the wheat flour and substitute rules are to change on September 1. The retail dealer selling wheat flour is required to sell one pound of substitutes for each cluster as 1s | mentioned | within | w i between the Local Fuel Adminis- j tration and the proper municipal or 'town authorities as hereinabove ' ided, withi n days irom and | provided, within ten day 1 | after the effective date of this order, | said State Fuel Administrator is ! hereby authorized and directed to ! prescribe such regulations for such city, village or town, and the same {shall be valid and binding. | 3. Out-door lights. within a city, village or town, other than those in Paragraph Number 1 of this order, which involve, directly or indirectly, the use or consumption | shall | not be lighted until thirty minutes | of coal, oil, gas or other fuel after sunset. 4. (a) tion of coal gas, oil or other fuel, for illuminating or displaying advertise- ments, announcements or signs, for for the external ornamentation of any building shall be entirely discontin- ued on Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday each week, with- in New England and the States of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jer-! sey, Delaware Maryland and the District of Columbia, and shall be entirely discontinued on Monday and Tuesday of each week in all the re- mainder of the United States. EXCEPTION: Bona Fide roof | gardens where meals are served and out-door restaurants also establish- | ments devoted exclusively to the ex- | hibition of out-door moving pictures at which admission is charged, are | exempt from this section. 4. (b) or produced tion of fuel playing any for illuminating or dis- shop windows, store windows or any signs in show win- shall be discontinued from sunrise to sunset and shall also be discontinued on the nights specified in paragraph 4 (a). 5. The State Fuel Administrators within the several states are hereby directed and authorized to see that the provisions of this order are ob- served and carried out within their several states, to report violations thereof to the United States Fuel Administrator, and to recommend to him action to be taken with respect to such violations. This order shall be effective on and after July 24, 1918." The Police Department of the Village has been instructed to report all violations of the above order. dows, Woman Injured in Accident Mrs. Hammond C. Lammers of Chicago, was seriously injured in an accident last Sunday evening when an automobile in which she and her husband were riding struck a tree at Willow street and Linden avenue. Lammers, who was driving, avoided a collision with another machine. The injured woman was given first aid treatment at the home of Mrs. Edgar F. Allen, 352 Linden avenue. Weinstock Food Administrator Carl L. Weinstock of 823 Spruce street, was this week named Food Administrator for Winnetka. He will be responsible for the strict observa- tion of all Federal food regulations the Village. VILLAGE OF WINNETKA SPECIAL ASSESSMENT VETKA SPECIAL ASSESSMENT IBER 272, IN THE COUNTY RT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLIN- NOTICE "IN N 7 Cl o1 mag Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the Village of Win- netka, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered a supplemental special assess- ment to pay the estimated deficiency in the cost of the work and interest for the construction of a local improve- ment in the Village of Winnetka. County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for which said imorove- ment provided as follows, to wit: For the construction of a six (6) inch in- ternal diameter cast iron water pipe, with hydrant, fittings, valves, valve vault, connéction to present main, all trench excavation, refilling of trenches, removal of surplus excavated mater- ials, in Fir Street from the present main at the intersection of Fir Street and Walnut Street, west in said Fir | Street for a distance of three hundred | (200) feet, all in the Village of Win- netka. County of Cook and State of Tllinois, and which said ordinance was passed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees of four pounds of wheat flour instead | 2. The Local Fuel Administration of fifty-fifty as heretofore. Rye flour | for the territory within which any may be sold as substitute but must |city, village or town is located shall be in the proportion of at least two arrange with the proper municipal pounds of rye with three pounds of lor town authorities of such city, vil- wheat flour. Corn meal for making {lage or town for the regulation of corn bread and corn gems should be | public lighting in accordance with bought separately. Grocers are asked to report - to|l of this order. Regulations local administrator not later than | public lighting so arranged shall in September 4, giving list of customers 'cach case be subject to the approv- and amount of sugar sold each dur- lal of the proper State Fuel Ad- ing month of August . ministrator. and in case regulations : jin accordance with said Paragraph 1 Mrs. Joseph J. Kutten will open for the public lighting of any city, her home at 915 Eleventh street, for ! village or town, satisfactory to the a card party on Saturday afternoon | State Fuel Administrator or the of this week for the benefit of Villa |state within which the same is lo- de Chantal Alumni war relief work. cated, shall not have been arranged the provisions of paragraph Number | for | the Village of Winnetka, Cook County. | Minnis, on the seventeenth day of [ October, A. D. 1916, and which special | assessment proceeding was known as | Winnetka Snecial Assessment Num- { her 259, in the County Court of Cook { County, Illinois, the ordinance for the 187 » being on file in the office of the llage Clerk of said Village, and the a i Village having applied fo the County Court of Cook County, Illinois for a supplemental special assessment to pay the estimated deficiency in the cost of the work and interest of said local improvement, according to the | benefits, and a supplemental special | assessment therefor having been made {and returned to said Court. Docket | Nnmher 272, the final hearing thereon | will be held on the sixteenth day of [Sa tember A.-D.. 1918, or "as 'soon 1] | 1 thereafter as the business of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in s,id Court before <aid dav, and may anpfar on the hear- make their defense. Said provides for the collection iing and { oF¢ inance The use of light generated | or produced by the use or consump- | The use of light generated | by the use or consump- | | | LLL LL 7 2 Za 2 7d ad de dd Td dd 27 7 7 227077, | of said supplemental special assess- | lage of Winnetka, Cook Coun- ment in one payment, with interest | ty, Illinois, (and such appoint- thereon at the rate of five per. centum ment approved and confirmed (6%) per annum. | by the County Court of Cook Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, August | County, Illinois) to make said NAD. 1918. | supplemental special assess- HARRY I. ORWIG, | ment, Person appointed by the Pre- | FREDERICK DICKINSON, sident of the Board of Lo- Village Attorney. cal Improvements of the Vil- T24-2t 2228 Ns EVANSTON DELICATESSEN STORE 1102 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON, ILL. TELEPHONE EVANSTON 2020 OPEN ALL DAY LABOR DAY The Most Complete Delicatessen Store on the North Shore Delicious Home Cooked Meats Ready to Serve. Home-Made Pies, Cakes and Rolls. Specials for Labor Day Roast Beef Corned Beef Baked Ham (Virginia Style) Veal Loaf Calves Tongue Potatoe Chips Potatoe Salad Everything Positively Home Cooked EE a A 2 Ze TZ, LT ZT ZT Za dd dT Td ET 2 ddd Ld dd 2d dd Td? LLL Ld dl dd i dl dd Td dr Ae irre 0, (LL LLL ddadidddt Z ddd ddd dd Br dd dd dd rd dd a 72 Save Gasoline for Uncle Sam Take Your Sunday Outing on the Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee The government has asked you to keep your automobile in the garage on Sun- day. This 1s a patriotic measure. The pur- pose is to save gasoline so that more may be shipped overseas to supply General Pershing's armies and the armies of the allies. But you shouldnt Give Up Your Sun- day Outing. You owe it to yourself and your family to enjoy to the fullest the tonic of these Indian Summer days. A day out-of-doors is a conservation measure. It conserves your health, your energy and your temper. Let the Chicago, North Shore & Mil- waukee take the place of your auto- mobile. A few minutes ride takes you to these ideal picnic places. Ravinia Park, Highland Park, Lake Forest, Great Lakes Naval Training Station. | Take any north bound car in Wilmette. Be Patriotic and Enjoy Your Sunday, Too!

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